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1、介词 一:话说介词 介词又称前置词,它通常位于名词,代词,动名词, 或者名词性结构的短语之前,说明它与后面所接得词类的 关系。 介词是一种虚词,它不能单独作句子成分,只能用在 名词,代词,或者相当于名词的结构之前,与后面的词一 起构成介词短语,在句子中充当一定的句子成分,而介词 后所接的名词,数词,代词,和名词性短语等,则称之为 介词宾语,简称介宾。 能充当介词宾语的有一下这些: 介词+名词 : I come from the darkness. 介词+代词 : I am angry with him. 介词+数词 : Four from seven is three. 介词+动名词或者短语

2、I have an idea for solving this problem. 介词+从句 : Think of what I have said. 介词+不定式 : The English teacher gives us a lesson on how to write English composition. $_$ 注意一下几个特殊情况: 介词+形容词 : I know it from old. 介词+副词 : I cant stay for long. 有些介词可以相当于汉语的动词,相当于动词的意义: The policeman helped the old woman acros

3、s the street. Are you for it or against it ? 二:介词的分类 A:介词按其构成可以分为: 1) 简单介词:即单一介词,如 in,on, from ,at 等。 2) 复合介词:有两个介词组成,并且结构相对的话 比较固定,如 as for ,as to,out of 等。 3) 二重介词:由两个介词搭配而成,但是没有复合 介词那样固定,如 from under,from behind,until after,except in 等。 4) 短语介词:由短语构成,如 according to,because of,in spite of,on the b

4、ehalf of,with reference to 等。 5) 合成介词:由两个介词所合成的单个介词,如 inside,outside,onto,into 等。 6) 分词介词:由现在分词构成,如 regarding,concerning,including 等。 B:介词按照词义可分为一下几类 1) 表示地点(包括动向),如 about,above,across,after,along,among,arou nd ,at ,before,behind,below,beneath,beside,betw een,beyond,by,down,from,in。into,near, off,on

5、,over,through,throughout,to,towards ,under,up,upon,with,within,without,等等。 2) 表示时间,如 about,around,after,as,at,behind,between, by,during,for,from,in,into,over,on,past ,since,through,till,until,within,等 3) 表示除去,如 besides,but,except 等。 4) 表示比较,如 as,like,above,over 等。 5) 表示赞成或者是反对,如 for,against,with 等。

6、6) 表示原因,目的,如 for ,with,from。 7) 表示结果,如 to ,with,without。 8) 表示方式,手段,如 by,in,with 等。 9) 表示所属,如 of 10) 表示条件:如 on,without,considering 等。 11) 表示让步:如 despite,in spite of 等。 12) 表示关于:如 about,concerning,regarding,as for,as to 等。 13) 表示对于,如 to,for ,over,at ,with, 14) 表示根据,如 on,according to . 三:介词短语及其功用 介词和介

7、词宾语一起构成了介词短语。介词短语可以 在句子中作以下成分: 1) 主语 From Beijing to Tianjin is two hours by train. 2) 定语 This is the key to my room. 3) 状语 Well meet at 6:30 at school gate. 4) 表语 These two boys are of the same age. 5) 作宾语补足语 They found themselves in a dark wood. 四:介词兼做副词和连词的情况 A: 有些介词可以兼做副词,这种介词也可以称作是 小品词。试着比较以下两组

8、例子: (1) My mother is in the house.(介词) Is there anybody in? (副词) (2) The program was broadcast over the radio. (介词) The program is over. (副词) 请注意下面两句中的与介词形式相同的副词 (1) He turned over the page. Over 在此是副词,与 turned 一起组成短语动词。 (2)Ive put on weight. On 在此是副词,与 put 一起构成了短语动词。 请注意下面两句中与副词形式相同的介词 (1)The boat

9、moved slowly down the river. down 在此是介词 (2)He climbed up the tree. Up 在此是介词 B:还有少数介词可以兼做连词,如 after,before,since,till。Until 等,看下面的例子: (1) It will not be long before they come back (2) Youve changed a lot since last we meet. 五:介词的固定搭配 1 动词+介词 agree with sb agree on sth look after sb look around look a

10、t look for look forward to (此处 to 是介词) 2 形容词+介词 be good to be good at be good for be angry with be familiar to be familiar with be pleased with be pleased at 3 介词+名词 in the world on the earth on earth in the earth at work on duty 六:介词的省略 介词的省略比较麻烦,现在在此把一些常见的省略情 况列举出来,同学们平时也应注意积累. (1)in 的省略 在下列的短语中,i

11、n 常常被省略. be busy (in)doing have difficulties (in)doing in this way spend (in)doing have a good time (in)doing waste time (in)doing there is no use (in)doing (2)on 的省略 在口语中,尤其是在美国的英语中,星期几之 前的 on 可以省略. Well see you (on)Tuesday. I stay at home on Sundays. (3)of 的省略 A:“be+of+度量名词” 结构中的 of 可以省 略. 这一形式常常是

12、在口语中,尤其是在 the same 前 of 常常省略,常见的度量名词主要 有: length;height;depth;width;weight;area ;volume;size;shape;type;color;age; Im (of)your age. The two girls are (of)the same nationality. The two ropes are (of)the same length. B:在“what+度量词”之前的 of 的省略 (of) what color is your new dress? (of)what weight are you? C

13、:of 省略的其他情况 It is (of)no use crying split milk. (4)for 的省略 在“for +一段时间或者距离”里的 for 日常口 语中有时会被省略,尤其是在肯定句中. The rain lasted (for)a whole afternoon. The desert stretches (for)thousand miles. 特别注意一下的两点: 1:for 在否定句或者句首时不可以省略. We havent seen each other for a long time. For a whole month,there is no rain. 2

14、:all 后有表示时间段的名词时,前面不用加 for. I have been staying here all day. The weather here is freezing cold all year. (4)注意一下以下的几种不加介词的情况: 1:以 this;that;next;last;one;every;each;some;any;all 开头的表示时间的 at in on 通常要省略. this morning 今天早上 that day 那天 yesterday morning 昨天上午 last month 上个月 each week 每周 any day 任何一天 al

15、l day 一整天 the next day 第二天 next week 下周 one day 一天(指过去或将 来的某一天) 2:today ;tomorrow;yesterday;the day after Tomorrow;和 the day before yesterday;之前的 介词必须省略. today 今天 tonight 今晚 the day after tomorrow 后天 the day before yesterday 前天 tomorrow 明天 yesterday afternoon 明天下午 七:一些常用的介词的基本用法 (1)about A 关于,有关 Don

16、t feel bad about it. What is all this about ? B 表示地点:在.周围,在附近 They stood him as he sat down. C 表示时间或者数量:大约 ,近于 We left there about 6 oclock that morning. The story took place about 3 years ago. (2) above A:表示位置 ,职业,年龄等,在.上面,在. 以上 The mountain is 2000 meters above the sea level. It weighs above three

17、 tons. B:表示品质,能力,行为等:超出之外 This math problem is above me. He was a man above personal interests. (3) across A:表示动作方向,位置:穿过,横过 Lets help push the car across the bridge. The boy helped the blind man across the bridge. B:表示地点:在.对面 He lives across the street. The post office is just across the road. (4)a

18、fter A:表示时间或者位置:在之后 It is easy to be wise after the event. Shut the door after you when you go out. B:按照,仿照 Make sentence after the example. That was a play after Shakespeare. 这是一个模仿莎士比亚的剧本。 C:(与某些动词连用) 。表示探求,追 What are you after? A policeman is running after a thief. D:用于某些成语 look after after all (

19、5) against A: 表示位置:靠着,倚着,碰着 The ladder is against the wall. He hit his head against the wall. B:反对 Are you for my proposal or against it ? Nobody has got anything against you. (6) along 沿着 They walk together along the river. There is a hospital along the street. (7) among 在.之中,在之间(三个或者三个以上) Divide t

20、hese 3 apples among the three of you. Shelly is among the greatest poets in the world. (8) around A:表示位置:在周围,环绕 The earth moves around the sun. B:在.范围内 Let me show you around our school. They travelled for a month around Europe. C:表示数目:大约 He came here around 3 oclock. (9) at A:表示地点:在. He lives at 40

21、3 jiefang road. I met an old friend at the railway station. B:表示时间:在时刻,在时间 Classes begin at 7:15. At the age of 12,Edison began selling newspaper. C:表示状态:在中,进行(某种活动) The two countries are at war. How long have you been at the work? D:表示价格,速度:以 The train runs at the speed of 70km an hour. The potatoe

22、s are sold at the price of 2 yaun a kilo. E:引起某种情绪的原因:因为,由于 We were greatly surprised at their failure. He couldnt help crying at the news. F:表示动作方向:朝向 He threw a stone at the dog. He shot at the bird bit missed it. G:在(某方面) He is good at English. He is clever at drawing. H:用于某些固定搭配 at first at last

23、 at least at most at home at once at present not at all (10)before A:表示时间:在之前 Before liberation,the working people lived a hard life. Pride goes before a fall. B:表示位置:在之前 Harder works are before us. We will never bow before difficulties. C:用于某些成语 before time 提前 the day before yesterday 前天 before lon

24、g 不久 long before 很久以前 before Christ (B.C) 公元前 (11)behind A:表示位置:在.后面 She stood behind a tree. He never looked behind him. B:表示时间:比.晚,迟于;楼后于,不如. The train is behind time. Her ideas are behind the times. You are an hour behind your appointed time. She is behind others in English. (12) below A:表示位置:在下面

25、 Our classroom is below others. Water was found 20 meters below the surface. B:表示数量,程度,年龄,能力等低于,在.下 He must be below sixty. He is below her in the class. The temperature is 5 degree below zero. (13)beside 在.旁边 Here!There is a seat beside me. She sat beside me at supper. (14)besides 除之外还有 What else d

26、id you do besides writing the letter? There are many others besides me who disagree with you. (15)between 在(两者)之间 Would you come between eight and nine oclock? There are some differences between British English and American English. (16)beyond A:表示位置:在外边,在那边 The lake is beyond the hill. The woods go

27、 for about 2 kilometers beyond the river. B:表示范围,限度:超出,高于 To do this is quite beyond my power. Good advice is beyond price. The beauty of the west lake is beyond words. (17)but 除了;除之外 She has no choice but to cry. She can do nothing but cry. I havent told anybody but you. (18)by A:表示地点:在.旁边,从旁边 Come

28、 here and stand by me. He passed by me and pretended not to see me. His house is by the river. B:表示方式,手段:靠;通过;由(某某干的) Will you go to Wuhan by train or by plane? It was done by hand ,not by machine. This book was written by a young worker. What is the time by your watch? C:表示时间:到的时候;到为止 By the end of

29、 last semester,we had already learned 3000 English words. She will get there by 3 oclock in the afternoon. D:表示(增减)程度,尺寸,数量:按;以 Our classroom is ten meters long by six meters wide. The cotton crop this year has increased by 25% over last year. He is paid by hour. E:用于某些成语 by mistake stand by by day

30、learn by heart by chance by sea by oneself by the way one by one side by side (19)down 表示动作方向:沿着往下, He ran down the hill. He looked down the stair. We are going down town together. (20)during 在期间 We often go swimming during the summer vacation. Weve given you a lot of trouble during our stay here. (

31、21)except 除以外 We have lessons every day except Saturday and Sunday. None of us can speak Japanese except him. (22)for A:表示目的,对象:为,对于. I wrote a letter for him. Smoking is bad for your health. B:表示一段时间或者距离:达到,计 We havent seen each other for a long time. They had walk for two miles before they saw tre

32、es. C:表示方向,目标:向,去,往 He will leave for Beijing by air. The train for Guangzhou leaves from No.5 platform. D:表示原因:因为 I am sorry for being late. Thank you for your kind help. E:表示用途:给的,供用的 Here is a letter for you. These tickets are for tomorrow. F:表示同意,赞成 Im for your idea. We are all for go out for a

33、picnic. G:就而言 He is tall for his age. So much for today. H:当作,作为 What did you have for breakfast? I took him for my father. I:引导短语表示不定式的逻辑主语 Its time for us to study hard. Ive got some books for you to read. J: 用于某些成语 For example for a while For ever for free For sale long for Care for go in for (23

34、)From A:表示来源起点:自;从. We should learn from LeiFeng From 1981 to 1987,he was in the countryside. B:表示原因动机:出于;由于 He did so from a sense of duty. Lots of people died from hunger in those days. These students often feel weak from lack of sleep. C:表示距离,间隔:离开 Far from eyes,far from heart. Our school is far

35、from my home. D:表示原材料:用.制成 Steel is made from iron. This kind of paper is made from bamboos. E:用于某些成语: From beginning to end from now on From time to time (24)in A:表示地点时间:在内(里) What hotel shall we stay in? He works in a factory。 He became a teacher in 1980. 注意:in 有时可以表示“在.之后” ,经常与将 来时连用. Ill be back

36、 in a day or two. They are getting married in two months. B:表示状况年龄,服饰:处于中,穿着. Everybody was in high spirit. He is in his forties now. She is dressed in white today. C:表示范围:在.方面 She is weak in physics. Do you have any trouble in learning English? D:表示方式:用;以 (常跟 voice,language,和 way 连用) We can express

37、 ourselves in simple ways. Lets try to do it in another way. E:用于某些成语 In all in the past In a word in other words In time in face In reality in front of In case in place (25)into A:表示时间或者动作的方向:到里,进入 They often work far into the night. The boy went into the room. B:表示变化或者进入某种状态: Please put the follow

38、ing sentence into English. He translated these sentences into Chinese. The glass broke into pieces. (26)like A:像一样 He looks like his father. Dont look at me like that. Dont treat me like a guest. B:(常和 what 一起连用)是什么样子,怎样 What was the weather like yesterday? What does it taste like? Whats their life

39、like? C:用于某些成语: As you like feel like Just like very like (27)near 表示时间或者空间:靠近,接近,在附近 Tom is near thirty. Dont go near the edge. The capital gymnasium is near the zoo. (28)of A:表示所属关系的:的,属于.的, He is a friend of mine. This is a map of the world. I have heard of him. B:表示具有某种性质,内容,状况等: Would you like

40、another cup of tea? We are of the same age. The meeting was of great importance. C:表示数量或者种类: Please give me a piece of paper. The five of us are all nurse. We need two more tons of coal. D:表示同位关系: He came here in the month of May. The city of Beijing is much larger than the city of Guangzhou. E:表示动宾

41、关系: To buy this kind of computer is a waste of money. It is a waste of time to talk with her. F:用于某些成语: think of talk of rob of cure of (29)off 从.下来,.相隔离 A button is off my coat. Keep off the grass. Where will you get off the train? (30)on A:表示地点:在上,在旁,靠近 He put a canvas on the wall. He sat on my le

42、ft. She lives in the town on the river. B:表示时间:在(星期几,某日。某日的早中 晚)的时候 He goes home on Sunday. We have no classes on Sunday. He received many presents on Sept .10. C:表示关系:关于,论及 He will give us a talk on computer. D:从事;处于情况当中 He is on a friendly visit to Canada. He went to Beijing on business. These dus

43、tmen are on strike. E:用于某些成语: On duty on fire On behalf of on leave On holiday on time On sale on purpose On the whole hold on (31)over A:表示地点,地位,职权:在上面;高于; 在上方 There is a bridge over the river. A lamp hung over us. He is over me in the office. B:表示数目,程度:在以上,超过 He is over fifty. She spoke for over a

44、n hour at the meeting. C:表示动作的趋向:越过 The chief jumped over the wall and run away. They climbed over a mountain and came to a river. D:表示时间:在期间,直到过完 Great changes have taken place in China over the past few years. Cant you stay over the weekend? E:用于某些成语: over the radio be over all over the world over

45、 again go over over there (32)past A:表示动作方向:从旁而过 He walked past me. I saw a boy running past my window. B:表示时间,年龄,数量,程度等 :超过;根据 He is far past fifty. The recorder is past repair. It is half past eight. (33)round around (作介词时基本相同) A:围绕着;在周围 The earth goes around the sun. We had better sit around the

46、table. B:表示时间:在前后 She will be back around 11 oclock. (34)through A:表示空间:穿过,通过 The train passed through a tunnel. They broke through the enemy line. B:表示时间;从头到尾经过;从.的开始到结束 Sometimes he works through the night. He sat through a lecture. C:表示方式;手段;原因等 He learned Japanese through TV. I heard of that eve

47、nt through Radio. (35)to A:表示方向,距离:到;往;向 When are you going off to Guangzhou? Please give my regards to your parents. It is ten kilometers to station. B:表示时间;程度:直到为止,在之前,达 到 It is ten to eleven. He stayed with us from Monday to Friday. Well fight to the end. C:表示间接关系:给;对于. John is the person to whom you should write. To whom did you send the message? D:表示目的:为了 Lets drink to our health. He came to our help. E:表示比较:比 I prefer football to basketball. The score was five to two. F:用于某些成语: to ones surprise to this day devote oneself to come back to ones life (36)towards A:表示方向:朝;向 The house face


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