[信息与通信]chapter 11-2.ppt

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《[信息与通信]chapter 11-2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[信息与通信]chapter 11-2.ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、例9:正弦电源激励 已知iL(0_)=1A,us=10sin(t+45)V,求开关闭合后 iL(t),K(t=0),iL,+ us ,解:(1) iL(0+)=1A (2) 求稳态解,1H,2 ,iL =4.47sin(t+18.43)A iL(0+) =4.47sin18.43=1.414A (3)=0.5s (4)由三要素法: iL(t)=4.47sin(t+18.43)+(11.414) e2t = 4.47sin(t+18.43)0.414 e2t (A),The circuit looks like 2th-order but in fact two 1st-order.,Examp

2、le 11-10 on page 263,例:t0时电路处于稳态,求t0+后uL(t)和uC(t)。,3 ,1F,K(t=0),1 ,+ 12v ,+ uc ,+ 10v ,1 H,2 ,+ uL,解:iL(0+)=i L(0_)=12/(1+3)=3A, uC(0+)= uC(0_)= 3 3=9V iL()=( 12-10)/1=2A, uC()=10V L =1/1=1s, C =2 1 =2s 所以: t0+后 iL(t)=2+(3-2) et A=2+ et A uL(t)=1 d iL(t)/dt = et V uC (t) =10+(9 10) e0.5t =10 e0.5t V

3、,iL,练习题: 题1:图为一种测速装置原理图。A、B为金属丝,相距1m。当子弹匀速地击断A再击断B时,测得uc=8V,求子弹的速度。,10 ,V,10 V,100F,A,B,解:设子弹击断A为t=0,子弹击断A后求三要素: uC(0+)= uC(0_)=0 , uC () =10V, =1010-4=1ms 击断B之前, uC (t) =10(1 e1000t )V t=T时B被击断, uC (T) =10(1 e1000T )=8 解得:T=1.6ms 最后得子弹速度:,+,题2:t0时电路处于稳态,t=0时K闭合,求开关闭合后i(t)。,2 ,K(t=0),1 ,+ 4.5V,1.2 H

4、,3 ,解:iL(0+)=i L(0_)=4.5/3+4.5/(1+2)=3A iL()=4.5/3=1.5A =1.2/(3|2)=1s 所以:iL(t)=1.5+(3-1.5) et A=1.5+1.5 et A,i,i L,解:(1)iL(0+)=i L(0_)=4.5/3+4.5/(1+2)=3A 可用叠加定理、等效变换、支路电流法求i(0+)。 2 (i(0+)-4.5)+3 (i(0+)-4.5+3)=4.5, i(0+)=3.6A (2) i()=4.5/1=4.5A (3) =1.2/(3|2)=1s 所以:i(t)=4.5+(3.64.5) et A=4.50.9 et A,

5、 t0+,Method 2:,综合题1:如图所示电路,N为含源线性电阻网络,当t0时电路处于稳态,t=0时开关K闭合,已知uC(0-)=8V,R=1, ,C=0.25F,求 a、b间电压u(t), t0。,uC(0+)=8V, uC()=4V,0.5s u(t)=4+2e-2t (V),综合题2:如图所示电路,NR为线性无源电阻网络(互易网络),换路前电路已处于稳态,t=0时开关K由1的位置打到2的位置,求换路后的电压uC(t)和电流i1(t)。 已知C=0.05F,,,,。,uC(0+)=20V, uC()=25,0.5s uC(t)=25-5e-2t (V),i(t)=0.5e-2t-2

6、(A),,11.5 Step Response of First-Order Circuit,一、阶跃函数 1、 the unit step function 单位阶跃函数,(t),0 t 0- 1 t 0+,t,1,0,2、电压、电流阶跃幅值为K, 记为K(t),t,1,0,t0,(t- t0),0 t t0- 1 t t0+,2v,C,K(t =0),+ 2 (t) ,C,f(t)= 2 (t) 2 (t3),f(t)=10 (t)15 (t2)+ 5 (t3),to model the switch in practice表示工程中的开关,3、电路中引入阶跃函数的意义,可以起始任一连续函

7、数,标定时间范围,t,0,f(t),t,0 6,f(t) (t6),t,0,u(t),0,3et (t),t 0的 u(t),t,求出阶跃响应就可以求冲激响应,3et,二、Step response 阶跃响应,1、单位阶跃响应: 电路对于单位阶跃输入的零状态响应,记为s(t)。,+ (t) ,C,+ uc(t) ,R,uc(t)的单位阶跃响应:,2、阶跃响应:A (t)-As(t),例1: 求零状态响应u2,t/s,5,0 2,us /V,+ us ,10K,100pF,+ u2 ,解:us= 5 (t) 5 (t210-6)V 求u2的单位阶跃响应s(t): u2(0+)=1V, u2()=

8、0, =1 s,激励为us时,电路的响应为:,解:unit step response is:,激励为us =61(t)时,电路的全响应为:,例2: With the same initial condition, u=e100t V given that us=0; u=63e100t V given that us=12 (t) V时. Find the complete response of u if us=6 (t) V.,线性 RC 网络,+ u0 ,+ us ,12-7 Impulse Response 一阶电路的冲激响应,一、 Impulse function冲激函数 1、 T

9、he unit impulse function单位冲激函数,t,0,(t),1,2、What Impulse voltage or current means? i= 5(t) 冲激电流强度为5库仑 u=8 (t) 冲激电压强度为8韦伯,例1:已知uc(0-)=0,求uc(0+),C,(t),+ uc(t) ,解: uc(0+)=1/c,3. The relationship between the unit impulse function and the unit step function:,4. Sifting (sampling) property: (筛分),f(t)(t) =

10、f(0)(t);f(t)(tt0)= f(t0)(tt0),t,0 2 3 ,f(t),1、unit impulse response 单位冲激响应 h(t) the zero-state response with the unit impulse function excitation. 2、求h(t)的方法: 方法一:(1)在0-,0+,uC、iL跃变,求出 uC(0+)、 iL(0+) (2)在0+,激励为零,求零输入响应。 方法二:1(t)s(t) ;(t)h(t),二、impulse response 冲激响应,L,iL,+ (t) ,R,方法一: (1)t在0-,0+,(2)t在

11、0+,,+ uL(t) ,方法二:,求冲击响应iL,If unit step response is :,Then unit impulse response is :,例5:,解: (1)求iL的单位阶跃响应SiL(t): iL(0+)=0, iL ()= iC(0+)=1/6 A, 1=RC=1/25 s,NR,+ (t) ,(t),10F ic,4H,(3)求uL的单位冲激响应huL(t):,(2)求uL的单位阶跃响应SuL(t):,12-8 Second-Order Circuits二阶动态电路,+ uc ,C,R,+ Us ,K(t=0),i(t), uL +,以uC为变量: 以uL

12、为变量:,A second-order circuit is characterized by a second-order differential equation. It consists of resistors and the equivalent of two energy storage elements.,Find uC, i, iL,if us=0,zero-input response if uC(0+)=0,iL(0+)=0,zero-state response,uC,i,iL = particular solution + homogeneous solution,S

13、teady response Forced response,Transient response Natural response,The characteristic equation: LCS2+RCS+1=0 The natural frequencies (固有频率) :,二、RLC串联电路动态过程性质,t,过阻尼非振荡情况和临界阻尼非振荡情况: uC(0+)=2V, i(0+)=0,+ uc ,0.33F,4,K(t=0),i(t),+ uL ,1H,拐点,Zero-input response,+ uc ,K(t=0),i(t),+ uL ,欠阻尼振荡情况: uC(0+)=2V,

14、 i(0+)=0,0.4,0.96F,1H,C放电 L充电,C放电 L放电,C充电 L放电,C放电 L充电,C充电 L放电,C充电 L放电,Zero-input response,+ uc ,C,R,+ Us ,K(t=0),i(t), uL +,Zero-state response,t,uC,underdamped case,控制系统建模,研究稳定性,上升时间,超调量。,例1:某电路的微分方程为 则电路的固有频率为:,A 1,3 B -1,-3 C -1,3 D -1j3,通解形式为:A Ke3t B Ket C K1 et +K2e3t D Ket cos(3t+),答案:B、C,要确定

15、u: u=u+K1 et +K2e3t u(0+)=( ),例2: LC振荡回路,L=1/16H,C=4F,uC(0+)=1V,iL(0+)=1A,求零输入响应uC(t)及iL(t),C,iL,+ uc ,解:,电路为欠阻尼振荡,设uC(t)=Asin(2t+),初值uC(0+)=1V, uC(0+)= iL(0+)/C=0.25V/s 代入初值:,Asin =1 2Acos =0.25,所以,A=1.01 =83,所以,This is an undamped response case when p1,2 are pure imaginary.,C,bi,+ (t) ,L,i,例3:已知R=2,L=1H,C=0.01F,问b为何值时电路为临界阻尼情况?此时动态特性如何?,R,解:,时,为临界阻尼非振荡,bi,i,R,+ u ,i,


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