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1、与研究生漫谈科研方法 -读什么,想什么,谈什么,写什么?,刘润清 中国外语教育研究中心 北京外国语大学,一、宗旨,1、宗旨:We train scholars, not practitioners. 三年,你们不仅会学点什么知识,更重要的是你会变一个人。你的兴趣、价值观、生活目的、前进方向等,都会不同。会成为一个受过教育的人,有文化的人,有教养的人,有思想的人,有看法、会思维、有科学头脑的人,不盲目的人,会做科研的人,最好成为一名学者。有希望成为国家顶尖的5% 的人才。你们不是来学点技术、facts、知识。别把读研当职场培训,而是 to improve your mindmake it mor

2、e reflexive, more critical,一、宗旨,more creative. That is an educated mind, a thinking mind, an inquisitive mind, not just a technical mind. Einstein: “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school”. Small minds talk about people. Average minds talk about events. Grea

3、t minds talk about ideas.,一、宗旨,“Most teachers waste their time by asking questions which are intended to discover what a pupil does not know, whereas the true art of questioning has for its purpose to discover what the pupil knows or is capable of knowing. ” 从四个方面讲: 读什么?怎么读?想什么? 怎么想?谈什么?与谁谈? 写什么?怎么写

4、?,二、读好书,读经典,读好书 读经典,二、读好书,读经典,1)读好教材、好的入门性的书、好原著、读期刊、古今经典(大家之作)、读名刊(领域里最权威的)(不能光读入门性的书了)。 强调要读经典。读原著、读经典就是与大师对话,与大师面对面。 Descartes: “The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.” The meeting of great minds is what education is all about.,二、读好书,读经典,Rich

5、ard Dawkins: “But let me know show you some data that have been properly published and analyzed on one special group, namely, top scientists. In 1998, Larson and Witham polled the cream of American scientists, those whod been honored by election to the National Academy of Sciences. And among this se

6、lect group, belief in a personal God dropped to a shattering seven percent. About 20 percent are agnostic, and the rest could fairly be called atheists.,二、读好书,读经典,“Similar figures obtained for belief in personal immortality. Among biological scientists, the figures are even lower, 5.5 percent only,

7、believe in God. Physical scientists: its 7.5 percent. Ive not seen corresponding figures for elite scholars in other fields, such as history or philosophy, but Id be surprised if they were different. Now, weve reached a truly remarkable situation, a grotesque mismatch between the American intelligen

8、tsia and the American electorate(全体选民).,二、读好书,读经典,“A philosophical opinion about the nature of the universe, which is held by the vast majority of top American scientists and probably the majority of the intelligentsia generally, is so abhorrent to the American electorate that no candidate for popul

9、ar election dare affirm it in public. If Im right, this means that high office in the greatest country in the world is barred to the very people best qualified to hold it, the intelligentsia, unless they are prepared to lie about their beliefs.,二、读好书,读经典,“To put it bluntly, American political opport

10、unities are heavily loaded against those who are simultaneously intelligent and honest.” Steven Pinker: “Studies of identical twins who were separated at birth and then tested in adulthood show that they have astonishing similarities. And this happens in every pair of identical twins separated at bi

11、rth ever studied - but much less so with fraternal twins separated at birth.,二、读好书,读经典,My favorite example is of a pair of twins, one of whom was brought up as a Catholic in a Nazi family in Germany, the other brought up in a Jewish family in Trinidad. When they walked into the lab in Minnesota, the

12、y were wearing identical navy blue shirts with epaulettes, both of them liked to dip buttered toast in coffee, both of them kept rubber bands around their wrists, both of them flushed the toilet before using it as well as after, and both of them liked to surprise people by sneezing in crowded elevat

13、ors to watch them jump.,二、读好书,读经典,Now - the story might seem to good to be true, but when you administer batteries of psychological tests, you get the same results - namely, identical twins separated at birth show quite astonishing similarities. Now, given both the common sense and scientific data c

14、alling the doctrine of the blank slate into question, why should it have been such an appealing notion? There are a number of political reasons why people have found it congenial. The foremost is that if were blank slates, then, by definition, we are equal, because zero equals zero equals zero equal

15、s zero.,二、读好书,读经典,But if something is written on the slate, then some people could have more of it than others, and according to this line of thinking, that would justify discrimination and inequality. Another political fear of human nature is that if we are blank slates, we can perfect mankind - th

16、e age-old dream of the perfectibility of our species through social engineering.,二、读好书,读经典,But if were born with certain instincts, then perhaps some of them might condemn us to selfishness, prejudice and violence. Just to make a long story short: first of all, the concept of fairness is not the sam

17、e as the concept of sameness. And so when Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,“ he did not mean “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are clones.“ Rather, that all men are equal in terms

18、of their rights,二、读好书,读经典,and that every person ought to be treated as an individual, and not prejudged by the statistics of particular groups that they may belong to.” Jill Bolted Taylor: Our right hemisphere is all about this present moment. Its all about “right here, right now.“ It thinks in pict

19、ures and it learns kinesthetically through the movement of our bodies. Information, in the form of energy, streams in simultaneously,二、读好书,读经典,through all of our sensory systems and then it explodes into this enormous collage (大杂烩) of what this present moment looks like, what this present moment sme

20、lls like and tastes like, what it feels like and what it sounds like. I am an energy-being connected to the energy all around me through the consciousness of my right hemisphere. We are energy-beings connected to one another through the consciousness of our right hemispheres as one human family.,二、读

21、好书,读经典,And right here, right now, we are brothers and sisters on this planet, here to make the world a better place. And in this moment we are perfect, we are whole and we are beautiful. Our left hemisphere is a very different place. It thinks linearly and methodically. It is all about the past and

22、its all about the future. It is designed to take that enormous collage of the present moment and start picking out details, details and more details about those details.,二、读好书,读经典,It then categorizes and organizes all that information, associates it with everything in the past weve ever learned, and

23、 projects into the future all of our possibilities. And our left hemisphere thinks in language. Its that ongoing brain chatter that connects me and my internal world to my external world. Its that little voice that says to me, “Hey, you gotta remember to pick up bananas on your way home.“,二、读好书,读经典,

24、Richard Dawkins Forward for Susan Blackmores great book The Meme Machine: “meme= An element of a culture that may be considered to be passed on by non-genetic means, esp. imitation.” “Nemes, like genes, are selected against the background of other memes in the meme pool. The result is that gangs of

25、mutually compatible memes coadapted meme complexes or memeplexes ,二、读好书,读经典,are found cohabiting in individual brains. This is not because selection has chosen them as a group, but because each separate member of the group tends to be favoured when its environment happens to be dominated by the othe

26、rs. An exactly similar point can be made about genetic selection. Every gene in a gene pool constitutes part of the environmental background against which the other genes are naturally selected,二、读好书,读经典,so its no wonder natural selection favours genes that cooperate in building those highly integra

27、ted and unified machines called organisms. Biologists are sharply divided into those for whom this logic is as clear as daylight, and those who just do not understand it who naively trot out the obvious cooperativeness of genes and unitariness of organisms as though they somehow counted against the

28、selfish gene view of evolution.,二、读好书,读经典,Susan Blackmore not only understands it, she explains the matter with unusual clarity and goes on to apply the lesson with equal clarity and force to memes. By analogy with coadapted gene complexes, memes, selected against the background of each other, coope

29、rate in mutually supportive memeplexes supportive within the memeplex but hostile to rival memeplexes. Religions may be the most convincing examples of memeplexes but they are by no means the only ones.,二、读好书,读经典,Susan Blackmores treatment is, as ever, provocative and revealing. I believe a sufficie

30、nt case has been made that the analogy between memes and genes is persuasive and that the obvious objections to it can be satisfactorily answered.,二、读好书,读经典,John Locke : “Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him.“ “士大夫三日不读书,则以里不交于胸,对镜觉面目可憎,向人亦语言无味。”-黄鲁

31、直 读不三不四的书,就等于主动饮毒,至少是浪费生命。 “心头书要多,案头书要少。” 读经典,读一流杂志,读好书评。,二、读好书,读经典,2)从宏观开始,(不立刻埋在小题目里,)了解相邻学科十分重要。 画出大大小小的树形图,到枝繁叶茂脉络清晰就好了。 每一个小领域,上来就读他个两三本;转一圈,回来I再读他三四本。一个一个地消灭。 3)读到什么程度?拿一本书来,一看目录就知道,几章是已知信息,哪章是新信息,立刻决定只读某章。,二、读好书,读经典,对一本书,你是仰视它,还是俯视它?100%的新信息,还是20%新信息? 读杂志、名刊。获取最新信息。了解前沿。 好的杂志文章不易读懂。还要从中学写论文。

32、4)紧急时,不用读整本书,用索引查出此条和页码,指读相关部分。快。准。 5) 养成记笔记、写感想、记问题的好习惯。 6)养成积累书目的习惯,要会做书目。 (心头书要多),三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,想大事 着眼宏观,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,“悟处皆出于思,不思无由得悟;思处皆缘于学,不学则无可思。学者所以求悟也,悟者思而得道也。” 明史卷192杨慎列传 孔子:“学而不思则罔, 思而不学则殆。” 西方的哲人康德说过:“感性无知性则盲,知性无感性则空。” “Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is me

33、re intellectual play. ”,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,想大事,着眼宏观,用名人名言指导自己的思维。 人无远虑,必有近忧。高度决定视野,角度改变观念,尺度把握人生。 Descartes: “I doubt, therefore I think; I think, therefore I am.” (我疑故我思;我思故我在) John Locke: “Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours”.,三、想:想大事,

34、着眼宏观,头脑里时时自问自答,答不出,多方求解。 具体地讲:想: 1)职业发展、职业计划 把自己培养成学者,不是工匠;(想社会责任个人生活;长远利益眼前得失) 2)业务发展:宏观目标、理论铺垫既深又广、选有发展前途的领域和题目 明确你们是来干什么的 研究生: 是要在某个领域有所研究的人。研究,要先把它拿下。,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,对MA来讲,从学语言到学专业,从记忆到思维,从单科到百科一部分,从接受到创造。 对PhD来讲, 从入门性知识,到写出深入的、创造性的论文,跟上某个小领域的前沿,提出自己的看法、见解。 强调思想性、哲学性,不要过多依赖技术。作个实验,完了,就完了。找个好题目等于发现

35、一个金矿 - 一辈子做不完。Einstein: “Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.”,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,Abraham Maslow: “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” 3)永不停止的思索(名人名言常在大脑中辩论,到底谁是谁非)、给文章打腹稿。 (乘车、散步就是思索的好

36、时间)观点辩论、英汉互译(出现任何新鲜词,都可问英文怎么说、汉语怎么说)“折腾”英语是什么? “福娃”如何译?“雷死人”如何说?“高高兴兴上班去,平平安安回家来”如何译?“绝无仅有”?,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,We judge a nation not only by the men it produces but also by the men it remembers. In fiction everything is true except the names; in newspapers nothing is true except the names. Never before h

37、ave so many owed so much to so few. What a terrible thing has happened to you there, to us here, to all everywhere!,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,威武不能屈,富贵不能淫。Be neither intimidated by force nor seduced by wealth or rank. 两手都要抓,两手都要硬。We must address ourselves to the problem of material as well as cultural and ideolog

38、ical progress without any letup. 人类的历史,就是一个不断地从必然王国向自由王国发展的历史。这个历史永远不会完结。,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,The history of mankind is one of continuous development from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom. This process is never-ending. 兼听则明,偏听则暗。Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only to o

39、ne side and you will be benighted. 一个虾蟆坐在井里说:“天有一个井大。” A frog in a well says, “The sky is no bigger than the mouth of the well.”,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,“要两手抓,两手都要硬” There are two tasks we have to keep working at, on the one hand, the reform and opening process, and on the other, the crackdown on crime. We mus

40、t be steadfast with regard to both. Success has many fathers; failure is an orphan. A: Why does time fly? B: Because everybody wants to kill it.,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,齐景公问政于孔子。孔子曰:“君君,臣臣, 父父, 子子。” Duke Jing of Qi asked Confucius about governing effectively. Confucius replied: “The ruler must rule, the minist

41、er minister, the father father, the son son.”,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,Birthday Age is a quality of mind. If you have left your dreams behind, If hope is cold, And your ambitions desires are dead, And you no longer look ahead, Then you are old.,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,But if from life you take the best, And if in life you

42、 keep the zest, If love you hold, No matter how the years go by, No matter how the birthdays fly, You are not old. 年龄乃心灵投影。 倘若不再有梦, 而是心灰意冷,,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,或抱负消散干净, 对未来不再憧憬, 那便是老态龙钟。 年龄靠心灵去品味。 若能尽享生活美味, 生活的一切仍激情面对, 对爱执着无悔, 任光阴飞逝,年华匆匆, 你留驻了青春之美。,三、想:想大事,着眼宏观,“一言兴邦,一言衰帮。” A word proper, the nation prospe

43、rs; a word false, the nation falls. He who rules himself rules the world. (能征服自己的人才能征服世界.) 总之,多想大事世界、人生、将来;多想有用事学业、学养、英语;少想琐事八卦新闻、张家长李家短的事。,四、谈什么? 听谁谈?,谈什么? 听谁谈?,四、谈什么? 听谁谈?,谈有用之事, 听有思想的人说话。(不传言,不嚼舌头,不去东家长、李家短)。 与有头脑的人谈,与听君一席话,胜读十年书 那样的人谈。 Shakespeare: Listen to many, speak to a few. John Locke: I a

44、ttribute the little I know to my not having been ashamed to ask for information, and to my rule of conversing with all descriptions of men on those topics that form their own peculiar professions and pursuits.,四、谈什么? 听谁谈?,谈学习、谈看的书、谈学术见解、学术信息。 说给人温暖、力量、智慧的话。 说稳定人情绪的话。给情绪低落的人打气;给过于激动的人降温 少听那些让你生气、变坏、让

45、你玩世不恭、让你停滞不前的闲言碎语。 适当远离那些愤青们(现在牢骚遍地、骂声、抱怨声到处都是。支坏招的有,替你打抱不平的有)。他们无非痛快痛快嘴了之。,四、谈什么? 听谁谈?,听什么?Now, a quick primer on DNA. I suspect that not everybody in the audience is a (遗传学家)geneticist. It is a very long, linear molecule, a coded version of how to make another copy of you. Its your blueprint. Its

46、composed of four subunits: A, C, G and T, we call them. And its the sequence of those subunits that defines that blueprint. How long is it? Well, its billions of these subunits in length. A haploid (单体结构) genome(基因组). We actually have two copies of all of our chromosomes (染色体).,四、谈什么? 听谁谈?,A haploid

47、 genome is around 3.2 billion nucleotides(梓甘酸) in length. And the whole thing, if you add it all together, is over six billion nucleotides long. If you take all the DNA out of one cell in your body and stretch it end to end, its around two meters long. If you take all the DNA out of every cell in yo

48、ur body and you stretch it end to end, it would reach from here to the moon and back, thousands of times. Its a lot of information.,四、谈什么? 听谁谈?,And so when youre copying this DNA molecule to pass it on, its a pretty tough job. Imagine the longest book you can think of, War and Peace. Now multiply it

49、 by 100. And imagine copying that by hand. And youre working away until late at night, and youre very, very careful, and youre drinking coffee and youre paying attention, but occasionally, youre going to make a little typo - a spelling mistake. Substitute an I for an E, or a C for a T. (Spencer Wells),四、谈什么? 听谁谈?,The same thing happens to our DNA as its being passed on through the generations. It doesnt happen very often. We have a proofreading mechanism built in. But when it does happen and thes


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