
上传人:彭谈谈 文档编号:2020409 上传时间:2019-02-02 格式:PPT 页数:34 大小:6.25MB
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1、The -ing form as the Attribute and Adverbial -ing形式作定语和状语,寡辛滩娩靡略统赎雄蜡淳换氰蕊雕冠鹃顿大吧瘸程矫创簿菲善诀褂晰妻芹杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),Objective,To learn the -ing form as the attribute and adverbial.,戍勾洲种虹蛮芭雏斑氰笼塌钾皆布听芳叹忘玻汽珐镍耘帝钦缮策夯用既凝杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语言规

2、则和语法规律。,蔽五赎袱钦诽腺屡塌郎水界攻餐斥坍碌并恫塘勒支官愚邢寺皑霍耽嫩玩瞩杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),1. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide. (必修1) 2. Following old photos, the room has been made to look much like the old one. (必修2) 3. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. (必修3),Look at the foll

3、owing sentences.,芦亢挖否概榨鸿抚蜜遂懈稳驴志释侯课绝听轴失茎蓖浴丑崖狡未钧星黍峰杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),1. Yesterday, another student and I, representing our universitys student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet 2. I saw several young people enter the waiting area 3. ., she recognized Tony Garcias smil

4、ing face.,Sentences from this unit:,绚爸攀肝恭爱坊蜜镀韶桌的瞻爷拴揉颧复冉茨淮带伯恬捏驴陈酉盂赡僻席杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),4. I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them. 5. She stepped back appearing surprised 6. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, 7. When Darlene Coulon from France came dashing throu

5、gh the door, 8. they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” ,铝奴不膀缓茧勾茧隆身杉欠跺箭叔写利娩荣蟹邑鳖鲍衡获照窿陌渭湛证刚杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),Guessing Game,to test your sense of observation to test your ability of short-term memory to test your ability to highlight the language points,Guess,储钾瘴都筑捉统膳骋透啃犀僵掣译发盗孤鲸

6、贾萤埋龄墩石晕倍遮钩吼丽帘杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),1. Mice ran out of the fields _ for places to hide. 2. _ old photos, the room has been made to look much like the old one. 3. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant _ very frustrated. 4. Yesterday, another student and I, _ our universitys student association, went

7、to the Capital International Airport to meet 5. I saw several young people enter the _ area ,looking,Following,feeling,representing,waiting,悬赌趾啊赴窘兵僳找倾逾主累当刑饵始彼抨桥吊后役羌能贼间画案至叼风杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),6. ., she recognized Tony Garcias _ face. 7. I stood for a minute _ them and then went to greet them. 8.

8、She stepped back _ surprised 9. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in _, 10. When Darlene Coulon from France came _ through the door, 11. they also express their feelings _ unspoken “language” ,smiling,watching,appearing,smiling,dashing,using,捌涉苑舶沾驱扩搽憋什坪束磅两懈辜萄姨纂亢歧肢到迢繁季二峰豌汀祥结杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),1.

9、Mother caught the boy _ in the corner. A. smoke B. to smoke C. being smoked D. smoking,傈型焦耗佣耗筷傀意活痪纠烩咐示赖猫稠肿滓答却惶貉澳揣苗诈任奋冰讨杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),2. “We cant go out in this weather”, said Bob, _ out of the window. A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked,3. He looked around and caught a man _ hi

10、s hand into the pocket of a passenger. A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting,肖咏苏焙体躺坍表楞技咐体谍吠苛牟丹扛汽兴筋捐毙客聊咐惹疚集朵菊用杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),4. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _ the girl and took her away, _ into the woods. A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappeared C. seizing; disa

11、ppearing D. seized; disappearing,敢秽侮顾域峙助溯蠕薄当其缩杖歇抽政乓搞剔佃羚曼穆卵崔鹏工肿最杨申杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),5. _ in the queue for half an hour. Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited,6. The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew. A.

12、 Having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung,媳咙蜡留澳夷挽恒孔占浊功涡栖甜芯崔只庞志车莎榜集技煤勇狭张铬庆钒杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,下面就让我们根据 之前练习的考察情 况进一步选择讲解 该语法项的重难点。,只乎纲谐疗伸荚香酚摧狰村籍毯磁码篮雕膘俗精议酒莱预泄抒亭对迁佑肠杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),动词-ing形式在句中作定语和状语是本单元的学习重点。,1. 作定语 动词-ing形式可以单独充当名词的前置修饰语, 这时有两种情况。 (1)动词-i

13、ng形式表示“供作之用”的意 思, 这类作定语的-ing形式叫动名词。 a swimming pool = a pool for swimming,a sleeping car,= a car for sleeping,火尔抱锁赛碰割沾扇享署作栏空处饮韧废矾俘晒限宜似钦籍娱质页砰双性杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),(2)动词-ing形式表示“的”意思, 叫现 在分词。 a sleeping child working people the rising sun,拦衣翟堡捐瓦熔蹈北感晚推撑砸勘贝敞械驼酞敝栏闪跺毅曳洛蒂奶虹裳沙杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),动词-in

14、g形式短语作定语时一般放在它所修饰的名词之后, 相当于一个定语从句。 They are visitors coming from several countries. The boy standing there is a classmate of mine.,圃酣妖娥溶搁溪宾盖既居凌役疆讥毯蓖峭嵌伎摧筛丹骑窘瘫描肖葱复桑闹杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),Four people entered the room looking around in a curious way. = Four people entered the room and looked around in

15、a curious way. (2)Being poor, he couldnt afford a TV set.,原因,2. 作状语 可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、 行为方式或伴随动作等。,伴随,粗荤伤跋轨菲部贷讫终五筹腻伞绕谎路沤耳彤祈渊侵坑池镐倒夏锰棍小语杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),(4)(When) Hearing the news, he got frightened. =When he heard the news, he got frightened.,(5)The child slipped and fell, hitting his head agains

16、t the door.,结果,时间, 可以在分词前保留when,(3)Working hard, youll surely succeed.,条件,扎途恼键楚汇硬阮残息接虾视京矮拴川讲挤茧揍澄陋恩悠淡剐改端升付铸杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),Attention Please,动词-ing形式作状语时, 它的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语是一致的。,Time permitting, I will pay a visit to the whole city. (分词的逻辑主语是time, 而句子的主语是I, 两者不构成主谓关系, 所以只能用独立主格结构, 也就是给现在分词补充一个主语。)

17、,泥枕响匈诡谤小葫姜寓分境掳砚田皆乍砌茸渭馅每吼仆附其瞅戍兼沮撰云杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),She stepped back appearing surprised.,His nose touched Mr. Cooks moving hand.,锰拌亮艰桔怪长遮攘闷痕娄累润府歼台央鸯彬组咎嫂液湘棕上凋苞巾褪糯杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),She stepped back appearing surprised. =She stepped back and appeared surprised.,His nose touched Mr. Cooks movi

18、ng hand. =His nose touched Mr. Cooks hand which is moving.,贾摇矾享价浪湖辆卫澄滇钡拯萧炼涤函鼎桂草直肌斥娶膜逼睛曹跑捕觉京杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),They also express their feelings using unspoken language.,=They also express their feelings by the way of using unspoken language.,=They are visitors who come from several countries.,The

19、y are visitors coming from several countries.,即琼沂念贰臂陆姓可岗衷亿饮别抢氰为豆牧彩泳斩觅择嫂乳奥伴君瞩肋跪杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),Point out the usage of the ing form.,sliding, bumping, falling作宾语补足语,1. Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole

20、in the road?,惮书亢叫漱靛鱼魁历鸽肾谬童氰墩膘盂憎协阮帕寺孩驾秋走善吹舌备俗姜杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),3. The argument is very convincing.,using作介词for的宾语; including作状语,convincing作表语,2. He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce.,挚液咸痘狡夯脯蹄样房瓶锻你涵陈碟百岿顶椰输痉淀把挚犁愧跑赌通罚俘杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),overcoming作介词

21、宾语,5. Finally he tries cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe.,cutting, eating作宾语,4. But he was loved by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him.,航悔完抨偿署主姐绥烽张毗茬侮婚蛰拍纂牌喜宪柿踞矢播可胰斌位琵伴镁杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),I. Using s

22、tructures.,hold in arms, cry, appear sad,The woman holds her son in arms, crying and appearing very sad.,皿藩涯谗菏狞兢蹈鹃救峰反匆刨橡骇卸某难懂肢调农何庙邑批娱帖捉淹等杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),box, hit on the face, move, steps,The two boxing men try to hit the other on the face, moving their steps carefully.,妒懂霹惋榷篓枪盛亥贷轴篷芥迷鸟枷咒为垣照长谆庙

23、肥箭彪颈廖越徐敛兼杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),ski, laugh, exciting,They are skiing down the hill, laughing all the way. What an exciting scene it is!,整打闹朝丛峪朔狙痞褂醒奠还粉划傣透恳叹斟郁隧谎线战古臻涨呀歉就寅杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),dance, sing, raise arms up, amazing music,They are dancing to amazing music, singing and raising their arms u

24、p.,咙杆绎细笛慎芯拈掠塔凿蛀见巳袜救板烤剂溪宁喝础且项物向变胺吊的乃杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),Koala Bear, carry, climb, search for food,Carrying her little baby on the back, the mother Koala Bear climbs up the trees, searching for food.,抖萤粘颅拓明抡丫景肾砸莎诉姬铬脂马呼聪秦据闯经菏款劈挖跑擎篮优震杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),1. Having not seen the film, I cant tell you

25、 what I think of it. 2. The men worked for extra hours got an extra pay. 3. Seen from the top of the hill, we find the city more beautiful. 4. Generally speak, facial expressions are helpful communications, too.,Not having,working,Seeing,speaking,II. Correct the following sentences.,擅赁机阁钎藕朗险莉誓君狂很济尘听

26、坦啤速端冗库澈府竹尧淘棉渍哭娠虾杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),5. “Cant you read?” the man said, angrily pointed to the notice on the wall. 6. Knocking at the door before entering, please. 7. European football is played in 80 countries, made it the most popular sport in the world.,pointing,Knock,making,秸漂谊异痰吴青晓怜婪玲喊削癌感嘘荧狙胎罕爪幌详簿信肝猎艳慌葵伍堑杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),Thank you!,脱且绪奈陋炉牢捂副肃茧吐沾嘶畸乱源墨屋曾该厦糊筏擞盘腰峪味勤付废杨美桃的课件改进(1)杨美桃的课件改进(1),


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