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1、看Ugly Betty 学英语 第一季6集:Trust, Lust and Must Previously on Ugly Betty:丑女贝蒂前情提要 -Hilda: Why do they say thats not your social security number?social security number: 社会保险号 social security: 社会保险 social: 社会的 security: 安全 number: 号码为什么他们会认为这不是你的社保号码?-Ignacio: You cant get one if youre in this country ille

2、gally.country: 国家 illegally: 非法的,不合法的要是你不是合法的待在这个国家,你就不可能得到社保。-Daniel: I need you to find my watch.我要你帮我找到手表。Pretty sure I left it at some womans apartment last week.pretty: 很 sure: 确定,肯定 apartment: 公寓 last: 上一个我肯定是上个礼拜把它落在哪个女人那里了。-Amanda: He dates anything that moves,date: 约会 move: 移动只要是人他就会跟她约会,an

3、d I agree to smile and take their messages.agree to: 同意 smile: 微笑 message: 信息我还得一边微笑,一边帮他们留讯息。-Marc: You may want to return some of these. Nicos called twice.return: 回复 twice: 两次你可能得回几个电话,Nico打来两次了。-Nico: Hi, mom.嗨, 妈妈。-Bradford: Whos filling his head with stories about me and Fey?fill with: (使)充满是谁

4、在跟他讲我和Fey的事情?Who gave my son the music box?音乐盒是谁给我儿子的?-Woman: I think its time for Fey Sommers to come out of seclusion.its time for: 是的时候 come out of: 走出,出来 seclusion: 隔绝,隔离,隐居我觉得是时候让 Fey Sommers解除隔离了。-Betty: He could be deported?deport: 将驱逐出境他可能会被遣返?-Man: Very strong possibility, yes.strong: 强烈的,强

5、壮的 possibility: 可能性是的, 很有可能。-Betty: But he has a family.但是, 他有家庭。He pays taxes. Hes a Mets fan.pay: 付款 fan: 迷 他有缴税,他还是Mets(纽约棒球队)的球迷。-Hilda: Hes in Oprahs book club.club: 俱乐部他是欧普拉图书俱乐部的会员。-Man: Given what youve told me, its likely your fathers been red-flagged.give: 给,提供 likely: 看起来 red-flag: 红旗【在紧要

6、关头】根据你们提供的信息,看来你们的父亲正处于紧要关头。-Betty: Red-flagged? Is that bad?紧要关头? 会很糟吗?-Man: It means that the government is investigating, and ultimately,mean: 意思是 government: 政府 investigate: 调查 ultimately: 最终,最后看来政府正在调查, 而最后.a judge could rule to have you sent back to Mexico.judge: 法官 rule: 判定,裁定 send back to:【遣

7、返回】法官可能会判定将你们遣返墨西哥-Hilda: You could a just said bad.你还不如直接说很糟呢。-Man: Mr. Suarez, theres something I have to ask.have to: 不得不Suarez先生, 我有一些事情要问。Youve been here for what, 30 years?你来这里已经. 30年了?All that time, you never applied for a green card.all that time: 一直以来 apply for: 申请 green card: 绿卡一直以来你从没申请过绿

8、卡。Never began the citizenship process.never: 从没 citizenship: 市民,公民 process: 过程,进程从没进行过公民身份确认程序。What about the amnesty in the 80s?what about: 怎么样? amnesty: 大赦80年代的特赦时期你在做什么?-Ignacio: I was a little busy providing for my family.a little: 一点儿 busy doing: 忙于做某事 provide for: 为提供我忙着养家糊口。Is that such a pro

9、blem?such: 这么大的;非常的 problem: 问题这也有问题吗?-Betty: Dad.爸爸。-Ignacio: Look, the past is past.past: 过去瞧, 过去的都已经过去了。I wanna talk about now.talk about: 谈论我只想讨论现在。How much will it cost for you to help us?how much: 多少 cost: 花费,付 请你帮忙, 我们得付多少钱?-Man: Now this meeting was probono.probono: 出于公心【免费的】现在这场咨询是免费的My wif

10、e asked me because she loves your daughters products.wife: 妻子 product: 产品是我太太要求的,因为她很喜欢你女儿的产品。Hilda, by the way, that fiber loss really cleaned her out.by the way: 顺便地,附带说说 fiber: 纤维 loss: 减少,降低 clean out: 肃清;清除顺便提一下, Hilda 纤维瘦身法真让她通畅多了。But a case like this.case: 案子但象这样一个案子.you wanna save your fathe

11、r.save: 挽救你想救你的父亲.it starts with a retainer.start with: 以开始 retainer: (尤指付给讼务律师的)聘用定金就要收点顾问费了。-Hilda: 20 grand?20000块?-Ignacio: Do you validate?validate: 使生效;使有法律效力签约么? -Amanda: Hey, slow down.slow down: 减速嘿, 慢点。Oh, after last night, I think I need a walker.walker: 步行者哦, 经过了昨晚,我觉得我得散个步放松一下。-Daniel:

12、We are late.咱们要迟到了。Wilhelminas meeting about the Must Mode issues about to start.meeting: 会议 be about to: 即将 mode: 模式 issue: 发行物 start: 开始Wilhelmina关于绝对时尚特刊的会议马上要开始了。-Amanda: Cruella Devil can wait.Cruella Devil(斑点狗里的坏女人)会等的。Hey, your lost watch.did you ever figure out which girls apartment you left

13、 it at? figure out: 搞清楚,弄明白 apartment: 公寓 left: leave的过去式,遗留嘿, 你丢了的表你搞清楚是忘在哪个女人家里了吗?-Daniel: No, Betty never told me.没, Betty没跟我说过。We should probably take separate elevators.probably: 大概;或许;可能 separate: 分开的 elevator: 电梯咱们最好乘不同的电梯、Wouldnt want the office getting the wrong idea.wrong: 错误的 idea: 想法我和不想

14、让员工们误会。-Amanda: Right. Because my panties stuffed in your paper shredder probably didnt tip them off.panty: 短裤 stuff in:【卷进】 shredder: 碎纸机 probably: 可能 tip off: 暗示,警告是啊, 我那些塞在你碎纸机里的内裤可能还没被人发现呢。 -Sofia: Great.好极了。Just great.真是太棒了。-Daniel: Could I help you out? I got a lot of womens clothes up in my o

15、ffice.help out: 帮助 clothes: 衣服 office: 办公室要我帮忙吗? 我办公室里有很多女式的衣服。-Sofia: Hold this, please.帮个忙拿一下。-Daniel: Fashionable clothes. up in the office.fashionable: 时尚的时尚款式. 在我办公室。What are you doing?你在干嘛?-Sofia: You gotta do what you gotta do.该干嘛就干嘛。-Daniel: Fastest first date Ive ever had.fastest: 最快的 date:

16、 约会 发展如此神速的初次约会,我还是第一次碰到呢。-Sofia: You cant be serious.serious: 认真的,严肃的你不是当真了吧?You actually think youve got a shot here, now?youve got a shot here:【天上掉下馅饼 shot: 一击】 actually: 事实上,竟然你还真以为天上掉馅饼了呢?-Daniel: Just joking.joke: 开玩笑开个玩笑。You smiled at me in the lobby.smile: 微笑 lobby: 大厅你在大厅里对我微笑了。-Sofia: I sm

17、iled because I couldnt believe you pulled a ditch and dash with that poor girl back there.pull: 拉,扯,拔 ditch: 沟 dash: 猛击,撞击 poor: 可怜的我笑是因为我简直不敢相信你会将那个可怜的姑娘丢到一边。You let it all play out in your head, didnt you?play out: 演完,做完你满脑子都在幻想了吧, 不是吗?You, me,你, 我。No one else here.没有别人。Wed be on the floor, bodies

18、 sweating,sweat: (使)出汗,(使)流汗躺在地上, 浑身是汗,rug burn on my back.rug: 小块地毯 burn: 燃烧 back: 背部我的背紧紧贴在地毯上。Well, so much for that fantasy.so much for: 到此为止 fantasy: 幻想,想象好了, 白日梦到此为止。-Wilhelmina: As we do every year for our Must Mode issue,跟我们往年特刊的做法一样,your ideas, your picks, your lists will be considered for

19、inclusion.idea: 想法,创意 pick: 选择 list: 清单 be considered: 被考虑 inclusion: 包括,包含你们的创意, 搜集的资料,你们的清单都会被统一考虑。Nico, I told you, only emergencies.emergency: 紧急状况Nico, 我说过,除非有紧急状况。No, you cannot submit my apartment for Pimp Yo House.submit: 主张,认为,建议 pimp: 男妓, 皮条客不, 你不能把我的公寓拿来作嘻哈族乐园。Good-bye.再见。Family is stayin

20、g with me temporarily.family: 家人 stay with: 在家里作客 temporarily: 暂时的家人暂时过来住住。Remember, its not just an it list.remember: 记得 just: 只是,仅仅 list: 清单记住, 这可不是单纯的清单而已。There are personal musts as well.personal: 个人的 must: 口语必须做、看、听的事;必不可少的事 as well: 也也是有关个人的绝对。Like must be on time.on time: 准时比如说绝对要准时。For other

21、s, its a bit more profound.profound: 深度的;深切的;深奥的对于其他人,还有更深一层的意义。Whats important is that we tap into the issues of our readers lives they cannot face,what is important is: 重要的是 tap into: 利用;开发 reader: 读者 face: 面对重要的是我们要了解我们的读者所无法了解的生活,move them to the next stage in their lives,move to: 转移到 stage: 舞台帮

22、助他们登上生活的另一个舞台,promise them it wont be another year full of unanswered questions and unresolved issues,promise: 保证 another: 另一个 full of: 充满 unanswered: 疑问的 unresolved: 未解决的 issues: 问题,议题向他们保证新的一年不会再有疑问和未决之事,and lest we forget,lest: 免得以免我们会忘记,it is about the fashion must-haves for 2007,about: 关于 must-

23、have: 绝对有这是关于2007年度的潮流绝对事项,and I can assure you it will not include polka-dots.assure: 使相信;使确信 include: 包括,包含 polka-dot: 给饰圆点花纹;使呈斑斑点点而且我敢保证圆点图案不会流行。Thats it.就这样。Start listing.start: 开始开始写吧。-Betty: You have an 11:30 layout conference, and your fathers office called.layout: 布局;安排;版面设计 conference: 会议你

24、在11:30有一个企划会议,还有, 你父亲的办公室来过电话。Theres an editors-in-chief meeting tomorrow.editor-in-chief: 主编 meeting: 会议明天有一个总编会议。-Daniel: So listen, theres this womansmoking hotworks on 27.smoking hot:【热的冒烟的,这里形容十分火辣的】听着, 有个非常火辣的女人在27楼工作。Shes not wearing a shirt, had some sort of accident.wear: 穿shirt: 衬衣 sort of

25、: 有几分地 accident: 事故因为出了点问题,她没穿衬衣。I reallyI need you to find out who she is, okay?find out: 找出,发现我真的需要你去搞清楚她是谁, 好吗?-Betty: Must hunt down Daniels babe.hunt down: 搜索直至找到(某物)绝对要找到Daniel的女人。 -Fey: Whatever Bradford Meade does, he cant get rid of me.whatever: 无论什么 get rid of: 摆脱不管Bradford Meade怎么做,他都无法摆脱

26、我。-Woman: Sometimes its like shes still here.有时候她好象还在这里。You remember what tomorrow is, dont you?你还记得明天是什么, 不是吗?-Bradford: How could I forget?我怎么能忘记呢? -Wilhelmina: Nico, darling, Im home.Nico, 亲爱的, 我回来了。What is that?那是什么?-Nico: Dinner. You didnt have much.晚餐, 你什么都没有。-Wilhelmina: My wine,wine: 红酒我有酒,a

27、nd pecorino de Pienza.pecorino: 羊乳干酪还有Pienza出产的羊干酪。Its a cheese. Goes great with pears.cheese: 奶酪 go with: 与相配 pear: 梨是奶酪, 配梨子很好吃。-Nico: And cereal goes great with milk.cereal: 谷类植物,谷物 go with: 跟相配,协调谷物配牛奶也很好吃。-Wilhelmina: How was your day, dear?今天过得如何? 亲爱的。-Nico: I picked these up todaypick up: 挑选,

28、搜集我今天搜集了这些brochures for schools in New York.brochure: 小册子纽约一些学校的简介。-Wilhelmina: Dont be silly.silly: 蠢的,傻的;糊涂的别傻了。Schools here dont meet your standards.meet: 满足 standard: 标准,水准这里的学校配不上你。I was thinking of the Hertzog school in Switzerland.Switzerland: 瑞士我在考虑瑞士的Hertzog学校。-Nico: Expelled, remember?expe

29、l: 把除名,把开除被拒了, 记得吗?So Im starting to think maybe boarding schools not for me.start to: 开始 boarding school: 寄宿学校所以我在想可能寄宿学校不适合我。-Wilhelmina: I said the same thing to the senator when he sent me to the Chamberlin school.senator: 参议员我当时也是这么对议员说的,他还不是把我送去了Chamberlin。Hed just won his first congressional

30、seat.win: 赢得 congressional: 国会的 seat: 座位他刚刚得到了他在国会的第一个位置。He told me他告诉我-Nico: Willie, D.C. is no place for my daughter to become a young lady.Willie, 华盛顿不是个能让我女儿成为淑女的地方。-Wilhelmina: Same thing goes for you in New York.go for: 对适用纽约也是一样。Boarding school has a far better education,far: 到很大程度,很,极 educat

31、ion: 教育;培养,训练寄宿学校的教学水平要好得多,far better people and far better food than. Captain Crisp.captain: 首领,队长 crisp: 脆的 人也好得多,食物也要好得多比起. 脆脆队长。-Nico: CapN.是CapN(这里Nico是在纠正Wilhemina的错误)I dont think hes an official maritime officer.official: 正式的 maritime: 海的;航海的 officer: 军官我不认为他是个正式的海军军官。-Betty: Dad, is this eve

32、rything from Mexico?爸爸, 这就是墨西哥的所有资料?-Ignacio: Yeah, birth certificate, passport,birth: 出生 certificate: 证明书 passport: 护照是啊, 出生证明, 护照,maybe even an old baby picture.maybe: 也许,可能 picture: 照片还有一张很旧的婴儿照片。Careful. I might be naked in that one.naked: 裸体的当心, 那照片里我可能没穿衣服。-Betty: The lawyers gonna need these

33、documents.document: 资料律师会需要这些资料的。-Hilda: Yeah, the lawyer we cant afford.lawyer: 律师 afford: 买得起,担负得起是啊, 那个我们请不起的律师。-Betty: You know, dad, theres enough here. You could have applied for a green card.apply for: 申请要知道, 爸爸, 资料很充足,你应该申请绿卡的。I mean, you were here in 86, and Reagan offered the amnesty.offer

34、: 主动提供;主动提出 amnesty: 大赦我是说, 你86年的时候在这里,里根总统宣布了赦免。-Ignacio: I, uh.我, 呃.I missed it. Okay?miss: 未能利用,失掉我错过了, 好吗?Look, IIm sorry Im putting you through all this.put through: 使经历瞧, 我我很抱歉让你们经历这些事情。But maybe if we tighten our belts, got second jobs, maybetighten: 收紧 belt: 腰带但也许我们勒紧裤腰找第二份工作, 也许-Betty: Dad,

35、 I really want to help, butreally: 真的 爸爸, 我是真想帮忙, 但是my first job is hard enough as it is.hard: 辛苦的,努力的我的第一份工作跟这一样难以应付。-Hilda: Not if you maximize your time there.maximize: 使(某事物)增至最大限度你要是好好运用时间,就不会。-Betty: Hilda, dont go there again.Hilda, 别提那个了。I am not gonna sell Herbalux at Mode.我不会在卖草药产品的。-Hilda

36、: What model doesnt wanna lose weight? Its easy money.lose: 减少 weight: 重量哪个模特不想减肥? 这钱很容易赚!-Ignacio: Its not the worst idea in the world.worst: 最糟的这个主意还不那么糟。-Hilda: I will set you up with a basic package just to tease them.set up: 准备;安排 basic: 基本的 package: 包装 tease: 取笑,戏弄我会教给你基本要领的,让他们对你刮目相看吧。-Betty:

37、 Whats this?这是什么?Looks like somebody was torn out.look like: 看起来 tear out: 撕下;撕掉,扯去看起来象是把谁给撕掉了。-Ignacio: Ah, its nothing.啊, 没什么。Just a photo of mom with an old boyfriend.just: 不过,只是 不过是你妈妈跟前男友的照片。-Hilda: Ooh, let me see.哦, 让我瞧瞧。-Betty: A boyfriend?男朋友?I thought you said you were each others first lo

38、ves.each other: 互相,彼此我记得你说过你们俩是初恋的。-Ignacio: Can you stop with the damn questions?stop: 停止别再问这个蠢问题了好么?Im going for a walk.我出去走走。If its okay, Betty.要是可以的话, Betty。-Hilda: What is with you? Obviously, he is sensitive about all of this.obviously: 显然的 sensitive: 敏感的 about: 对你是怎么了? 很显然, 他对这一切很敏感。-Betty: W

39、ell, theres something hes not telling us.好了, 他有些事情没告诉我们。Were just trying to help him, Hilda. We deserve to know.try to: 试着,设法 deserve to: 值得我们是在帮助他, Hilda 我们有权了解。Doesnt that upset you?upset: 使苦恼,使心烦;使不适这让你困扰了吗?-Hilda: Of course it does, but getting upset doesnt help.当然是的,但是困扰并没什么帮助。Hes always been t

40、here for us, Betty.他一直在支持我们, Betty。We just, we gotta be there for him now.现在该我们支持他了。-Betty: Fine. Ill sell Herbalux at Mode.好吧, 我会在卖草药产品。I mean, Id do anything I have to,我是说, 我会做我该做的事情,but Im not gonna just let him off the hook,off the hook: 脱离 hook: 挂钩但我不会就此放过他的,not until he tells us the truth.not

41、until: 直到才 truth: 真相除非他告诉我们真相.。 -Hilda: Okay, give it back to me, girl.give back: 归还;恢复好了, 说给我听, 姑娘。-Betty: The vita valu pack contains all essential vitamins from A to Z.vita: 维生素 valu: 价值 contain: 包含,包括 essential: 必不可少的 vitamin: 维他命 from to: 从到维生素超值套装。含有从A到Z的所有基本维生素。You know theres no such thing a

42、s vitamin Z?你知道吗? 根本没有维生素Z这种东西。-Hilda: Hello, its a catchy sales pitch.catchy: 容易记住的 sales: 销售 pitch: 推销商品的话好了, 不过是销售手法而已。And what is more important than the vitamin content?vitamin: 维生素 content: 成分那比维生素成分更重要的是什么?-Betty: You get it half off when purchased with the nitro nutrient combo.half off: 去掉一半

43、 purchase: 购买 with: 和 nitro nutrient combo:【硝基营养组合 nitro: 硝基 nutrient: 营养 combo: 套餐】跟硝基营养组合一起购买,可享受半价。-Hilda: Right. Now the customers have to have confidence in you and the product, so dont be afraidcustomer: 客户 confidence: 信心 product: 产品 afraid: 担心,害怕正确, 现在顾客肯定对你和你的产品有信心了,别害怕,to really just put yo

44、urself out there.尽管表现自己。-Betty: Tired of sticking your finger down your throat?tired of: 厌倦 stick: 插入,刺入,卡住 finger: 手指 throat: 喉咙厌倦用手指挖喉咙了吗? (意指用强迫吃饭后吐出以减肥)Wanna lose weight the easy way? Ask me how!lose: 减少 weight: 重量 easy: 简单的 way: 方式,方法想用更简单的方式来减肥吗? 来找我吧!Herbalux can help.help: 帮满草药产品帮您忙。-Hilda:

45、Its a good line. I might use it.line: 方向,路线 use: 使用不错的主意。我也许可以试试。Now youre ready for your secret weapon.be ready for: 为.做好准备 secret: 秘密的 weapon: 武器现在, 准备好接受秘密武器吧。10 pounds in 10 days.pound: 磅10天减10磅。-Betty: Oh, god. Do I really need to wear that?wear: 穿,戴哦, 天啊。我真要戴上这个吗?-Hilda: I remember when I got pinned.remember: 记得 pin: 压住,使不能动我记得当我走投无路时。Shelly Jenkins did me the honor.honor: 尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣Shelly Jenkins帮了我的忙-Betty: Did she get you a limo and a corsage?limo: 豪华轿车 corsage: 装饰女服上身或肩部的小花束他也给了你豪华轿车和胸花?Can I please go to work and humiliate myself now?humiliate: 使蒙羞,羞辱,使丢脸我能去上班,顺便自讨


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