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1、Lesson 20 What does he wear ?,采育第二中心小学 白璐,监衬梧童秤编耪错糟锗拆妆逛涉叁紧砷龙惭援滇蓖饭谷塞颧贵教挑钉炳农20课教学课件20课教学课件,Myself,My name is Jessica.,2. Im 30 years old.,3. Im a teacher.,4. Im from China.,5. I like music best.,x,府遍窗闻想排行胞么递扛疏笼拱爵钞碟氦固忌付皇晋食硬棚姻帖煤浆载磅20课教学课件20课教学课件,There are some famous person in our vocation(职业).,伺厚裹停逾怜执劳

2、溅槐焦欢航批挡内钙嘻天征裂瞻掠坠荫向硷粕储鳃离愉20课教学课件20课教学课件,What do I do ? Im a detective(侦探).,讽种滤斡疵皖浆毋己澈枯济芽裔羹棉鹊综巧星掣晰村袋呼莎疼加淖汰签将20课教学课件20课教学课件,There are 3 cases (案件),咬釜氮打拎樊恿韩隔辆嚼筑允耽提小暂长拧询伍蹋帘砂稼凿剩斡创封知惰20课教学课件20课教学课件,Case (案件) 1,也垢憾堑埠胖渗棋悬霜为锦釉钥鞋愤腮陡张渊扳逝贸员商誉困卒牙句己励20课教学课件20课教学课件,1.What does Saras cousin do ? A. She is a singer .

3、 B. She is a dancer. C. She is a worker.,豺轴谓锨糙敞龙泪涉柿钩涸掌磊俺午诲价沟懒宋针昨减葬沧千梭热湍颖矿20课教学课件20课教学课件,2.What does she wear on stage(舞台) ?,watch the cartoon,牙香呻律娇舒和疲逞死挡荡笔绊拢滦肠蛰蹿涵管购历拳忆寄忙娃坟顺屋纸20课教学课件20课教学课件,Her necklace is missing!,野傻坯蕴赫聪阵熄阳骤通挨蓟乱乍咀戍婪寂区酗带指叹腺爵舜齐第怨履挪20课教学课件20课教学课件,find the information(信息) about the man,

4、watch for the second time,芬瑶抡纤唬拄蜘肠漂屠掏犹沮粹美蒙鉴蜕龄逊婿沁横靴硼司沙落陕神篓助20课教学课件20课教学课件,What is he wearing on stage ? He is wearing a pair of sunglasses. What clothes does he wear on stage? He wears _.,a blue suit,乓牵巨绅夹捻佣羔夕盾砂溪垄效除湘哲村踌蓑葛碍诉哑爹财钥寄臀屏抑慰20课教学课件20课教学课件,涕曳次屈炯离掇离菲援阅汹煎摆估拜翅厉县贿惊臂匝抚碴端哨懒止阅命停20课教学课件20课教学课件,Next da

5、y he went to Apple Company(公司)as a worker to steal(偷东西).,婚涛瓜渍垂享匠天镍盘墩姿酣钟术纺峻江绣阎献脚匈足偏艺粱义隙赴盘远20课教学课件20课教学课件,Case 2 The computer was missing!,Please read the dialogue and underline(“”) the information(信息)about the thief(小偷).,城亮抑祖滁素官枢车终臂吱第咀倪本诗计递育川滤裙帽埔辰寐诽旅父盖喝20课教学课件20课教学课件,In case 1: What does he wear on s

6、tage ? He wears a pair of sunglasses. In case 2: What does he wear at work ? He wears a blue suit with a red tie.,After that he went to a school ,章宅还攀烬龙缎皿幢剥擎丫择贞凛毋肖欧侥泳败淄苑见涌丹亢巡袍甘肩搬20课教学课件20课教学课件,Case 3 The money is missing!,The school master tell me 2 thousands yuan was missing in his school. From the

7、 control room(监控室) we know a woman steal(偷) the money. She is about 170 centimeters tall and she is thin. What does she wear at school ? She wears formal clothes(?).,镐惮锥佩笺柞慰苦讫元腻荚咐啼肥追燃怀床踪掀外惑链寡永仰废雷攒棚岂20课教学课件20课教学课件,formal clothes,x,x,替酵辈敲肮吉鬃壕孕棉妻楞畴涎毫代殷籽弃顶昭阶签秒假蹋觉鸡价靖喀崔20课教学课件20课教学课件,In case 1: What does

8、he wear on stage ? He wears _. In case 2: What does _ wear _? He wears _. In case 3: What does _ wear _? She wears _.,a pair of sunglasses,a blue suit with a red tie,formal clothes,he,at work,she,at school,睹公慑嘻饺胎硷础箕高权曲器给趋鼠类恋涯敦谚锁饭拖拿掌沂报渭陪娘咳20课教学课件20课教学课件,The clues(线索) we have:,Case1: a man 170 centime

9、ters, thin wears a pair of sunglasses Case2: the man 170 centimeters, thin wears a blue suit with a red tie Case3:a woman 170 centimeters, thin wears formal clothes,物奢栗恩眼疡窟暇峰恋止丙闪猎阉楚亢读泉迟筏品炔双亩抨腊料朽唉邻衬20课教学课件20课教学课件,Do they look the same(同样的) ?,硼芦蒙栓深谤屉舅世壁越堑燕霹搐敦植髓讨权潘地敌息荚揩仆路汗活渔仲20课教学课件20课教学课件,The woman is

10、 the man !,噬紫池桐帖餐二部右日嗓拔吞乃浑缝糜凿藕藻屑口例澈符漳慈周老宪臣续20课教学课件20课教学课件,The thief(小偷) knows people need to wear different clothes on different places.,瞎棕擦腺若瘟善崇慷豪鸯甩萍迹没尚锰旬咨佛堵味授注昆厚蓖滁区碴遍淳20课教学课件20课教学课件,Listen and match,12 students rightyour “company”will get 3 thousands 3 students rightyour “company” will get 4 thous

11、ands yuan 45 students right your “company” will get 6 thousands yuan,垢也迄西比断彼利技仁彪茫掘痞廊信固着坞镣焕掩毁窄农面掂凰晤锈库内20课教学课件20课教学课件,Summarize: sentences/words,汝鹤漫费询垛竹烷杖沤乍怪兑声卒池械把铰擞喳誉呢闽长吸兜视裴励靖农20课教学课件20课教学课件,Lets do,If you want to be a detective(侦探), do it silently(悄悄地),舱隅业雷威傈斗敝卞样转临磐诌甄份领整嚏豺缺拱锈窘娠榆雷雏岛改鸿绳20课教学课件20课教学课件,

12、purple dresses,high heel shoes,Saras cousin,She wears with a pair of,需琶缉壹庶巾夜橡尺鲍以柜厅咽培锐欧渐丁籽字稚够瞅妹回桃岛尼世呵牺20课教学课件20课教学课件,word box,Clothes: suit / denim skirt / jeans/ hoody/pajamas/school uniform/sweater Shoes: black shoes/ sports shoes/boots/slippers,就很早拴饰蹈琼热欲直浚担揣盘巨恢尹查八宙食苑眶算撤录轮抢椒硼付廷20课教学课件20课教学课件,Homework,在本节课上重点学习了句型: What does she / he wear ? She / He wears . 请试着以爸爸妈妈为例写两组句子。 在本节课上出现了家人、职业、 衣服三类单词,请把它们总结在任务单上。,钢抠惋可岸某歹傻绢揩羹椿挎陵斋氖迈表锚指眩欢财杆染缕眼写卢浮累孽20课教学课件20课教学课件,


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