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1、英语:语法练习(冠词)1(2010河北省唐山一中二模)6. Has the little girl passed _ P.E. test? She has tried twice, and the teacher will allow her to have _ third try.A. the; 不填 B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the6 C2(2010河南省开封市二模)23He is neither European, nor American. He is from Australia.Aa; an; 不填Ba; an; theCa; a; 不填Dan; an

2、; 不填A3(2010江西省吉安二模)22You cant imagine more embarrassing scene when you cant understand single word someone saysAthe; aBa; aCthe; 不填Da; 不填B4(2010 苏、锡、常、镇四市诊断性测试)The tour will provide_unique opportunity for you to live with a British family for a week in_hope that you will have a better understanding

3、of the UK.Aa;/ Ban;/Ca;the Dan;the【解析】句意为:这次旅游会提供给你一个和英国家庭生活一周的独特机会,希望你对英国有一个更好的了解。“机会”强调的是一次,所以有a;in the hope of怀着对的希望,是固定短语,所以答案为C项。【答案】C5(2010 天津北部四区联考)The driver was at_loss when _word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.Aa;/ Ba;theCthe;the D/;/【解析】句意为:当听说他由于超速行驶而被禁止驾车时,那位司机迷惑不解。at

4、a loss 为固定短语;“word camethat引导的同位语从句”为固定句型,此句型中的word是news(消息)的意思,在此句型中,word前不加冠词,故答案为A。【答案】A6(2010山东实验中学高三模拟4月)Its clear that_little money he earns can hardly support_family as large as his.Athe;a Ba;theC/;a D/;the【解析】句意为:很显然他挣的那点钱几乎不够养活像他的家庭一样大的一个家庭。little money后有定语从句修饰,表特指;第二空泛指任何一个那么大的家庭。【答案】A7(20

5、10大连高三模拟5月)I dont know who invented_telephone,but its really_most wonderful invention.Athe;a B/;theCa;the D/;a【解析】the telephone特指电话这一事物;a mosta very,不表最高级。【答案】A8(2010 浙江杭州学军中学诊断性测试)I fell in_love with Amsterdam_very first time I visited the city.A/;the B/;aCthe;the Dthe;a【解析】句意为:我第一次参观阿姆斯特丹,就爱上这座城市。

6、fall in love with意思是“爱上”,固定短语;the first time从句,相当于一个时间状语从句,意思是“一就”。【答案】A9(2010山东烟台诊断性测试)In recent years_global warming is becoming_concern for people all over the world.Athe;the B/;aC/;/ Dthe;/【解析】global warming是一种笼统的说法,其前不用冠词;这是大众关注的若干问题中的一个,所以concern前用a。句意是:在最近几年,全球变暖问题已是全世界人们关注的一个问题。【答案】B10(2010

7、江苏黄桥综合测试)_Beijing well see in_year 2018 will be quite_different city from what it is now.A/;the;a BThe;the;aCThe;the;the D/;/;/【解析】句意为:我们在2018年看到的北京市将是和现在不同的一座城市。Beijing后面有定语从句well see修饰,这时Beijing已由专有名词转化为普通名词,表特指;in the year 2018in 2018,也是表特指;和现在不同的城市有很多,这是其中之一,所以用不定冠词。【答案】B11(2010 浙江宁波十校联考)As some

8、 experts say,shopping by television will never take_place of shopping in stores,because many people find shopping at a store_great enjoyment.A/;a Bthe;aCa;the Da;/【解析】句意为:正如一些专家所说,电视购物永远也不会替代商店购物,因为许多人觉得在商店购物是一种享受。take the place of代替,固定短语;enjoyment 是一个抽象名词,但是当指“具体的令人愉快的事物或者乐事”时,其前要用不定冠词。【答案】B12(2010

9、山东青岛模拟1月)It is still believed that_graduate from_wellknown university is more likely to find a job.Aa;a Ba;theCthe;a Dthe;the【解析】句意为:人们仍然相信从一所著名大学毕业的毕业生更好找工作。两空都表泛指,所以都用a表任何一个。【答案】A13(2010 浙江杭州学军中学模拟)From the top of the building,you can see at least_distance of 100 kilometers on_clear day.Athe;a B/;

10、aCthe;a Da;a【解析】a distance of.一段的距离。at a distance/in the distance在远处,都是固定搭配。【答案】D14(2010天津南开中学模拟)The party last night was_success.We sang and danced until it came to_end at 1200.Aa;an Ba;theCthe;an D/;an【解析】a success一个/件成功的人/事;a failure 一个失败/失败的人;come to an endstop结束/停止。【答案】A15(2009潍坊质检1月)Whats_sche

11、dule for this weekend?_greeting ceremony for Professor White will be held in the lecture hall.Athe;The Ba;ACthe;A Da;The【解析】句意为:这个周末的计划是什么?为怀特教授安排的一个欢迎仪式将在报告厅举行。schedule后有for this weekend,所以表特指。【答案】C16(2010福建福州八中模拟)You cant enter the building without _permission.Ive lost_permission card.Athe;a Ba;th

12、eC/;the D/;/【解析】句意为:“未经许可你不能进入大楼。”“我丢了许可证。”without permission未经许可,擅自,固定搭配;个人的许可证肯定是唯一的,所以用the,表特指。【答案】C17(2010大连双基)What do you think of_suggestion?Well,_most splendid one indeed.A/;the B/;aCthe;a Dthe;the【解析】句意为:“你认为这个建议怎么样?”“嗯,确实是一个不错的建议。”根据句意可知,第一个空用the,表示说话双方都知道的建议;第二句中most splendid后面并没有限定范围,所以mo

13、st并非最高级,而是“非常”的意思,故用a,表示“不错的建议”中的一个。【答案】C18(2010山东济南统考)The dictionary is_must for the students of_English.Athe;the Ba;aCa;/ Dthe;/【解析】句意为:对于学英语的学生来说,词典是必须有的东西。本句中的must为可数名词,常用单数形式且在口语中意为:something that you must do,see,buy,etc.必须做/看/买的东西/事情。又如:A knowledge of the English language is a must in the international trade.在国际贸易中,对英语的掌握是必要的。【答案】C


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