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1、yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and municipal discipline Inspection Commission, the peoples d

2、aily special report. Constantly promote independent Commission against corruption culture construction to rural extends, created established Dahlin rural industry Park independent Commission against corruption culture positions, formed has a support service low double excellent of members lead team,

3、 constantly perfect and established Park funds assets management, and village audit supervision, and villagers democratic financial, system, strengthening Park party, and Chief, and financial, full public, powerful to guarantees has new rural construction, by city rural style clean government inspec

4、tion unit led of height evaluation. Through the implementation of honest and clean government cultural construction, and effectively educate the broad masses of party members and cadres and consciously regulated behavior and discipline, honesty in politics and culture to create a good atmosphere and

5、 fresh development environment. Although we in implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines aspects made has must effectiveness, but away from superior of requirements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a is system enough sound, education, and superv

6、ision, and prevention, and punishment, aspects long-term mechanism also enough perfect, especially in enrollment bid work regulatory aspects also needed strengthening; II is regulatory supervision exists lost of Yu wide, and lost of Yu soft, investigation illegal disciplinary case of efforts also ne

7、eded strengthening, individual sector and cadres also different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; Three for honest work is the new situations and new problems in finding timely enough, treatment measures are not strong enough. To solve these problems, we wi

8、ll proceed from the following five aspects of rectification, make sure to implement the provisions of the code. (A) deepening the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create event as an opportunity to Excel and learning party, further increasing the governance capability an

9、d advanced construction, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres awareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve working ability and level of scientific development. Should make full use of meetings, in particular central group learning opportunity, further stren

10、gthening the study and education of the code, the intensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres known fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enhancing the implementation of the initiative. Also, pay attention to apply what the

11、y have learned, consciously study results into planning work, new ideas,路缘石施工方案一、工程概况广三高速公路东起广佛高速雅瑶立交,西至三水布心接G321国道。本次主线扩建起点桩号为K3+000, 终点桩号为K33+538.953,路线全长28.539km;采用外侧加宽方案,主线原路基宽为24.5m,在路基两侧各加宽8.25m,扩建后路基宽度为41m,为双向八车道。路缘石为C25混凝土预制块。二、原材料进场及检验碎石:本合同段路缘石集料采用高要亨达石场生产供应的4.75-9.5mm、4.75-19mm、9.5-26.5mm

12、花岗岩碎石及南海狮山码头(中粗砂),各种集料进场时试验室均按照规范规定的频率进行了自检及送检工作,各项指标均能满足规范要求。水泥:本标段路缘石用水泥为佛山海螺水泥有限责任公司生产的海螺牌PO 42.5R水泥,每批水泥进场时试验室均按规范规定频率进行自检和送检工作,经检测合格的水泥方可用于路缘石施工中。配合比设计及审批本标段路缘石配合比根据静压成型和人工振捣两种情况设计。使用佛山海螺水泥有限责任公司的海螺牌水泥,采用静压成型的路缘石配合比委托广州建粤路桥检测技术有限公司设计,报总监办中心试验室进行平行验证试验,最后批复结果为:水泥: 粗集料:细集料:石屑:水=1:1.23:1.19:1.82:4

13、5, 7天强度为30.2Mpa。使用佛山海螺水泥有限责任公司的海螺牌水泥,采用人工振捣成型的路缘石配合比委托佛山市公路桥梁工程监测站设计,报总监办中心试验室进行平行验证试验,最后批复结果为:水泥: 粗集料:细集料:水 =1:2.42:4.13:0.60,混合料实测容重为2.38g/ cm、7天强度为26.5Mpa。通过试验,以上两种路缘石级配及七天强度,均能满足设计要求。三、施工方法A、预制路缘石1、施工准备(1)、进场后立即对场地进行平整,修建混凝土浇筑底座,底座表面应平整、光滑。(2)、做好材料的储存和堆放,所有原材料应分类堆放,不得乱堆乱放。(3)、根据设计要求,进行原材料检验、混凝土配

14、合比试验,并取得监理工程师认可。混凝土配合比在使用过程中,应根据混凝土质量的动态信息,及时进行调整、报批。(4)、在搅拌机旁悬挂配合比标志牌,严格控制混凝土施工配合比。2、模具根据设计各部尺寸制做路缘石模具,各部尺寸应符合设计要求,模板高度的允许误差为2mm,凹槽的长度允许误差为2m m。模具制做完成后报监理工程师检查、认可。3、搅拌混凝土模具经监理工程师检查、认可,接监理工程师通知后开始混凝土搅拌。搅拌采用300型滚筒式混凝土搅拌机搅拌。(1)进入拌合机的砂、石料必须准确过称,每一工作台班正式称量前,应对磅称进行校核。(2)、混凝土搅拌应均匀,颜色一致,混凝土搅拌时间不得少于2min,不得产

15、生离析和泌水现象。混凝土搅拌完毕后,应检测混凝土拌合物的性能,(3)、混凝土拌合物的坍落度,在搅拌地点进行检测,每一工作台班不应少于两次,在检查坍落度时,还应观察混凝土拌合物的粘聚性和保水性。(4)、混凝土拌合完毕后,应取样做试块测定混凝土的抗压强度。每一工作台班不应少于两组(3块/组)。混凝土性能检测自检后报监理工程师抽检。(5)、每天做好混凝土施工记录,包括拌合数量、试验数据等。4、混凝土浇筑混凝土浇筑前,应对模具进行检查、刷脱模剂。报监理工程师检查、认可后进行混凝土浇筑。(1)、振捣采用机械振动: 混凝土搅拌后,人工装模,完成后,应立即将装满混凝土的模具放置到平板振动台上,振动2min以


17、表面经常保持湿润状态为准。6、预制时的注意事项: (1)水泥、砂及石料等原材料应使用同一厂家或同一料场的,同时严格控制配合比,避免因材料及配比变化而产生色差。 (2)成型的路缘石要及时覆盖洒水养生,避免因养生不及时而产生裂缝。 (3)模具等重复使用的工具要每天进行检查,变形的模具未修复的不得使用,避免因模具变形而导致路缘石作废。 (4)试验室每日要对拌制的混合料进行强度检测,检测频率为每班上下午各一组试件。B、路缘石安装1、复测高程:按设计图纸复核放线,测量高程。放样要求准确无误,以保证路缘石的安装质量和路面工程整体的良好外观效果。2、路缘石运输装卸:路缘石强度达设计强度80%以上方可装运,要



20、7d。7、在侧(边)后背现浇C15水泥混凝土后,以稳固侧(边)石。路缘石背后必须紧贴现浇的混凝土块 。8、勾缝铺砌完工后,安排勾缝,勾缝前必须再行挂线,调整至顺直、圆滑、平整,方可进行勾缝。先把缝内的土及杂物剔除干净,并用水湿润,然后用1:2.5(体积比)水泥砂浆灌缝填实勾平,用弯面压子压成凹形。砂浆初凝后,用软扫帚、扫除多余灰浆。并适当泼水养护,进行二次养生,最后达到整齐美观。9、每日班后,将分散各处的物料堆放一起,保持工地整洁。四、质量标准1、施工前应对原材料进行检查,并有合格签证纪录。2、施工过程中应对混凝土强度进行检测,并定期对已成型路缘石进行强度检测。3、路缘石实测项目见下表。路缘石

21、铺设实测项目检查项目允许偏差检查方法强度(MPa)不小于设计抗压强度检测外形尺寸(mm)+5,-3钢尺丈量相邻两块高差(mm)33m平整度尺高差测量;每200m测4处中线偏位(mm)20经纬仪或全站仪测量直顺度(mm)1020m拉线;每200m测4处顶面高程(mm)3水准仪测量;每200m测4处相邻两块路缘石缝宽(mm)3尺量;每200m测4处五、质量保证措施为保证工程质量,我项目部将严格按照( JC 899-2002 )混凝土路缘石建材行业标准、JTG F80/1-2004公路工程质量检验评定标准、图纸、施工承包合同、业主招标文件及本公司的ISO9002-2000版质量体系程序文件来指导施工

22、,严格控制施工过程中的每一道工序。1、成立质量检查小组,并配备专职质检工程师1名,兼职质检员数名,小组成员如下:组 长:王 楠副组长:周福林、刘吉清组 员:邢金双、郝冠洲。2、施工前组织技术人员和施工管理人员,仔细阅读设计文件,了解设计意图,明确施工技术重点、难点、编制符合实际情况并切合实际的详细施工方案。并做好各级技术交底工作,切实做到内业指导外业3、施工过程中严格执行自检、互检、专职检查的三检制度,内部质检人员行使否决权。3、对原材料料首先进行试验,试验得监理工程师的认可后方可使用,不合格的原材料坚决不许进场。4、施工各种数据必须符合规范和经监理工程师批准方可实施。5、在项目部范围内实行质



25、识,尽可能避免运输安装过程中路缘石破损等情况发生。2、正式施工前,需再进行技术交底工作和组织有关技术人员进行图纸学习,确保各项施工工作按设计和规范的要求进行。3、施工前进行安全技术交底,操作手严格按照安全技术要求规范操作。4、施工路段,周围必须设置明显的安全标志,正对行车方向应提前200 m引导车辆转向,夜间应以红灯示警。交通繁忙的路口,并有专人指挥5、加强安全管理工作,配合工人应身穿反光衣,路面机械及运输车由专人进行指挥,所有“三无”和“带病”的机械及车辆一律不得进入施工现场。施工现场最少配备一名以上的现场安全员负责安全管理工作。场地内各类运输车辆安排专人指挥并疏导,以预防交通堵塞和交通事故

26、的发生。6、加强对施工尘埃的监控和管理,在施工期间,对施工通道、施工场地洒水降尘。机械、车辆避免打扰附近居民的正常休息等。机械设备应加强保养,防止漏油造成污染。严格加强对环境有害物质使用的管理,严防任何有害物质污染水源、河流、土地。new measures to promote work, the courage to take responsibility, dare to break hard to ensure district, Government decisions and arrangements to implement. (B) strengthening supervisi

27、on, severely punish acts of violation. One is to open the channels of supervision. Vigorously promote the party affairs public, open, widely accepted supervision by the masses, pay attention to social groups and public opinion supervision, the powerful force formed to urge party members and leading

28、cadres properly exercise their powers. Second, strong supervision and inspection. Democratic life into full play, important briefings, reports related to personal matters and evaluation of cadres study of inner-party supervisory system, a comprehensive grasp of guidelines for the implementation of t

29、he independent Commission against corruption-related cases of leading cadres of party members, focus on strengthening key areas of project selection, funding, officials monitor, detect and rectify the problem, promote honesty in politics. Third, strengthen disciplinary investigation. Seriously the i

30、mplementation of JI .Recently, the County leading bodies at the county level to carry out three trees practice, which is to improve the governing ability and promoting the development of XX effective measure. I carefully follow your deployment requirements, and actively participate in the three tree

31、s campaign. Read Group, prepared by the Department in the near future of the ideological and political construction of leading cadres in the city reader, read the relevant information, larger harvest, inspired. I think the ability of repelling is to strengthen the partys governing capacity in questi

32、ons of the construction of meaning, an important topic remains in front of party members and cadres at all levels, we need to further explore and ponder. The ability of repelling the name suggests, is asking party members and cadres at all levels in particular, leading cadres at all levels, not only

33、 ourselves, establish a correct concept of the independent Commission against corruption, political integrity, self-discipline, rejection of corruption, made for the people, pragmatic, honest leadership, and strengthen the sense of responsibility, earnestly implement the responsibility of uncorrupte

34、d, implementation of the baolian anti-corruption measures to ensure the realization of business-building, construction of a win-win situation. Next, I combined with their thinking, experience and contact XX practical, on how to enhance the ability of repelling, on four aspects of cognition. Irregula

35、rities, please comment. First, the construction of the propulsion system, and enhance the system of corruption since the founding of our party, have been thinking about tackling corruption. Currently, democratic legal system, management system and supervision mechanism is not perfect, administrative acts are not very standardized, Enterprise behavior and market behavior, corruption presents a diverse, pluralistic, complex trends, this shift the struggle between the two, will accompany


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