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1、jako produkn systm zastavit pravidelnou drbu cyklu, jmenovit: kadch 40 dn, nebo tak pro systm vroby cel rostliny 1-2 pracovn zastavit drba pravideln. III denn drba a pravideln drby, drby aktivity jsou nebezpe konkrtn clen prci analza, vvoj vhodn kontroln opaten, podat o pracovn povolen, po proveden

2、etzce schvlen; 2, plny drby a programy ze zazen na spolenosti ron plny komplexn drby, pln by ml zahrnovat bezpenostn vybaven projektant a bezpenostnch zazen opravit projekt podrobn oddlen. Rutinn plnovan drby, jednotka plnem, vrobn technologie sekci ke schvlen. Pln drby mus bt pt sad, kter bude revi

3、ze programu, pracovnky drby, bezpenost, principy konstantn, konstantn kvalita plnu drby opravy. Podle poadavk projektu drby zazen drba stavebnch zazen drby programu by mly bt vytvoeny, program drby by ml bt vyeten pouitho zazen. Programy drby by mla bt bezpenostn opaten, a Jasn kontrola projekt bezp

4、enostn manaer. drba stavitel by mly urit osobu odpovdnou za cel konkrtn bezpenost pi drb. 3, stavitel vnj stavebn dr by ml mt odpovdajc kvalifikaci stanovenou sttem a to v rozsahu jejich licence k provdn oprav a stavebn firmy. Kdy podepsat smlouvu o drb a podepsal dohodu o bezpenosti. Konkrtn od fir

5、my ke spoluprci prmyslu, stavebnictv, implementace systmu zen bezpenosti dodavatele. 4-Ped drbou, opravami bval bezpenostn vzdlvn, jednotky k asti v drb zazen bezpenosti vzdlvn, bezpenostn vzdlvn pat nsledujc: jsem drb bezpenostn pravidla a pedpisy. II drdifficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetor

6、ic; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. Take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes Li Dazhaos classic iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article gave everyone, with a view on how to do well under the new situation of township and village leaders

7、inspire and help, and also share with you. A good play to create iron shoulders strong arms, to assume the burden be passed; only specific qualities, will it be possible in specific areas to create a world. In my view, village chiefs in the new situation, we must first have five basic quality. One a

8、mbition is to pioneer. Who is handsome. People only high-minded can stimulate the flow of momentum to become brave and persistent, become quiet and powerful. Township and village party leaders, within their respective jurisdictions, political stability and economic and social development issues, dec

9、isions and orientation depends to a large extent because of your. Everybody in village chiefs and the positions, both the trust of the masses, the Organizations trust, more ability to you, fully affirmed the moral and other qualities. Therefore, we must always maintain the historical mission and soc

10、ial responsibility, and our ideal tree rooted in the hard work of the soil, with indomitable spirit, indomitable courage to open up a new situation of villages and towns. To have a feeling of closeness to the second. The people and country. Our business foundation in the peoples blood in the people

11、power people. Advanced decisions of the party cadres to the feelings of the people is an eternal theme. Fan Zhong-yan, called first, and enjoy comfort about others, Zheng Banqiaos also wrote a Ya Chai lay listening to the rustling of bamboo, the suspect is suffering. Cao County officials, little my,

12、 a total turn off. Old of feudal official even has so feelings, alone we is to serving for purposes of people servant does? we more should always hold with on people of deep feelings, heart Department masses of leading visited tea, care masses of emotions thoughts complained, always insisted put mas

13、ses of interests put in first, consciously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, and most directly, and most reality of interests problem grabbed, real do love for people by Department, and right for people by with, and Lee for people by conspiracy to. Three with the fame of mi

14、nd. Non-indifferent not insist your dream, without serenity not go far. Ascension to fame is morality, is the sublimation of the soul. As Township and village, be sure to maintain a normal state of mind, establish a correct viewpoint on power, position and values and Outlook, as fame is light like w

15、ater, depending . 50 km, also red and like hundreds of thousands of the KMT military combat, but he went on to collect a variety of newspapers and magazines, and then race against time to pore over. As long as the study of mind, it is not necessary to come to the library, workshops, into the village

16、s, people learned farming techniques, problem-solving methods, participation in 友谊路延长线改扩建工程(平丹村-机场高速段标) 级配碎石底基层施工方案 目 录一 编制依据2二 编制原则2三 本工程采用的技术规范3四 工程概况3五 设计概况4六 级配碎石底基层施工方案1、施工准备52、施工技术及工艺5七 雨天施工措施 6八 级配碎石底基层相关技术规范要求 6九 保证工期的措施 7十 安全措施 8十一 文明施工 9十二 环保措施9级配碎石底基层施工方案一、编制依据1、国家现行建设工程施工及验收规范、规程、建设工程预算定


18、令,服从监理工程师的监督指导,严肃安全纪律,严格按规章程序办事。4、遵循专业队伍施工和综合管理的原则,以专业化队伍为基本形式,配备必要的施工机械设备,同时采取综合管理手段合理调配,以达到整体优化的目的。科学地安排施工顺序,采用平行流水作业组织施工,保证施工的连续性和均衡性,充分发挥人力、物力作用。5、遵循国家及市政府有关环保文件精神,采取有效措施,减少环境污染,降低噪音,创建“文明施工现场”。6、严格遵守国家及市政府有关消防要求,做好消防工作。三、本工程采用的技术规范城镇道路工程施工与质量验收规范 CJJ1-2008公路路面基层施工技术规范 JTJ034-2000公路工程质量检验评定标准 JT

19、G F80/1-2004施工现场临时用电安全技术规范 JGJ46-2005建筑施工安全检查标准 JGJ59-2011工程测量规范 GB50026-2007四、工程概况本项目位于经开区吴圩镇,友谊路延长线改扩建工程(平丹村-机场高速段标),路线基本走向呈北南走向,道路等级为城市主干道。设计起点桩号为K14+140,在K14+891.71处与吴圩镇3号路交叉(交叉路口归本道路设计外围),在K15+288.621下穿机场高速公路延长线分离式立交桥,在K16+211.418与现状明阳一级公路(机场高速公路接线)相交,终点止与机场高速路终点附近,桩号为K18+940(X=2502532.396,Y=51

20、7947.533),线路全长4800米,红线宽60米,设计速度为60km/m。道路横断面采用四块板形式,双向八车道,道路采用沥青混凝土路面结构,其机动车道路面结构厚度为78.6cm;非机动车道路面结构厚度为68.6cm;人行道路面结构厚度为26cm。五、设计概况 、道路纵断面 道路全线最大纵坡为2.411%,最小纵坡为0.3%;凸形竖曲线最小半径7000米,凹形竖曲线最小半径8000米。 、道路横断面 道路横断面采用四块板形式,具体横断面布置为:5.0m路侧带+5.5m非机动车道+2.0m侧分带+15.0m机动车道(0.5m路缘带+43.5m机动车道+0.5m路缘带)+5m中央分隔带+15.0

21、m机动车道(0.5m路缘带+43.5m机动车道+0.5m路缘带)+2.0m侧分带+5.5m非机动车道+5.0m路侧带=60m。、路拱 道路路拱横坡为1.5%,人行道横坡为1.5%。、路面结构: 路面采用沥青混凝土路面结构。结构名称机动车道厚度(cm)非机动车道厚度(cm)AC-13C细粒式改性沥青砼44改性乳化沥青粘层-AC-20C中粒式沥青砼68改性乳化沥青粘层-AC-25C粗粒式沥青砼8-改性乳化沥青稀浆封层+透层0.60.65%水泥稳定碎石20184%水泥稳定碎石2018级配碎石2020总厚度78.668.6六、级配碎石底基层施工方案1、施工准备在铺筑底基层前,将路基顶面的浮土、杂物清理


23、定的路拱或横坡,同时摊铺路肩用料。、用压路机在初平的路段上快速进行碾压一遍,以暴露潜在的不平整。、平地机进行细平,整型并随时检查标高(并预留一定沉降量)。、拉线检查标高,按设计高程每10m一个断面作三个标高点,作出明显标记,配以人工或手推车进行找补整形。、采用振动压路机配合三轮压路机进行碾压,在碾压过程表面应随时保持湿润,并检查压实度,达到规范要求为止。、严禁开放交通,先行自检验收,对不合格处加以处治直到符合要求为止。施工工艺框图检查验收下承层备 料施 工 放 样运 料初 平洒 水稳 压细 平碾 压自 检 验 收七、雨天施工措施1、级配碎石底基层施工一定要注意雨季的影响,施工遇大雨必须停工,小

24、雨天气可根据现场防雨设施,酌情施工。2、为了在雨天时能顺利进行施工,所设的临时便道视情况铺上一层砖渣,保证雨后不泥泞,能迅速通车运材料。3、做好地面的排水工作,防止雨水冲塌边坡,造成不必要的损失。八、级配碎石底基层相关技术规范要求底基层允许偏差序号项 目允许偏差(mm)检验频率检验方法范围点 数1压实度96%1000m21环刀法、灌砂法或灌水法2中线偏位20100m1用经纬仪测量3纵断高程2020m1用水准仪测量4平整度1520m1用3m直尺和塞尺连续量两尺,取较大值5宽度不小于设计规定+B40m1用钢尺量6横坡0.3%且不反坡20m路宽(m)92用水准仪测量91541567厚度+20 -10




28、方施工时,注意土质和放坡,尽量保证不出现事故。7、工地临时用电必须有专职电工架设电线,用绝缘的木杆或砼电杆挂起,每个用电点需安装有配电箱,箱内有保护线路的漏电保护器。工 地电工定期对用电线路进行检查,发现问题及时解决,不放过每一个安全隐患。9、在吊装构件前先对吊装使用的钢丝绳、环钩进行检查,确认钢丝绳的安全使用性能后才能使用。进行吊装时起重臂下禁止站人,在高压线附近吊装构件,需按规范留出必需的吊装距离。10、在施工路口,白天要有安全标志牌,用栏杆围好施工地段,沟 槽边2米内设围栏。晚上需挂红灯,有专职值班人员维护安全。11、施工现场人员较多,运输车辆、施工机械来回穿插交错运行,故现场设有专职安


30、清除,防止尘土太大污染环境,必要时洒水防止,弃土时不能随地乱放,控制好场地的充分利用,协助当地做好环保工作。挖出的土方按规定堆放,材料堆放整齐,不准乱堆乱放。ba a opravy rizikov faktory a potenciln problmy a odpovdajcch protiopaten. III ochrann pomcky pouvan pi revizi vyuvn metod a opaten pro pouit. IV-raz ppadech a zkuenosti, zskan zkuenosti. 5, stanov zzen kontroln stanovit

31、mus odpovdat GB 2894 vhodn bezpenostn znaky. 6, editel projektu drby by ml organizovat personlu drby na mst provst drbu programu zpstupnn. 7 udlat drbu, opravu, bval stavebn jednotku implementace implementace a drba, drba personlu bezpenostn opaten. 8, kdy generln opravu vysok nadmosk vce, hork, zem

32、 lmn, jistie, zvedn, tahn a blokovn slep Rady, kdy v omezenm prostoru, mus odpovdat pslun bezpenostn normy. 9, doasn elektinu elektiny formality by mla podle pedpis a instalace a nastaven. 10, vybaven pouvan izolt, itn, nhradn jednotky odpovdn za zazen, po projet ruku. 11, vedouc drby projekt a zaze

33、n pouvaj poplatek zkontrolovat, potvrzen, proces, zazen a spluj bezpenostn poadavky na drbu. 12, drba pouit leen, zvedac zazen, elektrick spotebie, penosn elektrick nad a jin rzn nstroje pro inspekci; run, penosn elektrick nstroje by mly bt vybaveny zbytkov souasn ochrann zazen. Kte nespluj poadavky

34、 na bezpenost pstroj mohou bt pouity. 13, revize elektrickho zazen, by mly pijmout vrohodn opaten moci, po ujistit se, e dn energie vypnae na nastaven bezpenostnch varovnch pznak nebo uzamen. 14, pro drbu plynovch ochranu zazen, hasic zazen, sdlovac zazen, osvtlovac zazen, uspodat a zajistit tak dob

35、r. 15 kontrolnm stanovitm ebky, zbradl, ploiny, palubky kontrolovny pro zajitn bezpenosti. 16, rav stedn msta personlu drby by mly bt k dispozici pro nouzov pouit oplchnte vodouconferences, learned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn

36、at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. The complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we want to be professionals, or if generalists, to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rational analysis. This o

37、n requirements we, not only to learning national of route, and approach, and policy, also to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption SM o

38、f mirror, also to gets is of road; not only to from local learn, also to to outside learn; not only to to books learn, also to field study learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outside world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside developments, learn other peopl

39、es development approach, and then come back to guide our work. Second, we must think. Learning without thought to overshadow, thinking without learning is perilous. We want to foster the character of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting to the new situation on

40、whether there are delays, have anything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keep promising State of mind. In order to do investigations, investigations is the road to heaven, God disposes of the base. To wants to real heard truth, a

41、nd justice to truth, and get truth, received effectiveness, on must in-depth actual, and outreach, and in-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discussion everyone care of problem, listening they of calls, understand they of mood, feel they of suffering, summa

42、ry they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, especially on masses most hope, and most urgent, and most worries, and most complained of hot, and difficulties and focus problem, more to active research, caught not put. Dare to innovate, in our work, often remain the old way doesnt work, the new

43、 approach would not situation, the reason, the key is that many people know that copying other peoples ideas, mechanically, using someone elses old ways. To change this predicament, requires us to break the shackles of traditional concepts to overcome conservative, conformist, good at finding new pr

44、oblems and to accept new things, summarize new experience, new ideas, developing new programmes and Maverick, a new approach to solve problems, speed up development. Especially in implement superior policy spirit of process in the, both implementation, and cannot mechanically, to to extraordinary of courage and develop enterprising of spirit, put flexibility and principle combined up, put superior of spirit and local reality combined up, Yong conspiracy to breakthrough of policy, and exercise innovation of lift, developed out development works of, and grass-roots welcomes of9


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