[高考]【决胜高考2013】6年高考英语 母题精解精析专题16 阅读理解人物传记.doc

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1、【备战2013】6年高考英语 母题精解精析专题【2012高考试题】【2012山东卷】BOne of the greatest contributions to the first Oxford English Dictionary was also one of its most unusual. In 1879, Oxford University in England asked Prof. James Murray to serve as editor for what was to be the most ambitious dictionary in the history of t

2、he English language. It would include every English word possible and would give not only the definition but also the history of the word and quotations (引文)showing how it was used. This was a huge task. So Murrary had to find volunteers from Britain, the United States, and the British colonies to s

3、earch every newspaper, magazine, and book ever written in English. Hundreds of volunteers responded, including William Chester Minor. Dr. Minor was an American Surgeon who had served in the Civil War and was now living in England. He gave his address as “Broadmoor, Crowthorne, Berkshire,” 50 miles f

4、rom Oxford. Minor joined the army of volunteers sending words and quotations to Murray. Over the next years, he became one of the staffs most valued contributors. But he was also a mystery. In spite of many invitations, he would always decline to visit Oxford. So in 1897, Murray finally decided to t

5、ravel to Crowthorne himself. When he arrived, he found Minor locked in a book-lined cell at the Broadmoor Asylum for the Criminally insane. Murray and Minor became friends, sharing their love of words. Minor continued contributing to the dictionary, sending in more than 10,000 submissions in 20 year

6、s. Murray continued to visit Minor regularly, sometimes taking walks with him around the asylum grounds. In 1910, Minor left Broadmoor for an asylum in his native America. Murray was at the port to wave goodbye to his remarkable friend. Minor died in 1920, seven years before the first edition of the

7、 Oxford English Dictionary was completed. The 12 volumes defined 414,825 words, and thousands of them were contributions from a very scholarly and devoted asylum patient. 61. According to the text, the first Oxford English Dictionary _. A. came out before minor died B. was edited by an American volu

8、nteer C. included the English words invented by MurrayD. was intended to be the most ambitious English dictionary62. How did Dr. Minor contributed to the dictionary?A. He helped Murray to find hundreds of volunteers. B. He sent newspapers, magazines and books to Murray.C. He provided a great number

9、of words and quotationsD. he went to England to work with Murray. 63. Why did Dr. Minor refuse to visit Oxford?A. He was shut in an asylumB. He lived far from OxfordC. He was busy writing a bookD. He disliked traveling 64. Prof. Murray and Dr. Minor became friends mainly because _.A. they both serve

10、d in the Civil War. B. They had a common interest in wordsC. Minor recovered with the help of MurrayD. Murray went to America regularly to visit Minor65. Which of the following best describe Dr. Minor?A. Brave and determined B. Cautious and friendly C. Considerate and optimisticD. Unusual and schola

11、rly 66. What does the text mainly talk about?A. The history of the English language.B. The friendship between Murray and Minor C. Minor and the first Oxford English DictionaryD. Broadmoor Asylum and is patients 62.【答案】C【解析】根据第三段的第一句话Minor joined the army of volunteers sending words and quotations to

12、 Murray可知答案选C。【考点定位】考查细节理解。【2012安徽卷】CWhen Frida Kahlos paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “ a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was

13、 during her time.Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City , Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine (脊柱)become bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operatio

14、ns, but noting was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Riveras strong influences on Kahlos style can

15、be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For

16、more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlos works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last. 64. What does the phrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 most nearly mean? A. a far better artist B. a for more gifted artist C.

17、a much stronger person D. a much more famous person65. The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by . A. polio B. her bent spineC. back injuries D. the operations she had66. Kahlos style had become increasingly independent since the . A.1930s B. 1940s C. 1950s D. 1970s67. What is authors attitude

18、toward Kahlo? A. Devotion B. Sympathy C. Worry D. Encouragement典型的人物传记。难度一般般。 64D 我们可以用better 和gifted来描写她,但是文章中说她的主要悲剧是不被大众认识。 65C 文章依据就是school bus accident. 66B 细节题,直接找到答案 67B 推理题,tomb和sadly告诉我们这是一个悲剧,a ribbon告诉我们主人公很积极乐观。【2011高考试题】1.(2011山东卷)A Arthur Miller(1915-2005)is universally recognized as o

19、ne of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century. Miller s father had moved to the USA from Austria Hungary,drawn like so many others by the“ Great American Dream”. However, he experienced severe financial hardship when his family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early l930s. Mill

20、ers s most famous play, Death of a Salesman , is a powerful attack on the American system ,with its aggressive way of doing business and its insistence on money and social status as indicators of worth. In Willy Loman , the hero of the play, we see a man who has got into trouble with his worth. Will

21、y is “burnt out” and in the cruel world of business there is no room for sentiment : if he cant do the work, then he is no good to his employer, the Wagner Company, and he must go. Willy is painfully aware of this, and at loss as to what to do with his lack of success. He refuses to face the fact th

22、at he has failed and kills himself in the end. When it was first staged in 1949 ,the play was greeted with enthusiastic reviews ,and it won the Tony Award for Best Play, the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. It was the first play to win all three of these major a

23、wards. Miller died of heart failure at his home in Roxbury, Connecticut ,on the evening of February 10,2005,the 56th anniversary of the first performance of Death of a Salesman on Broadway. 56. Why did Arthur Miller s father move to the USA? A. He suffered from severe hunger in his home country. B.

24、He was attracted by the Great American Dream. C. He hoped to make his son a dramatist. D. His family business failed. 57. The play Death of a Salesman A. exposes the cruelty of the American business world B. discusses the ways to get promoted in a company C. talks about the business career of Arthur

25、 Miller D. focuses on the skills in doing business58. What can we learn about Willy Loman? A. He treats his employer badly. B. He runs the Wagner Company. C. He is a victim of the American system. D. He is regarded as a hero by his colleagues.59. After it was first staged, Death of a Salesman A. ach

26、ieved huge success B. won the first Tony Award C. was warmly welcomed by salesmen D. was severely attacked by dramatists60. What is the text mainly about? A. Arthur Miller and his family. B. The awards Arthur Miller won. C. The hardship Arthur Miller experienced. D. Arthur Miller and his best-known

27、play.2.(2011陕西卷)BMost people know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, and the first person to win it twice. However, few people know that she was also the mother of a Nobel Prize winner.Born in September, 1987, Irene Curie was the first of the Curies two daughters. Along wit

28、h nine other children whose parents were also famous scholars, Irene studied in their own school, and her mother was one of the teachers. She finished her high school education at the College of Svign in Paris.Irene entered the University of Paris in 1914 to prepare for a degree in mathematics and p

29、hysics. When World War I began, Irene went to help her mother, who was using X-ray facilities(设备) to help save the lives of wounded soldiers.Irene continued the work by developing X-ray facilities in military hospitals in France and Belgrum. Her services were recognised in the form of a Militarys Me

30、dal by the French government. In 1918, Irene became her mothers assistant at the Curie Institute. In December 1924, Frederic Joliot joined the Institute, and Irene taugh him the techniques required for his work. They soon fell in love and were married in 1926. Their daughter Helene was born in 1927

31、and their son Pierre five years later.Like her mother, Irene combined family and career. Like her mother, Irene was awarded a Nobel Prize, along with her husband, in 1935. Unfortunately, also like her mother, she developed leukemia because of her work with radioactivity(辐射能). Irene Joliot-Curie died

32、 from leukemia on March 17, 1956.49Why was Irene Curie awarded a Military Medal?【B】A.Because she received a degree in mathematics.B.Because she contributed to saving the wounded.C.Because she won the Nobel Prize with Frederic.D. Because she worked as a helper to her mother.50Where did Irene Curie me

33、et her husband Frederio joliot?【A】A.At the Curie Institute. B.At the Cniversity of Paris.C.At a military hospital. D.At the College of Sevigne.51When was the second child of Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot born?【A】A. In 1932. B. In 1927. C. In 1897. D. In 1926.52 In which of the following aspects wa

34、s Irene Cuire different from her mother?【C】A.Irene worked with radioactivity. B.Irene combined family and career.C.Irene won the Nobel Prize once D.Irene died from leukemia.3.(2011重庆卷)DWilliam Butler Yeats, a most famous Irish writer, was born in Dublin on June 13,1865. His childhood lacked the harm

35、ony (和睦) that was typical of a happy family. Later, Yeats shocked his family by saying that he remembered “little of childhood but its pain”. In fact, he inherited (继承) excellent taste in art from his familyboth his father and his brother were painters. But he finally settled on literature, particul

36、arly drama (戏剧) and poetry.Yeats had strong faith in coming of new artistic movements. He set himself the fresh task in founding an Irish national theatre in the late 1890s. His early theatrical experiments, however, were not received favorably at the beginning. He didnt lose heart, and finally enjo

37、yed success in his poetical drama.Compared with his dramatic works, Yeatss poems attract much admiring notice. The subject matter includes love, nature, history, time and aging. Though Yeats generally relied on very tradisional forms, he brought modern sensibility to them. As his literary life progr

38、essed, his poetry grew finer and richer, which led him to worldwide recognition.He had not enjoyed a major public lift since winning the Nobel Price in 1923. Yet, he continued writing almost to the end of his life. Had Yeats stopped writing at age 40, he would probably now be valued as a minor poet,

39、 for there is no other example in literary history of a poet who produces his greatest works between the age of 50 and 75. After Yeatss death in 1939, W. H. Auden wrote, among others, the falling liners:Earth, receive an honoured guest:William Yeats is laid to rest.Let the Irish vessel (船) lieEmptie

40、d of its poetry.68. Which of the following can describe Yeatss family?A. It filled Yeatss childhood with laughter.B. It was shocked by Yeatss choice.C. It was a typically wealthy family.D. It had an artistic atmosphere.69. According to thse passage, what do we know about Yeatss life?A. Yeats founded

41、 the first Irish theater.B. Yeats stuck to modern forms in his peotry.C. Yeats began to produce his best works from the 1910s.D. Yeats was not favored by the publie until the 1923 Noble Prize.70. What kind of feeling is expressed in W.H.Audens lines?A. Envy. B. Sympathy.C. Emptiness. D. Admiration.7

42、1. What is the passage mainly about?A. Yeatss literary achievements.B. Yeatss historical influence.C. Yeatss artistic ambition.D. Yeatss national honor.【答案】DCDA4.(2011福建卷)D Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was one of the most private women in the world, yet when she went to work as an editor in th

43、e last two decades of her life, she revealed (展现) herself as she did nowhere else.After the death of her second husband,Greek shipping magnate AristotieOnassis laquelines close friend and former White House social ? Letitis Baldrige made a suggestion that she consider a career in publishing.After co

44、nsideration,Jacqueline accepted it.Perhaps she hoped to find there some ideas about how to live her own life .She became not less but more interested in reading.For the last 20 years of her life, Jacqueline worked as a publishers editor, first at Viking,then at Doubleday ,pursuing(追求)a late-life car

45、eer longer than her two marriages combined.During her time in publishing, she was responsible for managing and editing more than 100 sucessfully marketed books.Among the first books were In the Russian Style and Inventive Paris Clothes.She also succeeded in persuading TV hosts Bill Moyers and Joseph

46、 Campbell to transform their popular television conversation into a book ,The Power of Myth.The book went on to become an international best-seller.She dealt too.with Michael Jackson as he prepared his autobiography(自传),Moonwalk.Jaequelinered for her name and for her social relations,but she soon pr

47、ovedHer worth.Her shoicas,suggestions and widespread social relations were of benefit both to the publishing Since and to Jacqueline herself.In the books she selected for publication,she built on a lifetime of spending time by herself as a reader and left a record of the growth of her mind.Her books are the autobiofraphy she never wrote,Her role as First lady,in the end,was overshadowed by her performance as an editor.Ho


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