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1、Unit 5,Theme parks,Period 4 复习与测试,胰舵兰牡名南滦克喊阿甩熄汾虞酶徒予迹坚厨瘪苞棺基剔装坠请扫旗框头高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,复习与测试,赴流掌铀叁估喻极冕塑金煽蹄肤骚鸿宙杨母斥排牌棺逼丛刘窟涯努付浮杏高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,一、单词识记,1._ adj. 不同的 2._ n.题目;主题 3._ adj.中心的;主要

2、的 4._ adv.无论在哪里 5._ adj.独一无二的 6._ n.& v.秋千;摇摆 7._ n.长度;长,length,various,theme,central,wherever,unique,swing,复习与应用,双基达标,拴便唤笼醚摇沪疏己汁筐冰梧妊命琅海脓藕赎淋取帚式宝份较逐豹众锁眯高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,8._ n.纪念品 9._ vt.保存 n.保护区 10._ n.生物 11.advance v. _ 12.carpenter n. _ 13.s

3、ettler n. _ 14.brand n. _,商标;牌子,souvenir,preserve,creature,前进;促进;提前,木匠,移民;殖民者,程凸馁工缺绥攻证熬蒙祥遍测笆鸡葱惮孕峙仙询北械叁傣敲搂炭傈疙顷淘高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,15.admission n. _ 16.translator n. _ 17.tournament n. _ 18.attraction n. _ 19.fantasy n. _ 20.athletic adj. _,运动的,允

4、许进入;入场费,译员;翻译,锦标赛;联赛,吸引;有吸引力的事物,幻想;怪念头,膊全低耻磨容万逐常计骆钵雷除伏靴廖弛刃肄邀哑篓窃奥驼驴忱翟陶咯猎高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,4. _n.消遣;娱乐_vt.使娱乐_adj.好笑的 5. _n.有吸引力的事情_vt.吸引_adj.有吸引力的 6. _n.旅游业_n.游客 7. _adj.独一无二的 8. _n.发动机 9. _n.保护区vt.保存;保留 10. _n.长度_adj.长的_vt.加长 11. _adj.运动的_n.运动

5、员 12. _n.译员;翻译_n.翻译_vt.翻译 13. _v.& n.前进_adj.高级的 14. _n.允许进入 15. _n.高速公路,amusement,amuse,amusing,attraction,attract,attractive,tourism,tourist,unique,engine,preserve,length,long,lengthen,athletic,athlete,translator,translation,translate,advance,advanced,admission,freeway,1. _adj.中央的_n.中心 2. _adj.不同的;

6、各种各样的_v.变化_n.不同种类 3. _n.漫画;动画片,central,center,various,vary,variety,cartoon,单词自查,痈熙媚护尉决植皋夺吩鞋窥拼皿把矢述勿膘奎竿惫抖雾复娠空虹异交云倍高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,.单词拼写 1The story was first written in English and later_ (翻译)into Chinese. 2My train was 20 minutes late in the m

7、orning and there was a_(相似的)delay in the evening. 3She felt an immediate_ (吸引力)for him. 4For kids under 6,no_ (入场费)is needed to the park. 5The company doubled its_(利润)in the year of 2009. 6_ (先进的)ways of management must be brought in to improve the efficiency(效率),双基达标,.单词拼写,translated,similar,attrac

8、tion,admission,profit,Advanced,翅佛信兵沂等詹牲井扁吧舒守择布慕陋赡宏支识摘唱半杨戏假逻疤返帽抑高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,.单词拼写 1. I find_(乐趣)in collecting stamps. 2. The_(吸引力)of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 3. You may pick_(无论哪个)you like best. 4. The island has been ruin

9、ed by_(旅游业). 5. Youre a wonderful, _(独一无二的)person.,amusement,attraction,whichever,tourism,unique,单词拼写,翟院沛芥厚杠烩藻礁柑侯扯麻像积婪纠边芭坊施最扳耪灌伯凳越锣需障粱高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,二、词组互译,1. 以而闻名 _ 2. 根据仿造,模仿 _ 3. 接近 _ 4. 打理农场 _ 5. 参加 _ 6. 面对面 _ 7. 例如 _,for example,be fam

10、ous for,be modeled after,get close to,run the farms,take part in,face to face,刚父温怪哆菩愚瓤紫钻够篇黎忙辖虹募孵伊限窗漓巫廖漳乞蹿槛转选也像高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,8. 不但而且_ 9. 与相比较 _ 10. 闲逛 _ 11.be familiar with _ 12.no wonder _ e to life _ 14.base on _ e true _,实现,not only .but

11、 also.,compare. with.,wander around,对熟悉,难怪;不足为奇,活跃起来,以基础,李字骡罗涂苔予绢健慈闻肾趾早瞄削吭励秋狈怎措庸倍危蓑陈储法刹箱饵高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,16.a theme park_ 17.make ones dream come true _ 18.provide with_ 19.admit doing sth._ 20.prepare for _,为做准备,主题公园,使某人的梦想成真,为提供,承认做某事,烹世救瓜

12、最酿猴颁贯资厨绚僚脱葛鲁童邯倾依喜哟腋瘟馋知提淤哲狱算画高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,1.be famous_以闻名 2. _wonder难怪;不足为奇 3.be_after仿造;根据模仿 4. _advance提前 5. _close to接近 e to_活跃起来 7.be familiar_熟悉 8. _true实现 9.a variety_各种各样的 10. _fun玩得高兴 11._ 玩得高兴 12._ 面对面地 13._ 为某人提供某物,for,no,modelle

13、d,in,get,life,with,come,of,have,短语自查,have fun,face to face,provide sb.with sth.,尸功滥让即搅抄侠赁遂宇耀散锥芦察领去走款裙疟个叔啊逊痰斤涵狼柯猿高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,词组填空,1. Their education system _the American one, so there are so many similar aspects between them. 2. _Tom has

14、passed the exam; he had known the answers before the exam. 3. I _the boys name, but I have never met him face to face. 4. If you want your dream to_, you should work hard. 5. Qufu is a small city, but it _the old temples of Confucius all over the world.,is modelled after,No wonder,am familiar with,c

15、ome true,is famous for,痊此屡鬼澈晨匙剑阮截蓬灼获捧癸舒林快折讣步庐神显序虑卑殃碘囤蚜歉高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,.短语填空,.词组填空,1.As is known to all,this education system _ the French one. 2He has been there many times._ he doesnt approve of the plan going there for holiday. 3All the i

16、njured have been sent to the nearest hospital and _ there. 4Three days had passed before he_ .His parents never left the hospital until they saw him open his eyes.,is modelled after,No wonder,taken good care of,came to life,震诸乒套符遍闹稍谦肮煤醉牲卷擎俏柯陡挡关吹擦凄端休擅顿尺雪纷贼咨高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教

17、版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,5We are planning a trip to Yuntai Mountain in Henan province,which_ its beautiful natural scenery. 6If you want to see the film next Sunday,youd better book the ticket_ . 7There are_ toys on sale and the children dont know what they should buy. 8Suddenly I found a stra

18、nger_ me,which made me a little nervous.,is famous for,in advance,a variety of,getting close to,淋侮氟安桶铭燥结宅赋瘫淀配酷颐负液偿营埋疑上哲婴俺沛从构铭雇凭寄高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,1. _(怪不得)I have not seen him recently. He is ill. 2.Hibernation is_(不仅仅是睡眠;more). 3.Youll be sure

19、 to_(玩得很开心;fun) at the party tonight. 4.Also the English people_(以而著名;famous) the sense of humour. 5. _(我不光困倦;only), but I was also cold. 6. _(如果你开车的话), go round the Third Ring Road and head north. 7. _(有这么多的好汽车;so) on display here that I dont know which to buy. 8. _(务必;sure) to get the work finishe

20、d before six oclock.,No wonder,more than sleep,have fun,are famous for,Not only was I tired,If driving,完成句子,There are so many fine cars,Be sure,禽暖檄睫杰孰孵贿机以虞活交弗剥罩瓮三附铝唆痉吨助臭醛捻贴俱邢越闪高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,.完成句子 1.无论她走到哪里,都有一群人围着她。(wherever) Wherever she

21、goes,there are crowds of people surrounding her. 2警察的职责之一就是维护公共秩序。(preserve) It is one of the duties of the police to preserve public order. 3大多数的外语院校里男生都占少数。(minority) Boys are in the minority in most foreign language colleges.,III 完成句子,侄齿位巷拭郊呸吁辛诉烟独鳖迄引挥垂陪鸥诲楞虫辐皖擦傻赊莆茶区甜总高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_park

22、s4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,4三天来他根本就没睡觉,难怪他筋疲力尽。(wonder) He hasnt slept at all for three days. Its no wonder he is tired out. 5她突然想到她从开始就错了。(suddenly) It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all along.,搽泛幢局产含咳但虫已建运胎申事霸糖势退条拽夺可崔韧腰痔浸渔痞胖遭高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语

23、(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,单句改错 1. He is famous for both a teacher and scientist. _ 2. Whoever telephone, tell him Im out. _ 3. He has no attraction to me. _ 4. No matter wherever he goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see him. _,for as,telephone telephones,单句改错,to on,wherever where,龙

24、畸史铁缠斜训搁狗熔院傣梨防巧桨赦璃雷札脂炒社赂盲赔翌警衙砌迸聚高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,【写作素材】 1我班同学组织了一次远足。 2我们去了市中心的水上主题公园。 3那儿有很多娱乐项目和景点。 4我们买的是学生票,因而很多人都有钱买了小册子和纪念品。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 Our classmates organized an outing to the water theme park where there are various amusements a

25、nd attractions in the central city. We got admission rate for students, so many of us had money to buy a brochure and some souvenirs.,单元知识点应用,IV 微写作,浙奎玩据秉藕缘埠正恫膜枪赤摹愚厩短梧杯贼闯政咋侧思从厘孵淡缨姑文高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,.书面表达增分策略 如何综合提高写作档次 典题示例 目前,随着人们生活压力的不断增大,人

26、们的忧虑也越来越多。请根据下面内容提示写一篇演讲稿。 我们的忧虑:1.注重自我,轻视合作; 2缺乏毅力,容易气馁; 3盲目追求,渴望成名。 我们的长处:敢于挑战,(请联系自己的体验拟定内容) 注意:1.对所给要点逐一陈述,可适当发挥,但不要简单翻译; 2词数120左右。开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。,V书面表达,语言运用与应试技巧,谜炕平澡炉辞躇庭傀菌互拣唇诗殊陵币浴码替鹅支切槐静共卸盟乖泛薯搓高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,Good afternoon,everyone!

27、Under the fiercer circumstances,we are developing our special manners and values,which has raised our concern. _ Thank you for your listening! 思路点拨 根据所给出的材料不难分析出,这是一篇议论文,内容与考生紧密相关,即对自我的评价。 从题型看,这也是一篇提纲式作文,命题者已经将材料条理化,这对写作时的合理布局有一定的帮助。,汤驹颁秦很贤撤官巴吞赂朱蓖西人陈吮竟垫遁容圆隆尽甲翰草妓局脑洲钻高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复




31、萧诸副欠炉鞍权宠匙竞认格通侮暗刨激丁乎忧两笨淮踩姚填高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,曙徒拴超漓阜热易鸳貌塌丫留埔袄喳勉胀或急虚宗踌腆就碾圃典叭异恼川高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,1 She is in a rather_ position, as her job is different from anyone elses. Aunfortunate Bpre

32、cious Cfantastic Dunique 解析句意:她的职位相当独特,因为她的工作不同于其他任何人的。unique“独一无二的”;unfortunate“不幸的”;precious“珍贵的”;fantastic“极好的”。答案D,VI 单项填空,2 There are_ flowers and trees shown in the park and_ people go to have a look. Aa plenty of; many Bvarieties of; various Cvarious;many Dquite a few; quite a little 解析variou

33、s“不同种类的;各种各样的”,作定语相当于a variety of或varieties of,但various用来修饰人不妥,所以B项不合适。答案C,栗斗稻朽山员傲好辖娟废葬笼韵堪傅装鹏津瘤设棋餐砷骡峨欧镍姿席坷惶高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,3 (2012湖北八校联考一)While our city tries impatiently to change its appearance by tearing down old buildings, more and more

34、citizens are suggesting ways to _ the historically important architecture. Adecorate Bdevelop Cpreserve Dadvocate 解析preserve 保护。句意:尽管我市通过拆毁旧楼房迫不及待地改变它的面貌,但是越来越多的市民建议保护历史上的重要建筑。decorate 装饰;develop 开发; advocate 提倡。答案C,屯慨惩堑三雏环超孰烯擅炯蕴磺别糜脾书孵架值蝗乞臣暴粕稿悦穿观繁疯高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Un

35、it_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,4 He made a(n)_ that he was the thief. Aentry Badmission Csuccess Dapproach 解析句意:他承认自己就是那个窃贼。make an admission that“承认”。答案B,5 The idea of travelling to the moon holds little _ for me. Ascene Bview Cattraction Dsight 解析句意:到月球去旅行这个主意对我没有吸引力。attraction 吸引力。答案C。,驹慨颗狼尤岛皋稽絮佐炊缄恍捆斑硕纲注

36、虎采苟苗蚂敛洗牺应经观阴桌赖高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,6 The design of this building is modelled_ classic Greek forms. Aafter Bwith Cat Dfor 解析be modelled after根据仿造。答案A,7 Our hometown is famous_ its fresh fruit. Afor Bas Cto Dwith 解析be famous for以出名。答案A,亡糙驶穗阎梭驼纪驳弘逾桨

37、桂线栋留押霸物男柠稻就苦慌谚弛激启绢模舍高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,8 To keep safe_ an earthquake, you should remain at a spot in your room where nothing may fall on you. Ain search of Bin advance of Cin terms of Din case of 解析in advance of在前面。in search of 寻找;in terms of 就

38、而言;in case of 以防,万一。答案B,9John is said to have learned Italian in Italy for five years. _ he speaks it like a native speaker. ANo doubt BNo problem CNo wonder DNo reason 解析no wonder难怪。no doubt 无疑;no reason 毫无理由;no problem 没问题。答案C,挫餐砰偷嚏壶牛虚陋鹃坚系正最箩跋妓氛丽狄售擦脚迷池厩鼠旧帮耪像微高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中

39、英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,10 Word came that the young businessman got close to_ in the train accident. Akill Bbe killed Ckilling Dbeing killed 解析get close to being killed几乎被杀死。答案D,11 I stood in the middle of the room, staring at the toys, and in my imagination, the toys_. Agot close to lif

40、e Bbrought back to life Ccame to life Dwere close to life 解析come to life恢复生机。答案C,完醛蟹接逐粹伤诱檬向假咽抽曝恐挽窑钦吻甜癸另梧显整擦掺摊瞻唉绥镀高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,12 . Not only _ strict with us, but also _ for us. A. was the teacher; did he care B. was the teacher; he cared

41、C. the teacher was; did he care D. the teacher was; he cared 【解析】选B。not only置于句首时,not only后的句子要用部分倒装,but also后的句子不倒装。,132010上海,33 Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues _ with her stories. A. amused B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused 【解析】选A。amused感到快乐的;amusing有趣的,逗乐的。分析

42、句意可知应用amused描述her colleagues。,唇奄铱烯贴任盯巳帧扇呐忘绞荣肋断衰烫殉僳俘森憾左米翅存愉乞喝滩衰高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,14 _team wins on Saturday will go through to the coming Asian Games. ANo matter what BNo matter which CWhatever DWhichever 解析whichever team无论哪一个队,引出主语从句。no matter

43、which 只引出让步状语从句。答案D,15 All people,_they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster. Aeven if Bwhether Cno matter Dhowever 解析whether.or无论是还是。答案B,檄蝎嫉情迹寡钨酞箩错俏岿洱狱蘸札甲经荔然熬鲸媚贮栋郑瞅媒万挚稼绚高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试高中英语(人教版)必修四_Unit_5_Theme_parks4复习与测试,16It is said that the_ for next Wednesdays conference is education as well as child care. Ashuttle Bengine Cbrand Dtheme 解析theme 主题。shuttle 往返汽车;engin


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