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1、三招”搞定高考英语作文无论任何省市的高考英语作文试题多么“花哨”。其实只考察三个方面:1)表达准确;2)句子结构美观;3)行文逻辑连贯。与高考作文测试满分要求相呼应,我在北京创佳启慧教育中心的课堂上,从以下三个方面开展英文写作教学:1)训练你用初中单词准确表达思想;2)训练你把短句拼成长句、并能够美化句子结构;3)训练你运用固定的几个“连接词”实现“行文连贯”。第一,要做到用简单字词表达试题给出的中文。我的训练方案是:先给你中文信息,要求你用英文表达出来。比如:“这只狗缺条腿。”你会想“缺条腿”的英语怎么说?我启发你换一个思路,比如,你可以说“这只狗有三条腿。”英文即:“The dog has

2、 three legs.”然后我再启发你添个字,比如only,并指导你添加的位置。最后,你就能写出“The dog had only three legs.”这样的句子了。为了增加字数,我还要启发你的“创造力”,启发你把这句话“拉长”成:“The dog had only three short legs.”只要你有这种“创造力”,不怕写不够字数。再比如:“北京很吸迷人。”你也许不知道“迷人”或“吸引人(attract people)”用英文怎么说。但是,你可以绕开生词,换一种方式把这句话写出来,比如这么写“Beijing is so beautiful that many people co

3、me here.”,你看,“sothat”结构是初中学过的,这句话每个单词都很简单啊。像这个档次的句子,就足以使你脱颖而出了!同样,为了增加字数,我还要启发你的“创造力”,启发你把这句话“拉长”成:“Beijing is so beautiful that many people come here every year.”到此时,我会提示你,尽量不要使用“many”这个字,因为它代表的数字不具体,使你的文章给读者一种“空”的感觉。不妨换“many”为“thousands of”,于是改进为:“Beijing is so beautiful that thousands of people c

4、ome here every year.”接着再将其“拉长”为:“Beijing is so beautiful that thousands of people come here every year from all around the world.”或者再“拉长”为:“Beijing is so beautiful that thousands of people, no matter young or old, men or women, come here every year from all around the world.”第二,要能够把短句拼成长句、能够美化句子的结构。

5、我的训练方案是:在你写的句子的基础上,启发你通过简单变换化“腐朽为神奇”,写出高考满分句式。举几个例子,当你写出“I enjoy meeting new people and helping others at school.”这句英文后,我立即启发你把这句话写成“At school, I enjoy meeting new people and helping others.”。当你写出“If I have time, I will take you to my school.”这句英文后,我立即启发你把这句话写成“I will, if I have time, take you to my

6、 school.”。这样的句式,早已体现在官方满分样本范文之中,痛心的是,绝大多数考生对此完全不知晓。当你写出“There are many nice photographs on the walls of my room. I took these photographs last weekend.”这两个英文句子后,为了让你的答卷脱颖而出,我立即启发你美化第一句的结构,教会你写出这样的句子:On the walls of my room there are many nice photographs.我再接着启发你,让你意识到这两句话还可以被拼成一个结构优美的句子:On the walls

7、 of my room there are many nice photographs I took last weekend.当你写出“My brother is a college student, and my brother is glad to help others.” 这两个英文句子后,我立即启发你,让你意识到这两句话还可以被拼成一个结构优美的句子:My brother who is a college student is glad to help others.或者My brother, who is a college student, is glad to help others.接下来,我再教你一个简化规则,让你最终把这句话写得相当洗练:My brother, a college student, is glad to help others.第三,建立你的“行文连贯”意识,让你明白英语句子前后是有逻辑关系的,这种逻辑关系需要“连接词”来表现,这样才能满足试题“行文连贯”的要求。


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