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1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,漫氮麓避押狰灸雾保勉朗及萨李弧影敢莆轰恢余际勾粪畦肢慈龋墅糜系金八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,Section A 2 3a-3c,娟填泻趴枉宴刁杖玩河标搽找薪硅限酵蔡寐一篙坎邱与宝膝猪胸跳约路滁八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,Which is the highest mountain in the world? Which is

2、 the longest river in Asia? ,Revision,蛋肋刑漳誉脚框阀散罕宙桃释驮轮宣魄采炼子辞尔萌否惋侍嘱芭卖傲唐越八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,freezing adj. 极冷的; 冰冻的,nature n. 大自然,thick adj. 厚的;浓的,New words,仿妖需善便舱擎狈呼宪月综肋衷管唁民犀堑饼腹篮咽绣诣筹羌款颈漂楔镀八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,achievement sout

3、hwestern thick include freezing condition take in,n. 成就;成绩 adj. 西南的;西南方向的 adj. 厚的;浓的 v. 包括;包含 adj. 极冷的;冰冻的 n. 条件;状况 吸入;吞入(体内),Words review,伊蹭主丧翼擂斟宣讯颂脾闯蔓稳鼠番尝老开矽矗株益虞举贾裤佯贵湖兜魁八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,succeed challenge in the face of achieve force nature even though,v. 实

4、现目标;成功 v.&n. 挑战;考验 面对(问题、困难等) v. 达到;完成;成功 n. 力;力量 n. 自然界;大自然 =even if 即使;虽然,Words review,山砌季晴络揭崩戒搏播欺团吨盒殃硝绳吨俘饯罢窜究絮庞榨读愧票玩博脏八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,What do you know about Qomolangma? Talk about Qomolangma in pairs.,Pre-reading,咨豫惰浓希炳墨别蚊纸义秃钱啊关左噬术犁屉嘴涵既氖掉轴蒂懈誊拢鸵巡八年级Unit7S

5、ectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,自读文章,在书中划出重点、疑点后,翻译下列短语。先独立完成,后小组商议。,1.最危险的山峰 2.世界上最危险的运动之一 3.登山(名词短语)/(动词短语),the most dangerous mountain,one of the worlds most dangerous sports,mountain climbing/climb mountains,Reading,鲍建颅立砂饥沦织芍衣燃膝绕冯烩碧皑吵采住蔓丙柬犀示勘饰奇郊娄州往八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八

6、年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,4.来自世界各地的登山者 5.横亘于中国的西南边界 6.在所有的山峰中 7.厚厚的云层,the climbers from all over the world,run along the southwestern part of China,of all the mountains,thick clouds,达澳拈车邱愚侯坞圈贷简涎穆谊主岔釜烟腥弱拱琼趋眯培留拈筛毕爷咏哼八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,8.更为严重的困难 9.寒冷的天气状况和强劲的暴

7、风雪 10.首次到达珠穆朗玛峰顶的人,more serious difficulties,freezing weather conditions and heavy storms,the first people to reach the top of Qomolangma,烯怜缀撞露彤积肇颐够帽凰仑辆潘傍憎靶美墓烁两毕芝苹灰颤粉淆伺亦绳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,Read the article and match each paragraph with the main ideas.,Paragrap

8、h 1 spirit of climbers Paragraph 2 achievements of climbers Paragraph 3 facts and dangers,3a,胳姑秩匆妖鹊威傈饶魏锻淫推滔虱俊仁撤嘿抄惰栓钧禹沏挝阅宴占芍腾毅八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,One of the most _ sports in the world is mountain _, and one of the most _ places to go for this is the Himalayas. T

9、hese extremely high _ attract _ from all over the world. Many people say this is one of the most _ parts of the world.,According to the passage, fill in the blanks.,dangerous,climbing,popular,risk,climbers,famous,琴冉员挞悔称想畦孽怔决扯瓤见忠乐渣描矩优足方簧之腕差琐洁呐素隅茶八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中

10、学莫芳,The Himalayas _ along the _ border of china. Of all the peaks (tops), Qomolangma is the _ and most _. Its _ to climb Qomolangma because thick clouds _ the top of the mountain. Even more serious _ include the freezing _ conditions and the _ storms.,runs,southwestern,highest,famous,the hardest,cov

11、er,difficulties,weather,heavy,芬撵豁厉坝众涕詹警供仑育深果越姆耸磋瞻仰颅协宙昼列瑰柠毁裳吠剖扳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,The first _ to reach the top of Qomolangma Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary did it in 1953. The first Chinese climber _ the top in 1960, and in 1975, the first _ did it too.,peop

12、le,reached,woman,Read the article again, and answer the following questions.,卞院什翰伎衫午濒蚁钠碴体缎辞茁舰船炊嗅彻攻莱晋洋没权咱筛安窗拆辐八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,1. What a mountain is Himalayas? 2. Why is it dangerous to climb Qomolangma? 3. When did the first Chinese reach the top of Qomolang

13、ma?,Its one of the most popular places for mountain climbing.,Because thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard.,In 1960.,鬃篙熟膊拦盯疽砍朔浙喂诚民馆器钙椅稿捅贯干蔬纶游削庙韵朵匿鹅粕认八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,Read the article again and complete the chart.,3b,茬扼歼孪胺美巧濒昼演僚寐枷福鄙措斜蠕痢董漫朽邦旦

14、斯杨屈策喉祈辽伦八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,滇徘芯咙卿渡庆较经借腔革代淋谅衰诺趴讳耗序候熊惩搂陆斥醉免简翌诺八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,Answer the questions using information from the article.,1. Where are the Himalayas? 2. How high is Qomolangma?,In the southwestern part of Ch

15、ina.,8,844.43 meters high.,3c,艾悦海份尹真绷蓖饮睹耘诸贯奄狼宁饯燕蹄甘翼莲胃循暑遵拾驾定抵焚杆八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,3. Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even though it is dangerous? 4. What does the spirit of the climbers tell us?,Because people want to challenge themselves in th

16、e face of difficulties.,We should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.,满俐牧伟武茅震猖忆肇蕾桨檀妮禽汉渠伸杨删差儿实叹爱烫受彬确患勋仟八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,Retell the article, then preview the Grammar focus.,Homework,炼涅负钉弛呢缕南某墒侦曲株焚评名攻蒙惕寸纵咖词赖完陷卯遁稍稚苍苗八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,嫡厩渊湘丑鹿酪岩军诣棚陋羽习厢适粉赵场嫁唉瀑缩公淌勃输讣掣摩悔掌八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳八年级Unit7SectionA2富源县大河镇第一中学莫芳,


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