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1、大学英语四级听力理解综合辅导(一)基本知识1. 新旧四级比较 具体变化:题型增多,分值由20上升至35,时间也相应从20分钟变为35分钟。(1) 老四级Section A:10 short conversationsSection B:3 passages or compound dictation 7+3(2) 新四级Section A:8 short conversations and 2 long conversationsSection B:3 passagesSection C:compound dictation(11个空)2. 新四级考试时间分配(1)8:45进入考场(2)9:0

2、0-9:10发试卷(3)9:10开始考试 9:10-9:40 写作 9:40-9:55 快速阅读 9:55-10:00 收答题卡一 10:00-10:35 听力部分 10:35-11:20 剩余部分(4)11:20 考试结束一万个小时 1300 10 解决做题会出现的三种情况:1. 听不懂1)音的问题 读 美音和英音 区别: A. 美音中元音开口特别大,而英音开口特别小; B. 辅音浊化:美音中清辅音在两个元音夹击下则变为浊辅音;exaggerate /igze/ b-p,t-d, k-g, s-z, C. 儿化音:美音中如果字母加上 r 则产生儿化音 重读和弱读,语音和语调 I had a

3、meat-stuffed bread. 唱歌 北京人,东北人 普通话 多唱歌重读:实义词 n, v,adj, num,pron, advship2)语速的问题 连读 catch up r+原因 far away 常见的连读方式: A. 辅音+元音:在一句话中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头,两词处于同一义群且语速较快时就发生连读。 B. 辅音+辅音:在一句话中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以辅音开头,后一个辅音发音,前一个不发音。 失去爆破 shop bag2. 听什么? 1)小词2)短语3)一词多义 a novel device 新的3. 听懂了但做不对题1)场景 两大固定场

4、景: campus life(校园生活);daily life(日常生活)2)技巧和规律 六个技巧: 听前: 快速阅读选项;预测内容和题型 听中: 理解大意,抓住主题;注意小词和短语 听后:选择相近的选项;争取去找对立的选项 如何正确阅读选项? 阅读选项的技巧:scan,关键要抢时间扫读、略读。 阅读扫描的技巧:找异同点,先纵读再横读“莫非”法则:凡事要向不好的方面去思维 If anything can go wrong, it will. 出去玩儿一定会下雨。 汽车、火车、飞机、轮船基本都是晚点。 男生VS女生,女生样样比男生好注意两点: 勇于放弃,要果断选择答案 一般情况下不要轻意地改动自

5、己的第一选择 小对话一、基本介绍 对话主要涉及人们日常生活中的话题。对话中的句子结构、成分、主题一般都非常简单。一般来说每个对话的字数在40 - 50之间。语速基本稳定在每分钟150 - 160个单词。问题一般都是特殊疑问句,常见的疑问句开头单词:what, when, where, who, why, how。二、小对话的分类小对话常见的十种题型1、数字价格计算题2、时间加减运算题3、对话场景题4、人物职业、身份、关系题5、人物意图题6、态度评价题7、动作行为题8、因果关系题9、推断题(言外之意)10、意义解释题 1、数字价格计算题注意:1. 十几、几十的读音2. 分数的说法3. 小数的说法

6、4. 大数字的说法5. 钱的问题(1)打折 discount, discount rate, on sale,12% discount off(2)北美货币体系单位 cent, nickel, dime, quarter, fifty cents, dollar, buckM: How much are the tickets?W: They are ten dollars each for the general public, but student tickets are half price.Q: How much will the man pay for the two genera

7、l tickets and two student tickets?M: Id like to buy these four thanksgiving cards. Are they ten cents each?W: Three of them are, but the smaller one is only a nickel.Q: How much would the cards all together?2、时间加减运算题注意:1、超前 earlier, ahead of time/schedule, in advance2、准时 be on time, be on schedule3、

8、推迟 behind schedule, late, delay, put off, postpone1997年6月W: Good morning, Im here to see Mr. Addison.M: Mr. Addison went to Washington last Monday for a conference, and will be back on Thursday night. If you like, you may come again on Friday morning.Q: When will Mr. Addison return? 3、对话场景题两大类场景:cam

9、pus life(校园生活);daily life(日常生活) 1. campus life(校园生活)(1)上课、选课、听讲座、听报告(2)作业(3)考试 credit (4)图书馆 overdue canteen cafeteria2. daily life(日常生活) (1)餐馆 (2)医院(3)银行 ATM automatic telling machine(4)邮局(5)旅游 (6)打工(7)机场、车站 (8)宾馆(9)电话 (10)购物 4、人物职业、身份、关系题2000年6月7. A) At a book store. B) At an art museum. C) At a n

10、ewspaper office. D) At a gymnasium. Gym shaping舍宾M: Mary is in charge of the art and music section; and Charles, the sports page. What about you?W: Im responsible for the editorials.Q: Where does the woman work? 2001年1月7. A) an auto mechanic. B) An electrician C) A carpenter. D) A telephone repairma

11、n.W: This is Mrs. Starched, my heater is not getting any power and weatherman says the temperature is to fall below zero tonight. Could you get someone to come over and fix it? M: This is the busiest time of the year, but Ill speak to one of our men about going over some time today. Q: Who did Mrs.

12、Starched want to come over? 5、人物意图题题型特征:第一个人经常提出一个请求、建议或意见等等,第二个人说的话一般以but为标志的句子来说出自己的意见。常见的提问方式:What do you learn from the conversation? 解决思路:关键要听懂第二个人but后面的话,but后面就是正确答案。2001年1月6. A) His English is still poor after ten years in America. B) He doesnt mind speaking English with an accent. C) He does

13、nt like the way Americans speak. D) He speaks English as if he were a native speaker.M: Did you know this: after almost ten years in the United States, with such a strong accent.W: Yes, but he is proud of it. He says it is a part of his identity.Q: What does the conversation tell us about Mr. Li? Li

14、 still speaks English.2002年1月1. A) All the passengers were killed. B) The plane crashed in the night. C) No more survivors have been found. D) Its too late to search for survivors. W: Is the rescue crew still looking for survivors of the plane crash? M: Yes, they have been searching the area for hou

15、rs, but they havent found anybody else. They will keep searching until night falls. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 6、态度评价题选项中经常出现的态度类形容词或副词:中间态度Oh my God!, happy, worried, panic, luckily, fortunately, unfortunately, impatient, curious, anxious, ridiculous, hopeless.问题:What does the speak

16、er think of sth.?Whats the speakers idea / attitude / opinion about .?/ response to .?1997年6月5. A) She has confidence in him. B) She has also won a scholarship. C) She is surprised at the news. D) She is not interested in the news. M: Susan, have you read the notice on the bulletin board? Ive won th

17、e scholarship for the next semester.W: I know you would. You certainly deserve it.Q: What does the woman mean? 2002年1月2. A) Its results were just as expected. B) It wasnt very well designed. C) It fully reflected the students ability. D) Its results fell short of her expectations.M: How many student

18、s passed the final physics exam in your class?W: Forty, but still as many as 20 percent of the class failed, quite disappointing, isnt it? Q: What does the woman think of the exam? 7、动作行为题题型特点:通过两个人的对话,判断他们要干什么或正在做什么。问题:Whats the speaker doing now? Whats the speaker going to do? What does the speake

19、r think sb. should do?注意:着重听出动作发生的先后顺序,还有动作的时态。2001年1月3. A) Write the letter.B) Paint the shelf.C) Fix the shelf.D) Look for the pen. M: I cant find my pen. I need to write a letter. W: Ill look for it later. Right now I need you to help fix the shelf before paint it. Q: What would they do first?200

20、0年6月1. A) Buy some travellers checks. B) Borrow some money from a friend. C) Check the brakes and tires. D) Spend some time travelling. M: Have you had the brakes and tires checked? And do you have enough money?W: Ive taken care of everything and Im sure its going to be a wonderful trip.Q: What is t

21、he woman going to do?2003年1月10. A) Selecting the best candidate.B) Choosing a campaign manager.C) Trying to persuade the woman to vote for him.D) Running for chairman of the student union. M: You are my campaign manager. What do you think we should do to win the election? Im convinced Im the best ca

22、ndidate for the chairman of the student union.W: We wont be able to win unless we get the majority votes from the women students.Q: What is the man doing? 8、因果关系题常见的因果关系的表达: since, for, as, because (of), due to, so thattherefore, thus, as a result, hence, in that, now that, but thatinsomuch as解题思路:要

23、深入理解说话人的含义2000年1月7. A) The visiting economist has given several lectures. B) The guest lecturers opinion is different from Dr. Johnsons. C) Dr. Johnson and the guest speaker were schoolmates. D) Dr. Johnson invited the economist to visit their college.M: The visiting economist is speaking tonight. B

24、ut Dr. Johnson doesnt seem to think much of him.W: Thats because Dr. Johnson comes from an entirely different school of thought.Q: What do we learn from the womans remark?2003年1月9. A) Hell give a lecture on drawing.B) He doesnt mind if the woman goes to the lecture.C) Hed rather not go to the lectur

25、e.D) Hes going to attend the lecture.W: I dont imagine you have any interest in attending that lecture on drawing, do you?M: Oh, yes, I do, now that you remind me of it.Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?2003年6月4. A) She promised to help the man.B) She came a long way to meet th

26、e man.C) She took the man to where he wanted to go.D) She suggested a way out of the difficulty for the man.M: Thank you for your helpful assistance. Otherwise, Id surely have missed it. The place is so out of the way. W: It was a pleasure meeting you. Good bye! Q: Why did the man thank the woman? 9

27、、意义解释题重点考查:短语和小词的理解问题:What does the man/speaker mean?2002年6月8. A) Shes proud of being able to do many things at the same time. B) She is sure to finish al the things in a few hours. C) She dreams of becoming a millionaire someday. D) Shes been kept extremely busy.M: Youre looking a little overwhelme

28、d. W: Exactly. You know I got a million things to do and all of them have to be finished within 3 hours. Q: What does the woman mean?2003年1月5. A) He is sure they will succeed in the next test.B) He did no better than the woman in the test.C) He believes she will pass the test this time.D) He felt up

29、set because of her failure.W: Oh, dear. Im afraid I fail again in the national test. Its the third time I took it.M: Dont be too upset. I have the same fate. Lets try the fourth time.Q: What does the man mean? 10、推断题提问方式 : 1. What do we learn from conversation?2. What can be inferred from conversati

30、on?3. What do we learn about?解题:表面上的意思是不对的,选项中答案在原文中一模一样地出现决不要选,要选没有相关词汇的答案。重点要理清思路,听出对话的言外之意。虚拟语气If only I were YM.1999年1月7. A) The woman doesnt like jam.B) The woman forgot where she had left the jar.C) The man had an accident. D) The man broke the jar.W: I just made a jar of jam this morning and

31、now I cant find it any where. Do you know what happened to it? M: Did you hear a crash, that was it, Im just as clumsy as ever. Q: What is the problem?2001年6月8. A) Shed like to have the windows open. B) She likes to have the air conditioner on. C) The air is heavily polluted. D) The windows are alre

32、ady open.M: Do you want to turn on the air conditioner or open the window? W: I love fresh air if you dont mind. Q: What can be inferred from the womans answer?If I had time yesterday I would have helped you.小对话做题步骤:1. 通过问题判断是什么题型2. 通过题型分类知道这题怎么做3. 想出对应的做题方法、技巧和规律等等 复合式听写题型分析与解题对策复合式听写考察内容:1、填写的单词和句

33、子不难,一般不会超过四级大纲。2、难点在于单词比较长,同时可能出现各种各样的变形。3、一般来说,听写材料中说明文较多。Directions: In this section you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read the second time you are required to fill in the blanks n

34、umbered from s1-s7 with the exact words you have just heard. For the blanks numbered s8-s10 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read

35、for the third time, you should check what you have written. Now, listen to the passage. 听写的核心原则:精听速记1、放第一遍录音时开始写,对于长难单词写缩略语。Difficult dif difficulty dify environment env environmental envl especially esp University uni2、符号助记法。 Question ? Question is ?: about less than more than 3、奇偶填空法复合式听写中的句子做法:第一

36、遍尽量不要写后面的三个句子,听懂大意。第二遍只写关键词。第三遍查漏补缺。 3. 1999年6月复合式听写部分讲解President Clinton later today joins (S1)_presidents Ford, Garter and Bush at“the presidents summit for Americas future”(S2)_at recruiting one million volunteer tutors to provide after-school, weekend and summer reading help for up to three mill

37、ion children. Mr. Clinton will ask Congress this coming week for nearly three (S3) _dollars to fund a five-year program called “America Reads”.The program would fund the (S4)_efforts of 20 thousand reading (S5) and it would also give (S6)_ to help parents help children read by the third grade, or ab

38、out age eight. During his Saturday radio (S7_, the president explained why the program is important:“We need America Reads and we need it now. Studies show that if the fourth-graders fail to read well.(S8_ But 40 percent of them still cant read at a basic level.”Volunteer tutors, who provide communi

39、ty service in exchange for college funding, are being used in literacy and tutoring programs.(S9) _ The president says many of the Philadelphia summits corporate sponsors will recruit tutors.(S10_ 听前预测:第一个空格里面,通过快速扫描第一句话,发现有美国总统克林顿Clinton,又有美国总统福特,卡特,布什(Ford, Garter and Bush),那么后者跟前者相比较,同学们一定可以感觉到后者

40、为前总统,因此第一个空格应填入former或类似含义的单词。第二个空格我们看到后面有一个介词,于是能发现应当在里面填一个动词,此时就需要注意时态,单复数的问题。空格三明显是一个量词,第四个空格不好预测,第五个可以估计出来应填名词,此时应注意名词单复数的问题,第六同上,第七个空格技巧性较强,需要背景知识,同学们可以想想,美国总统一般去电台(during his radio_)干什么?此时蹦入脑海的一定是“电台演讲,演说”,于是应当是“lecture, presentation, address”等词汇。后面的长难句由于过长,很难提前预测判断,但是在短短的几十秒钟的时间里面, 能预测出来这么多的信息, 实属难能可贵.因此同学们应努力做到把前面的小知识点提前好好分析一下,定能熟练掌握听前预测这一技巧。 参考答案:S1 formerS2 aimedS3 billionS4 coordinationS5 specialistsS6 grantsS7 addressS8. Theyre likely to drop out of school and less likely to succeed in life.S9. The program, initiated by President Clinton, has come under criticism by Congress.S10.


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