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1、第2课时 Units 712,Book 7A,自 学 反 馈,重 点 突 破,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,自学反馈,重点突破,自 学 反 馈,sale,buy,action,actor,actress,funny,exciting,excited,teeth,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,successful,successfully,succeed,musician,musical,teacher,business,free,ninth,自学反馈,重点突破,nineteen,ninety,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,have a look,go to

2、the movies/a movie,stay at home,learn about,how old,go to bed,help sb with sth,get up,go to school,get to/arrive at/in,自学反馈,重点突破,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,on sale,speech contest,speek English,after class/school,at a price of,on weekends,play the guitar,have breakfast/lunch/supper,take/have a bath(shower)

3、,自学反馈,重点突破,do ones homework,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,How much,seven dollars,afford,prices,When is,birthday,My birthday,November 10th,How old,fifteen,自学反馈,重点突破,What kind of movies,action movies and,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,How much,to go to a movie,Can,dance,I can,join,club,time,usually get up,is your favori

4、te subject,do you like P.E,自学反馈,重点突破,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,自学反馈,重点突破,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,词 汇 点 睛,1 buy v. 购买;买 点拨 (1)buy sb sth(buy sth for sb)意为“给某人买某物”。buy的反义词是sell, sell sb sth( sell sth to sb)意为“把某物卖给某人”。 My fatherbought me a computer. My father bought a computer for me. 我父亲给我买了一台电脑。 (2)buy sth

5、from sb意为“向某人买某物”。 He bought this watch from a friend. 他从一位朋友那儿买了这块表。,重 点 突 破,自学反馈,重点突破,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,(3)buy是短暂性动词,不能与时间段连用。想要表达“某人买了某件东西多长时间”可用“sb have sth for some time”。 拓展sale为动词sell的名词形式。 on sale 出售,廉价出售 for sale 出售的,待售的,上市的,自学反馈,重点突破,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,中考典例,-When did you buy the compu

6、ter? -I have_this computer for 5 years,but it still works well.2012恩施 Abought Bhave Chad,C,自学反馈,重点突破,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,自学反馈,重点突破,2 afford v. 负担得起;买得起 点拨 afford 常和情态动词 can或be able to连用;常用于afford sth或afford to do sth结构。 He cant afford (to buy) a car. 他买不起一辆车。,中考典例,Why dont you buy the computer ? It

7、s too expensive. I cant _it. 2012襄阳 A. afford B. sell C . borrow D. keep,A,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,3 busy adj.繁忙的;忙碌的 点拨 busy为形容词,它的反义词是free(空闲的)。 He cant afford (to buy) a car. 他买不起一辆车。 Are you busy with your homework? 你正忙于做作业吗? Mr Smith is busy writing a letter. 史密斯先生正忙着写信。,自学反馈,重点突破,常考搭配 be busy wit

8、h sth 忙于某事 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,4 strict adj.严格的;严厉的 搭配 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 be strict in sth 对某事要求严格,自学反馈,重点突破,Eagle Father was so _ with his son that he kept the four-year-old son running in the snow without clothes. 2013扬州 A. pleased B. sorry C . careful D. strict,中考典

9、例,D,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,1 look for/find/find out,巧 辩 异 同,自学反馈,重点突破,(1)look for意为“寻找”,强调找的动作和过程。 (2)find意为“找到,发现”,强调找的结果。 (3)find out意为“查出,获知”,强调经过研究、调查而得。 Can you find out what time the train will leave? 你能查出火车什么时候开吗? I looked for my book in my schoolbag, but I couldnt find it. 我在书包里找我的书,但找不到。,第2讲U

10、nits 712,Book 7A,自学反馈,重点突破,(1)say强调说话的内容或“(某处)写有”。 I can say it in English. 我能用英语把它说出来。 (2)speak 作不及物动词时,强调说话的动作;作及物动词时,后面加语言。 The baby cant speak.这个婴儿不会说话。 speak English说英语 (3)talk强调两人之间的谈话。常见搭配:talk with/to sb 和某人交谈;talk about sth 谈论某事。,2 say/speak/talk/tell,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,自学反馈,重点突破,(4)tell意

11、为“告诉;讲述”,后面常接双宾语。 Did you tell her the news? 你把这个消息告诉她了吗? She is talking with Lucy in English. 她正在用英语和露茜交谈。,常考搭配 tell sb a story 给某人讲故事 Tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 Tell a lie 撒谎 tell the truth 说实话 Tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人(不要)做某事,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,自学反馈,重点突破,中考典例,-Do you know why he didnt _ a word when

12、he_to? -Because he was to nervous. 2013青岛 A. speak ; speaks B. say ; was spoken C . say ;spoke D. speak ; is spoken,B,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,自学反馈,重点突破,三者都可表示“也”,但它们在句中的位置不同,用法也不同。,3 too/also/either,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,自学反馈,重点突破,We like singing, too. 我们也喜欢唱歌。 He can also tell jokes. 他也会讲笑话。 Jane doesn

13、t know the old man, either. 简也不认识这位老人。,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,句 型 透 视,自学反馈,重点突破,1 How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤衫多少钱?,点拨 how much 意为“多少”,在不同的语境中,有不同的含义。 (1)询问价格 “How muchbe主语?”意为“多少钱?”,其中be的单复数形式由后面的主语来决定。询问价格还可以用“Whats the price of?”和“How much doescost?”这两个句型。 How much are the shoes? Whats the price

14、of the shoes? How much do the shoes cost? 这鞋子多少钱?,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,自学反馈,重点突破,(2)询问不可数名词的数量 拓展 how many也是“多少”的意思,用来询问可数名词的数量。 How many apples do you want? 你想要多少苹果?,中考典例,-Jenny, I need some milk. -Ok, Mum. _do you 2013济南 AHow much BHow many CHow often DHow long,A,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,自学反馈,重点突破,2 I

15、 want to see a comedy.我想看喜剧。 搭配 want sthwould like sth 想要/需要某物 want to do sthwould like to do sth 想做某事 want sb to do sthwould like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 I want a dictionary. 我想要一本字典。 They want to play tennis.他们想要打网球。 My parents want me to study hard at school. 我父母想要我在学校努力学习。,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,自学反馈

16、,重点突破,3 Can you help kids with swimming? 你能帮助孩子们(学习)游泳吗? 点拨 help sb with sth 意为“在某方面帮助某人”。 搭配 help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 help oneself to随便吃(喝) with the help ofwith ones help 在的帮助下 ask sb for help 向某人求助,第2讲Units 712,Book 7A,中考典例,Ann often helps me_after school. 2013温州 A for B with C on D by,B,help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人。,解析,自学反馈,重点突破,


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