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1、time I look part in the 78th Olympic on a flying island above Brussels in the sky.I won the siver medal for my performance .This year I had the honour to be chosen again .I wanted to mmet robots from other countyies and explore ides about our sport.Hower ,my programmer fell ill the week before we we

2、re going to leave .It was very painful for her and I felt very frightened.I no longer felt so confident that I would win.The day of the competition was rather could for my legs and my special oil began to fteeze.I paused before I jumped from the starting place on a little spaceship but then I began

3、my performance.At the correct moment I tried to open my parachute but there was a problem.It only opened a little .In stead of flying softly to earth I began to fall faster and faster so that I could not turn ,dive,circle or dance.My heart stopped beating as I landed heavily on a mountain covered wi

4、th snow.This is why I am writing to you from my hospital bed with two broken legs and a fragile head.I did not win anything at the Olympic after all.I need the factory to build me two new legs and an even bigger head.Then I will be able to compete once more .Lets hope foe greater success in the next

5、 Olympics! Unit 4(1) How Daisy learned to help wildlifeDaisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.One day she woke up and found a flyingcarpet by her bed.“Where do you want to go?”it asked.Daiasy responded immediately.“Id like to see some endangered wildlife,”she said.“please tak

6、e me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.”At once the carpet flew away and took her to Tibet. There Daisy saw an antelope looking sad.It said,“We are being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs.Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you

7、 .As a reasult,we are now an endangered species.”At that Daisy cried,“Im sorry I didnt know that.I wonder what is being done to help you.Flying carpet,please show me a place where theres some wildlife protection.” The flying carpet travelled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe.Daisy turne

8、d around and found that she was being watched by an elephant.“Have you come to take my photo?”it asked.In relief Daisy burst into laughter.“Dont laugh,”said the elephant,“We used to be an endangered species.Farmers hunted us without mercy.They said we destroyed their farms,and money from tourists on

9、ly went to the large tour companies.So the government decided to help.They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers.Now the farmers are happy and our numbers are increasing.So good things are being done here to save local wildlife.” Daisy smiled.“Thats good

10、news.It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but Id like to help as the WWF suggests.”The carpetRose against and almost at once they were in a thick rainforest.A monkey Watched them as it rubbed itself.“What are you doing?”asked Daisy. “Im protecting myself from mosquitoes,”it replied.“When I

11、 find a milipede insect,I rub it over my body.It contains a powerful drug which affect mosquitoes. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how theanimals live together.No rainforest,no animals,no drugs.” Daisy was amazed.“Flying carpet,please take me home so I can

12、 tell WWFand we can begin producing this new drug.Monkey,please come and help,”The monkey agreed.The carpet flew home.As they landed,things begin to disappear.Two minutes later everything had gone-the monkey,too. So Daisy was not able to make her new drug.But what an experience!She had learned so mu

13、ch!And there was always WWF (2)Animal extinctionMany animals have disappeared during the long history of the earth.The most famous of these animals are dinosaurs.They lived on the earth tens million of years ago,long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.There wer

14、e many different kinds of dinosaur and a number of them used to live in china.The eggs of twenty-five species have been found in Xixia County,Nanyang,Henan province.Not long ago a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur was discovered in Country,liaoning Province.When scientists inspected the bones,

15、they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees.They learned this from the way the bones were joined together. Dinosaurs died out suddenly about 65million years ago.Some scientists think it came after an unexpected incident when a huge rock fr

16、om space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air.Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more.Nobody knows for sure why and how dinosaur disappeared from the earth in such a short time. We know many other wild plants,animals,insects and birds have died out more r

17、ecently.According to a UN report ,some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years.The dodo is one of them.It lived on the Island of Mauritius and was a very friendly animal.Please listen to a story of the dodo and how it disappeared from the earth.(3) The return of the milu deerMy

18、 name is Linhui.I like to tell stories about people who work together.What is even better is when countries help each other and build a good friendship.An excellent example of this happened when Britain and China worked together to bring the Milu deer back to China. The Milu deer,a species with larg

19、e horns,used to be common in China long ago.Like other deer they live together and eat grass and the soft parts of trees such as small branches.Milu deer were often hunted for food or sport in the past.The ,Ming and Qing dynasties did not protect them and many were killed.That is how the Milu deer d

20、isappeared from China. Luckily before all of them were killed,some were taken to Britain to improve the environment of the beautiful park which belonged to the Duke of Bedford.He liked them so much that he took them all the way from China to Britain.The Milu deer liked the cool,wet weather in Englan

21、d and their number increased year by year.As a result,when in 1985 the government of China wanted to reintroduce the Milu deer,the Duke of Bedford was happy to help.The first deer came back to China to the Nanhaizi Milu Park 20 kilometers south of Beijing and the centre in Dafeng,Jingsu Province. Th

22、e deer centainly seem happy to be back in China because their numbers have grown rapidly.There are now so many of them that a new park has been opened for them in Hebei Province.At the moment the Milu deer live in centres where they are being well protected and care for .It is hoped that one day the

23、re will be enough animals to let them live in the wild again.So Britain helped China by bringing back an animal that had disappeared from its homeland.This is a good example of friendship and understanding between these two countries.Unit 5The band that wasntHave you ever wanted to be part of a band

24、 as a famous singer or musicians? Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? Do you sing Karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan? To be honest, a lot of people attach great

25、 importance to becoming rich and famous. But just now do people form a band?Many musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play their own music.They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practising their music in someones house is the first step to fame. Sometime

26、s they may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash. Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies

27、 to become millionaires!However, there was one band that started in a different way. It was called the Monkees and began as a TV show. The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. The TV organizer had planned to find four music

28、ians who could act as well as sing. They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough. They had to use actors for the other three members of theband.As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other music

29、ians to help them. So during the broadcasts they just pretended to sing. Anyhow their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other groups. They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get房地产销售的业务流程及案场表格房地产销售的业务流程第一节 寻户客找一、客户的来源渠道 要想把房子销售出去,首先要寻找到有效的客户。客户的来源有许多渠道,如:咨询电话、房地

30、产展会、现场接待、促销活动、上门拜访、朋友介绍等。 客户大多通过开发商在报纸、电视等媒体上做的广告打来电话,或是在房展会上、促销活动中得到项目的资料,如果感觉符合自己的要求,则会抽出时间亲自到项目现场售楼处参观,或是通过朋友介绍而来。 一般而言,打来电话的客户只是想对项目有一个初步的了解,如果感兴趣,才会来现场参观;而通过朋友介绍来的客户,则是对项目已经有了较多的了解,并基本符合自己的要求,购房意向性较强。二、接听热线电话(一)、基本动作1、任何电话在铃响两声后立即接听;2、你好!(XX花园),请问有什么帮到你3、客户要找的同事不在时,应主动请客户留口讯或提供帮助;4、倾谈完毕,等来电客人收线

31、后才可放下电话。(二)、接听电话的基本要决1、诚恳地回答:礼貌应答,体现诚意;2、小心地应对:说话时发音要正确,吐字要清楚,以平稳的声音回答问题;3、简洁地回答 :打招呼要简短,尽快进入主题,并简洁地回答;需较长时间翻查资料才能回复时,便请对方留下电话,待查明后迅即回复,尽量不令顾客久等。(三)、接听电话的礼仪 (1)接听电话必须态度和蔼,语音亲切。一般先主动问候:XX花园或公寓,你好,而后再开始交谈。 (2)通常,客户在电话申会问及价格、地点、面积、格局、进度、贷款等方面的问题,销售人员应扬长避短,在回答中将产品的卖点巧妙地融入。 (3)在与客户交谈中,设法取得我们想要的资讯: 第一要件,客

32、户的姓名、地址、联系电话等个人背景情况的资讯。 第二要件,客户能够接受的价格、面积、格局等对产品的具体要求的资讯。 其中,与客户联系方式的确定最为重要。 (4)最好的做法是,直接约请客户来现场看房。 (5)挂电话之前应报出业务员自己的姓名(有可能的话可给客户留下业务员自已的手机号、呼机号,以便客户随时咨询),并再次表达希望客户来售楼处看房的愿望。 (6)马上将所得资讯记录在客户来电表上。 2、注意事项 (1)接听电话时,要注意按公司的要求做。 (2)广告发布前,应事先了解广告内容,仔细研究应如何对客户可能会涉及的问题。 (3)广告发布当天,来电特别多,时间更显珍贵,因此接听电话应以2到3分钟为

33、限,不宜过长。 (4)接听电话时,尽量由被动回答转为主动介绍、主动询问。 (5)约请客户应明确具体时间和地点,并且告诉他,你将专程等候。 (6)应将客户来电信息及时整理归纳,与现场经理、广告制作人员充分沟通交流。 (7)切记:接听电话的目的就是促使客户来售楼处,做更深一步的面谈和介绍。(8)清楚地指引对方来公司的路线,不一定是最短的,但一定要容易明白,便于找到为好;(9)如何处理找错的电话不要无礼地对待拨错电话的人,因为无论来电是谁,都可能是公司的顾客。三、参加房展会由于房展会项目集中,很多客户无暇顾及每一个项目,这就要求每一位参展的销售人员做到热情主动,以给客户留下一个良好的印象。对于每一位

34、来展位咨询的客户,销售人员应做到认真对待,对某些有购房意向的客户,可请其留下联络办法,以便今后联系。购房意间特别强的客户,销售员可以邀请其回售楼处参观样板间,并做进一步洽谈。房展会流程Sales接客1、 有客到访,Sales应该起立,开门,面带笑容,双手递资料;2、 Sales台若离门口远,Sales应轮筹站立门口;3、 现场没有客人时,Sales可分散坐,特别可与穿便装的PIC互相交流,令到新客人以为Sales正在Sales客,解除客人对于楼盘Sales太多而却步心理。Sales待客方式:(主指行家踩盘)1、销售人员踩盘:尽快回答楼盘基本资料;2、策划部人员踩盘:回答基本资料之余,此类同事还

35、会了解展场布置,示范单位等情况,此类客人可让他们自己看;3、发展商:1)老总:此类客人不会逗留太久,只会拿份资料,简单了解,但Sales给他们印象最深刻; 2)经理级:Sales要较细心对待客人,因为他们在发展商内部起承上启下作用,他们对Sales楼盘印象亦很重要。4、代理公司老总:客人会适量提一些技巧较高的问题,目的了解Sales素质及技巧。Sales对待踩盘客人切记要礼貌,客人少的情况下,要细心解答,客人多时要及时推荐给SIC、PIC接待,踩盘客人对房地产会有深入的见解,Sales给客人印象代表公司的专业形象,直接影响公司接盘的成败。Sales的坐位1、Sales尽量对门口的位置;优点:1

36、)第一时间清楚客流量,控制现场气氛;2)旧客未访,可以马上招呼,并且作好安排;3)由于客人背对门口,因此不能知道客人出入情况;2、若对门口位置给客人占,Sales应尽快挑座位可与其他同事对望,或可以看见Sales台,可即时接收SIC、PIC及同事的信号。展销会电话的接听1、 现场超过两个同事空闲时,电话可由Sales接听;2、 如只有1、2个Sales空闲,电话一律由SIC、PIC接听;(除非现场谈,否则Sales可以不接听)3、 任何同事接听电话都必须面对门口,尤其Sales的眼睛盯着门口客流量,做到“眼明手快兼冲动”。(第一时间看见客人手执资料“冲”到门口迎客,切忌动作不能像赛跑)。如何对

37、待在Sales过程中遇旧客再光临1、 Sales应自行判断Sale哪台客人,若现场有同事空闲时,尽量让同事帮忙Sales一台客人,不要留太多空余时间给客人。2、 看见旧客是可向新客交待旧客再次来临目的,围绕“来下定,再看一次或来交款”等,有利于销售的言词。3、 对待旧客时应把新客的“满意”程度及展销会“热烈气氛”成交状况,加以“渲染”。4、 务求令新旧客人有一个共识展销会的成功,为客人“下定”作铺设,平衡“放弃”的那台客人心理,给客人一种舒服感觉,一个好印象。Sales客过程1、 Sales对待单独来访者,要尽量安排客人坐在Sales身边,拉近彼此距离。尽快得到客人信任,对于年长者,不妨有身体

38、“接触”,例:拍拍膀头,握手等;2、 对待情侣,Sales应找与自己不同性别的人为对象入手,切记不要太刻意,并且要察颜观色,否则适得其反;3、 一群客人,Sales一定要找一个中心人物,此人必须有决定权,主攻此人,否则一、二小时亦找不到重点;4、 Sales销售过程要有重点,要有主动权,带领客人按自己思路走;5、 Sales最后只能给客人“二间起,一间止”的“狭窄”范围,令到客人有一个较快决定。6、 Sales所挑单位必须是适合客人要求,并且具备说服力的靓单位。营造下定的环境1、 Sales座位正对门口,随时调节现场气氛,有实客洽谈时,尽量留住所有客人,淡场时,不要让客人太快离开;2、 Sal

39、es在销售过程中应随时灌输展销会“技术用语”;3、 Sales可利用周边同事的客人作“适量”引导;例:客人亦挑此单位,谁先决定,单位给谁等4、 Sales需寻找SIC帮助,可“借故”回Sales台,抓重点在极短时间内向SIC说明情况,令到SIC、PIC明白应从什么方向提供帮助;5、 有客人尚未离开,所有人员必须保持展场氛围,切记打闹或谈论其他客人的缺点。成交步骤1、 Sales首先向SIC要单位,然后由SIC交认购书给Sales;2、 填认购书;1) Sales必须细心、认真、保持认购书整洁,填写时间不应太长;2) 填认购书原则上要客人身份证,如遇客人没有带的情况下,Sales应首先填其它内容

40、,不要在地址或邮政编码方面纠缠;3) 展销会客人多时,可要求客人正式签约时补;展销会客人少时,可在客人交完钱后补;3、 Sales填完后应主动交给客人,并且从旁由头到尾解释一遍,尽量简洁、清楚、到于附加条件则不必太详细啄磨;4、 Sales不能答应客人在认购书上填写格式条款以外的其他数据或文字;5、 Sales应在客人签完名字后,再签上自己名字,给客人一种被尊重感觉;6、 Sales把认购书交还SIC并交钱给财务;1) 客人少时,由Sales跟进直至客人离开;2) 客人多时,由SIC跟进,但客人离开时,Sales尽量与SIC打招呼,并且向新客“交代”客人已成交离去。四、朋友或客户介绍来的客户的

41、洽谈 由于此类客户都会对项目有一些或多或少的了解,又经过他所信任的人介绍,因此,相对于其他客户,这部分客户较容易洽谈成功。在带其参观样板间的过程中,把其朋友认为好的优点做重点突出介绍,会收到事半功倍的效果。此类客户较为敏感的是价格及折扣问题,销售人员应从实际情况出发区别对待处理。无法解决时可由销售主管协助洽谈。五、做直销(DS) 直销作为一种销售手段,在几午前的楼盘销售中运用的较多,效果也较好。但是,随着销售模式的改变,现在DS运用得较少,常用于销售前期及销售淡季。做DS最好直接找到目标客户,但此种可能性较小。因此,做DS时业务员应先对自身做一简单介绍,再对项目做简介。若对方并不感兴趣,则应留

42、下资料礼貌地离开。若对方感兴趣,则可索取对方名片或联络方式,约其来售楼处做进一步洽谈。切记,除非对方有需要,否则不可在其工作场所做更详细的介绍。第二节 现 场 接 待现场接待作为销售环节中最为重要的一环,尤其应引起销售人员的重视。前期所有的工作都是为了客户上门做准备。一、迎接客户 1、基本动作 (1)客户进门,每一个看见的销售人员都应主动招呼欢迎光临,提醒其他销售人员注意。 (2)销售人员立即上前,热情接待。 (3)帮助客户收拾雨具、放置衣帽等。 (4)通过随口招呼,区别客户真伪,了解客户来自的区域和来源的渠道(从何种渠道了解到本楼盘的)。 (5)询问客户是否与其他业务员联系过,如果是其他业务

43、员的客户,请客户稍等,由该业务员接待;如果不是其他业务员的客户或该业务员不在,应热情为客户做介绍。 2、注意事项 (1)销售人员应仪表端正,态度亲切。 (2)接待客户或一人,或一主一辅,以二人为限,不要超过三人。 (3)若不是真正客户,也应照样提供一份资料,作简洁而又热情的招待。 (4)未有客户时,也应注意现场整洁和个人仪表,以随时给客户留下良好印象。3、待客技巧(1)你的待客直接影响成交:在对待客户、同事、主管等一定要礼貌第一。“谢谢”等礼貌用语不离口;在接听电话时,要报出楼盘名称及个人名。(2)恭敬有礼貌主动与客人打招呼:表示你重视及尊重他们,同时会增加客人对你的好感,从而留下深刻的印象;

44、(3)具备正确的走路姿势及令人喜悦的笑容:接待客人的秘决就是笑容,不可暴露内心的不快或烦躁,笑颜迎人。(4)恰谈结束后,礼貌地将客人送到售楼处大门外,并使用“请您走好再见”或“谢谢您光临,再见”等礼貌用语;(5)交谈要秘:A、望住对方来说话:以柔和的眼光望住顾客,并诚意地回答对方的问题;B、经常面带笑容:运用微笑的魅力,将会及你带来意想不到的效果。二、介绍项目 礼貌的寒喧之后,可配合沙盘模型等做简单的项目讲解(如:朝向、楼高、配置、周边环境等),使客户对项目形成一个大致的概念。 1、基本动作 (1)交换名片,相互介绍,了解客户的个人资讯情况。 (2)按照销售现场已经规划好的销售动线,配合灯箱、

45、模型、样板间等销售道具,自然而又有重点地介绍产品(着重于地段、环境、交通、配套设施、房屋设计、主要建材等的说明). 2、注意事项 (1)此时侧重强调本楼盘的整体优点。 (2)将自己的热忱与诚恳推销给客户,努力与其建立相互信任的关系。 (3)通过交谈正确把握客户的真实需求,并据此迅速制定自己的应对策略。 (4)当客户超过一人时,注意区分其中的决策者,把握他们相互间的关系。 (5)在模型讲解过程中,可探询客户需求(如:面积、购买意图等)。做完模型讲解后,可邀请他参观样板间,在参观样板间的过程中,销售人员应对项目的优势做重点介绍,并迎合客户的喜好做一些辅助介绍。三、带看现场 在售楼处作完基本介绍,并

46、参观样板间后,应带领客户参观项目现场。 1、基本动作 (1)结合工地现况和周边特征,边走边介绍。 (2)按照房型图,让客户切实感觉自己所选的户型。 (3)尽量多说,让客户始终为你所吸引。 2、注意事项 (1)带看工地的路线应事先规划好,注意沿线的整洁与安全。 (2)嘱咐客户带好安全帽(看期房)及其他随身所带物品。第三节 谈判一、初步洽谈 样板间及现场参观完毕后,可引导客户到谈判区进行初步洽谈。 1、基本动作 (1)倒茶寒喧,引导客户在销售桌前入座,给其项目资料,并对项目的价格及付款方式做介绍。 (2)在客户未主动表示时,应该立刻主动地选择一种户型作试探性介绍。 (3)根据客户所喜欢的单元,在肯

47、定的基础上,作更详尽的说明。 (4)根据客户要求,算出其满意的楼层单元的价格、首付款、月均还款及各种相关手续费用。 (5)针对客户的疑惑点,进行相关解释,帮助其逐一克服购买障碍。 (6)适时制造现场气氛,强化其购买欲望。 (7)在客户对产品有70%的认可度的基础上,设法说服他下定金购买。 2、注意事项 (1)入座时,注意将客户安置在一个视野愉悦的便于控制的空间范围内。 (2)个人的销售资料和销售工具应准备齐全,以随时应对客户的需要。 (3)了解客户的真正需求,了解客户的主要问题点。 (4)销售人员在结合销售情况,向客户提供户型和楼层选择时,应避免提供太多的选择。根据客户意向,一般提供两、三个楼层即可。 (5)注意与现场同仁的交流与配合,让现场经理知道客户在看哪个户型。 (6)注意判断客户的诚意、购买能力和成交概率。 (7)现场气氛营造应该自然亲切,掌握火候。 (8)对产品的解释不应有夸大、虚构的成分。 (9)不是职权范围内的承诺应报现场经理通过。 上述程序完成之后,客户会拿齐资料回去考虑,此时销售人员可留下其联系办法(最好询问客户何时联络方便),并表达希望其能尽快做出决定的意思(表达方式不宜太过直白,要严禁过分夸大销售状况),最后,应送其出门与其道别。个别意向很强的客


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