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1、Immigrating to Australia,_By FLY-KITE,Current Situation,From 2003 to 2011,many people have applied to move to Australia, and were Chinese among them. Australia is the worlds most successful immigration country. Today, in Australias 21 million population ,almost 1/4 were overseas. Many students move

2、to there in order to get better education.,Australia continues to welcome those who can help the country and contribute to the happiness of the citizens.,Why people want to become citizens of Australian ?,Why people want to become citizens of Australian ?,Good living and business environment fresh a

3、ir,suitable temperature Welfare Freedom of speech* In order to acquire higher education One of the most suitable places for living in the world,Sudan to Geraldton 457 visa helps mechanic make the move,Richard was a qualified diesel mechanic living in Kenya, but when economic conditions worsened earl

4、ier this year, he was forced to leave his family to take up work in southern Sudan.Richards job involved repairing earth-moving vehicles, abandoned in militia fighting, and driving them back to base.Because of a lot of tension and fighting in that region, it was dangerous work. Some people were ambu

5、shed. I was luckier than some others I worked with, who were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Richard said.,Freedom of speech Australians are free, within the bounds of the law, to say or write what we think privately or publicly, about the government, or about any topic. We do not censo

6、r the media and may criticise the government without fear of arrest. Free speech comes from facts, not rumours, and the intention must be constructive, not to do harm. There are laws to protect a persons good name and integrity against false information. There are laws against saying or writing thin

7、gs to incite hatred against others because of their culture, ethnicity or background. Freedom of speech is not an excuse to harm others.,Five fundamental freedoms,Freedom of speech Freedom of association Freedom of assembly Freedom of religion Freedom of movement,Freedom of association We are free t

8、o join any organisation or group if it is legal. We can choose to belong to a trade union or to a political party. Having and debating points of view allows for a healthy and strong democracy.,Freedom of assembly We are free to meet with other people in public or private places. We can meet in small

9、 or large groups for legal social or political purposes. Being able to protest and to demonstrate is an accepted form of free expression. Protestors must not be violent or break laws such as assaulting others or trespassing on private or public property. People can change governments in a peaceful w

10、ay by elections and not by violence.,Freedom of religion Australia does not have an official or state religion. The law does not enforce any religious doctrine, however, religious practices must conform to the law. We are free to follow any religion we choose. We are also free not to have a religion

11、.,Freedom of movement We can move freely to and from all states and territories. We can leave and return to Australia at any time. Some migrants may have conditions placed on their visa until they become Australian citizens.,移民申请要求,澳大利亚留学移民申请条件详解 1.年龄18-24岁(25分),25-32岁(30分) 年龄33-39岁(25分),40-44岁(15分)

12、 年龄45-49岁(0分) 2.从事最新技术职业列表SOL中的职业 3.IELTS四个6(0分), IELTS四个7(10分) IELTS四个8(20分) 额外加分条件: 1.澳洲TAFE学历(10分) 澳洲本科以上,博士以下学位(15分) 博士学位(20分) 2.两年澳洲境内学习(5分) 3.NAATI三级翻译认证(5分) 4.配偶技能(5分) 5.职业年(Professional Year)(5分) 6.州政府担保(5分) 7.指定地区州政府或亲属担保(10分) 8.偏远地区学历(5分) 9.澳境内1年与职业提名相关工作经验(5分),Thank you for your lisening,


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