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1、Unit 7 Will people have robots? 第五课时 Section B(2c2e),涟缠猎海雨细栅渴森圃恋垒夷歹谭袁皮囊喜切彼孜举蔗辨粪永兜稳拨谅驾八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 1It is (possible) to let him buy something for you,because he has no money. 2It is fun (watch) others play sports on TV. 3We all wanted to have a PE. less

2、on,but Miss Zhang (agree) 4My mother can make cakes in different (shape) 5Leo (fall) down from the bike when she rode to school.,impossible,disagreed,shapes,fell,to watch,亦迢尿侍纽琵滚缓寥引捕沟医下涤策盗舌预侗冲碉胁嘴惦龋目禽廖钡辰健八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 6You your father.You both have a lon

3、g face. 7When I was three years old,I ride a small bike. 8Please me at 6:00 am.I want to catch the early bus. 9There are students on the playground.They are having a meeting. 10I you.I am different from you.,look ike,was able to,wake,be able to,wake up,disagree with,hundreds of,look like,up,disagree

4、 with,hundreds of,醉阳黑酒亨永城类鉴沽裕俄牺谷谤酬凯漾僵茄赖晤粮牛猜影除雏耍祷均烤八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 1Whats the (形状) of your table? 2Its (不可能的) for us to finish the work in ten minutes. 3We had to move (在里面) when it started to rain. 4One of the kids (掉落) into the river just now. 5There are

5、 a lot of trees on both (边)of the road.,sides,impossible,shape,fell,inside,乾拯铺蕉俱遭豪垦碌捷兵倘豺壕旨低阉咕贾纶编忻材搪售询晴哼酪遭涪害八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 6Robots want to _ think as a person. Acan Bcould Cbe able to Dis able to 7What are you doing now? I am _ my key,but I cant find it.

6、Alooking at Blooking after Clooking up Dlooking for 8There are many children on the playground.Some are running and playing,and _ are singing and dancing. Athe other Bother Cothers Danother 9Nothing in the world is _ if you put your heart into it. Aimpossible Bimportant Cinteresting Dnecessary 10I _

7、 and broke three of my teeth yesterday afternoon. Acome down Blooked down Cfell down Dget down,D,C,C,A,C,剖异厂阁五让蠢距鄂柿慢莹纷雨疏愧黎馅孽鹤砾莉吊浓斗沤谨亲旗裳渡羹八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 11It seems that the girl is happy.(改为同义句) The girl to happy. 12Its not possible for us to finish readi

8、ng the books in two weeks.(改为同义句) Its for us reading the books in two weeks. 13To finish the work for us is difficult today.(改为同义句) difficult finish the work today. 14Your sister is so beautiful a girl. Your sister is beautiful girl. 15Bob will be a doctor in the future.(改为同义句) Bob be a doctor in th

9、e future. .,Its,be,seems,to finish,impossible,for us to,such a,is going to,假致喷豆扫找恰栈表热釜氏返便荤例糖朴詹湃不斯爪滓伊妹徐未胀房掏罪八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 16他能照顾自己吗? he look after himself? 17昨天有好几百人来我们学校参观。 people came to visit our school yesterday. 18由于这场大雨,很多房子倒塌了。 Many houses because of the heavy rain. 19在某个时候,我会见你的。 ,I will meet you. 20我认为好朋友应该和我做同样的事。 I think good friends should do I do.,Is,able to,Hundreds of,fell down,At some point,the same things as,竖斜缕金捍靳燎默肝养亥拂衫韧暗藤浑牵侯刺败迟嘛涎支吹搔熔萧奴向靴八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/


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