[英语考试]读故事记雅思单词 2.doc

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1、胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇 To Catherine游泳去吧To CatherineThe bungalow at the edge of campus near the lake was not like the burrow Mrs. Catherine had lived in previously. Sure the bureaucracy had taken long enough to finally allow her to move in, and she had had to campaign quite hard. It was a quiet location far fr

2、om the highway bypass, close to the cafeteria and of better caliber than all of the other bungalows. She imagined that she could be happy here, at least for as long as she could avoid any calamity like the bushfire that had chased her from her last home.She had never calculated that a move would be

3、so exhausting and she collapsed in her bed. As she looked out of the window she saw a buoy in the water that she had never seen before. Suddenly a bunch of young children burst past her window buzzing with excitement. They stripped off their clothing and jumped in the water tom around the buoy she h

4、ad just noticed. Soon her beautiful lawn resembled an abandoned campsite with cans thrown everywhere. She looked up at the calendar and moaned: it was Spring Break.As she looked at the buoyant children on the water, the crowd in her lawn burgeoned into a regular party. She had never taken into her c

5、alculations that other people might like the peacefulness of her new bungalow at all. But she decided to play along, got hermsuit on, and went out and joined the party. Soon guests and new friends were going in and out of her home and Mrs. Catherine was happier than ever. A by-product of her good sp

6、ortsmanship and friendliness was that her name became the buzzword formming at this location.游泳去吧校园边湖附近那座小屋与凯瑟琳夫人以前的住处是不一样的。当然,官僚们用了很久才终于允许她入住,而且她得下足了功夫。这幢房子地处幽静之处,远离公路支路,离自助餐厅也不远,而且质量比所有其他房子要好。她想自己会在这里住得很开心,至少住到她能躲避丛林大火之类的灾难,上一回搬家就是因为一场丛林大火。她从未估计到搬家会这么累人,结果她给累趴下了。她朝窗外望去,看到湖面上漂着一个以前从没见过的救生圈。突然,一群小孩冲


8、nch n.1.束,串,捆2(俚)群,伙bungalow n.(印度)孟家拉式平房;平房;小屋buoy n.1浮标,航标2救生圈,救生衣buoyant a.由浮力的;轻松愉快的;趋于上升的,保持高价的bureaucracy n.(总称)官僚;官僚主义;官僚作风buregeon v.1发芽,抽枝2迅速生长,发展繁荣burrow n.(兔鼠狐的)地洞,地道;住处,藏身处v.掘地洞;钻进某处burst v.1爆炸;涨裂;突然打开,突然发作2充满,挤满3冲闯;突然显现bushfire n.(澳)林区大火buzz n.1(蜂,蚁等的)嗡嗡声,(机器疾速转动的)噪音buzzword n.(内容空洞、主要用

9、以在外行面前显示自己高明等的)玄妙的术语,词语,口号bypass n.(通常为绕过市镇等而筑的)支路,旁路by-product n.1副产品2(意外或无心的);附带产生的结果cafeteria n.自助食堂,自助餐馆calamity n.灾难灾祸;(巨大的)不幸,痛苦calculate v.1计算,核算结果2仔细的分析或思考3估计,预测calendar n.历书,日历,月历calibre n.1能力,才干2水准,程度,质量campaign n.1战役2运动;竞选活动v.参加(或发起)运动;参加竞选(活动);作战campsite n.营地;适宜于扎营的地方campus n.大学校园,学校校园;大

10、学,学校can 1(盛液体等的)容器(如听、罐、壶、桶等)2(美)保藏是食品的罐头,听头Ever for a bee即使是对一只蜜蜂Ever for a beeThe brood of bees approached the new field of budding flowers with care. The breeze had changed and there was a strange smell in the air. Something bulky was also here. Several bees quickly browsed the area and noted tha

11、t the ground was bulging in one portion of the field close to the brink of a cliff. This was also the area with the largest amount of flowers, so the queen bee let her workers make a breakthrough to begin briskly gathering nectar.It was a brief hesitation, but her breed of bees had always been very

12、careful in choosing new lands. Ever since her breach of her mother s command and the subsequent breakup of the bulk of their brood, she was even more careful. Her authority in this new group was brittle and, like the fear of a bugbear by all of the young bees, all of the worker bees were watching to

13、 see if she would lead well. She had to budget her commands and earn their respect.This was not her day, however. Suddenly a bee came back to report that the ground was bubbling near the bulging area. And then a buck sprung out of the forest and ran across the field, killing several of her best work

14、ers in the process. As she flew over to the area with bubbles she passed over an old brochure for the brewery that was buried beneath. She would bear the brunt of the blame for the deaths of the bees for not being aware of the buck, but at least she could make sure no nectar was harvested from the d

15、angerous bubbling area. She quickly gathered her brood and moved on. Leadership was not easy, even for a bee.即使是对一只蜜蜂那窝蜜蜂小心翼翼地靠近一块从未去过的田野,那里长满了含苞待放的鲜花。微风已经变了,空气中散发着一种怪味,这里还有个庞然大物。几只蜜蜂迅速吃掉了那里的花粉,发现紧靠悬崖边缘的一块地方正在向外膨胀。那块地上开的花儿也最多,所以蜂后让工蜂们来一次突破,开始很快采集花蜜。蜜蜂们只做了短暂的迟疑,但是她的这个蜂种选择新地盘时一向很谨慎。 自从蜂后违背母亲的命令,随后大部分蜜


17、h n.突破,重大成就,突破性进展breakup n.1分散,分离,分裂breed v.与.交配;育(种);繁殖;养育n.品种,种族,种类breeze n.威风,轻风brewery n.啤酒厂;酿造厂brief a.短暂的;简短的brink n.(河、池等的)边,边沿;陡岸;边缘briskly ad.1轻快地,活泼地,快地2猛烈地,繁忙活跃地brittle a.易碎的,易损伤的;靠不住的,易变的brochure n.小册子brood n.1一窝刚孵出的小鸡(鸟);一次产出的卵;一次孵化的幼虫(或幼鱼等)2一类,一组,一批,一群,一窝browse v.(牲畜)吃(草、嫩叶等);浏览书刊,随意观看

18、n.嫩叶,青饲料,浏览brunt n.主要冲动(或压力等);冲击;最沉重(获最强烈的部分)bubble v.1冒烟,起泡2情感的激动,充溢,变的生机勃勃budding a.1正发芽的,发展中的2初露头角的budget n.预算;预算案;预算拨款v.把.编入预算,在预算中拨款给;规划,安排bugbear n.使人无端恐惧(或焦虑)的东西,妖怪;棘手的问题bulge v.膨胀;凸出bulk n.1体积,容积2主体,绝大部分,大多数bulky a.1大量的;大批的;成批的2散装(货物)的;体积大的;庞大的;过大的;粗壮的,肥胖的Too much brainstorming被献计献策惹怒了Too mu

19、ch brainstormingYou re wrecking my botany experiment! Dont breach the large tank with the soil samples in it! Shawn yelled as he bobbed his head back down behind the booth in order to avoid another blunt object that was flying across the room like a blur.I dont care about your stupid plant and soil

20、experiments! Said Michelle. There is no longer any bond between us. I am sick of all of your boasting about boring into a mountain in Montana to find your bonanza!But its really there! And I cant cancel our flight booking anymore. We have to go! Shawn yelled back. Michelles only response was to bomb

21、ard him even more with whatever item she could find. She had left the boundary of polite conversation hours ago and was now bound to make Shawn pay for all of the hours of pointless brainstorming sessions he had forced her into for this stupid idea.You cant boycott your future, Michelle. Shawn boome

22、d. There is endless bounty there for both of us. I know its a bold adventure, but if we succeed, then you can buy all of the brand name clothing you want when we get back!I dont believe you! Michelle yelled back. And then she stopped throwing things and started to cry. Shawn crawled out across the b

23、order of his safe zone and boosted himself up to look Michelle in the face.That was when a huge plate crashed on his head and knocked him out.That was a bonus! Said Michelle as she looked at him on the ground and got up to leave.被献计献策惹怒了“你在破坏我的植物学实验!千万别打破那个大罐子,那里边装着泥土样品!”肖恩一边怒吼,一边把头很快移到货摊背后,以便避开另外一个

24、从房间那边横飞过来的黑团一样的硬物。 “我才不管你那些愚蠢的植物和泥土实验呢!”米歇尔说,“我俩之间不再有任何联系了!你整天吹牛,说是要在蒙大拿的一座山上钻个洞寻找财源,我算是受够了。” “可那儿确实有财源!而且我们预定的航班也不能取消了,咱们必须去。”肖恩回敬道。米歇尔的惟一反应就是用手边能找到的东西更狠地攻击他。几个小时前,她就已经离开礼貌谈话的边界了,现在她一定要肖恩为几个小时的毫无意义的献策付出代价,为了这个愚蠢的想法,他硬逼着她想办法。“米歇尔,你不能抵制你的未来。”肖恩低声说,“那儿会给我们俩无尽的礼物。我知道这是一次大胆的冒险,可一旦咱们成功,回来时你就可以买所有你一直想买的名牌

25、衣服了!”“我才不相信你呢!”米歇尔喊道。然后她就不再扔东西,而是哭了起来。肖恩爬出来越过安全区域的边界,抬起头来正视米歇尔的脸。就在这时,一个大盘子击中了他的脑袋,把他给砸昏了。“这是给你的奖赏!”米歇尔说,他看了看躺在地上的肖恩,然后起身离开了。单词详解:blunt a.钝的;生硬的,直率的v.使钝,使迟钝blur n.模糊,模糊不清的东西,污点v.使模糊,变模糊;弄脏;玷污boast v.自吹自擂,自夸;自豪,夸耀bob v.上下(或来回)快速摆动(或移动)bold a.勇敢的,无畏的bombard v.炮击;轰炸;不断攻击,痛诉bond n.1捆绑物,连接物,带子2约束力,联结,联系v

26、.1粘合;结合2团结在一起bonus n.1奖金2红利booking n.座位票子等的预订,(讲演、演出等)预约boom n.1底沉的声音2(价格等的)暴涨,(营业等的)激增,繁荣期,迅速发展期v.1发出低沉的声音2暴涨,激增;繁荣,迅速发展,崛起boost v.1举,抬,推2提高,增强,推动,增加booth n.1售货棚,货摊2公用电话间,岗亭border n.边缘,界线v.在衣服等上镶边;在.加上边bore v.1钻孔;掘井;挖洞2钻进去;挤过去botany n.植物学bound a.下决心的,决意的boundary n.分界线,边界,界限bounty n.1慷慨的赠与物,礼物2奖金,赏金

27、,津贴boycott v./n.联合抵制,拒绝参与brainstorm v.献计献策,集体自由论brand n.商标,牌子brand name 名牌商标,名牌产品breach n.破坏,违反;破裂,缺口;中断,中止v.破坏,违反;攻破,突破A clean escape一逃了之A clean escapeButch had been blundering with the blueprints of the factory looking for an exit when an explosion in the bleaching room blasted him out of the main

28、 hall, through a window and into a patch of rose blossoms. As he lay there bleeding only slightly he realized that he had been blessed by the blast; in the blink of an eye he had been thrown from the scene of the crime that he had committed. He was also unburned by the hot biodegradable bleach that

29、had covered his body. Bless you St. Peter, he thought.He quickly moved to blend into the vegetation even more. Policemen had arrived and the vegetation blocked them from seeing Butch. Thank God the roses were in bloom. Without the blooming flowers he would surely have been seen. They didn t even hes

30、itate as they looked in his direction with blank expressions.Butch stared, still amazed at his luck. He was no longer bitter at his employers. There would be no way they could blame him for the explosion, it wasnt his fault. And the fire it had started was sure to destroy all evidence of his stealin

31、g valuable stock from the accountants office. It had not been a bilateral decision with his wife to steal those documents, but Butch realized that what was once a bleak future was now, because of a bizarre accident, like a bill of freedom for Butch He would be able to walk away rich, innocent of any

32、 suspicion and no longer bound to work with an employer that had almost ruined his life and marriage.Maybe he wouldnt even tell his wife that he had succeeded.一逃了之布奇正拿着工厂的蓝图,四处瞎闯寻找出口,这时漂白室的爆炸把他炸出大厅,从一扇窗户落到了一片玫瑰花中。他躺在那儿,只流了少量的血,他意识到他其实是托了这次爆炸的福。他刚作了案,可眨眼之间自己就被扔出了作案现场。由于身上裹了一层热的能进行生物降解的漂白粉,他连烧伤都没有。祝福你


34、的生活和婚姻的老板卖命了。或许他甚至都不准备告诉妻子他已经成功单词详解:bilateral a.1两边的;在两边的,有两边的2两边对称的bill n.1账号,清单2单据,证明书biodegradable a.能进行生物降解的,能对生物进行递降分解作用的bitter a.有苦味的;使人痛苦的;激烈的,强烈的;充满仇恨的苦味,苦啤酒bizaare a.希奇古怪的;异乎寻常的;怪诞的blame v./n.责备,指摘blank a.(纸笔)没有名字的,(表格)空白的;茫然的,无表情的n.空白,空处blast v.(用炸药)炸,炸掉;鼓风子,对.送风n.一阵(疾风等);吹奏;鼓风,送风bleach v.

35、晒白,漂白n.漂白剂,漂白,漂白法bleak a.荒凉的,光秃秃的,寒冷刺骨的;没有希望的bleed v.出血,流血blend n.混合,融合;混合物;混合品v.混合,混杂,交融bless v.为.祈神赐福;为.祝福;使幸福,使有幸得到blessed a.1神圣的,受尊敬的2带来愉快(获满足的)3幸福的,幸运的blink v./n.眨眼睛block v.阻塞;遮挡;封锁n.大块;障碍物bloom v.1开花2繁盛,突然激增,大量出现blooming a.1开着花2兴旺的,繁盛的blossom n.花;开花(期);兴旺期v.开花;发展;长成blueprint n.蓝图;行动计划blunder n

36、.(由于愚蠢、无知、粗心等造成的)大错v.1(由于愚蠢、无知、粗心等)范大错2跌跌撞撞,笨拙(或欠考虑)地说出A dog attack狂犬出击A dog attackI bet our bereaved widow had no idea the beast would one day not listen to her husband. Said the bespectacled inspector as he sipped from his hot beverage at the crime scene. Thats why I hate big dogs. I don t think t

37、hey have any bias towards people who want them to be their best friend. They just do their bidding and live off their care while they are waiting for the right moment to betray them.Well, whether you think the dog knew what he was going to do beforehand or not, it was an ugly attack. Look at the tra

38、il of beads that lead down to the beach. Noted a policeman.Hmmm. Yes, that is strange. Said the inspector as he bent down to inspect the wounds on the man and then scratched at his beard. But I dont think the husband was wearing beads. He walked back into the house past the bellows hard at work keep

39、ing the furnace running, beset with sudden doubt.That was a beneficial insight. He said to the policeman. Ill be sure to refer to you in the bibliography of my report. Excuse me ma am. You re under arrest for the murder of your husband!What? Said the bewildered woman.Yes, maam. You murdered your hus

40、band, dragged him out of the house and then made the dog bite and chew him after the fact. I know this because of the trail of beads leading to your dead husband and the lack of deep, life threatening dog bites on his body.Wow. Said the policeman. This will be a benchmark in your bid to be promoted

41、to chief inspector.狂犬出击“我敢打赌,我们那位丧失亲人的寡妇从没想过那个畜生有一天会不听她丈夫的命令。”戴眼镜的警官在案发现场抿了一口热饮料说,“这也是我讨厌大狗的原因。我认为,对于那些想与它们成为好朋友的人,它们是没有偏见的,它们惟命是听、靠主人的照顾过日子,同时却又等待时机背叛他们。”“嗯,不管你是否认为这只狗事先就知道它要做什么,这次袭击太可怕啦。瞧这一路撒到海滩的珠子。”一名警察说道。“是啊,真是奇怪。”警官边说边俯身去检查那个男人身上的伤口,然后扯了扯他的胡须,“可我认为,这个丈夫没有戴珠子。”他走回屋内,经过使炉火熊熊燃烧的风箱时,他忽然陷入了疑惑。“你的见解非

42、常有用。”他对警察说,“我一定会在报告的参考书目中提到你。对不起,太太,您因为谋害亲夫而被捕了。”“什么?”妇人充满疑惑地问道。“是的,太大。你杀了你丈夫,然后把他的尸体拖到屋外让狗啃咬、嚼碎。找到你丈夫尸体的路上留下了许多珠子,而他身上却没有狗咬的深深的、致命的伤痕,从这两点我知道是你杀了他。”“哇!”警察说,“这将是您争取晋升警察局长的一个重要参考啊!”单词详解:beach n.沙滩bead n.小水珠beard n.(上下巴的)胡须,鬓,络腮胡子beast n.野兽;畜牲beforehand ad.预先,事先;提前地bellows n.(单复同)皮腔;折箱;(折式)风箱benchmark

43、 v.用基地问题测试(计算机系统)n.基准,基准尺度;(计)基准问题beneficial a.有利的,有益的,有帮助的bereave v.(死亡等)使丧失(亲人等);使孤寂,使凄凉beset v.困扰,使苦恼bespectacled a.戴眼镜的bet v.打赌betray v.背叛,出卖;泄漏,暴露beverage n.饮料(如牛奶,咖啡,啤酒)bewilder v.使迷惑,难住;使糊涂,使迷路,偏见,偏心bias n.偏见,偏心bibliography n.文献目录,参考书目bid v.1命令,吩咐2出价,喊价,投标;叫牌bidding n.命令,请求;(拍卖时)出价,喊价A balcon

44、y with a view观景阳台A balcony with a viewDr. Martin watched the preparation for the banquet from the balcony. His wife had banished him from helping because it was in his honor. He wiped the sweat from his bald head in frustration, however, because he loved to bake and run the barbeque himself, even as

45、 he loved to manage the distribution of barrels of beer to the bar.As he leaned on the barrier he heard a bark and turned to look towards the river. Another barge was floating by loaded up with old, discarded car batteries. A recent ballot to ban putting the trash in a local garbage dump had failed

46、and the barge was taking its baggage up the river to the next town. That city had baffled its own residents by offering to accept the trash at a bargain rate. Apparently there was a large area of barren land that they had not been able to use. Now people marching in protest beset that city. More people were jumping on the bandwagon each day. The only winner was the barge company; the deal had saved them from going bankrupt.It was difficult to balance the needs of society with its desire to protect the environment, thought


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