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1、political advocates, and struggle target, and organization principles, and excellent style and on members of basic requirements, further clear do qualified members of standard, upgrade respected, and fear and comply with Constitution Party rules of thought consciously, lane clear the do what, and sh

2、ouldnt do what, can do what, and cannot do what, keep live Communist is work of benchmark and bottom line. Party members and leading cadres above the county level to local party committees for further study work and party work, selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres work rules

3、and other regulations in the party, Required for the efforts to improve the leadership level of political literacy and policy. XI series important speech, General Secretary, the latest achievement is the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen party ideological theor

4、y, the most important is the spiritual unity, armed with a series of important speech. Party members to thoroughly understand the XI series of the basic spirit of the important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand new ideas new ideas and new central governance the basic elements of the s

5、trategy, understanding enhance party spirit, fulfills the purpose concepts, self-restraint and moral character, and other basic requirements. Party members and leading cadres above the county level to learn the original, read, enlightenment principles, understand speech of rich content and core esse

6、nce, master Marxist positions the method through which, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, better guide and promote career development. Meanwhile, in accordance with provincial requirements, continu

7、ous learning, XI Jinping, the important speech of General Secretary of Henan work research guide, in preparation for the Party Committee in the general process of cadres with the important speeches and instructions to lead practice, planning development; XI Jinping, in accordance with the spirit of

8、the important instructions, General Secretary, Comrade Mao Zedong, the Party Committees working methods into learning content and improve the scientific level of party committees at all levels. Two innovative learning method. Focused learning and self-study combined combined, learning to read and di

9、scuss, organize the vast numbers of party members plan, in thematic studies. Full use of the resources, primary contact point, education in party spirit and the warning education bases, revolutionary tradition and warning education, experiential education. Powerful hand give a Party lecture as enhan

10、cing the effectiveness of learning, 71 before and after each branch set to arrange a party lecture, leading cadres must give a Party lecture as an important responsibility, leading in the branch give a Party lecture, to the rural, communities, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party branch g

11、ive a Party lecture. Give full play to the theorists, practitioners, outstanding party members, members of grass-roots party建筑施工之模板工程混凝土结构的模板工程,是混凝土结构构件施工的重要工具。现浇混凝土结构施工所用模板工程的造价,约占混凝土结构工程总造价的三分之一,总用工量的二分之一。因此,采用先进的模板技术,对于提高工程质量、加快施工速度、提高劳动生产率、降低工程成本和实现文明施工,都具有十分重要的意义。我国的模板技术,自从20世纪70年代提出“以钢代木”的技术政策


13、除上述规定外,第一应优先推广清水混凝土模板;第二宜推广“快速脱模”,以提高模板周转率;第三应采取分段流水工艺,减少模板一次投入量。8-1 组合式模板组合式模板,是现代模板技术中,具有通用性强、装拆方便、周转次数多的一种“以钢代木”的新型模板,用它进行现浇钢筋混凝土结构施工,可事先按设计要求组拼成梁、柱、墙、楼板的大型模板,整体吊装就位,也可采用散装散拆方法。8-1-1 55型组合钢模板55型组合钢模板又称组合式定型小钢模,是目前使用较广泛的一种通用性组合模板。8-1-1-1 部件组成组合钢模板的部件,主要由钢模板、连接件和支承件三部分组成。1钢模板钢模板采用Q235钢材制成,钢板厚度2.5mm

14、,对于400mm宽面钢模板的钢板厚度应采用2.75mm或3.0mm钢板。主要包括平面模板、阴角模板、阳角模板、连接角模等,见表8-1。钢模板的用途及规格 表8-1钢模板规格编码,见表8-2。of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis

15、mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB5

16、0236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification fo

17、r steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindr

18、ical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump

19、 installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for liftingorganizations, Secretary General of their respective advantages and q/a-release puzzle, interactive communication. Third, learning effectiveness. Close contact itself thought, and work, and life actual, in-depth reflectio

20、n adhere to ideal faith, and comply with discipline rules, and strict to slim sets, and practice behavior people purposes, aspects situation, real hit thought soul, and into spirit blood, constantly unlock thought buttons, and corrected awareness deviation, learning thought practice Wu in the rememb

21、er party rules discipline, firm right political direction, habit discipline consciously, firm China features Socialist road confidence, and theory confidence, and system confidence. Second, in doing work for example, always try to do something. Learning is basis, do is learning purposes. The unity o

22、f knowledge, be qualified party members, the most fundamental is to enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness. This four consciousness, embodies the fundamental political orientation, Political positions, political demands, is the touchstone of testing political quality o

23、f party members. To strengthen four consciousness as a basic requirement, and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres par determined to learn from the CPC Central Committee, and General Secretary to XI Jinping, the partys theory, line, principles and policies in line, to the decisions of

24、the Central Committee line, flag of the firm with the CPC Central Committee, ideologically, politically and in action with comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee was very consistent. This two learn a do learning education, looks at party and national career new developm

25、ent on members of new requirements, clear proposed Communist to do four told four has, this and good cadres 20 Word standard, and three strict three real, and four a iron General, and loyalty clean play, requirements is consistent of, is current history conditions Xia qualified Communist standard of

26、 materialized. Learning education, each of the party members and cadres should be the four spoke four as ruler, often measure, view and transform themselves, truly do combine, do something. A talk about politics, faith, be politically qualified. When a Communist Party member must first be qualified

27、politically. To do politically wise, keep the political nature of the Communists, stand tall and ideal and belief backbone firm belief in Marxism, firm belief in socialism and communism with Chinese characteristics, absolutely loyal to the party, party, party, party, party, party to party, party par

28、ty. Second, we must show good manners and discipline, do discipline fail. Well-organized and disciplined is the partys power. To abide by party discipline, party rules in particular political discipline and rules, enhance the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide, knowin

29、g fear, bright line, abide by the rules. Three talk about morality, character, character qualified. Communist Party members should make a moral model. Should pass钢模板规格编码表(mm) 表8-22连接件连接件由U形卡、L形插销、钩头螺栓、紧固螺栓、扣件、对拉螺栓等组成,见表8-3。连接件组成及用途 表8-3对拉螺栓的规格和性能,见表8-4。对拉螺栓的规格和性能 表8-4螺栓直径(mm)螺纹内径(mm)净面积(mm2)容许拉力(kN)

30、M1210.117612.90M1411.8410517.80M1613.8414424.50T129.507112.05T1411.5010417.65T1613.5014324.27T1815.5018932.08T2017.5024140.91扣件容许荷载,见表8-5。扣件容许荷载(kN) 表8-5项目型号容许荷载碟形扣件26型2618型183形扣件26型2612型123支承件(1)钢楞又称龙骨,主要用于支承钢模板并加强其整体刚度。钢楞的材料有Q235圆钢管、矩形钢管、内卷边槽钢、轻型槽钢、轧制槽钢等,可根据设计要求和供应条件选用。常用各种型钢钢楞的规格和力学性能,见表8-6。常用各种型

31、钢钢楞的规格和力学性能 表8-6规格(mm)截面积A重量截面惯性矩Ix截面最小抵抗矩Wx(cm2)(kg/m)(cm4)(cm3)圆钢管483.04.243.3310.784.49483.54.893.8412.195.08513.55.224.1014.815.81矩形钢管060402.54.573.5921.887.29080402.04.523.5537.139.280100503.08.646.78112.1222.42轻型槽钢80403.04.503.5343.9210.98100503.05.704.4788.5212.20内卷边槽钢08040153.05.083.9948.921

32、2.23010050203.06.585.16100.2820.06轧制槽钢80435.010.248.04101.3025.30(2)柱箍又称柱卡箍、定位夹箍,用于直接支承和夹紧各类柱模的支承件,可根据柱模的外形尺寸和侧压力的大小来选用(图8-1)。图8-1 柱箍(a)角钢型;(b)型钢型1-插销;2-限位器;3-夹板;4-模板;5-型钢;6-钢型B常用柱箍的规格和力学性能,见表8-7。常用柱箍的规格和力学性能 表8-7材料规格(mm)夹板长度(mm)截面积A(mm2)截面惯性矩Ix(mm4)截面最小抵抗矩Wx(mm2)适用柱宽范围(mm)扁钢60679036010.801043.60103


34、8-3),适用于断面为600mm500mm以内的梁,上述两种梁卡具的高度和宽度都能调节。采用Q235。图8-2 钢管型梁卡具1-三角架;2-底座;3-调节杆;4-插销;5-调节螺栓;6-钢筋环图8-3 扁钢和圆钢管组合梁卡具1-三角架;2-底座;3-固定螺栓(4)钢支柱用于大梁、楼板等水平模板的垂直支撑,采用Q235钢管制作,有单管支柱和四管支柱多种形式(图8-4)。单管支柱分C-18型、C-22型和C-27型三种,其规格(长度)分别为18123112mm、22123512mm和27124012mm。单管钢支柱的截面特征见表8-8。四管支柱截面特征见表8-9。图8-4 钢支柱(a)单管支柱;(

35、b)四管支柱;(c)螺栓千斤顶单管钢支柱截面特征 表8-8类型项目直径(mm)壁厚(mm)截面积截面积惯性矩I(cm4)回转半径r(cm)外径内径(cm2)CH插管48432.53.579.281.16套管60552.54.5218.702.03YJ插管48413.54.8912.191.58套管60533.56.2124.882.00四管钢支柱截面特征 表8-9管柱规格(mm)四管中心距(mm)截面积(cm2)截面惯性矩I(cm4)截面抵抗矩W(cm3)回转半径r(cm)483.520019.572005.34121.2410.12483.020016.961739.06105.1410.1

36、3(5)早拆柱头用于梁和模板的支撑柱头,以及模板早拆柱头(图8-5)。图8-5 螺旋式早拆柱头(6)斜撑用于承受墙、柱等侧模板的侧向荷载和调整竖向支模的垂直度(图8-6)。图8-6 斜撑1-底座;2-顶撑;3-钢管斜撑;4-花篮螺丝;5-螺帽;6-旋杆;7-销钉(7)桁架有平面可调和曲面可变式两种,平面可调桁架用于支承楼板、梁平面构件的模板,曲面可变桁架支承曲面构件的模板。1)平面可调桁架(图8-7):用于楼板、梁等水平模板的支架。用它支设模板,可以节省模板支撑和扩大楼层的施工空间,有利于加快施工速度。图8-7 轻型桁架平面可调桁架采用角钢、扁钢和圆钢筋制成,由两榀桁架组合后,其跨度可在210

37、03500mm范围内调整,一个桁架的总承载力为20kN(均匀放置)。2)曲面可变桁架(图8-8):曲面可变桁架由桁架、连接件、垫板、连接板、方垫块等组成。适用于筒仓、沉井、圆形基础、明渠、暗渠、水坝、桥墩、挡土墙等侧向构件,曲面构筑物模板的支撑。图8-8 可变桁架示意图1-内弦;2-腹筋;3-外弦;4-连接件;5-螺栓;6-方垫块桁架用扁钢和圆钢筋焊制成,内弦与腹筋焊接固定,外弦可以伸缩,曲面弧度可以自由调节,最小曲率半径为3m。桁架的截面特征,见表8-10。桁架截面特征 表8-10项目杆件名称杆件规格(mm)毛截面积A(cm2)杆件长度l(mm)惯性矩I(cm4)回转半径r(mm)平面可调桁


39、2)碗扣式钢管脚手架:又称多功能碗扣型脚手架。详见建筑施工手册(第四册)中“5脚手架工程和垂直运输设施”。3)门式支架:又称框组式脚手架,内容详见“脚手架工程和垂直运输设施”。8-1-1-2 施工设计1施工前,应根据结构施工图及施工现场实际条件,编制模板工程施工设计,作为工程项目施工组织设计的一部分。模板工程施工设计应包括以下内容:(1)绘制配板设计图、连接件和支承系统布置图,以及细部结构、异形模板和特殊部位详图;(2)根据结构构造型式和施工条件,对模板和支承系统等进行力学验算;(3)制定模板及配件的周转使用计划,编制模板和配件的规格、品种与数量明细表;(4)制定模板安装及拆模工艺,以及技术安

40、全措施。2为了加快模板的周转使用,降低模板工程成本,宜选择以下措施:(1)采取分层分段流水作业;尽可能采取小流水段施工;(2)竖向结构与横向结构分开施工;(3)充分利用有一定强度的混凝土结构,支承上部模板结构;(4)采取预装配措施,使模板做到整体装拆;(5)水平结构模板宜采用“先拆模板(面板),后拆支撑”的“早拆体系”;充分利用各种钢管脚手架作模板支撑。3模板的强度和刚度验算,应按照下列要求进行:(1)模板承受的荷载参见原混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范(GB 50204-92)的有关规定进行计算;(2)组成模板结构的钢模板、钢楞和支柱应采用组合荷载验算其刚度,其容许挠度应符合表8-11的规定;钢

41、模板及配件的容许挠度(mm) 表8-11部件名称容许挠度部件名称容许挠度钢模板的面积1.5柱箍b/500单块钢模板1.5桁架L/1000钢楞L/500支承系统累计4.0注:L为计算跨度,b为柱宽。(3)模板所用材料的强度设计值,应按国家现行规范的有关规定取用。并应根据模板的新旧程度、荷载性质和结构不同部位,乘以系数1.01.18;(4)采用矩形钢管与内卷边槽钢的钢楞,其强度设计值应按现行冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范(GBJ 18)有关规定取用;强度设计值不应提高;(5)当验算模板及支承系统在自重与风荷作用下抗倾覆的稳定性时,抗倾覆系数不应小于1.15。风荷载应根据现行国家标准建筑结构荷载规范(GB

42、 50009-2001)的有关规定取用。4配板设计和支承系统的设计,应遵守以下规定:(1)要保证构件的形状尺寸及相互位置的正确。(2)要使模板具有足够的强度、刚度和稳定性,能够承受新浇混凝土的重量和侧压力,以及各种施工荷载。(3)力求构造简单,装拆方便,不妨碍钢筋绑扎,保证混凝土浇筑时不漏浆。柱、梁墙、板的各种模板面的交接部分,应采用连接简便、结构牢固的专用模板。(4)配制的模板,应优先选用通用、大块模板,使其种类和块数最小,木模镶拼量最少。设置对拉螺栓的模板,为了减少钢模板的钻孔损耗,可在螺栓部位改用55mml00mm刨光方木代替。或应使钻孔的模板能多次周转使用。(5)相邻钢模板的边肋,都应



45、层段数量。(2)根据工程情况和现场施工条件,决定模板的组装方法。(3)根据已确定配模的层段数量,按照施工图纸中梁、柱、墙、板等构件尺寸,进行模板组配设计。(4)明确支撑系统的布置、连接和固定方法。(5)进行夹箍和支撑件等的设计计算和选配工作。(6)确定预埋件的固定方法、管线埋设方法以及特殊部位(如预留孔洞等)的处理方法。(7)根据所需钢模板、连接件、支撑及架设工具等列出统计表,以便备料。8-1-1-3 模板工程的施工及验收1施工前的准备工作(1)安装前,要做好模板的定位基准工作,其工作步骤是:1)进行中心线和位置的放线:首先引测建筑的边柱或墙轴线,并以该轴线为起点,引出每条轴线。模板放线时,根



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