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1、For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Commu

2、nist 2016 city education information work special self-examination report XX City Bureau, and XX city government education steering mission: according to XX Province Government Education Steering Committee Office on carried out province education information work special Steering check of notificati

3、on ( Teach SC letter x 20164) documents, about quickly organized in our city Education Bureau Department in charge of the supervision standards for learning and study of informatization of education in charge of primary and middle schools in the city led by specialized training, issued a notice of m

4、eeting, special supervision and school self-assessment form. The school at the time of preparation, special organizational self-assessment. City Bureau organization about personnel in school since assessment of based Shang for has summary and self-examination, now will situation reported following:

5、a, and led attention according to Ministry of education on issued Liu Deputy Prime Minister in second times national education information work videophone Conference Shang speech of notification (taught technical 20156,) of file spirit, I City Government is in charge of led and education administrat

6、ive sector main head height attention, learning convey has central led in first international education information Assembly speech spirit, Learning to communicate the spirit of the second National Conference on videophone education information and instructed relevant departments according to the do

7、cument, has developed the education development plan of the city. Second, overall management, coordination, establish management systems and propulsion mechanisms XX education started in the proceedings of the XX Party 200311 working arrangements, XX municipal party Committee Municipal Government at

8、tach great importance to education information, education information development into the citys overall planning, education as a breakthrough in the construction of educational modernization in advance XX, city leaders often goes into the front line of education guide education work and financially

9、 guaranteed. Equipment improvement, application is the power education development. To tube easy good information technology equipment, XX City used layered is responsible for, and unison of strategy initiatives: that Bureau established information work led group, urged city education information ma

10、nagement and application work, education information and equipment Center is responsible for equipment maintenance, built information work platform, guarantee platform normal run; will electronic Chief, and personnel, and results, and student, and Senate, and assets, management field of information

11、application decomposition to Bureau Office, and personnel section, and manages, and education section, and meter fiscal section, functions Department, To drive forward e-Government as a breakthrough in the informatization of education, education administrators into full play in the education of info

12、rmation guidance and example, and take this opportunity to point to gradually expand the scope of education application of information technology. Formed Department personnel grasp business and educational information development and application; application and48m铁路预应力混凝土连续箱梁多点顶推架设工法添加时间:2009-10-12

13、 19:41阅读次数:1次 内容摘要:48m铁路预应力混凝土连续箱梁多点顶推架设工法一前言随着我国桥梁建设的发展,中等跨度预应力混凝土连续箱梁的顶推架设法已成为桥梁建设的一个重要发展方向。我局承担的宝中铁路中卫黄河特大桥,主跨两联748m预应力混凝土连续箱梁采用多点顶推法施工,在铁道部第一勘测设计院、铁道建筑研究设计院的配合下,对传统的顶推方法加以改进和提高,形成了分段制梁,分段张拉;多点顶推,集中控制;隔墩布顶,同步运行;分墩起落,高差限定;实测梁重,全联调整的多点顶推架设工艺。这项技术于1993年10月通过专家技术鉴定,评定该项技术达到国内领先水平,可推广应用,同年,获中国铁道建筑总公司科



16、单滑道板形式,置于鞍形滑道垫层上(图3)。这种形式的滑道能很好地承受 各向作用力,而且标高容易控制,拆除也非常方便。滑块采用国产聚四氟乙烯滑块,为减小顶推摩擦因数,在滑块表面涂铅粉。设计滑道板时,滑道板的有效长度应能保证滑块在顶推过程中所承受的最大压力不超过8MPa,以免造成滑块变形过大和损伤。(二)顶推设备的配置顶推设备包括:水平千斤顶及其配套的牵引装置、千斤顶支墩、集中控制装置等。1.顶推千斤顶数量的确定和布置根据顶推重量及设计滑道各支点顶推静摩擦因数可计算出连续梁顶推所需要的顶推力,从而确定顶推千斤顶的数量,并按隔墩布置的原则将各千斤顶布置在各主桥墩上(可以简称布顶 墩),每个布顶墩上、

17、下游各设一台,安装在该墩墩顶的顶推千斤顶支墩上(见图4)。本工法采用YPD-600型水平千斤顶及与其配套的自动夹索式顶推牵引装置。2.千斤顶支墩顶推千斤顶支墩为钢筋混凝土结构,每个布顶墩上、下游各设一个。为拆除方便,在顶推千斤顶支墩下部与桥墩帽连接处,设厚10cm硫磺砂胶混凝土,内埋电阻丝。拆除时,将电阻丝 通电,电阻丝发热熔化硫磺砂胶混凝土,千斤顶支墩即与桥墩帽分离。3.多点顶推的集中控制与同步运行每个布顶墩上设一台可分级调压的HNW-1型液压站,控制该墩顶上的上、下游两台水平千斤 顶。桥头设一台ZK-J5S-H型主控台,与所有液压站联网,统一控制各液压站。各水平千斤顶通过液压站在主控台的控

18、制下,同时启动,同时停止,达到同步,实现多点顶推的集中控 制和同步运行。(三)制梁台座和顶推临时支墩1.制梁台座本工法采用重力式实体制梁台座。台座上设滑道梁和活动底模架。在滑道梁上设整体固定滑道;在底模架上设底模板和外侧模板。底模板和外侧模板均为钢模板(见图5)。2.临时支墩为满足安装钢导梁和连续梁前期顶推抗倾覆的要求,在制梁台座前和连续梁第一跨内各设一个临时支墩;为便于后期顶推拆除钢导梁和张拉后期预应力束,在连续梁终点墩旁(靠顶推前进方向)及其前方各设一个临时支墩,并在这两个临时支墩间搭设工作平台。为提高临时支墩的稳定性,防止临时支墩在箱梁顶推过程中产生较大的水平位移,将临时支墩与相邻的主桥

19、墩和制梁台座进行撑拉连接,使水平方向加固。(四)顶推的导向与纠偏为防止箱梁在顶推过程中出现过大的偏斜,在箱梁首尾附近在桥墩上安装导向装置,限制箱梁的横向移动。本工法采用楔块法为主、千斤顶横顶法为辅的纠偏方法。楔块法纠偏装置与导向装置基本相同,安装在各墩顶的顶推千斤顶支墩或导向支墩上(见图6)。导向和纠偏工作均在箱梁滑行过程中进行。(五)箱梁起落和支反力调整起落梁采取分墩起落、高差限位、实测梁重、全联调整的方法。起顶设备采用YSD2000-30型和YD5000-160型两种千斤顶。为降低造价,确保安全并考虑运输和安装方便,采用钢管混凝 土块作安全支撑。拆除顶推滑道、换上正式支座后,利用设在各布顶

20、墩上的起落千斤顶将箱梁顶起(各墩起 顶高度相同),则箱梁的全部重量由千斤顶支承。根据各千斤顶的油压值,计算出各千斤顶 的起顶力,即可得到各墩的实测支反力Ri,然后计算出梁的重量G= Ri, 再根据计算梁重G、设计支反力Ri、实测梁重G,计算出各支点的理想支反力(即在实测梁重情况下各支点应该承受的支反力)Ri,Ri=RiG/G。通过实测支反力Ri与理想支反力Ri比较,找出支反力偏小的支点,然后采取在 这些支点的支座下面加垫钢板的方法,调整支座标高,从而调整其支反力。由于调整部分支座的标高后,所有支点的反力值都将产生变化,所以,经过一次调整不一定能达到目的,需要重复进行多次的实测和调整,直到各支点











31、计要求用顶推法施工。该桥是我国目前用顶推法施工的铁路桥梁中跨度最大、孔联最长、单联顶推重量最大的连续梁桥。铁道部第十三工程局一处,应用本工法,根据现场的实际情况,制定了双向对顶、中间合拢的施工,将每联梁分成22个节段,现场制梁、多点顶推。在工期紧、任务重的情况下,合理组织、精心施工,经过8个月零11天的艰苦奋战,保质保量地完成了两联箱梁的顶推架设,工期比预计提前47天,保证了宝中铁路北段提前铺轨,受到甲方和地方政府的好评,创造了显著的经济效益和社会效益。该桥的顺利建成,创造了我国铁路桥梁顶推架设的新纪录,填补了我国铁路桥梁建设史上的一项空白,同时也表明,本工法在技术上已达到国内领先水平。6 H

32、G20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG . Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a

33、 fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit wil

34、l charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 12 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant De

35、partment. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) pe

36、rsonal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform thedemonstration of informati

37、on work is education, promotion and development of education information managers. Turns out, this working party . Ming Associate Professor several times to XX chuanjingsongbao. May 2014 XX received State Council expert group to the City County acceptance of balanced development of compulsory educat

38、ion in the country, the Group of experts on XX education informatization on the balanced development of education give full recognition to the role. On October 9, 2014, the CPPCC inspections XX in XX city education information and XX education highly. On April 20, 2016, the XX as a unit of the first

39、 experimental informatization passed inspection. In acceptance of the conclusion of the expert group, wrote: 1. the project around the construction of pilot objectives, tasks and main content, scientific formulation and implementation of programmes, and promotes the balanced development of urban and

40、 rural education based on information technology, completing various tasks of the pilot project. 2. adjusting measures to local conditions, innovative institutional mechanisms, by exploring the investment protection mechanism, system security mechanisms, the task to lead the mechanism, mechanism and

41、 application integration mechanisms, operation and maintenance of departmental interaction mechanisms , developed educational information resources sharing, promoting fair education, improve the quality of education, promoting the reform of education and teaching, distinctive effective patterns and

42、operating mechanism. 3. through the implementation of the pilot project, building a nationwide network of high quality educational resources sharing environment, construction and application of both cloud platform, the e-learning space through education and public service platform of educational res

43、ources, promote the integration of information and depth of education, and progressive education application of information technology to become the norm. Popularization and application of the results of project pilot has better value to promoting informatization of education in the County with a de

44、monstration . February 24, 2014, in Education Department Office on education information pilot units work progress situation of informed (taught technical office letter (2014) 13th,) in the, XX province XX City Bureau introduced market competition mechanism, and more than enterprise signed cooperati

45、on agreement, low cost built cover City School of fiber Education City domain network and achieved broadband access, to achieved has regional within all schools, and all classroom of broadband network access as typical case in national informed. Three XX municipal party Committee municipal education

46、 information development, policy measures included in the citys development plan, formulated education plan, and guaranteed on the funds. According to the Ministry of education documents and XX actual, Education Bureau of XX municipality formulated XX City Informatization of education three-year dev

47、elopment plan for the XX teaching information application of the three-year planning document, guide the education information construction. Early education work priorities, specifically the inclusion of educational information construction areas, and application of information technology and construction in special steering steering room, and at the time of the annual assessment as an important indicator of school assessment. Since 2008, the citys education


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