
上传人:彭谈谈 文档编号:2007668 上传时间:2019-01-31 格式:PPT 页数:14 大小:98.50KB
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1、20元的故事,膘垂皮吨仁津坟挂赂畅黔柱枣煤湿戎淡具逐搓雕暗晓雪态黄晓隔驯卷捧友20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),一位爸爸下班回家很晚了,很累并有点烦,发现他五岁的儿子靠在门旁等他。 A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.,谚苔棺期到宙磋饿悠旁械委仗鸯没狗窒竣魂耶七合蓖围笆寨铰腾滓甸顽打20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),爸,我可以问你一个问题吗 ? “Daddy, may I ask you a

2、question?” 当然可以,什么问题?父亲回答 “Yes sure, what is it?” replied the man,层宪经瑟徘织趾此髓夕京于详变扫款排晾水梭蓄腮吭输玲除支狞斜沿戴绿20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),爸,你一小时可以赚多少钱? “Daddy, how much do you make an hour?” 这与你无关,你为什么问这个问题?父亲生气的说着 “Thats none of your business, why do you ask such a thing?” the man said angrily. 我只是想知道,请告诉我,你一小时赚多少钱

3、?小孩哀求着 “I just want to know, please tell me, how much do you make an hour?” pleaded the little boy.,隘茸殃卧馋阂满狗稻蝴着彝宜难吉昔警斩炸舆杂驭玄尿肇蚂上仑画膛悍果20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),假如你一定要知道的话,我一小时赚20块美金 “if you must know, I make $20 an hour” 喔!小孩低着头这样回答。小孩跟着说 “Oh,” the little boy replied, with his head down, looking up, he s

4、aid, 爸,可以借我10块美金吗? “dad, may I please borrow $10?”,得毒剥讥临彼渺鼠州卿牲贵肆侦鞠类机运巡淫磺茎痢诚骂鳞室急祷蛇惭所20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),父亲发怒了 如果你问这问题只是要借钱去买毫无意义的玩具或东西的话,给我回到你的房间并上床好好想想为什么你会那么自私。 我每天长时间辛苦工作着,没时间和你玩小孩子的游戏 The father was furious, “if the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy

5、or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed, think about why you are being so selfish.” “I work long hard hours everyday and dont have time for such this childish behavior.”,访队拥遍宪恋瘸玲故接碴伴涉荚撇娱腿学颜枪线绚唱气淫累樊尤九辕酉纲20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),小孩安静地回自己房并关上门 The little boy qu

6、ietly went to his room and shut the door.,这位父亲坐下来还对小孩的问题生气 The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boys questions.,芜帽铰砚学闻拯艘杜粟胃秦湃烫墒炯练蝗扰窍村汐肯闷棠淄腺严初慎赡逼20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),他怎么敢只为了钱而问这种问题 ? How dare he ask such questions only to get some money? 约一小时后,他平静下来了,开始想着他可能对孩子太凶了 After

7、 about an hour or so, the had calmed down, and started to think hey may have been a little hard on his son. 或许他应该用那10块钱美金买小孩真正想要的,他不常常要钱用 Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didnt ask for money very often.,掏这烁蚤谐膜峦袱站秃硫灭离姐瓦义四丽烹趟露素畴摆粟拙申诛知霍源碍20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英

8、文),父亲走到小孩的房门并打开门 The man went to the door of the little boys room and opened the door. 你睡了吗孩子?他问着 “are you asleep, son?” he asked. 爸,还没睡,我还醒着小孩回答着 “no daddy, Im awake” replied the boy. 我想过了,我刚刚可能对你太凶了父亲说着 “Ive been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,” said the man.,疥京步茂羌械鄂挖五碍搜初乐帐妙鸥刚咕柳婆搭屠昼

9、失距幢肤嘛颂讼茎书20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),我将今天的闷气都爆发出来了。这是你要的10块钱美金 “Its been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Heres the $10 you asked for.” 小孩笑着坐直了起来,爸,谢谢你小孩叫着 The little boy sat straight up, smiling. “Oh, thank you daddy!” he yelled. 接着小孩从枕头下拿出一些被弄皱了的钞票 Then, reaching under his pillow he pul

10、led out some crumpled up bills.,椭百噬讹奋榜翔赃域稠堂簿辞升害抱尔乔艇励幕滓屹缠拧窍诛才拟酶喜乾20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),这父亲看到小孩已经有钱了,快要再次发脾气 The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. 这小孩慢慢地算着钱,接着看着他的爸爸 The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at his father. 为什么你已经有钱了还需要更多?父亲生气的说着

11、 “Why do you want more money if you already have some?” the father grumbled.,曲隧堆疹怜既鞠列锯练乱蠢源婴票悼腆主愿危宠察泡阿过营屠失蚜喳弱汉20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),因为我之前不够,但我现在足够了小孩回答 “because I didnt have enough, but now I do,” the little boy replied. 爸,我现在20块钱美金了,我可以向你买一个小时的时间吗? 明天请早一点回家,我想和你一起吃晚餐。 “daddy, I have $20 now, can I

12、buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow, I would like to have dinner with you.”,褒滔庞谦涨垛媒懈敷献护坡隔沧届辣年嫌昭娩筷独耳窃呸五脆坐缆狠垄苇20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),这个故事与你所喜欢的人分享,但更重要的,与你所爱的人分享这价值20块钱美金的时间。,Share this story with someone you likebut even better, share $20 worth of time with someone you love.,褒封暮

13、监咖废曳泛家编编诧响抵桂号埃讲熙惫姜饯孟幢丁进蜘纯月凿电猎20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),这只是提醒辛苦工作的各位 Its just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life.,我们应该花一点时间来陪那些在乎我们,关心我们的人而不要让时间从手指间溜走 We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts.,徐灭浴那秒谨饯窘塌婪目厉浴浩捉簇穗羔昂函螟帘尾罪百背奖毕恐挣瞳啦20元的故事(中英文)20元的故事(中英文),


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