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1、2012届高考高三英语单词拼写练习初中部分1.Edison was a great s_ in the world.2.We are all s_ at the news that they lost the game unexpectedly.He was t_ and fell asleep soon.The Young Pioneers got to the top of the mountain s_ and sound.Grandpa often told us some i_ stories after supper.Please read the i_ before you op

2、erate the machine.Tom has a poor eyesight to see anything c_.Have you any d_ in doing this work Hebei is in the n_ part of china.I f_ to bring your dictionary. I left it in my drawer.Today more and more Chinese go to study in f_ countries.Im sorry to t_ you, but could you tell me how I can get to th

3、e airport My house is about twenty-m_ walk by bike.Im free every day e_ today.He is not in the office. Shall I take a m_ The doctor insisted that he need an o_at once.- Could you look after her for me while were away -With p_.The glass was easy to break so he put it on the table s_.There was no e_ f

4、or being late.The steps are rather n_. Please take care.You neednt turn left or right. Just come s_along the way and youll find it at the end of the road.Everybody can borrow two books at a time from the school l_.The Huangshan Mountain a_ large numbers of tourists every year.It is going to rain. Yo

5、ud better take an u_ with you.Do you know how to r_ the waste paper or bottles The used car is w_as little as 2,000 yuan.I beg your p_, I cant quite catch you.Shopping online is c_ because you neednt go out.Jim made up his m_ to stay with his parents.My parents always e_ me to try again every time I

6、 fail.Hawaii is famous for its beautiful b_.Li Tao won the first p_in the handwriting competition.It is our duty to keep our e_clean and tidy.He felt a little n_ when it was his turn to speak at the meeting.Are you satisfied with the p_ of Hamlet at the Great Theater Have you ever f_the cow I saw th

7、em r_ the man of his money.I like writing to my friends, but it c_ a lot of time.In d_ countries, many families can afford to buy cars.He was still a_ after he experienced the terrible earthquake.The mountain is so s_ that few people have climbed to the top of it.The boy likes c_stamps. He has many

8、different kinds of stamps.Working hard will bring you great s_.My f_subject is English. I like it very much.The light music helps to r_ you when you feel nervous.In China, we usually visit our friends and r_ during the Spring Festival.There are clouds of different s_ in the sky. Some look like anima

9、ls and some are like furniture.Dick r_ a lot of presents on his birthday, and felt very excited.They c_ talking for two hours after supper.Can you tell the d_ between them I dont like coffee. Please give me a cup of tea i_.December is the t_ month of the year.L_, he was not badly hurt in the acciden

10、t.It was because of his bike was s_ that he had to walk to school.Lucy got up late and hurried to school without b_.Do you think it is n_ for us to learn to everything taught in class It wasnt very f_ of you to slam the door in his face.She always drives more c_ at night.Many people lost their l_ be

11、cause of the earthquake.Whats the population at the end of the t_ century The train was quite c_ because there werent too many people to the island.Jim p_ to the new book on the desk and said, Look! Its mine.Books are my best friends. They give me k_ and make me happy.I want to learn how to run quic

12、kly and to eat h_.What he did is a_ the law.Unemployment is one of the major problems of m_ times.Christmas is the most important holiday in E_ countries.The room is twice the l_ of the other, but much narrower.They w _ him happiness when he left.When will all the cities with airports be j_ by the c

13、omputer Though you are new in the company, the manager thinks h_ of your work.Its not easy for people to b_ under water for a long time.The sharks have attacked a number of people off the beach of America, some of them are s_ injured.She is really an e_ student. She always wins the first prize.His s

14、tudents like the teacher because he always has a way of making his class l_ and interesting.She is very p_ of her son because he is very clever.Thomas Edison was an American i_. His i_ have greatly changed the world.Is English w_ used in your country As I know, more and more people are learning it a

15、t school.There are many people at the e_ of the theatre.WTO was f_ in 1995.We were shocked at his a_ at the party since he didnt tell us that he would come.Its getting warmer and many people has had their w_ sweater taken off.Mr. Smith, the manager of the hotel, told his g_ to live on the eighth flo

16、or.Its i_ to talk with your mouth full.It was getting dark, Jack s_ down his car.She wrote a lot about her e_ as a country vet in York shier.First I was so busy reading a n_ that I forgot to look at the time.It was so cold that everything f_I have had my shoes w_ out .Can you buy me a new pair, Mum

17、John said a lot in e_ of his being late but none of us believed it.She could find no s_ to her financial troubles and decided to give up.To my s_, he finished the work in only one hour.The team is m_ made up of women doctors.At the 14th Asian Games, Wang Nan was so c_ that she was sure she would win

18、.You should be careful enough while c_ the street.96. The cinema was f_ down the road than I thought.97.Every year, water sports, e_ swimming and surfing are most popular among people.98.You must be q_; the baby is asleep.99.This kind of bird is in d_, so we should protect them.100.A_ is the season

19、when the leaves fall off the trees.(初中部分答案):1.scientist 2.surprisedshocked 3.tired 4.safe 5.interesting 6. instructions 7.clearly 8.difficulties 9.northern 10. forgot 11.foreign 12. trouble 13. minutes 14.except 15.message 16.operation 17. pleasure 18. softly 19. excuse 20. narrow 21. straight 22.li

20、brary 23. attract 24. umbrella 25. recycle 26. worth 27. pardon 28. convenient 29. mind 30. encourage 31. beach 32. prize 33. environment 34. nervous 35.performance 36. feed 37. rob 38. takes 39. developed 40. alive 41. steep 42. collecting 43. success 44. favorite 45. relax 46. relatives 47.shapes

21、48.received 49.continued 50. difference 51. instead 52.twelfth 53.Luckily 54.stolen 55. breakfast 56.necessary 57.friendly 58. carefully 59.lives 60.twentith fortable 62.pointed 63.knowledge 64.healthily 65. against 66.modern 67.European 68.length 69.wished 70. joined 71.highly 72.breathe 73.serious

22、ly 74.excellent 75.lively 76.proud 77.inventor inventions 78.widely 79.entrance 80.founded 81.appearance 82.woolen 83.guests 84.impolite 85.slowed 86.experience 87.novel 88.froze 89. worn 90.explanation 91.solution92.surprise 93.mainly 94. confident 95. crossing 96. farther 97.especially 98.quiet 99

23、.danger 100.Autumn 高一英语(上)单词拼写 1、She prefers popular music to c (古典的)works. 2、She learned to survive in a d_(荒芜的) island. 3、The headmaster gave a feelingful s (演说)about good manners to the whole school. 4、Life has many joys and s (悲伤). 5、She is a brave girl. She is never s (害怕的)of anything. 6、He is

24、leading an i _ (独立的)life. He lives on his own. 7、This is his n (本国的)town. He was born here. 8、The doctor asked me to show my t (舌头). 9、C_ _(相比较)with the service industry, foreign trade is more important . 10、people c (交流)with each other by means of words. 11、Only a narrow strait(海峡) s (分隔)North Amer

25、ica from Asia. 12、Her temperature has returned to n (正常). 13、Have you ever had any a (冒险的)experience? 14、The two countries c (联合起来)against their common enemy in the past. 15、You should do with the matter r_ _(有责任地). 16、All these difficulties were caused by natural d (灾难). 17、We s (吞咽了)all our food a

26、nd drink. 18、The forest was d (毁坏)by fire. 19、The world is full of o_(机遇)and challenges. 20、Its n (淘气的)to pull your sisters hair. 21、This film is for a (成年人)only. Children mustnt watch it. 22、She wants to study d (戏剧)and become an actress. 23、Zhao Benshan wrote the s (剧本)for the TV play Liu Laogen h

27、imself. 24、A c (生物) is anything that is alive. 25、She is d_ (决心)to go abroad. 26、Allow me to i (介绍)my fiend Miss Wood to you. 27、The new teacher made a good i (印象)on the students. 28、You had better make an a_ _(道歉)for your cruelty. 29、I dont want to i (打断)you, Go on with your story. 30、She l out (漏掉

28、)a “c” in the word “account”. 31、The old building had become a ruin but the people of the town r (修复) it. 32、A p (肖像)of his wife hangs in their bedroom. 33、After a week at the beach her skin was b (青铜色). 34、Let us make a u (团结的)effort to increase the output of this factory. 35、She was an active r (革

29、命的) fighter in 1789. 36、He won the first place in the c (比赛). 37、I like the m (格言) “Where there is a will, there is a way.” 38、A person who practices sports and games is called an a (运动员). 39、There are seven c (大洲)in the world. 40、Although he is fat, yet he doesnt want to lose w (重量). 41、People want

30、 to buy the l (最新的)newspapers; nobody wants to buy yesterdays. 42、As soon as they found their car stolen, they d (拨)the police number. 43、Their b (行为)towards me show that they dislike me. 44、The scientists have already succeeded in c (克隆)sheep. 45、Ive got enough n (消极的)advice, it only tells what not

31、 to do. 46、When building m (材料)cost more, the price of houses grew up. 47、Our head teacher o (组织) a party last Saturday. 48、Of all the suggestions, I found yours most a (有吸引力的). 49、The worst problem we have to face is the 21 century will bee (环境的)problem. 50、Your advice at present is v (有价值的)to me.

32、51、I play many i (乐器), such as the guitar, piano and violin. 52、which do you think are best musical p (表演)in China? 53、They all wish to protect the t (传统)Chinese culture. 54、Some people like v (多样化), but others do not. 55、A person who learns and understands quickly has good i_ _(智力). 56、Mother alway

33、s puts her hand on my f (额头)to see if Ive caught a fever whenever I cough. 57、There will be several e (展览)in the city next month. 58、He w (低声说)to me that I had passed the exam. 59、The happy father often gives his son a ride on his s (肩). 60、An a (通告) is being made that well be off for two days. 61、L

34、 (文学)is necessary in our life, as it teaches, entertains and helps us understand who we are. 62、The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeares most famous c (喜剧). 63、This is the first large art e (展览)with works by Picasso in China. 64、The children played a t on(作弄) the girl who has just come to the c

35、lass, Later they apologized to her for their unpleasant behavior. 65、I used to play badminton twice a week, but I have got out of the h (习惯)recently. 66、The boy has a handsome face except for the s (伤疤)on his forehead. 67、 “Where would the restroom be?” she w (不知道). 68、 “What was the a (通告)about?” “

36、It said that all students be free tomorrow after lunch.” 69、F (皮毛)is the thick coat of soft hair covering the skin of an animal, such as a fox or a bear. 70、More and more Chinese people choose to go on a t (旅游)to a foreign country for their vacation. 71、Products for women are always attractively p (

37、包装). 72、Jenny explained to the children why used b (电池)can be harmful to the environment. 73、I wrote an e-mail to my key pal in Rome, asking for his real name . He didnt r (回应). 74、Young people usually have more e (能量)than older people. 75、There are many small things we can do to r (减少)the pollution

38、 of the environment. 76、They have spent a large a of (大量的) money protecting wild animals. 77、There is some green vegetable left between your teeth. You need a t (牙签)to get it out. 78、T (青少年)are young people who are between 13and 19 years old. 79、According to our school c (日历)the last exam for this t

39、erm will be on January 80、The manager wont see you unless you have made an a (预约)with him. 81、Remember, dial 110 in case of an e (紧急情况). 82、Jerry is a little nervous today because he is going for a job i (面试). 83、The p (行量)we live on is called Earth. 84、Although c (文化的)differences are real and can a

40、dd richness and understanding to our lives ,people everywhere have much in common, such as a need for love and peace. 85、There are five of us in the family, or six if you i (包括)the dog. 86、The palaces that were badly damaged in the war have been carefully r (修复). 87、watch out for fire. Sally is b (烧

41、)the fallen leaves in the garden. 88、Look at that little girl! what a b (美人)! 89、She found an old p (相片)of herself, which was taken when she was a girl at school. 90、The earthquake caused great d (损害); many people died and many more lost their homes. 91、This p (工程)is to build a new library which wil

42、l cost one million pounds. 92、The two o (官方的)languages in Canada are French and English. 93、A new law has been passed to l (限制)pollution of the air. 94、Is it good manners for children to i (打断)adults when they are talking? 95、The parents f (原谅)the boy for his rudeness. 96、I want to go with you to visit Grandma, I promise I will b myself(举止得当). 97、Please use this c (布)to wash the dishes.


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