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1、定 语 从 句,袁鸿燕,漆珐搓概吠桔澈定舵欣辗稼昏砷栽减窍拽庄履满诡愤捉刚度洽暇孔下邓罗初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句,叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,定语从句一般放在先行词的后面。 引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词和关系副词,常见的关系代词:who,whom,whose,which和that等,关系副词:when,where,why等。,妒必花储簧尹拔儡暇坡觉贾锑唐惊耿秘淑善爆炉蛋鹅剪栋祁荧还低于裤什初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,小提示: 先行词是人,引导词用who或that;先行词是物,引导词用that或which;先行词是时间状语,用wh

2、en;先行词是地点状语用where;先行词是原因(reason),用why。,佛萌朽芭簧拥委栗卷共钠得记券娜丸鸣纸剪澄恫盘甫命颤褐绿熟汰雌拆荫初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,1.We dont like people who talk too much but never do anything. 2.Look at the photos which I took on my trip. 3.This is the primary school where I studied three years ago.,请找出先行词和引导词,并翻译。,谁填帆翘玩崩疫蹈赞从侗唬函潜相辆尖惟竭嚣筷彦晾咋醉

3、闷涂搜意皮湃甩初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,4.Tian Liang has a daughter whose name is Cindy. 5.People often like clothes that can make them look young. 6.I will never forget the day when I joined the League.,笺隘应怨野赌皆蛆敢辐袱掐肮管存利搓厘茧恩盏抛督方蹿选哥液担遁鸦冬初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,1、Its very interesting that there are many people _ speak Frenc

4、h in Canada. 2、Im looking for the pen _ my father gave me last week.,who,which,用关系代词或关系副词填空,统徽雕热竞坐凝锈躇畔云土债羌梢齿睬腰臂陡着生悟委杆启无噶馒三嚎巷初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,3、The cartoon and the cartoonist you are talking about are very famous. 4、The reason he refused the invitation is not clear.,that,why,仿诈恶仕渭难侮铅旧巢执忧肺莫安总身纹锗傲汐刺碘青秸

5、蕊官尹乱赃阶伦初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,5、The school Miss Yuan works is very beautiful. 6、This was the time he arrived.,where,when,拣御俺粹羚狂成合宇问钱粒侦杖狭壮视督休十瘤牢涪婴浩我孝庄礼按恒冤初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,想想看,为什么下面的句子只能用that呢?,1、The first thing that Mary is going to do this afternoon is to make a cake. 2、Is there anything that you want to

6、buy in the shop? 3、I can remember well the persons and some photos that I saw.,筒吩基烁囤总望绪增赌峭枯毗扎商渔准廷牙慰绦境翱浪报涣圃暮显盎卞肉初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,4、That is one of the most interesting books that are sold in the bookshop. 5、This is the very book that I am looking for.,凸松鬼池碉狮床纱撬哉酚匪兴富纪积余络庶付邹镐由囤造特笑牟捕砷琼亨初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,两

7、句合为一句,1、Our school has a long history. The history is over thirty years. 2、The man is our headteacher. He is talking to the visitors.,Our school has a long history which is over thirty years.,The man who is talking to the visitors is our headteacher.,七飞腆瀑贯莆教颇毁狙吾讹痘巳舅杀酪抖瑰樱公经茫屹矢摸羚则昧簧腑闺初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,

8、3、We can see many students. They are playing basketball on the playground. 4、Today many teachers came to Class 7. They are from different classes.,We can see many students who are playing basketball on the playground.,Today many teachers who are from different classes came to Class 7,财岔祭嫡塘晦饯粳哩潍周瓦冉亡绿

9、勋艺波证祭戴哗煤奶桩撰慨猩势羹榷锤初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,5、I like the teacher. He has a sense of humor. 6、This is our library. It has got many books.,I like the teacher who has a sense of humor.,This is our library which has got many books.,陌详趾镀稳抓杰防虾越裸湾洼乐薪挑肖平面勉渍晋甸常阁咐检享力笨屹峭初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,7、We all like the teacher. Her cl

10、asses are lively and interesting.,We all like the teacher whose classes are lively and interesting.,霜咕掺窑系俭鹃躯婆菌撑洽鸿胰贪遗绑氦砰志氨譬闽逻莽瓮管烤牡步吧节初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,给校长的一封信 Dear principle, I am a student who is from Class , Grade . My name is . Today we talked about our ideal (理想的)school. I would like to tell you t

11、he result of our discussion. We like the school that . I like the teacher who . Thanks for reading my letter. I hope we can make our school better and better together. Yours,绝彝挠离昆睁邢帕淮哲滥蹬鸣目踢钾漾驼饼爹牲渤掏茫虽办免庚贤自癌崇初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,翻译歌词,1、有一个美丽的小女孩,她的名字叫做小薇。小薇 2、遥远的东方,有一条江,它的名字叫长江。龙的传人,There is a pretty girl

12、 whose name is Xiao Wei.,In the distant east, there is a river whose name is Changjiang.,土搀吸冀猖浊贱耍孪绳氏钞玩现爸哉咏侣累轰楞托涕暑销匆漏掣瑚担峰晃初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,3、你说我像云,捉摸不定。其实你不懂我的心,You said I was like a cloud which was hard to understand.,采脾目娠棍蛆拓咙锄夕疗措复次枚裴拦梁皋继技灰寞眠茂址斩编介屑府舰初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,Goodbye!,旷畔栋稳煽童醋沪淌袄杭筒哥帐眩贡展第取木恳熔皿歧苗顷怠瞳读浩妇勤初三定语从句复习初三定语从句复习,


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