[英语学习]NHCE Interactive English Dictionary5.doc

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1、NHCE Interactive English Dictionary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z FM1. n. U 1) 调频. February1. n. U 1) 二月 (略作Feb.): a) He was born in February. 他生于2月份。 Friday1. n. C,U 1) 星期五,周五: a) The banks open from Monday to Friday. 银行周一至周五开门。 Fuchsian functions1. 富克斯函数. fable1. n. C 1) 寓言;虚

2、构的故事;谎言: a) Aesops Fables 伊索寓言 fabric1. n. C,U 1) 织物,织品;布: a) She bought some fabric to make shirts from. 她买了一些布做衬衫。 2) 构造;结构;组织: a) The whole fabric of society was changed by the coup detat. 整个社会架构都被这场政变改变了。 fabricate1. v. vt. 1) 捏造,伪造 (文件等);编造 (谎言、借口等): a) They fabricated evidence and threatened w

3、itnesses. 他们伪造证据并威胁证人。 2) 建造,制造: a) He tries to fabricate new theories. 他努力想创立新理论。 fabulous1. adj. 1) 极好的,极妙的: a) Its a fabulous party! 这是一次极其愉快的联欢会。 2) 惊人的,难以置信的: a) fabulous wealth 巨额财富 3) 传说中的,寓言中的: a) fabulous heroes 神话中的英雄 face1. n. C 1) 脸,面孔: a) The tramp was found lying on the floor face down

4、wards. 这个流浪汉被人发现脸朝下趴在地上。 2) 面容,表情: a) You can see the childrens happy faces. 你可以看到孩子们幸福的笑脸。 3) (物体的)表面,正面: a) A cut diamond has many faces. 琢好的宝石有许多面。 4) 外观: a) The whole village presented a placid face. 整个村庄一片宁静。 5) 面子;价值;威信: a) He doesnt want to back down and risk losing face. 他不想让步,不愿冒丢脸的危险。2. v.

5、 vt. 1) 面朝,面向,正对: a) The house faces a square. 这房子正对着一个广场。 2) 面对: a) She was shy to face the audience. 面对观众她有些害羞。 3) (勇敢地)正视,对付: a) He faced the difficulties with courage. 他勇敢地面对困难。 4) 面临: a) The country faces an economic crisis. 这个国家面临着经济危机。 face to face1. 面对面地 (with): a) I rushed out of the office

6、 and found myself face to face with the boss. 我冲出办公室,面对面地碰上了老板。 face to face (with)1.close to and looking at sb. or sth. 面对面的/地: a) Id like to meet him face to face someday; Ive heard so much about him. 我已听到了很多关于他的情况,很想有一天能见见他。 b) Actually, Ive never met her face to face. 实际上,我从未与她打过照面。2.no escape f

7、rom sth. and having to deal with it 面临着;面对着: a) What would you do if you were face to face with so many difficulties? 如果你面对这么多困难,你会怎么办? b) It was the first time hed ever come face to face with death. 这是他第一次直面死亡问题。 face up to1. 勇敢地面对(或承受): a) face up to ones responsibilities 勇敢地承担自己的责任 facet1. n. C 1

8、) 问题)的一个方面: a) There are several facets to this question. 这个问题有几个方面。 2) (多面体的)面;(宝石等的) 琢面: a) Diamonds have many facets. 钻石有好多琢面。 facilitate1. v. vt. 1) 使容易,使便利: a) The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city. 新地铁将为去城市各处提供方便。 2) 促进;助长: a) They are working hard to

9、 facilitate peaceful settlement of the dispute. 他们正努力促进争端的和平解决。 facilitator1. n. C 1) sb. who helps people do things effectively 促进者,推动者: a) The tutor is the facilitator of learning, while the learner is active. 家教固然能促进学习,学习者自身才起主动作用 。 b) I hope that we will continue to have the same facilitator as

10、last semester; she was a lot of help. 我想继续聘用上学期的学习辅导员;她有很大帮助。 facility1. n. C,U 1) 设备,设施 (pl.): a) There are facilities for cooking in the kitchen. 厨房里有烹饪设备。 2) 便利,容易,方便: a) The facility of this piece of music makes it a pleasure to play. 这首曲子容易弹,所以人们都喜欢弹。 fact1. n. C 1) 事实;客观事实: a) It is a fact tha

11、t smoking is a danger to health. 吸烟危害健康,这是事实。 2) 实情;真相: a) Its important to distinguish fact from fiction. 重要的是辨别什么是实情,什么是谎言。 faction1. n. C 1) (政党、组织等内部的)派别,宗派: a) There are some factions in the party. 该党中又分为好几个派别。 factor1. n. C 1) 因素,要素: a) Her friendly manner is an important factor in her rapid s

12、uccess. 待人友好是她迅速获得成功的重要因素。 2) 因子: a) Three is a factor of fifteen. 3是15的因子。2. v. vt. 1) 为充当代理商;代管: a) I have factored my uncles estate for three years. 我代管我叔父的财产已有3年了。3. v. vi. 1) 做代理商: a) Factoring in connection with automobile installment accounts is a big business today. 代管汽车分期付款的到期账目是目前的一桩大业务。 f

13、actory1. n. C 1) 工厂,制造厂: a) He works in a car factory. 他在汽车制造厂工作。 factual1. adj. 1) 事实的,真实的,确凿的: a) a factual account 真实记载 faculty1. n. C 1) 能力;技能;天赋: a) She has the faculty to learn languages easily. 她学语言很有天赋,一学就会。 2) (大学的)系;学科;学院: a) the Faculty of Arts 文学院 3) 美 全体教员: a) an excellent mathematics f

14、aculty 优秀的数学教师阵容 fade1. v. vi. 1) 褪色: a) The new material will not fade. 这种新型材料不褪色。 2) 消退,变得模糊: a) The lights and music faded as we set sail from the harbor. 当我们从海港起航时,光线逐渐变暗,音乐声逐渐减弱。 3) 凋谢;枯萎: a) Cut flowers soon fade. 剪下来的花朵容易枯萎。 4) 逐渐消失;消失: a) The memory of her sufferings in her childhood will ne

15、ver fade from her mind. 她永远不会忘记童年时所受的痛苦。2. v. vt. 1) 使褪色,使失去亮度: a) The sun has faded the (color of the) curtains. 阳光使窗帘褪色。 fail1. v. vi. 1) 失败: a) I failed in persuading him. 我没能说服他。 2) 不及格: a) He failed in the exam. 他没有通过考试。 3) 失灵,失去作用: a) he patients heart failed. 病人的心脏停止了跳动。2. v. vt. 1) 使没有及格: a)

16、 If you do such sloppy work again, I promise Ill fail you. 如果你下次做作业再这样马虎,我可要让你不及格了。3. n. C 1) 不及格: a) Susan got a fail in history. 苏珊历史考试不及格。 failure1. n. C,U 1) 失败 (U): a) Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。 2) 失败者;失败的事 (C): a) He is a failure as an artist, but a success as an art teacher. 他

17、不是个成功的艺术家,但是个成功的美术教师。 3) 失灵,故障 (C;U): a) After the failure of electricity supplies, the city was in chaos. 停电后城市陷入一片混乱。 faint1. adj. 1) 虚弱的;昏晕的: a) He felt faint for lack of food. 他饿晕了。 2) 无精打采的;无力的: a) She is feeling faint with hunger and fatigue. 她因为饥饿和疲倦显得无精打采的。 3) 模糊的;暗淡的;微弱的: a) I havent the fa

18、intest idea of what you mean. 我一点也不懂你的意思。2. v. vi. 1) 昏晕,昏厥: a) Several fans fainted in the blazing heat. 好几个影迷在高温下晕倒了。3. n. C 1) 昏厥: a) She fell down in a faint. 她昏倒了。 fair11. adj. 1) 公正的,公平的: a) He is a fair judge. 他是位公正的法官。 2) 尚可的,不好不坏的: a) His knowledge of the language is fair. 他的语言知识一般。 3) 金发的,

19、白皙的: a) Both her children are very fair. 她的两个孩子都很白。 4) 晴朗的: a) That morning the weather was fair. 那天清晨天气晴朗。 fair21. n. C 1) 露天游乐场,(定期) 集市: a) The village has a fair once a month. 这个村每月有一次集市。 2) 商品交易会,博览会: a) A large-scale book fair is being held in London. 伦敦正在举办一个大型书展。 fairly1. adv. 1) 公正地: a) He t

20、old the facts fairly. 他实事求是地叙述事实。 2) 相当;尚可: a) She paints fairly well. 她画得相当好。 3) 完全地;全然地: a) He was fairly beside himself with joy. 他欣喜若狂。 fairy1. n. C 1) 小精灵;小仙子: a) Many fairies came into his dream. 他梦见了好多小精灵。 faith1. n. C,U 1) 信任;信心;信赖 (U (in): a) He has faith in my ability. 他对我的能力有信心。 2) 信仰,信条:

21、 a) He has deep religious faith. 他是个虔诚的教徒。 faithful1. adj. 1) 忠实的,可靠的: a) Our company is faithful to the promised terms. 我们公司忠实地履行自己承诺的条件。 2) 虔诚的: a) He remained faithful to his principles to the last. 他一生都很虔诚,对自己的信念从不动摇。 fake1. n. C 1) 假货,赝品: a) The teapot looked old but was a recent fake. 这把茶壶貌似古董

22、,却是一件新近制作的赝品。 2) 骗子,冒充者: a) I thought he was a priest, but later I knew that he was a fake. 我以为他是个神父,但后来我知道他是个骗子。2. adj. 1) 假的,伪造的: a) a fake laugh 假笑3. v. vt. 1) 伪造,捏造: a) Someone faked my signature. 有人仿造了我的签名。4. v. vi. 1) 伪装,假装: a) I thought he was really hurt, but he was faking. 我以为他真的受了伤,而他只是在装样

23、子。 fall apart1. 破碎;破裂;崩溃: a) She did what she could to keep the marriage from falling apart. 她尽了最大努力使婚姻不致破裂。 fall asleep1.go into a state of sleep 睡着: a) He fell asleep soon after he turned off the light. 他关上灯很快就睡着了。 b) Her three-year-old daughter fell asleep while we talked. 我们谈话时她3岁的女儿睡着了。1. 入睡: a

24、) Soon after he went to bed, he fell asleep. 他上床之后很快就睡着了。 fall away1. 消失;减弱: a) Subscriptions will not fall away this year. 今年的订户不会减少。2. 离弃,疏远: a) All his old friends fell away from him. 所有的老朋友都和他疏远了。 fall behind1.move more slowly than other people so that one is behind them 落在后面. fall for1. 喜欢;对倾心:

25、 a) My wife fell for the house the moment she saw it. 我妻子一看到这房子就喜欢上了。 fall in love with sb.1. 爱上;与相爱: a) He fell in love with his friends sister. 他爱上了朋友的妹妹。 fall in with1. 同意,赞成: a) The director fell in with our proposal. 主任赞成我们的建议。 fall off1. 跌落;减少;降低: a) Enrolment has fallen off this year. 今年的入学人数

26、减少了。2. 疏远;脱离: a) He fell off from the organization. 他脱离了这个组织。 fall on/upon1. 袭击,攻击: a) The soldiders fell on the enemy. 战士们向敌人发起攻击。2. 偶然遇到: a) He suddenly fell on an idea. 他突然有了一个主意。3. 由负担: a) All the expenses fell on us. 所有的费用都由我们承担。 fall out1. 吵架;失和: a) She fell out with her boyfriend over somethi

27、ng trivial. 她为了点小事和她男朋友吵了一架。 fall prey to1. 成为的牺牲品,深受之害: a) Many people fell prey to the improper examination system in the past. 过去,许多人成为不合理的考试制度的牺牲品。 fall through1. 落空,成为泡影: a) Our whole plan has fallen through. 我们的整个计划都落空了。2. 失约: a) She made a date with her boyfriend, but she fell through. 她和男朋友约

28、好见面,但是失约了。 fall to1. 开始;开始工作: a) They fell to working as soon as they arrived. 他们一到就投入了工作。1. 开始;开始工作: a) They fell to working as soon as they arrived. 他们一到就投入了工作。 fall/get out of the habit of1. 解除的习惯: a) Father is trying to get out of the habit of smoking. 父亲正努力戒烟。 fall11. v. vi. fell, fallen 1) 落下,

29、降落: a) Leaves fall in autumn. 树叶在秋天落下。 2) 摔倒,摔跤: a) He staggered and fell headlong. 他一个趔趄,摔了个倒栽葱。 3) 下垂: a) Two plaits fall over her shoulders. 两条辫子垂在她肩上。 4) 陷落,沦陷: a) The enemy strongholds fell one after another. 敌方据点相继被攻克。 5) 降临,到来: a) Christmas falls on a Friday this year. 今年圣诞节恰逢星期五。 6) 下降;失势;垮台

30、: a) The stateman fell. 这个政治家下台了。 7) 变成,变为: a) The childrens rooms fell quiet. 孩子们的房间安静了下来。2. n. C,U 1) 落下;跌落 (C): a) The fall from his horse broke his leg. 他从马上跌下来摔坏了腿。 2) (雨雪等)降落 (C): a) Last night there was a heavy fall of snow. 昨晚下了一场大雪。 3) 瀑布 (pl.): a) The falls of Niagara is famous. 尼亚加拉大瀑布很出名

31、。 4) 下降;减弱;跌价 (C): a) There has been a fall in the number of births. 出生人数有所减少。 5) 垮台,衰落 (U): a) There are many reasons for that nation s fall. 那个国家的灭亡有很多原因。 fall21. n. C 1) 美秋天,秋季 (sing.): a) In the fall of 1823, his father passed away. 1823年的秋天他的父亲去世了。 false1. adj. 1) 不正确的;错误的: a) Is this statement

32、 true or false? 这句话是对的还是错的? 2) 虚假的;撒谎的;欺诈的: a) False weights are used to cheat the customers. 不法商贩在砝码上做手脚来欺骗顾客。 3) 不诚实的;不忠实的: a) She is a person false to her promise. 她是个不守信用的人。 4) 假的;人造的: a) He wears false hair. 他戴着假发。 falter1. v. vi. 1) (嗓音) 颤抖,结巴地说: a) His voice began to falter at the mention of

33、his sufferings in the old days. 一提到他在过去所受的苦他的声音就开始发颤。 2) 犹豫,畏缩,动摇: a) He faltered and lost his chance again. 他犹豫不决,又丧失了一次机会。 3) 蹒跚,踉跄,摇晃: a) The sick man felt dizzy, faltered towards the door and then fell. 那病人感到头晕,摇摇晃晃地朝门口走了几步就摔倒了。 fame1. n. U 1) 声誉,名望: a) He tries his best to seek fame and fortune

34、. 他想尽方法追逐名利。 2) 名声: a) We should inquire into her former and present fame. 我们应对她过去和现在的信誉进行调查。2. v. vt. 1) 使有名望(或著名): a) He was famed for his generosity. 他以慷慨大方闻名。 familiar1. adj. 1) 熟悉的;常见的;普通的 (to): a) This song is familiar to me. 这首歌我很熟悉。 2) 熟悉的;通晓的 (with): a) Are you familiar with this type of ca

35、r? 你熟悉这种型号的汽车吗? 3) 非正式的;通俗的: a) He wrote in a familiar style. 他以通俗的风格写作。 family1. n. C 1) 家,家庭: a) How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人? 2) 子女: a) Mr. Johnson has a family of five. 约翰逊先生有5个子女。 3) 家族: a) Our family has lived in this small town for over 100 years. 我们家族在这个小镇生活了100多年了。 4) (动

36、、植物的)科: a) The cat family includes lions and tigers. 猫科动物包括狮和虎。 5) (语言的)族,系: a) Chinese does not belong to the Indo-European family. 汉语不属于印欧语系。 famine1. n. C,U 1) 饥荒: a) Many people die of famine every year. 每年都有很多人死于饥荒。 famous1. adj. 1) 出名的,著名的,驰名的: a) The famous film star employed three people to

37、answer her fansmails. 那位著名的电影明星雇了3个人来回复影迷写给她的信。 fan1. n. C 1) 扇子,风扇: a) A ceiling fan is installed in the room. 屋里装着一个吊扇。 2) 狂热爱好者,迷: a) He is a movie fan. 他是个电影迷。2. v. vt. fanned, fanned 1) 扇动: a) He fanned smoke from his face with a book. 他用书扇去面前的烟雾。 2) 激起,煽动: a) They fanned the dissentation betwe

38、en the two parties. 他们煽起双方的不和。 fanatic1. n. C 1) 狂热者,入迷者: a) a health food fanatic 迷信保健食品的人2. adj. 1) 狂热入迷的: a) fanatic enthusiasm 狂热 fancy1. n. C,U 1) 想像力 (U): a) Children usually have lively fancy. 儿童往往有丰富的想像力。 2) 设想;空想,幻想 (C): a) I have a fancy that its going to rain. 我猜天要下雨。 3) 爱好,喜爱 (sing.): a)

39、 I have a fancy for sports programs. 我喜欢体育节目。2. v. vt. U 1) 设想;想像: a) Can you fancy yourself on the moon? 你能想像自己在月球上吗? 2) 喜爱;喜欢: a) I dont fancy living in that cold house. 我不喜欢住在那所冰冷的房子里。3. adj. 1) 别致的,花式的,花哨的: a) That pattern is too fancy for me. 对我来说那种样式太花哨了。 2) 充满幻想的;多变的: a) He is full of fancy i

40、deas. 他总是爱幻想。 fantastic1. adj. 1) 口 极好的,极出色的,了不起的: a) You look fantastic! 你的气色好极了! 2) 异想天开的,不实际的,荒唐的: a) Your proposals are utterly fantastic; we couldnt possibly afford them. 你的那些建议太不切实际了,我们实在无法接受。 3) 奇异的,古怪的,奇形怪状的: a) He was troubled by fantastic dreams. 他被怪诞的梦所困扰。 fantasy1. n. C 1) 想像,幻想: a) The

41、young man lives in a world of fantasy. 这个年青人生活在幻想的世界里。 2) 想像的产物: a) The whole story is a fantasy. 整个故事都是幻想出来的。 far1. adv. farther或further, farthest 或furthest 1) 远;远隔: a) The new music teacher lives far away. 新来的音乐教师住得很远。 2) 很,极,太: a) The car is far too expensive for me to buy. 这车太贵了,我买不起。2. adj. 1)

42、(空间、时间上)远的,遥远的,远离的: a) You can see my house from here; it is not far. 你从这儿能看到我家,不远。 2) 较远的,远处的,那一边的: a) She swam to the far side of the lake. 她游到了湖的那一边。 far and wide1. 到处: a) He would hunt far and wide for all kinds of medicinal herbs. 他会到处寻找各种草药。 far from1.not at all; rather than 一点都不: a) The compo

43、sition is far from perfect. 这篇作文太糟了。 b) I know he was hurt, but he was far from being the person who was hurt most. 我知道他受了伤害, 但他还不是受伤害最深的人。1.not at all; rather than 一点都不: a) The composition is far from perfect. 这篇作文太糟了。 b) I know he was hurt, but he was far from being the person who was hurt most. 我

44、知道他受了伤害, 但他还不是受伤害最深的人。1. 远离: a) My home is far from school. 我家离学校很远。2. 远不,完全不: a) Your work is far from excellence. 你的工作还很不完善。 fare1. n. C,U 1) (车、船、飞机等的)费,票价 (C): a) a taxi fare 出租汽车费 2) 伙食,饮食 (U): a) simple home-cooked fare 简单的家常菜 farewell1. n. C,U 1) 告别;欢送会: a) Weve decided to have a farewell par

45、ty before we leave the school. 我们决定在离开学校前举行一次告别晚会。 farm1. n. C 1) 农场,农庄;农田;农家: a) Joe had worked on the farm all his life. 乔在这个农场工作了一辈子。2. v. vi. 1) 种田,务农;经营农场: a) The family has farmed there for generations. 他们家世代在那儿务农。 farmer1. n. C 1) 农场主,农民,农夫: a) He has been a farmer for years. 他做了好多年的农民。 farth

46、er1. adj. 1) (距离、时间上) 更远地,较远地,再往前: a) the farther shore 更远的海岸 2) 更远的,更进一步的,另外的: a) at the farther end of the street 在街道的那一头2. adv. 1) 在更大程度上,进一步: a) I can go no farther. 我不能再走了。 fascinate1. v. vt. 1) 强烈地吸引,迷住: a) The city fascinates him. 这座城市强烈地吸引住了他。 fascinating1. v. v. 1) 迷人的,有极大吸引力的: a) There is

47、a fascinating shopwindow display in the street. 街上有吸引人的商店橱窗陈列。 fashion1. n. C,U 1) 方式;样子 (C): a) She speaks in a strange fashion. 她说话的方式很怪。 2) 流行款式,时尚 (U): a) Loose trousers are the latest fashion. 宽大的裤子是现在最时髦的服装。 3) 样式;形状 (C): a) I like the fashion of simple furniture. 我喜欢简朴的家具式样。2. v. vt. 1) 形成;制作

48、;把造成 (into, to): a) He fashioned the clay into a jar. 他用黏土做了一个陶土罐子。 fashionable1. adj. 1) 时髦的;流行的;时新的: a) Pastel shades are very fashionable at the moment. 现在流行轻柔的色彩。 fast1. adj. 1) 快的,迅速的: a) He is a fast runner. 他跑得很快。 2) 紧的;牢固的;不褪色的: a) The colors arent fast, so be careful when you wash this shirt. 这些颜色易褪色,所


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