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1、Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 第四课时 Section B(2a2b),上凸戍澡蒲光啥雍奠早搭挽曰阳墅濒亩灯哟互璃参靳车饲缠谐额网脚矗池八上同步练习Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise第四课时SectionB(2a-2b)莲山课件http:/ 1They went _in the country last week and they had a good time. 2What are you doing? I _TV. 3Whats the _ of the football match? Five to three. 4Thirty _

2、 of our students like English. 5We often do all kinds of _ after school.,percent,camping,am watching,result,camp , watch , result , percent , activity,activities,美啡惩亏鸟饯喂蔓汾腹元簿部竖音制滞住芜荡碍利荧参媚肺酗逝后借猩曹八上同步练习Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise第四课时SectionB(2a-2b)莲山课件http:/ 6My friends asked me a lot about _(watch) TV

3、. 7When they heard the bad news,they were _ (surprise) 8His father exercises for at _(little) two hours each day. 9Whats your brother doing now? He _ (use) the Internet. 10Whats the use of _(listen) to the tapes?,watching,surprised,least,is using,listening,憎布核敢谩龟霜龙罕挛烫钱汹腕寄控酬产查福哆绊囚贪疗幂种帐谨眠炭釜八上同步练习Unit2

4、Howoftendoyouexercise第四课时SectionB(2a-2b)莲山课件http:/ 1Twenty _(百分之) of our class like using the Internet. 2He has three _(在线的) friends and they talk every day. 3 (尽管) he is only five years old,he can speak three languages. 4Can you tell me the _(结果) about what your favorite program is? 5Last week my f

5、ather bought a new _(电视 机),online,percent,Although,result,television,容迢餐韵炙迹麻碰灾流渔尚掩痊徽拣脉跟冯袋摸搜乎滓孔萎踊蛤俺彩谊钙八上同步练习Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise第四课时SectionB(2a-2b)莲山课件http:/ 6Frank lives a poor life _ he has lots of money. Aalthough Bbecause Cso Dif 7“70% of the students like watching TV” means “_ students lik

6、e watching TV.” AAll BSome CMost DNo 8Although the food I cooked wasnt delicious,_ I could cook myself. Aat least Bat last Cbecause of Dat all 9He has _ online friend from Guangxi. A/ Ban Cthe 10Here _ my family photos. Ais Bam Care Dwas,A,C,A,B,C,低圃曝太绿留搏胡圈外邪毡死政瓦淬霞筷绞诅逸松牙絮斋徐毖屈呐叶射筷八上同步练习Unit2Howoftend

7、oyouexercise第四课时SectionB(2a-2b)莲山课件http:/ 11My brother likes listening to music _ 12The boys play football _ ,not for money. 13I _ like junk food _Its bad for my health. 14Mr. Zhang _every day,so he knows whats happening in the world. 15He plays basketball so well. I think he is _eight years old.,in

8、 his free time,for fun,dont,at all,watches TV,at least,watch TV ,in ones free time ,not.at all ,at least ,for fun,惧磋吞炔铲寻卵矫扭曹丫使似葫情诞瑚超功锻幂桐松蘑参粟淑栅憋怖羔羌八上同步练习Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise第四课时SectionB(2a-2b)莲山课件http:/ 16你想去乡村野营吗? Do you want to _ 17他一点儿也不感觉累。 He doesnt feel tired _ 18汤姆每周使用因特网一到五次。 Tom uses the Internet _times a week. 19这个问题的答案非常有趣。 The _is very interesting. 20学习英语的最好方法是用英语。 _to learn English is to use English.,go camping in the country?,at all,four to five,answer to this question,The best way,厢釉链低邑荡秦枪痈营灿醚驻撑钻弘笔箕批丘蕉艇儒绿弘龙邢构放婆电氓八上同步练习Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise第四课时SectionB(2a-2b)莲山课件http:/


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