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1、吸血鬼日记前情提要Previously on The Vampire Diaries.唯一比你的嗜血欲望更强烈的The only thing stronger than your craving for blood竟然是你对这姑娘的爱is your love for this one girl.从你上次喝人血到现在过了多久How long has it been since you had a drop of human blood?那晚我威胁要开车带埃琳娜Since the night I threatened to drive Elena冲下维克利大桥后 就没喝过off the Wicke

2、ry bridge.看看埃琳娜身后墙上的图像Look at the images on the wall behind Elena.一棵白栎树A white oak tree出现在我们逃回旧世界三百年之后300 years after we fled back to the old world.那棵树能要了我们的命That tree could kill us.布赖恩沃尔特斯 那个验尸官Brian Walters, the medical examiner.-他又不是吸血鬼 -这是一起谋杀- Hes not a vampire. - This was a murder.你怎么不问问里克Why

3、dont you just ask Ric他那个浪荡医生if his dirty little doctor能不能拿到那些武器had access to the weapons.你觉得我杀了我的前男友You think I killed my ex-boyfriend?爸爸Dad.你本不该看那个的You werent supposed to see that.神秘瀑布镇 1912年塞尔瓦托先生 你独自往家走安全吗Will you get home all right, Mr. Salvatore?我可以派辆警车送你I could send for one of the police vehic

4、les.吹吹冬日的寒风没什么害处 福布斯警长A little winter chill never hurt anyone, sheriff Forbes.我倒是不担心寒冬Im less concerned about the cold front,而是担心你的安危more for your safety.一位委员会成员被害One councilmans murder不代表还会发生命案 杰拉徳doesnt make an epidemic, Gerald.晚安Good night.再见Night.本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作更多字幕下载 请登陆 www.YYeT翻译:草草 某羽 supe

5、r 默默 凌魂 nonopig 兔小跳 charlotte校对: 草草 米苏 时间轴:搁浅 菜六水后期:Ghost 监制:米苏你这么吼我The mysterys not gonna get solved也不能让谜案尽快破获 卡罗尔any faster with you yelling at me, Carol.已经有两位委员会成员被害We have 2 council murders还有一起谋杀未遂and an attempted murder on our hands.如果你逮捕了嫌疑人If you have a suspect,你有义务向我汇报it is your duty to keep

6、 me in the loop.不 我的义务是确保No, its my duty to make sure我不会指控一个无辜的人为连环杀人犯I dont accuse an innocent person of being a serial killer.告诉我是谁 莉兹Just tell me who it is, Liz.吸血鬼日记第三季 第十六集不是我干的I didnt do it.你怎么能逮捕他Youre arresting him?就凭那个疯子菲尔医生几句话吗For what this nut job Dr. Fell says?不 这叫拘留No, Im detaining him.

7、关你是为了你好 你受了枪伤The cell is for his own good. You were shot.菲尔医生用吸血鬼的血为你疗伤Dr. Fell used vampire blood to heal you.就是菲尔医生开枪伤了我Dr. Fell is the one who shot me.因为你拿着把刀靠近她Because you came at her with a knife.对 那把刀是在她的物品里找到的Yeah, with a knife I had found hidden in her things.我们难道要不管Are we gonna ignore the p

8、art他也曾遭凶手下毒手吗where hes one of the killers victims?他都被凶手捅死了I mean, the guy was practically stabbed to death.菲尔医生认为他的伤Well, Dr. Fell suggested his wounds可能是他自己造成的could have been self-inflicted.老天啊 你以为我自己捅死了自己吗My god, you think I stabbed myself?我认为我毫无头绪Look, I think I dont know what to think.我什么都查不到Ive

9、 got nothing只知道凶器是你的藏品except murder weapons from your stash一位受敬重的创始人家族成员and a respected member of a founding family又认为你是凶手pointing a very long finger.她给我下了套She is setting me up.-我被她陷害了 -或许是这样- Im being framed here. - Well, that may be so,但是我没有证据but I dont have any proof of that.我们能找到证据的Well, then we

10、ll find some.不行 别插手 达蒙No, just stay out of this, Damon.你插手只会坏事You getting involved is only gonna make matters worse.-莉兹啊 -别逼我把你也关起来- Listen, Liz- - Dont make me put you in that cell with him.我们是在跑马拉松吗What are we running, a marathon?你要是跟不上.If you cant keep up.埃琳娜 你再怎么跑也甩不掉你的问题Elena, you cant outrun y

11、our problems.不过看来你还是要试一试Although it looks like youre gonna try.我跟邦妮谈过了I talked to Bonnie!她说什么了What did she say?她们在她妈妈家Theyre at her moms house.艾比要完成转化Abbys gonna complete the transition.她决定要做吸血鬼了She decided to become a vampire?是的Yeah.卡罗琳会帮她度过这段时期Carolines gonna help her through it,教她自控什么的teach her c

12、ontrol and stuff.邦妮有没有说.Did Bonnie say.我能帮上什么忙吗Is there anything I can do?她知道这不怪你 埃琳娜She knows its not your fault, Elena.她就是.Shes just.难过Upset.达蒙把她妈妈变成吸血鬼是为了救我Damon turned her mom into a vampire to save my life.这绝对得怪我Its absolutely my fault.你还要让我继续跑 是不是Youre gonna make me run more, arent you?谁啊Who i

13、s it?福布斯警长 出事了吗Sheriff Forbes. Everything ok?他怎么了He what?你刚刚跟.Were you just with-里克没事Rics fine.警长让我别插手Sheriff wants me to stay out of it.但你还是要插手But youre not going to,是吗are you?不插手也挺好的Seems just as good a plan as any.你的朋友因谋杀入狱Your friends in jail for murder.你得做点什么啊You have to do something.或许我可以扯断Wel

14、l, I guess I could rip out说瞎话医生的喉咙 或者她的毒妇舌Dr. False accusations throat or maybe her tongue.我可以把她的舌头嚼成小碎片You know, I could chew it up in little, tiny pieces拿去喂松鼠and feed it to the squirrels.别闹了 达蒙Stop it, Damon.不许我插手Guess me staying out of it突然又变成好主意了 是不是suddenly sounds like a good idea, doesnt it?我昨

15、晚救了你一命I saved your life last night.不客气Youre welcome.你可以对邦妮表示出一点同情You know, you could show a little compassion about Bonnie.是啊 你说得对I know. Youre right.她和她妈妈现在一定都很痛苦Her and her mom must be really hurting right now.我该送点意面过去吗Should I send lasagna?你这就太刻薄了Ok, now youre just being mean.我刻薄 你讨厌我Im mean. You

16、 hate me.世界又回到正轨上了The earth is back on its axis.知道吗 你总这么把人推开You know what? If you keep pushing people away,最终只会孤独一生youre gonna end up alone.亲爱的日记本Dear diary,今天那只花栗鼠问我叫什么名the chipmunk asked me my name today.我说我叫乔I told him it was Joe.这个谎言会永远让我良心不安That lie will haunt me forever.你想干嘛What do you want?我想

17、跟你待一会儿I was hoping we could hang.就是兄弟之间联络感情什么的You know, a little brother bonding.我知道我们并不会真正地I mean, I know we dont actually一起玩Hang out.我们团结合作We team up.兄弟合力We join forces,激发我们的神奇双子魔力activate our wonder twin powers.你这是干嘛What are you doing?找线索Digging up clues.大部分的祖先都离开了Most of the originals are gone,但

18、现在镇上又出了疑案but we have a whodunit in town.记得我们回来参加撒迦利亚葬礼的事吗Hey, do you remember when we came back for Zachariahs funeral?略有印象 怎么了Vaguely. Why?如果我没记错Cause if memory serves,他不是那年第一个被杀的委员会成员he wasnt the first founders council member killed that year或者该说那个月or even that month.你要说什么Your point being?我想回忆那是哪一

19、年Im trying to remember what year it was.1912年1912.还说略有印象呢So much for vaguely.1912年1912.我更喜欢叫Or as I like to call it,神秘瀑布镇上一次出现连环杀手的年份last time Mystic Falls had a serial killer on its hands.离乡多年 再回故里 感觉如此陌生It feels so strange to be home again after so long away.我以为我永不会回来I thought I would never return

20、,至少不会是回来参加葬礼certainly not for a funeral.请您节哀顺变 塞尔瓦托先生Im sorry for your loss, Mr. Salvatore.听说你是撒迦利亚的远亲Im told youre a distant cousin of Zachariah.事实上我是他侄子His nephew, actually.-您是 -洛克伍德- Miss. - Lockwood.玛丽安娜洛克伍德Mariana Lockwood.这位是我的朋友萨曼莎吉尔伯特And this is my friend Samantha Gilbert.乔纳森吉尔伯特之后As in Jona

21、than Gilbert.他是我的先祖父My late grandfather.你认识他吗Did you know him?见过几面Crossed paths.抱歉 我无意.Im sorry. I dont nan to be-冒犯inappropriate.只是似乎没人愿意But no one seems to be willing与我详谈撒迦利亚的死to discuss the details of Zachariahs death.他是被人杀害的He was murdered,而且他不是第一个了and he wasnt the first.萨曼莎 别说闲话Samantha, dont b

22、e a gossip.有何不可 他有权知道Why not? He should know.他与我们一样 也是创始人家族的成员Hes a founding family like us.要小心 塞尔瓦托先生Be careful, Mr. Salvatore.现在作为本镇的创始人家族成员是有危险的Its not a good time to be a founder in this town.你最近又吃我们的亲戚了吗Have you been eating the relatives again?达蒙Damon.好久不见 弟弟Its bee a long time, brother.将近五十年了I

23、ts been almost 50 years.没想到你会来Surprised you came.难道能不来参加.And miss the funeral of-你怎么称呼他来着What do you call him?撒迦利亚叔叔吗Uncle Zachariah?你还生我的气啊I see youre still mad at me.我干嘛生你的气呢 斯特凡Why would I be mad at you, Stefan?你把我变成了吸血鬼You made me become a vampire,现在我独自闯荡这个世界 还吸食人血and now I walk the world alone

24、drinking other peoples blood.你会不会把这股气撒在我们侄子撒迦利亚身上了Any chance you took it all out on our nephew Zachariah?如果没记错If Im not mistaken,是你杀了我们自家人you were the one who killed our family members.愿父亲安息May our father rest in peace.我现在不是那种人了 达蒙Im not like that anymore, Damon.那恭喜了 斯特凡Well, congratulations, Stefan

25、.请见谅 我的永生要在If youll excuse me, Id like to live out my eternal existence尽可能远离你的地方度过as far away from you as possible.达蒙 等等Damon, wait.我们去喝一杯吧Lets grab a drink,叙叙旧catch up.我很想你 哥哥Ive missed you, brother.好啊Sure.未尝不可Why not?怎么样 老弟What do you say, brother?去喝个烂醉啊You wanna go get drunk?我懂了Ah. I get it.懂了I g

26、et it.你无聊了Youre bored.你的好朋友锒铛入狱Your best friends in jail,你一个人不知道该干嘛好and you dont have anything better to do with yourself.有这原因Well, theres that.还有呢.And.我希望你能帮我解决谋杀案I was hoping you could help me solve a murder.谢谢你能来见我 镇长Thank you for meeting with me, mayor.我想你作为维护协会的会长I figured as head of the preser

27、vation society,来问你本社区内youd be a good person to ask最古老的树木再合适不过了about the oldest trees in this community.洛克伍德家的女人历代保存这些记录A long line of Lockwood women used to keep those records当时她们都没有正式的工作呢back before any of them had actual jobs.我去过了创始人档案馆Ive been to the founders archive,但我找不到我想找的那棵树的记录but I cant see

28、m to find any record of the tree Im looking for.大概是被砍掉了吧It probably got cut down.二十世纪初 那些高大的老树建起了半个小镇Big odl trees built half this town in the 1900s.九点钟方向 女魔头Ho. She-devil, 9 oclock.你知道那段时期的Do you happen to know who kept伐木场账簿是由谁保管的吗the milling ledgers during that period?那时的伐木场都是塞尔瓦托家的Back then, all

29、the logging mills were owned by the Salvatores.那个验尸官So what does the medical examiner,比尔福布斯和阿拉里克萨尔茨曼有什么共同点Bill Forbes, and Alaric Saltzman have in common?好了 别敲了Come on. Knock it off.兽性大发之后突然戒血You know, quitting blood cold turkey after a ripper binge,或许不是最佳方式probably not the best approach.每次你走极端的时候Ev

30、ery time you play that all-or-nothing game,最终结果都是杀人无数you eventually leave a trail of bodies,现在正是so Im thinking nows a good time掌握节制的好时机to pay our old friend moderation a visit.他们都是委员会的成员 达蒙They were all on the founders council, Damon.这就是他们的共同点Thats what they have in common.干嘛非害他们But why them, huh?布赖

31、恩沃尔特斯和阿拉里克又不是创始人家族的Brian Walters and Alaric werent from founding families.我是说I mean, hey,如果非要害委员会的成员也杀核心人物啊if you gotta slaughter council members, go A-list.至少1912年的时候 还杀了个塞尔瓦托呢At least in 1912, they killed a Salvatore.杀了哪个塞尔瓦托呢Which Salvatore would that be?警长 你得认同Youll have to agree, sheriff,我没有动机t

32、heres no motive here.验尸官和Look, both the medical examiner我前夫在死前都曾and my ex-husband got into altercations和梅雷迪思菲尔发生过争执with Meredith Fell Before their deaths.她说你目睹了她和布赖恩沃尔特斯的争吵Now, she said you were a witness to her fight with Brian Walters.你这什么意思 我是在维护她吗So what are you saying, that I was defending her

33、honor?我那时还不怎么了解她呢I barely knew her then.她说她还跟你说过比尔威胁说She said she also told you Bill threatened要向医学委员会检举她给他用吸血鬼血to report her to the Medical Board for giving him vampire blood.她没说过No, she didnt.他被杀当晚你们凌晨两点钟通过电话A 2 a.m. call on the night he was killed?我查了你的通话记录I pulled your records.你们聊了一个多小时You spoke

34、 with her for over an hour.好吧 我.Ok. I, uh.没错 我.Yes, I.我记得我给她打过电话 但是.I remember calling her, but I-我喝醉了I was drinking, and I-我不记得我们谈什么了I dont remember the conversation.那布赖恩沃尔特斯被杀当晚你有不在场证明吗Well, do you have an alibi for the night Brian Walters was killed?那晚为大桥筹款的晚会我也在I was there the night of the bridg

35、e fundraiser, ok,我待到了午夜 你在那儿看见我了until midnight. You saw me there.死亡时间是凌晨一点到三点间Time of death was between 1:00 and 3 a.m.那.Well, then, I-我一定是在家睡觉呢I must have been home sleeping, Im sure.我能确定Im sure of it.撒迦利亚塞尔瓦托是你们的侄子So Zachariah Salvatore was your nephew?内战期间 我们的父亲搞大了一个女仆的肚子Well, our father knocked

36、up one of the maids during the civil war.她生下一个儿子She had a son.就别人所知 我和斯特凡都死了But as far as everyone else knew, Stefan and I were dead.总得有人续香火Family name had to go somewhere.那时候你们家族拥有伐木场 对吗And, uh, your family owned the logging mills back then.你真是十万个为什么Youre full of a lot of questions.我就是研究一下小镇历史Im ju

37、st researching the town history.毕竟我是在这儿长大的I grew up here, after all.你没必要掩藏你真实的目的 金发妹You know, you dont have to disguise Your true motives. Blondie bex.要是还想滚床单 说一声就是了If you want more sex, just ask for it.再醉也不会跟你滚了Not enough liquor in the world.少装愤恨了 我们滚得多爽啊On, come on. It was too good for you to be t

38、his hostile.请原谅我弟弟Youll have to excuse my little brother.他想喝O阳性血了Hes jonesing for some o-positive.我没渴血Im not jonesing.凶手抓到了吗So they ever catch the killer?没Nope.都赖在吸血鬼的头上了Wrote it all off on vampires.或许就是吸血鬼干的呢Maybe it was a vampire.是啊Yeah.或许就是个吸血鬼呢 达蒙Yeah, maybe it was a vampire, Damon.你以为我没想过会是你干的吗

39、 弟弟Dont think for a second you didnt cross my mind, too, brother.不过这几起凶案不是你的风格啊But these murders werent your style, were they?再说当时附近没有别的吸血鬼了Plus there were no other vampires circulating then.当时还有一个吸血鬼Well, there was one other vampire.记得塞姬吗Remember Sage?对啊Oh, right.塞姬Sage.那才是会滚床单的女人呢Speaking of great

40、 sex.-你喝够了 -女士们先生们- Maybe youve had enough. - Ladies and gentlemen.别打落水狗啊Hit a man when hes down.卖掉你的马 都来看看Sell your horse. Come one and all洛杉矶世博会的中量级冠军to see the San Francisco world fair Middleweight champion.最历害的对手被击败了.greatest foe down.女士们先生们 准备迎接今晚的盛况Get ready, ladies and gentlemen, for an eveni

41、ng-还有谁Whos next?能打败我的男人给你一百元$100 to any man who can beat me.我可以教你怎么不靠吸食人血生存I can teach you how to survive without human blood, you know.轮不到你教育我怎么生活You do not get to lecture me on how to live my life,以后不行了not anymore.你叫什么Whats your name?不感兴趣Not interested.不感兴趣先生Well, Mr. Not interested,依我看你是个好赌之徒You

42、seem to me like a gambling man.恐怕你是看错了我Im afraid you have me all wrong.太可惜了Well, thats too bad.我认识一个叫塞姬的I knew a Sage once.没用的小东西Trashy little thing.你真的认为当时是塞姬You really think it was Sage杀了那些创始人家族的成员吗who was killing all those founders back then?当时神秘瀑布镇上的男子都受到了盘查Town questioned every grown man in Mys

43、tic Falls.或许他们就没想到会是女人下的毒手Probably never occurred to them that a woman could have done it.我要做个手术Im due in surgery.不管你要为阿拉里克做什么申诉Whatever case youre gonna make against Alaric,有话快说make it quick.我不必做申诉I dont have to make a case.他是无辜的He didnt do anything.你怎么知道How do you know?你跟他一起生活 他照顾你Sure you live wi

44、th him, he takes care of you,但你真的了解他吗but do you really know anything about him?我了解的够多了I know enough.我告诉你我了解到了什么Let me tell you what I know.他21岁前曾四次因斗殴被捕He was arrested for fighting 4 times before the age of 21.他在杜克上学时 他未来的妻子伊泽贝尔When he was at Duke, his future wife Isobel两次申请了对他的禁令filed a restraining order against him twice.不过她后来嫁给了他Although then she married him,所以这大概更能说明她的人品so I guess that says more about her.这都是你编造的吧Ok, youre making all of this up.是吗Am I?你怎么会知道How would you know?你可怜一个精神不稳定的酒鬼


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