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1、solid grasp of implement. Below, implement the good spirit of the meeting, the four points.To quickly start the deployment. The county units to to the meeting to it, and act quickly and seriously communicate conference spirit, especially sensitive Secretary of the important speech content, to unify

2、their thinking and action to the central, provincial county decision-making arrangements, and enhance the development of education of ideological consciousness and conscious action learning. Each unit to combine actual careful planning, pay close attention to study and formulate implementation plans

3、, timely on the two studies and a learning and teaching arrangements to ensure that learning starting point start, high standard to carry out, the high quality advance.To carefully organized and implemented. Adhere to the learning is the foundation, do is the key, strengthen problem oriented, strict

4、ly from a solid grasp of learning and teaching organization and implementation, promote tasks implemented. To regular, normal learning education as the main starting point, focusing on the distinction between the characteristics of different types of Party organization, the actual needs of the diffe

5、rent groups of Party members, to promote learning education system implementation, strengthen guidance, focus on precise measures and policies, encourage grass-roots exploration and innovation, and constantly improve the learning effect.To clear specific responsibilities. Party committees (party) to

6、 grasp the learning education as a leading task of the party builds the job to catch, earnestly fulfill the responsibility subject of Party building, careful planning and arrangements, carefully organized and implemented, solid propulsion. Party committees (party) is mainly responsible for the comra

7、des to effectively assume the responsibility as the first responsible person, personally, responsibility, improper ball dispensers, the specific work of testing the effectiveness of learning education effect, the catch in place to ensure that, see the effectiveness.Four to co-ordinate arrangements t

8、o implement. To carry out the learning purpose of education is promote work center to develop, it must be carefully studied and think deeply about learning relationship of education and the work of the center, co-ordinate arrangements for the county of the focus of the work smoothly, to inspire the

9、education of Party members and cadres do entrepreneurial enthusiasm and transformation for the strong power to promote economic and social development across and boost the county economy and social sound and rapid development!In accordance with the requirements of the municipal, prefectural straight

10、 each unit, town (Park), village (community) the branch (Branch) two studies do study and education work conference to on April 28 held recently completed, and to implement the conference spirit and the times County special education coordination group广东*建筑工程监理有限公司*项目一期工程回弹法混凝土抗压强度检验实施方案编制人:*、*审核人:何

11、少海检验单位:广东*建筑工程监理有限公司 (合作单位) 中国建筑第*工程局有限公司 2015年5月9日监理单位回弹法混凝土抗压强度检测实施方案一、前言回弹法混凝土抗压强度检测是监理单位平行检验的一项重要内容,也是质量监督站检查监理工作的一项内容,为认真贯彻落实有关工作要求,结合本项目人员设备仪器配备情况,为确保回弹数据真实可信,本项目部拟计划由总监理工程师(代表)、项目经理会同技术负责人(实验室)统一组织实施、各专业工程师联合参与行动或见证,项目监理部必须认真做好此项工作。每月应及时组织对竖向或重要部位构件按规范要求一定比例进行回弹检测。(对现场回弹检测的数据真实性、科学性、代表性进行分析统计




15、构件所对应的轴线号,写在记录纸上;或由现场选择要进行回弹的构件,然后对照图纸,将构件名和构件所对应轴线号,写在记录纸上。6、工具准备:回弹仪、冲击钻(配12钻头)、2%酚酞酒精溶液、滴管、深度测量尺、记录纸和笔、粉笔、1m杠尺、2m梯子、手砂轮、线轴。五、检测的具体做法测量混凝土强度按照回弹法检测混凝土抗压强度技术规程技 术要求进行检测。检测时,回弹仪的轴线应始终垂直于结构或构件的混凝土面,缓慢施压,准确读数,快速复位。测点宜在测区范围内均匀分布,相邻两测点的净距不宜小于20mm,测点距外露钢筋、预埋件的距离不宜小于30mm。测点不应在气孔或外露石子上,同一测点只应弹击一次。每一测区应记取16





20、防止计算错误,数据处理可先根据编制计算程序,由计算机软件完成。七、安全注意事项回弹人员应穿防滑鞋,登梯子高处干活时应有人扶梯子,防止摔伤。认真落实各项安全防护措施。Provide training and the introduction of a XX in XX city XX special childrens Rehabilitation Center City Federation of the disabled and all sectors of the community concern and support in 2013 December was established,

21、 with the purpose of rehabilitation, happy, warm a piece of rehabilitation purposes, for the citys hearing impairment, autism, mental retardation, limb and other special children to provide high-quality, convenient and efficient rehabilitation services is a set of educational rehabilitation, rehabil

22、itation exercise in one comprehensive rehabilitation services. The center since its establishment, adhering to the rehabilitation effect as the main starting point, the full implementation of professional rehabilitation service personnel, and constantly enhance the rehabilitation service ability, 2

23、years for a total of 36 children with special needs children Kang Complex services, including six special children after rehabilitation training were involved in ordinary kindergartens and elementary schools enrolled. At present, in the center of the accept rehabilitation training for children with

24、special 22, one of 4 children with mental retardation, children with hearing disability, 9, children with physical disabilities 9.In the Municipal Federation and the social from all walks of life care and support, we, Jiangsu Province, the rehabilitation of the disabled body specification of constru

25、ction standards in accordance with, and gradually make the center to the distinctive, comprehensive, function more perfect professional rehabilitation organizations to develop in the direction of, in the development process we also encountered a difficult, but through the unremitting efforts of all

26、employees in the center in the rehabilitation effect, rehabilitation service ability and the rehabilitation service level promotion by the good social effect, which is mainly reflected in the following four aspects:, rehabilitation institutions to regulate construction. Rehabilitation center must be

27、 in accordance with the hardware, personnel, services, rehabilitation, rehabilitation assessment construction standardization construction, as the center is a private non-profit organization in the hardware construction investment has great difficulty. Therefore we promptly and city FIMITIC communic

28、ation and municipal CDPF leadership in the understanding of the actual situation of center of rehabilitation training venues, equipment and gave strong support. At the same time, we have also sent professional rehabilitation teachers participated in the provincial special childrens rehabilitation pr

29、ofessional training class, let them continuously broaden the concept of rehabilitation, the learned knowledge to practical work, gradually perfecting the rehabilitation education Learning quality, enhance the ability of rehabilitation services., children to fully enjoy the nearby, a handy rehabilita

30、tion services. Found in the presence of hearing disorders in children must be timely to wear hearing aids and rehabilitation training, in our city last year, through the rehabilitation assessment of hearing-impaired children Sun Wangyan in 2012 began to accept1附表1回弹法混凝土强度测试记录回弹编号工程名称测试部位设计强度浇筑时间搅拌方式浇筑方式测区回弹值Ri碳化深度(mm)1245678910111213141516Rm12345678910测试状态测试角度回弹仪型号回弹仪编号回弹仪率定值回弹仪检验证号测试人员测试人上岗证号记录人员平行检验单位测试日期附表2回弹法混凝土强度记录回弹编号工程名称测试部位设计强度浇筑时间搅拌方式浇筑方式测 区12345678910回弹值测区平均值角度修正值角度修正后浇筑面修正值浇筑面修正后平均碳化深度值(mm)测区强度值(N/)强度计算值(N/)=使用测区强度换算表名称结 论测试人员计算人员复核人员平行检验单位测试日期


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