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1、superficial, crrega deina de compactaci, o un backfill del sl no compleixen els requisits, cal, sorra, grava, backfill pot complir els requisits de laltre material. (5) canonada connectat la fossa plena de gruixuda backfill de sorra i a la canonada dambds costats al mateix temps una backfill i picon

2、at es artificial. prova daigua tancat abans de provar la canonada exigeix les segents condicions: seguretat de gasoductes. Base de 9,4 carretera longitud (m) de canonada de L-prova daquest projecte amb el paviment flexible estructura, estructura de base de baix a dalt: 15cm no garbellat base

3、 de grava omplir + 40 cm Petar + 12 cm gruix qualificat. Nova tecnologia de graduada trencat pedra base, qualificaci macadam pavimentaci planitud, alt grau de requeriments de compactaci, utilitzat en la construcci de gran estenedora pavimentaci, amb rodes de goma LTP2030 corr-compactat, enfocament d

4、ins del programa. 9.4.1 no grava coix (15cm) construcci de projecci no s projecci de sorra grava coix de punts de control de construcci: grava no s projecci, el pes del fang s menys del 5% de grava neta natural, grava en la construcci de control de laigua en el contingut dhumitat ptima dins

5、de 2%, en lamplada de carretera rodant, rodant a cada costat ms enll del llit aproximadament 50cm. tecnologia de la construcci de sorra-grava coix (1) grava sorra natural utilitzats remolcs de sorra van ser enviats a lobra. (2) coeficient de solta preparant material utilitzant 1.2. (3) la gr

6、ava repartits de forma homognia, quan hi ha una concentraci drid fines i gruixudes, barrejar en una conducta oportuna. (4) el paviment almenys un temps rodador 30-50m. (5) els rodets YZ20 JA-, esttiques de pressi a la superfcie de grava, slid, sense rids solts i gruixudes i fins, com ara el fenomen

7、de concentraci fins ara. superior abans de paviment que no obriran trnsit control de qualitat de construcci de gruix de grava sorra coix (1): gruix notable en la construcci de la identitat, facilitat dobjectius de control doperador. (2) el control pendent longitudinal i transversal:

8、construcci mecnica, personal de camp a ms de controlar el gruix de la construcci de coix, tamb ha dajustar pel coix del pendent longitudinal i transversal, des de la capa que cobreix derrors de la construcci. (3) construcci de control hidrulic: construcci, per tal de garantir la millor compactaci de

9、 coix de sorra grava, cal garantir el contingut ptim daigua de sorra. Perqu canviar contingut daigua de sorra amb la crrega, transport i clima variacions de temperatura. En procs de compactaci de grava, per tant sou ajustos cal realitzar rpidament. 9.4.2 Petar base s 40cm Petar base per aquest proje

10、cte, cal, escria, grava, prova incorporaci determinat segons requeriments de disseny, base 20cm dues vegades a cada planta pavimentaci compactaci de sl. qualitat de compacitat: menor PetarIn order to ensure normal teaching order, protecting students healthy growth, ensuring that national (pr

11、operty) is not lost, to prevent or minimize the occurrence of safety accidents, follow the “prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses“ principle, according to the local conditions, make the management system. 1, the principal is the responsibility of school safety, school security

12、under the leadership of President security work leading group. The head teacher to the leadership team is responsible for, implementation of the accountability system. 2, school monthly student knowledge about safety education, education should be diversified in the form every safety education for s

13、tudents of classes per week should be targeted. To carry on emergency issues dealing with education in General, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common sense in education. 3, the establishment of major accident reporting system. Schoo

14、l students report major accident within an hour of education; student run and disappearances to report; report of the accident to a written report in triplicate, a correctional centre, a police station, a township peoples Government shall not conceal the accident. 4 week, teachers are on duty system

15、, establish and improve the leadership values; strengthen the education, management of teaching activities in schools to ensure normal teaching order; responsible for school safety leadership always maintained close contact and district police stations, canvassing support from the police station on

16、school safety and help. 5, strengthening teachers moral education, establish a dedicated love, improving education quality, observe the students psychological changes at any time and take preventive measures, no corporal punishment and covert corporal punishment on students, student out of the class

17、room, schools may not be. 6, units or departments use student Street propaganda or participate in the celebrations, as well as participating in other social work, without approval of the Correctional Centre, school principals consent, without organization. Without the approval of relevant department

18、s, may organize students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief and so on. 7, schools should educate students to obey the school rules and regulations, on time, on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school to school inspections on a regular basis, found hidden in time, and in severe cases,

19、 it is hard to eliminate immediately closed, and reported to the local peoples Government, education, and rule of law section. 9, the school should always check the internal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Windows, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activi

20、ties, facilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demolition to ensure that teachers and students work, learn, live venues and facilities are safe and reliable. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping

21、 primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protection of public property and the life and property safety of teachers and students, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing the following fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school.

22、 According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire compacitat 96%, uniformitat de superior quatre compactaci 98%: regle de tres metres de 10MM de mesurar el gruix mxim: 10M

23、M amplada: no menys que lelevaci de disseny en el medi: 20 mm creu pendent: no ms que 0,3% 20mm i procs s el segent A la pavimentaci, pavimentaci amb excavadora pacficament manual i compactaci de corr vibratori roda suau. Complement base construcci a seguir “costat, tremolor, nusees,

24、 paviments, pressi, recerca, inserci, trobar“ carcter. No sutilitzen distribuci estrictament segons la proporci dalimentaci i cal, escria, grava, argila i altre control de qualitat, no qualificat. Barrejant-assegura uniforme Petar Marini. Opressi-barrejant b SI necessitava munts de avorrit una setma

25、na abans que es pot estendre. PU - a. avaluaci Pu Qian, Lo llit per acceptaci i el material de Petar dhumitat i sexe uniforme, consultar material base b. segmentar per dosi disseny Shang material, evitar camp dins de repetici transport c. cotxe directament descrrega al llit de carretera en, avaluaci

26、 artificial Pu Shi cotxe moldre pressi part planejament Pi, marques reals graus assolit la pressi constant; d. cada Pi capa gruix Pu est menys de 30cm, per previ establert de control de xarxa delevaci. Pressi - moldre humitat present de prova de Qian de pressi i per lajust adequat, mantenir a moldre

27、 procs de pressi en el material base pot t millor humitat; b. principis Shi amb 18 t mquina de carretera de pressi al costat per a 1-2 nou, posteriorment immediatament mesura regulador de pressi i fer, fer gruix insuficient 5cm Shi, es baixa planejament Pi, fer Hou acabat amb 18 t pesats rodets comp

28、lexes pressi, fins a pressi per cap cam de Ronda, bviament, weizhi; c. a causa de la espessor de base t 40 cm, aix ha punts dues capa avaluaci Pu, per a la capa superior i inferior combinat fa bo, en lavaluaci Pu Shi superior, inferior ruixadors humit; M. dadoptar tota lamplada estenent per reduir l

29、es articulacions. Trobar, bloc i-laminaci immediatament desprs anivellament, per fer errors amb material fi en forma oportuna i conglomerats Depot utilitzar cal i escria 1:1 en la preparaci de material per a larticulaci del segon. Mantenir-desprs-rodant, conservaci daigua i mantenir humit. 9.4.3 sob

30、re qualificaci macadam base s 120mm qualificar estructures flexibles. Classificaci macadam pavimentaci planitud, alt grau de requeriments de compactaci, utilitzat en la construcci de gran estenedora pavimentaci, amb compactaci de patins de roda de cautx LTP2030. Segons lexperincia, per palliar el fe

31、nomen de la segregaci, qualificat a la carretera de vehicles de motor paviments, 2 unitats installats per 12,5 M ample 6m ample ABG423 estenedora pavimentaci en lnia. control de matries (1) elaborada trituraci de pedra calcria dura, resistent de desgast, grava indicadors Contacta amb lautopi

32、sta paviment construcciElectricity lines, equipment inspections, found hidden in time for rectification, maintenance, and security. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burning stove, lit candles, mosquito repellent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household

33、 appliances is not allowed. 10, live on campus faculty members, must lead by example, and educate families and children ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-proof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security.

34、 12, dining room must be qualified, and annual testing of pressure vessels, to regularly check, the canteen workers must be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety

35、regulations, will be punished, until investigated for legal responsibility. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school, pine slopes surrounding safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school governance covers pe

36、rsonal and food hygiene, cultural events and other aspects, integrated governance shall obtain wide support and full cooperation of the community. On the surrounding environment in schools should be closely monitored. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of

37、school environment, should take the initiative to contact the district police station, the village Committee, Correctional Centre, Township government, business management and other departments to do a good job management. 3, teacher on duty with the exception of inspections in schools, should also

38、pay attention to environmental inspections near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment of students and a variety of accidents, according to different situations reported school officials or the police station in a timely manner, to protect the safety of

39、 students. 4, every day before school, teachers remind students, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, should educate students to respect social ethics, and various regulations, maintaining public order, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students

40、 self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and deployed. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organizations out of safety management system organization

41、activities between teachers and students, to draw up a precise plan and security measures must be signed by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Correctional Center agreed to implement. Organization to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the D

42、eputy Director of the Education Bureau in charge of security. 2, each activity should have a specific responsibility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, activities, location, field surveys should be carried out in advance. 4, activities for the means of transport should expla

43、in the situation to the school to comply with vehicle, safety requirements, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have security, emergency response plan for accidents. 6, picnics, hiking, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, prevention of fall accidents 7, the act

44、ivities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or do not meet the security requirements of the Organization and not let students into the water 重庆市钢龙渝东国际工贸物流商城项目重庆市钢龙渝东国际工贸物流商城项目 砌体工程施工专项方案砌体工程施工专项方案目录目录 第一章、砌体工程施工方案编制依据及其意义 .1 1.1 编制意义 .1 1.2 编制依据 .1 第二章、工程概况 .1 2.1 工程概况 .1 2.2 砌体设计概况 .3 第三章、施工准备

45、 6 3.1 劳动力安排 6 3.2 施工准备 .7 第四章、砌体施工工艺和方法 10 4.1 施工流程 10 4.2 施工工艺 11 4.3 砌筑工程施工及技术要点 14 4.3.1 多孔砖砌块的施工及技术要求 14 4.3.2 空心砖砌块的施工及技术要求 17 4.3.3 标砖和配砖的施工及技术要求 .19 4.3.4 墙体砌筑通用要求 20 第五章、砌体施工与水电安装的配合注意事项 21 第六章、质量检查及通病控制 22 6.1 砌筑工程质量检查 22 6.2 砌筑工程质量通病防治 23 6.3 成品保护 24 6.4 成本节约 24 第七章、砌筑安全、文明施工措施 25 第八章、冬季施

46、工措施 26 8.1 冬季施工特点 26 8.2 冬施规定 26 8.3 冬施准备工作 27 8.4 冬季施工措施 27 8.5 页岩空心砖附图 .30 superficial, crrega deina de compactaci, o un backfill del sl no compleixen els requisits, cal, sorra, grava, backfill pot complir els requisits de laltre material. (5) canonada connectat la fossa plena de gruixuda backfill

47、 de sorra i a la canonada dambds costats al mateix temps una backfill i piconat es artificial. prova daigua tancat abans de provar la canonada exigeix les segents condicions: seguretat de gasoductes. Base de 9,4 carretera longitud (m) de canonada de L-prova daquest projecte amb el paviment f

48、lexible estructura, estructura de base de baix a dalt: 15cm no garbellat base de grava omplir + 40 cm Petar + 12 cm gruix qualificat. Nova tecnologia de graduada trencat pedra base, qualificaci macadam pavimentaci planitud, alt grau de requeriments de compactaci, utilitzat en la construcci de gran e

49、stenedora pavimentaci, amb rodes de goma LTP2030 corr-compactat, enfocament dins del programa. 9.4.1 no grava coix (15cm) construcci de projecci no s projecci de sorra grava coix de punts de control de construcci: grava no s projecci, el pes del fang s menys del 5% de grava neta natural, grava en la construcci de control de laigua en el contingut dhumitat ptima d


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