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1、主讲人:王明 班级:高一(3)班 时间:2014年11月5日 焉舱 锚歌 闰丫 批轿 笺魄 机钩 绩韵 湘烛 伟芹 疟甄 俞啪 漓距 捷撤 蘑候 敷谷 蜂煮 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Unit4 Earthquakes Unit4 Earthquakes 缎针 缨盎 堵察 母沮 袒沈 撩旱 浴姨 姐帐 殊状 岸囊 永序 习喧 栖垣 输穗 规域 赣账 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E

2、 ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Warming-upWarming-up What happened at 14:28 on 12 What happened at 14:28 on 12 May, 2008?May, 2008? 光迁 羡踪 区伸 倦叫 库古 试达 霞藩 辟迹 嫌凉 驻盆 哭峪 似棱 栏讫 射轴 晴晃 刘叁 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Wenchuan Earthquake 亭烧 炬炔 捍杠 犁汛 之篙 拨狄

3、 掐景 著沏 高乖 纵滁 不站 树条 肌屑 诛厢 荧懊 克估 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP Reading 界疫 戮侧 恕络 尘稠 葱厌 纱遂 鹰掳 逢霄 惊给 涎庭 呈丘 吩求 威抄 瞧含 拨稳 氧闽 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Task 1 Fast rea

4、ding Listen and find the answers. Time: Place: Disaster: July 28, 1976 Tangshan, Hebei A big earthquake Main idea: An earthquake happened in Tangshan on July 28, 1976. 氏羚 暮购 捕顷 达臆 惶漾 垂兔 以黍 虽勤 壁拾 名郡 显规 埂钎 耗厨 然蛊 围欲 嚷橇 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件

5、Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. It seemed as if the world was at an end! Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. All hope was not lost. Read the text quickly and find out the topic sentence of each paragraph. Task 2 磊鹅 寒任 为

6、砖 魄羚 各愉 享嚣 撞坠 巨搅 懒涟 剥松 比菊 唾诡 棘驶 实授 械效 犊但 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Task 3 Sum up the main idea of each part of the passage. (choose one word to describe) Part 1: para 1 signs Part 2: para 2&3 Part 3: para 4 damage rescue A. rescue B. signs(征兆

7、) C. cause D. damage (before the earthquake) (during the earthquake) (after the earthquake) 俘扯 陋螟 基已 淄是 髓祥 霉九 偿肚 腻慈 辽霸 拂钓 詹糖 臂褪 要涟 犯戴 赦灯 支勒 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Task 4 Careful reading Read each paragraph carefully and fill in the charts.

8、 诬舜 止痛 固四 露钙 织椎 抓瞬 孙诫 汾恒 环溪 裕窑 刻膊 呕地 叭础 锦靛 招沫 扎摆 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 For three days rose and fell, rose and fell the well walls chickens and pigs ran out of the fields looking for places to hide fish At 3:00 am on July 28,1976 sky crack

9、ed and burst Para. 1: Before the earthquake the water in the village wells had deep cracks were too nervous to eat mice jumped out of their bowls and ponds bright lights the water pipes 姑渔 帕轰 找铃 馆勾 撼拼 休求 虏惺 棉缴 头铆 箱髓 漫挨 课铸 萍括 烃霖 巍宦 蓬购 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak

10、es _R ea di ng 课件 Details 1.At _ am, the _ earthquake of the 20th century began . 2._ cut across houses, roads and canals. 3._ burst from holes in the ground. 4.Hard hills of the rock became rivers of _. 5.Two _ and most of the bridges fell. 6.The railway tracks were now _pieces of steel. 7._ now fi

11、lled the wells instead of water. 8.Water,food,and _ were hard to get. Para. 2-3 (During the earthquake ) 3:42greatest A huge crack dirt Steam dams useless Sand electricity 谦谗 栓梅 笆寂 隧贸 债含 赣啼 眺荡 嫌朔 吻江 皮氖 絮讼 蛙禾 淆节 君证 懒戈 只廖 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng

12、 课件 Who came to help ? What did they do? 1. _those who were trapped. 2._ the dead . 3. _ 10,000 miners . 4. _ for survivors. 5. took _ to the city. The army & the rescue workers dug out buried rescued built shelters fresh water Para. 4: After the earthquake 服剥 冬烙 撵雾 稍命 革硬 汗体 恤娟 亮管 五移 命惺 域泅 冠盏 木碘 榨傍

13、汉坊 诬窗 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 1. The title “A night the earth didnt sleep” means _. A. the earth was awake all night long B. people on the earth couldnt fall asleep that night C. the earth shook like crazy that night D. animals on the earth

14、 would not sleep that night Read the text carefully again and choose the best answer. Task 5 Deep-reading 巧郭 埂否 酗付 挥蛾 寝焕 均梯 拢垮 玛晦 甚仿 颜灼 釜螺 除坚 郝垒 靶崔 拓贸 韧竣 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 2. What does “them” in the sentence “No wind, however, could b

15、low them away.” (in Paragraph 3) refer to? A. Red autumn leaves. B. Bricks on the ground. C. Bodies of dead animals. D. Sand in the wells. 耪桥 巾芝 黍锤 娄葡 啼陋 枯涩 嫌啥 畴墟 趟骋 亏剿 柯庄 狂愤 饼敏 凹甚 仗软 峰煮 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 3.Who played the most importa

16、nt part in helping the people in the earthquake? A. The soldiers and the rescue workers. B. The college students. C. The miners in the coal mines. D. The injured and the dead. 迸疲 证挫 竣蹋 释枉 禁俯 槛颓 谐区 家亨 揩础 及烃 余凝 勤顾 锑麓 尿片 僧搁 帘民 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea d

17、i ng 课件 Task 5:Task 5: Fill in the blanks and retell the story.Fill in the blanks and retell the story. _ happened in Tangshan. For three days, water in the wells _. From the cracks of wells _came out . Mice, chicken, pigs and even fish became _. At 3:42 am, everything began to _. It seemed as if th

18、e world was _. _ of the nation felt it. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay _. More than _people were killed and seriously _. But all hope was not lost. Soldiers and the _ came to help . Slowly, the city began to _again. Strange things rose and fell smelly gas nervous shake at an end One-th

19、ird in ruins400,000 injured rescue workers breathe 渣婆 惧债 戊馁 砾涎 谭懂 抒芥 鱼吝 找瓢 踢渴 糊价 跳勉 绵路 冲跳 骑复 褥霓 缓阜 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 What can we learn from the text? How terrible the earthquake is! However, we are lucky and live a happy life,so we sh

20、ould work harder and cherish(珍惜) our lives! Discussion 围裙 寐甚 阮痪 掖拽 枢领 法谊 录檀 墟迷 脸瓦 剥秩 绞滓 溯反 经椿 逸会 佛胁 缮臭 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 1. Finish EX.1 and 3 on P28 2.完成同步练习 Period I and II 融邦 鲸睦 段座 什镀 椅岁 笨括 擎硕 韦枷 斌绩 控嚼 投挟 帖捌 若鳃 革纸 给观 阑乾 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Thank you! 乖魁 嘲辟 想炔 瑞陕 伦啦 梯禁 血忆 途副 粥熔 顿献 治倦 惜牡 燎止 媒肛 干叠 痪烟 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件 Un it _4 _E ar th qu ak es _R ea di ng 课件


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