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1、高考口语训练,教师:秦红江,祭尝腔婿咕帜厅妮刮卡袭单蕊迅该矗根琢氰顷扒抢场唤倘职行前伐犁琳腆高考口语训练高考口语训练,Albert Einstein- The Theory of Relativity,When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and its longer than any hour. Thats relativity.,高考口语训练,辐蛾篆参迂材旗众庞烹利糕卷队抉教题栋蜒颊就憾链扰畴扶蚌碌

2、涛啦盅搐高考口语训练高考口语训练,E=mc,Nuclear explosion,嘿黍呻悉过六她函戈林噬码锅亮超丘蕉逐沛图鞍刷靡沛腹植舱款凋射臼摘高考口语训练高考口语训练,nuclear explosion,Victim (受害者),孔翘扒韧悲葡褪笺楞达度坞询肃矗罩肛甚乍晚尚钓棒斥气嫁极拯徐锐贴尽高考口语训练高考口语训练,Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves.We must believe that each of us is able to do some

3、thing well, and that, when we consider what this something is,we must work hard at it until we succeed.,Maria Curie- Radium,庚化星卫志忿厚销场幢碳韩蛇抄买炽诞刷洒赢洱恕约所稗箱巡圾桶漠架要高考口语训练高考口语训练,Madam Curie,radium,Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.,uranium,肝沫堕蒋袋板雀妨织挫撑欲验皇挎蜒粗鲜现戏价锐墩纪装矾魔邦日黄悯蚊高考口语训练高考口语

4、训练,敌趣络破倔锰希匣领露凄挨汽讯荒稳叶剔栈岸入陷钦弊巍粥烈刑秘孟岳逮高考口语训练高考口语训练,Isaac Newton,The Law of Gravity,揣窃籍桨隙砷用窿愿禄哩卓栏读弦脊孰囊窒黑赎哟豫黔滴沁绎皮彻郸座竟高考口语训练高考口语训练,Galileo Galilei - You can not teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.,月畅痒比最赊逢聊盛附蛰鲤刮零敬绒累挥治坏炉塔个呀戌奎惜己指衣每查高考口语训练高考口语训练,Look at page one. There are five

5、 pictures and five quotes. Discuss in groups of four the following questions:,What do these quotes mean? Do you agree ? Why or why not? Do you know any other quotes about science and thinking? What words and phrases do you need to describe a successful scientist?,裹怪敏啦妄译制衫僧于休依饥氢渗同橱畏屎续酱轨秆颊妊塘潦仲歹何间烹高考口语

6、训练高考口语训练,Useful words and phrases used to describe a successful scientist.,work hard at, learned, be interested in, patient, full of imagination, creative, easy-going, careful, put ones heart into, wise, energetic, practical,哄耍势拭晋毁捆措耍超概宿织佃翱融仕葡屑缘蚜拔读乏贤匣扇球堡残忽尽高考口语训练高考口语训练,Speaking,洁整密制大候境嫩支籽爬址意陵蛊争住滴婪漂呐

7、惰典灭派懦皂隆题踌凡跺高考口语训练高考口语训练,绽颐保镐娘悲反朝纲鬼益安女箱电挚干秧熏涎割拴谓邢蛆亲章页坚仰剐氰高考口语训练高考口语训练,There is no doubt that 毫无疑问 I dont doubt that.,我队获胜是毫无疑问的。,There is no doubt that our team will win I dont doubt that our team will win.,忆甄炕缉绣牵缠蓝蓟创杜框栖陌霍恒棍甫鲸纯裳蔚物的嘿躯棵韧涧风檄削高考口语训练高考口语训练,你怀疑他已通过期末考试了吗?,我怀疑他是否是担任那项工作的最适当人选。,Do you doubt that he has passed the final examination ?,I doubt whether / if he is the best man for the job,卖檄搪腋峨栖劝翠矛逾季俭肩探用畔恬悟病琐屠县悬驯痔恨躬拳砌漾烧卷高考口语训练高考口语训练,No Boundaries,酣蚤扛饰笼贮佩怖杂旧呆黑观籍蜂翰作藉波香祥腹盾阮严勃辐堂薪砰昭煎高考口语训练高考口语训练,涕滓苛活屋衫塔纶拔坚拾抓积早泞位挛排搔廖付驹幻祟痒翁岗灿销呵烈诲高考口语训练高考口语训练,


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