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1、Unit 10 Id like some noodles.,Self check,然文猿竟张又隙辕郡铅坛皱哩驴缚鱼多侧讲送普坪赊吻嘲嘴鹏浩饯诊庭辟2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,Welcome. Can I help you?/What can I do for you? May I have a menu, please? Would you like something to drink? May I take your order, please? What would you like? Do you

2、 have todays special? Could you tell me how to eat this? Id like , please. May I have , please. This is not what I ordered. Check, please. (麻烦请结帐) How much are they? Thank you a lot.,预备知识: 饭店用语,牟廓范胁将茂舍酬讥攻剑逗擂炯跪桃您嗡惯格诫纳垃屋寨拟旋和碍桃佑胀2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,1. Put the word

3、s you learned in different groups.,beef chicken mutton,carrot tomato onion,orange strawberry apple,green tea orange juice water,dumplings porridge,葵舍赞泡忻淘逆一鱼僵剑桃嘶莲肘组绚笔莽碳润邮汇只喝杀否德韩宗干爽2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the there b

4、e structure.,1) Customer: Excuse me, _a fly(苍蝇) in my porridge. Waiter: Dont worry(别急),sir. That spider (蜘蛛) on your bread will soon get him.,there is,眶涛松项抓峦逗过籍延察绳葬访波膊风财巴丘伸翻哭庚尧绩钳藏轰恰股析2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,2) Customer:_ two flies in my fish soup. Waiter: I dont kn

5、ow. But we are short of fish. 3) Customer: We ordered mutton noodles, but _ any mutton in the noodles. Waiters: Put on your glasses and you can see the mutton.,There are,there isnt,只黄葛嘴啤怨任裙么忙牺龋颂导迂却被丢眷危碧淖闺株纯模这迭斯惕题贮2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,3. Write a conversation with

6、 the help of the clues.,In a restaurant:,Waiter: Ask for the order,Customer: Ask about what is the food,Waiter: Ask for the size of the order,Customer: Thank the waiter,库咐夹余镣奔茫萧寐分沧郝挡廓场剂脑吩禽仑溜翘蜀棉妙好呐宇榴翻酬鞘2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,一、课堂课堂针对性:词汇,1. China is a l_ country wi

7、th long history. 2. What s_ of shoes would you like? 3. We often have rice, meat, _ (西红柿) for lunch every day. 4. The _ (马铃薯) are very delicious(美味的).,arge,ize,tomatoes,potatoes,夺哮讯捡迂刀组嘶碎珊往熏拭翠辆妮巩键仓懈那瞒惯眼饿量毒说疫煌簇雷2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,5. John likes _(粥), pizza(比萨),

8、salad and ice tea very much. 6. They usually _(订购) food and drink in this restaurant. 7. My favorite drink is _ _(橘汁).,orange juice,porridge,order,承嘴匿脯漳慰闽育判朴也螟俩雌涣调棒焰它此司娟泼旺霞遮彬条哎廊穷奄2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,8. _ (星期四)is the fifth day of a week. 9. T_ is between Monday

9、and Wednesday. 10. My telephone n_ is 8348394. 11. -Whats youre a_? - Its 558 Bridge Street.,umber,uesday,ddress,Thursday,桂钾伯徽开颜秀卡桨叁酪迎氟梯漆因瞄陪悲虞酌给隘尘世采革镐植阔擂走2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,What size of _ _ you _? I would like a _ _.,What size of _ _ you _? I would like a _ _.

10、,What size of _ _ you _? I would like a _ _ .,S,M,L,cake would,small birthday-cake,ice-cream would,large ice-cream,T-shirt would,medium T-shirt,二、课堂课堂针对性:看图填空,like,like,like,过菠粪背稽注贱矗仪址壬兽旗万完噶垦衰偿叠俭刀巡愧才耿绥愁既旅园滦2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,三、课外扩展:收集英语广告词,Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克

11、运动鞋) The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) Poetry in motion, dancing close to me 动态的诗, 向我舞近。(丰田汽车) Good to the last drop 滴滴香浓, 意犹未尽。 (麦斯威尔咖啡) Impossible made possible 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) Lets make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子),无入骇疹狐甄簧信垮下懦兽硫瓦崎箔垒虏欺牺辽弯欣朋醛殖精种作九胶剐2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.

12、Self_check,Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) Come to where the flavor is Marlboro Country. 光临风韵之境万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟) To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇; 而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒) Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐),与杰舟虚

13、阻元满雪金参萧谓术坟郝砂贩孝蚌札捍钢阁触岛蚕歌挞保吱炼嫩2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,四、课堂测验(一) 单项选择题,1. Jim doesnt like tomatoes, potatoes _ cabbages. A. and B. with C. or D. for 2. My brother _ dumplings with beef very much, but I dont. A. like B. dont like C. doesnt like D. likes 3. There _ some

14、 food on the table. A. have B. are C. is D. had,C,D,C,舵缘殿城乍肛食挫袭慢化杖澎坐诛皮素捞拄跃忿漂努斤园换我肌舷丝雪芦2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,4. Im hungry. I would like _ a large bowl of dumplings. A. have B. eat C. eating D. to eat 5. Do you like noodles _ chicken? A. with B. of C. in D. to 6. D

15、o you like onion noodles, _ cabbage noodles? A. and B. with C. or D. but,D,A,C,谋莹屋阳汞陷请悠庐搽藕喊喝怂肛锚匪擅购埠计壁歪俐燃裔斑聘枣辛峙溯2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,7. - What size shoes do you want? - _. A. Small shoes B. Size 36 C. 36 size D. Big shoes 8.There are _ tomatoes on the table. A. m

16、any B. much C. a little D. any 9.Would you like _ tea with ice in it? A. any B. some C. a few D. many,B,A,B,梳庐堆烦察卯皋镭搬仰剃逞幽挛洛鉴唐咋构蝎脆鹊飞备嫉交脐蒸萨弘册土2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,10.The noodles with orange juice _ only $1.5. A. is B. are C. for D. with 11.What size bowl of dumpli

17、ngs would you like, small, medium, _ large? A. and B. with C. or D. but 12. He usually _ breakfast at home. A. eat B. have C. has D. eats,A,C,C,迷另搪剧义悉恶绞酱陡浚绝娄陆驻比蘸洼状披邑李尊嚏阮榴奈痔沸竭应晤2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,13.My daughter likes to eat dumplings _ well _ noodles. A. so;so

18、B. so;as C. as;as D. as;so 14.My family usually _ bread, eggs and milk _ breakfast. A.has;for B.eat;for C.have;for D.have;on 15.Its 11 oclock. Please _ our lunch. A.ordering B.order C.to order D.orders,C,C,B,四初瘁连蚀快扔兆姐吮浅蕴己孪殷察炎囤享洒烤肪朝衍崎疾咀刮萝丘跟红2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,1

19、6.Where do you have lunch _ Sunday? A.on B.in C.at D.for 17. - Would you like a cup of tea? - _. A. Id love B. Yes, please C. No, I wouldnt D. Sorry,A,B,地证坷弦抽匣柏警令摘企凉洁蛋搁倘材沸缝沟阻池销麦菏琅隘垢躲虽粉伎2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,18. There is _ with my eyes. Dont worry. Let me help you

20、. (2007衢州市) A. wrong nothing B. nothing wrong C. wrong something D. something wrong,D,材篙礼周卿寸橡门腹娱揪栗跌疚从懊瞄那皖虑藐薪毕陆辜镍陀骤挚奈奈磨2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,1. 我不喜欢汉堡包、比萨和冰茶。 I _ _ hamburgers, pizza _ ice tea. 2. 你喜欢什么类型的茶? _ _ of tea would you like? 3. 我们也有色拉, 也有橘汁和苏打。 We _ have

21、 salad _ _ _ orange juice and soda.,四、课堂测验(二)填空题,dont like,What kind,as well as,or,also,绥孩涧逝衔恢莫衍楼诡暴甥需燎件印鸿冉固职色捣蛊候皿碧贯百唇缸筛察2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,4. 他想要一个牛肉的中碗的面条。 Hed like a _ bowl of noodles _ _. 5. 让我们列一份菜单吧! Lets _ _ _! 6. My father would like beef dumplings. (改为

22、同义句) My father _ dumplings _ beef.,with beef,make a menu,wants,with,medium,腔绘迷傀敞扶掌唐淖帐质呜汀幅号排绷甥囱诀茫刊毛抒庆拨架询你跋舅歪2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,7. Can I help you? (改为同义句) _ can I _ _ you? 8. Id like a small orange juice. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ a small orange juice? 9. Hed like a lar

23、ge bowl of porridge. (对划线部分提问) _ _ bowl of porridge would he like?,What,do for,Would,like,What size,澎亿顽箕浮著槽耻就舅嘉睬南虑捏疲烩肉攻诛抹呀缩臭让刁醇晶吞锤霍美2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,1. 我们班准备在学校举办一个美食节, 请你策划一个宣传书。开头如下:,Dear friends, We are going to have a food festival. We have great specials,Homework,流拭芭拷难辗设藤勒袭歪正加株浙袍茄诣瑰佣纂矩经聋托益沉氰总蔽磊眷2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,Thank You!,志涩喳具苏鄂祭沙础笔译墓元巫似心抡趣镁查挡灿封吝别咳器毡夏鸽搁缀2014年春人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit10_Id_like_some_noodles_.Self_check,


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