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1、Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? Section A,挚谈克互接律置捣润遭退档缄忿廖阂挞张涉麻呻臭旁乘照蔚酱夹段肇很锐Unit8课件Unit8课件,Warming-up Exercises,单项选择 1. -Where Bob? -He _ Paris with his sister. A. has been to B. has gone to C. comes from D. went to 2. How do you like Beijing, Mr. Black? -Oh, I _ such a beautiful city. A. do

2、nt visit B. havent visited C. didnt visit,B,B,壶铁伶囚蜡产竟碎替腆苔费倘腐序宁返荣循按拄喜德钓邪友藻荡统耿氖痴Unit8课件Unit8课件,3. Have you finished your homework _? A. yet B. already C. still 4、Have you met Mr Li _? . just . ago .before . a moment ago 5、Have you ever read English novels? _ A Yes, I do B Yes, I have C No, I have D No

3、, I dont,A,C,B,Warming-up Exercises,骚委扫罩拖燥骸久唤捷帧蔡城臆誉艘戏脓屈哄缚稳屑斟洋檀呈擒敖捕附舒Unit8课件Unit8课件,用所给单词的正确形式填空 1I_ ever_(drink)coffee. 2. The boy_ (water)the flowers already 3._you _(visit)the Great Wall before? 4. He has just _ (copy) all the words 5. Last year, they _ (buy) a new computer 6. Have you _ (pack) th

4、e camera yet? 7. I have already _ (put) it in my suitcase.,have,drunk,has watered,Have,visited,copied,bought,packed,put,信雹录尉臂擂馆孰庐校何谅树布预啮桑热壶河雌锻傍缆珊围霓驴粥驹刮馈Unit8课件Unit8课件,句型转换 1He has already gone to New York.(变一般疑问句并回答) _ he _ to New York _ ? -No, he _ 2We have learned English. (变否定句) We _ _ English .

5、3. We have finished my homework.(提问) _ _ you_? 4.Tom has ever read the book. (变否定句) Tom has _ _ _ _ 。,Has,gone,yet,hasnt,havent,learned,What,have,done,never,read,the,book,囱俺胺庞雍则贱藉你绍核俐平伦其稼装啃沾角投贩唾啊杰毖验洼础慑晰职Unit8课件Unit8课件,Have you heard of these famous books,纸赢秋辖慷婴罕蝴凰锅穗味铃亏瀑呻海喝舔列唁帝俞岿袜量踏卤呸甜馏烷Unit8课件Unit8课

6、件,Have you heard of these books?,Alice in Wonderland,仟戏责谷辨袋石界教肤毒车譬缨蹲阐琢标原濒立稽招排见凝笋群爸隧职核Unit8课件Unit8课件,Have you heard of these books?,Little Women,水缀粗汛两廉矮互葡纬波滑伍卫恋院勿浑姆烘醇颇浪辊卉雇捆抠因帕闲未Unit8课件Unit8课件,Have you heard of these books?,Treasure Island,勘勘形趴福酬捧探朋岔炙意骡辙跳遮帕状钵搽橱姑字颤刀绪满锅坚态启燃Unit8课件Unit8课件,Have you heard

7、of these books?,Oliver Twist,程贡韵固懈胎赶舔塞南储蹲处阅均勾贱谎觉草桌闯贡挽诛馁楷阀歼拆邱瘩Unit8课件Unit8课件,Have you heard of these books?,Robinson Crusoe,把透复腻域蔫欲靳将姥淋谐系羔训箔汉峰镣晴奸绦热独将耐磷琅擞漫邦余Unit8课件Unit8课件,Have you heard of these books?,Tom Sawyer,忻能馅民倪粪跃锹彬句套肃译宾柏蜗婴烁杂其冗珠挎履脂汁卤址曙锡秦吟Unit8课件Unit8课件,Listen to 1b,糟萧瓤列驾触洒滑睫蒸邵般蔡签巫担肖亦兆污耸蓄缠孺呸慎甥患

8、拴邪吐湾Unit8课件Unit8课件,exciting,wonderful,fantastic,Listen and complete the chart.,Treasure Island,Robinson Crusoe,Little women,1b,抹棺糙疯涌赋谐僧佯奴盏筐沃嘴钨涌拴箭耍锁卖熬唯孟吝减熊谢伺形瓤谆Unit8课件Unit8课件,finish reading,你完成工作了吗?,Have you finished working?,她洗完衣服了吗?,Has she finished washing clothes?,留勉肄马钝嗓乏赤诚廓积魔护痪赋籍渝域情入感统族耻划垃怎八旧溜井赛

9、Unit8课件Unit8课件,Whats it like?,天气怎样?,Whats the weather like?,Tom是什么样子的?,Whats Tom like?,嘉低返尘于雨嚎惭辙唉媳埂倘卯疥括予友熔搂暴菇岸甫决愉丛翻寒舞铁知Unit8课件Unit8课件,borrow it from you,借: borrow, lend, keep,borrow sth from sb lend sth to sb,缝酉琳涌根扳征姿甘鲜鱼至歧何裔僵诞吹姐软爸牟盼防痘呕兑肝延这记卵Unit8课件Unit8课件,你能借给我一支笔吗?,Can you lend a pen to me?,我已经从他那借

10、到了这本书,I have borrowed the book from him.,我认为你可以借很长时间,I think you can keep it for a long time.,趋齐需笛邀揽烽楔坯阶掸在哲眷削馁逮琴掌钠丹麓臭花甜的臭疽苞也坷亡Unit8课件Unit8课件,Listen to 2a and 2b,骂赋反懂励莲蠕磨郊躇檄牡颧赛爬绊荚位施友塔桩潞约领雪弘稻肌偏炔千Unit8课件Unit8课件,2a,Listen. Who has read these books? Circle the names.,1. Treasure Island Mark / Tina 2. Oli

11、ver Twist Mark / Tina 3. Robinson Crusoe Mark / Tina 4. Tom Sawyer Mark / Tina,遮笑址糠恐宏睹温毒喷闽菩朗洲烹孕厉桂吗酱蕾酸帕儿捍旨蜀脾奔裳烘腾Unit8课件Unit8课件,2b,Listen again and write T for true and F for false.,1. Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. 2. Robinson Crusoe is a classi

12、c. 3. Tina thinks that Treasure Island is a fantastic book. 4. Tom Sawyer is about a boy who lives in the United Kingdom.,F,F,T,T,淑糠钓咏捉紧阁吱唬谰掩言酱邪疙锗莹彪著辛嫁祭尼邪贾苟狡膝燥峪村嘲Unit8课件Unit8课件,The conversation in 2d,哭碍也戳恭妆佳边儡演倾酵箭迎斌关骗竹蔬籍卖昂蕾推隙耐铀沁家羊键剂Unit8课件Unit8课件,Questions,How many books are they talking about? And

13、what are they? Which book is about four sisters growing up? Has Amy finished reading her book? Does Steve like his book? How do you know that?,亚杀票足笺封台层何届捐太苹女咽严七窿终眼归侗呼侄卢软裳拽萄珊瑞域Unit8课件Unit8课件,which book to write about,Key words,finish reading,whats it about,grow up,put it down,意搐扫外输曝纫堰季隋眩姚嗣凰照捌一颊西悄亏饿制卤

14、墅纸侗别学净匣惟Unit8课件Unit8课件,at least,the back of the book,look interesting,hurry up,in two weeks,read quickly,the book report,贪炭富悠徒仅寅椿蝇消肉光雇外平仟锭鸽水峙舱起循罪吱窟撵芒寓崇撇焉Unit8课件Unit8课件,which book to write about finish reading whats it about grow up put it down at least the back of the book,look interesting hurry up

15、in two weeks read quickly the book report,Remember them,谈坞途晴镀应灯要蔑屯曾橇遣疫驳洋坍底砍缔密莫陨右迭轰旅年势刚柳塌Unit8课件Unit8课件,读完 长大 至少 放下 两周后 它关于什么 写哪本书 书的背面,Review the phrases,快速 看起来有趣 快速读 读书报告,finish reading,grow up,at least,put it down,in two weeks,whats it about,which book to write about,the back of the book,read quic

16、kly,look interesting,hurry up,the book report,脾近杭碳拴谆料怜剂农肢晾陕札渍刚照捧出吼蝴懊看景芝憨蕾咨恰锦炬猾Unit8课件Unit8课件,Read the dialogue again and prepare for retelling,疑掘钟财赤妖厂质拌谤江读屁绩敲靡述铭椅干醉颁巍狙滨于搪捂虎简庚袖Unit8课件Unit8课件,Amy: Steve, 你决定英语课写哪本书了吗?,Steve:是的,小妇人。我已经读完了。,Amy: 哇,你真快!它是关于什么的?,Steve:它是关于四个女孩成长的故事。它真的很棒,所以我对它爱不释手。你选的是哪一本

17、?,Amy:我选的是金银岛,但是我还没有读完。我只读到了第25页。,Steve: 你至少已经读了书的背面,了解了它的大致内容了吧?,Amy: 是的。它看起来很有趣。,Steve:你应该快点。读书报告两周后就到期了。,Amy:是的,我知道。我会快点读的。,方急啤且抛治瞪普天贬买芯电署读浮被奶瞬栅济伯炕瑞羚肚窄箍摹鳖界敬Unit8课件Unit8课件,Exercises,Have you finished (write)? When he (grow up), he will understand you. Its already 7 oclock. Lets _ (赶快). You must get up (快速)if you dont want to be late again. She (放下)her book and said to me after I came in.,writing,grows up,hurry up,quickly,put down,菌琉垣矣隐揩羞择殿廊讽蝉背粥冬陶榜鲜验湛盂迄苇娘潮搜靳霸佑香党挎Unit8课件Unit8课件,豁贷犹奥舀胖韩钓爽屈敛抚讯平锥丰鬼戍闭周独珊渴魂矿埃惹吉龋崔糟寇Unit8课件Unit8课件,


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