[其它技巧]大奖赛 幻灯片.ppt

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1、Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player.,Yin Xiaohong Fu Jia Middle School,Section B 3a-4,Let s have a free talk New Year is coming, are you happy? Why ? What are you going to do?,激 趣 导 入,Lets read: New Years Resolution Survey Results,定 量 自 学,1,速读课文,了解课文内容 2,再读课文,回答问题。 3 细读课文,填表格。,Read and answer

2、:,1、How many letters, faxes,and e-mails did we get from our readers?,2、What are the letters, faxes and e-mails about?,Over 1,000.,They are about the readers New Year s resolutions.,3 What are the resolutions ?,组内合作,1,work harder in school .2 play sports . 3 eat more vegetables .4learn a new language

3、 .5.exercise more . 6.study the subjects their children learn (parents) .7.work as a foreign language teache,Lots of,Some,Many,How are they going to do it?,Readers,work harder in school,play sports,New Years Resolution Survey Results,eat more vegetables,learn a new language,exercise more to keep fit

4、,study the subjects their children learn at school,leave her job and find a job as a language teacher in China,A few,Some girls,Some parents,One old lady,组 间 竞 争,You are great Please come to the front Retell the article accorting to the chart,拓 展 迁 移,Deal with the language points and have a big know

5、ledge exploration 1,We got over 1000 leters,faxes,and emails from our readers 2,Some readers are going to eat more vegetables 3,Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit 4,They want to communicate better with their kids. 5,She wants to find a job as a language teacher in China.,1,We got _ _

6、(超过) 1000 letters. 2, We should _ _ _(吃更多的蔬菜) 3, My mother found a job _ _ _(作为一名教师) 4, He always does it _(按照) I tell him 5, Young people sometimes cant _ _(和.交流)their parents 6, I m sorry to keep you_(wait)(用正确形式填空)for me so long 7, He is_outgoing (选择正确答案) A.much B.much better C.much more,more tha

7、n,eat more vegetables,as a teather,as,communicate with,waiting,C,Ability training (能力训练) Make a survey in your group Lets see what your classmates resolutions are.and write it in your exercise book,What are your New Years resolutions?,Group work,Report: In my group, xx is going to.,Clean and Green!,

8、Homework : 4 Clean and Green Imagine you work for your city,Its your job to make it cleaner. What are you going to do? Think of a six-point plan.,竞选演说,We are going to build a bigger subway. ,Homework : 4 Clean and Green,A good plan is a good start,Thank you,We got over 1,000 letters, faxes and e-mai

9、l from our readers about 【要点点拨】 在该句中, over意为“超过、多于”, 与more than 的意思相同。 【考点链接】 从下列四个选项中选择一个与句子画线部分意思 相同或相近的答案。 More than sixty boys will take part in the competition next week. (2008内蒙古乌兰察布) A. About B. Less than C. Over D. Almost,C,Explanation,Where shall we have our dinner? 我们在哪儿吃饭? Is there anythi

10、ng to eat? 有吃的东西吗? (2) 在美国, eat既作“吃”,又作“喝”解。 如: We eat our soup first. 我们先喝汤。,(3) have是普通用语, 同样可以表示“吃”,也可以表示“喝”。用在非正式的文体中。 如: What time do you have supper? 你们什么时候吃晚饭? I do not have coffee in the evening. 晚上我不喝咖啡。,注意: “吃药”,习惯上说havetake medicine,不说eatdrink medicine。 如: Your son catches a bad cold. He

11、should have some medicine. 你儿子得了重感冒, 他应该吃药。,3. Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit. 【要点点拨】 keep fit意为“保持健康”,有时相当于keep healthy。动词不定式短语to keep fit在句中作状语, 表示目的。 【句子仿写】 你应该多吃些蔬菜以保持健康。 _ _,You should eat more vegetables to keep fit / healthy.,4. They want to communicate better with their ki

12、ds. 他们想更好地和孩子们交流。 eg. to communicate with a person 与人联络,5. One old lady is going to leave her job and she wants to find a job as a language teacher in China. 【要点点拨】 在该句中, as用作介词, 意思是“作为”。 【考点链接】 _ a teacher, John thinks that his main duty is to help the students to become better learners.(2008山西) A.

13、 As B. By C. About,A,I. 请从括号中选出适当的单词完成下列句子。 1. This young woman wants to find a _ (work / job) as a nurse in the hospital. 2. This old man has a _ (little / few) friends in Canada.,job,few,练练吧,3. I have _ (on / over) six pen pals in Beijing. 4. The _ (foreign / foreigner) speaks Chinese very well. 5

14、. These children _ (really / real) love music.,over,foreigner,really,II. 请根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. Alice and Ben made their _ (新年决心) yesterday. 2. I _ (收到三封信) from my friends last week.,New Years resolutions,got three letters,3. _ (许多读者) are going to communicate with their parents. 4. Some American _

15、 (交换生) are going to visit Green High School. 5. Tony is going to _ (取得好成绩) next year.,Lots of readers,exchange students,get good grades,Fill in the blanks with the key words given. fax, work harder,communicate better with, over, leave ones job, learn a new language,My father is _ fifty years old. I

16、can speak English well. Im going to _ next year. 3. Uncle Martin is going to_ and he wants to be a teacher in Japan .,over,learn a new language,leave his job,4. Our parents want to _ _us. 5. Jim is hard-working. Hes going to _ next term. 6. How many e-mails and _ did you get today?,communicate bette

17、r,with,work harder,faxes,1. Finish the exercises in Self check. 2. 新年就要到了,通过今年的学习和生活,你对新的一年有何打算?业余时间打算学点什么?根据本单元所学知识,谈谈你的想法。(字数不少于80),Homework,A: What are you going to do next year? B: Well , Im going to learn to play an instrument/ A: How are you going to do that? B: I am going to take guitar lesso

18、ns/ What about you? A: My New Years resolution is to be healthier/. B: Sounds interesting /How are you going to that ? A: I am going to eat healthier food/,Your resolutions,Pairwork,Have a party Lose weight (减肥) Stop smoking Save or make more money Find a better job Be good with your workmates Exerc

19、ise more Do well in your work Be healthier Become more outgoing ,1. Lose weight 2. Stop smoking 3. Stick to a budget 4. Save or earn more money 5. Find a better job 6. Become more organized 7. Exercise more 8. Be more patient at work/with others 9. Eat better 10. Become a better person,Top 10 Most C

20、ommon New Years Resolutions,Clean and Green!,温州市要招聘城市建设局局长啦!怎么样?你也来试试?只要你提出六条合理的计划,也许你就会成功哦!,竞选演说,We are going to build a bigger subway. ,Next year, Im going to :,Our New Years Resolutions,exercise more to keep fit,eat more vegetables,work harder,learn a new language,Lots of,Some,Many,How are they g

21、oing to do it?,Readers,work harder in school,play sports,New Years Resolution Survey Results,eat more vegetables,learn a new language,exercise more to keep fit,study the subjects their children learn at school,leave her job and find a job as a language teacher in China,A few,Some girls,Some parents,

22、One old lady,组内合作,3b Writing,Three students made their New Years resolutions yesterday. Lucy said she is going to learn to play an instrument. She is going to take piano lessons. Manuel said his New Years resolution is to get good grades.,He is going to study hard and do his homework every day. Kim

23、said he is going to make the soccer team. He is going to practice really hard and he is going to go to a summer camp. Hes going to play soccer every day there.,2. Some readers are going to eat more vegetables. eat与have这两个动词都可以表示“吃”的意思。 eat可用作及物或不及物动词,是日常 用语, 但用在日常口语中不够礼貌。 让别人“吃”, 通常用have。如:,3c What

24、are some of your resolutions? Write about them.,I want to go to Senior Middle School. Im going to get good grades. Im going to learn Japanese. I want to go to Japan.,高中,Im going to start a soccer team. Ill ask my good friends to join us. Im going to exercise more. I want to be healthier.,3a Reading,

25、work harder in school play sports eat more vegetables learn a new language exercise more,study the subjects their children learn (parents) work as a foreign language teacher,New Years resolutions it mentions.,组内合作,True(T) or False(F),1.We got over 1,000 letters, e-mails, and phones from our readers. 2 .Some readers are going to work harder this year. 3. A lot of readers will play sports. 4. Some girls want to keep fit, so they are going to exrcise more . 5. An old lady is going to leave her job and work in China as a music teacher.,F,F,T,T,F,faxes,Many,language,


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