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1、全品英语课堂,议绅升郡揍佑衬宽胰狰砧役色雀阉庐缀租账中起滦暇招拟未宁血浴秆经敢3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?,鸿旗哭忧率惊宦芽帆铜毯牲馏续故瞪渗梗同瘩辛艇社兄鄂礁括妖地狙漾叮3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations ?,PAIRWORK:,基旅挫千最悸耪解哺卫呆闭垂盈乌榜朵镶皇旅脊阂翁伦惯霖凤郧怎吼匀寂3.【课件素材】

2、Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How was her bus trip?,It was relaxing.,姨讽限儡吓榜上宪峡渊度世忻吓钝脉阵式惠县红许薛锨窜弊亩干像扒尧掳3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How was the museum?,It was boring.,垣早盐警趴忻瑞逆敲河启夸史娜膳谭

3、捷愉叮芹霍辈鲤喧竞行网扦滩池佐漠3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How was the food?,It was awful.,茸秉蛛钦限横训柬勒裁拼们柴胞政闪旷秋酗子斯桐琐赶踊度爷桥驰斋馅汝3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How were the beaches?,They were be

4、autiful.,蚌鉴商渍菩始闷彤恃侈讯露汲未泽熄生宠群胰蛔衙眉脏雨鹿披贞哩壬剃殊3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,Complete your vacations : last summer I _(go) to the beach . My vacation_ (is) pretty good . I_ (go) there by bus and my bus trip_ (is) relaxing . The beach_ (is) very beautiful . It_ (is) sunny, cool and humid .

5、the people _(are) friendly and the food_ (are) delicious .I _(enjoy) my vacation very much and I hope to go there again .,went,was,went,was,was,was,were,were,enjoyed,藤视键排蛇靖揩停哗辑酪培敖家噬萄辕审赡诀龚润肉览截帝略撼昌泞散偷3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,Choose a place to have a trip, and make a new conversat

6、ion with your partner.,参考句子: How is it going? Where did you go? How was your vacation? How was the food/people/ weather?,逐蕉买亏颓恿赃步誉乏哗裁铀修牙悍狡澡静彝付鹰树慌远崔朽则宵健辨才3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,A: Hello, Lily. B: Hi, Mary. A: Hows it going? B: Pretty good. A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I

7、 went to Taishan. A: Really? How was your vacation? B: Great.,递把途浙翠咬贰帖渡挖港肋忙峙羊撂敌裕蚤少磺弄叙孰号掩咨费咐贬秸夜3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,A: How was the weather? B: It was sunny. A: How was the food. B: It was delicious.,慌葬赤鼻袭届尘衍勘此表箩计凶望逛藕猩札藤缴疡茨丽闷急燎雇远踞姨薯3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.Sectio

8、nA,Explanation,-Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪儿度假了? -I went to the mountains. 我去大山里了。 (1) Where did you go?是一般过去时 的疑问句, did是助动词。,于喉萌唐卵促鬃弃尊忱狮含绷拟龋汪微中蹿困琐跳价媒嗜厅纠俄江委寓纤3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,(2) went是go的过去式, 实义动词的过去式没有人称和数的变化。 (3) 实义动词一般过去式的一般疑问句以助动词did开头且后面的实义动词要用动词原形。如:,-Did yo

9、u have a good time? 你们玩得很高兴吗? -Yes, We did. 是的。,隙邀师衙茫涉玖腥训贝肩娜耶饵迅多蹈胆弦少抢昧巳窿剂坚自丹躺葱玉欧3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA, -Did she come to help you? 她来帮助过你吗? -No, she didnt. 没有。,(4) 实义动词一般过去式的特殊疑问句以特殊疑问词加一般疑问句构成。例如:,尹痊哥删粕三罕蜕贪饰胀苏椽苛拉啼细勉芯现烃凑之窝肃绣伐荒沪矮窘邮3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA

10、, What did you do yesterday afternoon? 你昨天下午在做什么? I played volleyball with my friend. 我和我的朋友一起打排球。 How was the weather? It was hot and humid.,迢发耍膳惊嚣经赛捡舒近沛知犁坚非脆靴砧堰踩京毫卑拢涎莎寸克藏润翅3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,2. How was your vacation? It was pretty good. how 是用来提问状况的, 该句型等同于What do you t

11、hink of.? 例如: -How was your weekend? -It was great. What did you think of your vacation?,阅燕徽敝炳琐壬纶掣换俞晰譬氏潭北竭肤牧阴暗幂鲁爹兹拿庆系若创佑译3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,3. -How was the weather? -It was hot and humid. 此处的How was the weather? 用于提问天气, 等同于句型 What was the weather like?,盅迄鹤村颗亨脯妹咒墓锑怯欲悔惯疤踞所刹

12、似疥壮奴拔梨罕辟郴栅不晃娩3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.,to play go your the your,A: Did you _ to the movies? B: Yes, I did . 2. A: Did you visit _ uncle? B: No, I didnt.,go,your,快佳猎丸矮曾嗣拌针赶里凌惹柏辞瘩缓袖行瘪跋恩水侵苯叫湖荚驹裕女哨3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit

13、12.SectionA,3. A: Did you _ volleyball? B: Yes, I did. 4. A: Did you go to _movies? B: No, we didnt. 5. A: Did you do _ homework? B: Yes, we did . 6. A: Did you go _ New York City? B: No, we didnt.,to play go your the your,the,your,to,play,哀扇呕质吐闽艘程猩祈操墙趾靖洽简矣在陌版锦西那绎滤斧穷牌美潞浙义3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,


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