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1、friends, beware of false friends. Wary of friends, requires that we deal with, what kind of friends, how to make friends. Life, everyone would have a friend. However, friends of the good and the bad, a great influence on a person. The ancients said: with a good hand, orchids, orchids; and poor peopl

2、e, rurubaoyuzhisi, and jiuerbuwenqichou. Friends to friends, a benefit in bad company bad company, must suffer all their life. Looking at some of the leading cadres the abyss of crime, largely under the influence of peers, finally being used. So, members leaders to remember gentleman of make light a

3、s water, villain of make Gan Ruoli (sound l , liqueur) of old, insisted right of dating principles, carefully treats social contacts, note purification himself of social circle, and life circle and friends circle, caution dating, calm dating, from good dating, selected good dating, optional low dati

4、ng, not make heart bad of people, not make to desires has seeking Yu you of people. On those tried wants to close you, aimed at you hands power has attempts of, must to keep height alert, opened necessary of distance; to put good students shut, and comrades shut, and colleagues shut, right processin

5、g private feelings and work career of relationship, do friendship inside has principles, contacts among told political, friends Zhijian total encouraged, not was friendship by troubled, not was favors by drag. (C) establish and adhere to the Outlook of power for the people, so as a benefit party to

6、establish the correct achievement view, overcome the deviations and distortions that appear on the record, is a clean and honest party conduct one of the most important issues. A cadre of Outlook, is actually his view of power, interests and Outlook on life and values reflected in the leadership. Wh

7、at record is for the interests of the people, or for personal gain is a measure of leading cadres achievement views correct or watershed. Shortly before the Secretary of the municipal party Committee Jin Xiangjun said at the citys independent Commission against corruption party lecture: the Foundati

8、on of political . Benefits * people. That is, to adhere to assuming power for the people at any time Outlook, always put the peoples needs as a first choice, practical issues of economic development and farmers income, employment, land acquisition and relocation, education, medical services, housing

9、, social security and other hot issues of common concerns of the masses, addressing the issue of peoples vital interests results achievement. Secondly, it should adhere to the overall development and solve the what performance issue. Scientific development view and scientific and political achieveme

10、nts there is the difference between real and false record of achievements. Some leading cadres achievement of partial understanding, achieving record pursuit of purely economic indicators as the main content, one-sided view of political achievement under the guidance of the work appeared on the heav

11、y, light social construction of economic development. But under the guidance of the scientific concept of development should be the achievement of performance, real development is in addition to GDP, the economy and society, nature and mans all-round, coordinated and sustainable development. The act

12、ual view from the County, the County, the County Government put forward the construction of City Gardens development ideas. Carefully examine the development of ideas, not only covers the industrialization, urbanization and industrialization of agriculture,扶壁式挡土墙施工方案一、编制依据(1)改建铁路洛张电化洛阳枢纽配套改造工程施工图东北、

13、北东直通线横断面设计图(2)现场踏勘调查所获得的工程地质、水文地质、当地资源、交通状况及施工环境等调查资料;(3)国家、铁道部现行的铁路客货共线技术标准、设计规范、施工技术指南及其验收标准。(4)国家及地方关于安全生产和环境保护等方面的法律法规;(5)施工现场勘察获得的资料;(6)本公司所拥有的技术装备力量、机械设备、管理水平、工法及科技成果和多年积累的工程施工经验;(7)参考标准铁路路基工程施工质量验收标准TB 10414-2003 J285-2004铁路工程土工试验规程TB 10102-2004 J338-2004客货共线铁路路基工程施工技术指南TZ 202-2008铁路路基工程施工安全技

14、术规程TB 10302-2009 J945-2009铁路混凝土与砌体工程施工规范TB10210-2001铁路混凝土与砌体工程施工质量验收标准TB10424-2003二、编制原则(1)坚持施工安全、工程质量、合理工期、投资效益、技术创新五位一体,精心组织,精心施工。 (2)坚持科学性、先进性、经济性、合理性与实用性相结合的原则。(3)整体推进,均衡生产,确保总工期的原则。(4)保证重点,突破难点,质量至上的原则。(5)保持施工组织设计严肃性与动态控制相结合。(6)强化组织指挥,加强管理,保工期、保质量、保安全。(7)优化资源配置,实行动态管理。(8)文明施工,保护环境。三、编制范围按照设计要求在


16、伸缩缝一道。缝内沿墙顶、内、外三边填塞沥青麻筋,深度不小于0.2m。墙背通长设防渗层、反滤层。无声屏障时,挡墙顶部设连续防护栏杆。同时为了保证既有线行车安全按照设计要求在北东联络线NEDK6+714.155NEDK6+990段路堤左侧设临时防护桩,采用人力洛阳铲(直径160)成孔,内插16钢筋,孔内灌注C15素混凝土,桩间距0.3m,桩长4m。五、施工组织机构项目负责人:陈卫国 施工负责人:王予生项目总工:刘建伟 安全负责人:申松锁质检工程师:杨朝杰 测量工程师:吕鹏 现场技术负责人:王同海 试验工程师:时建新主要劳动力配备表序号工种人数(人)备注1技术、质检、试验3-62班长43安全员44机

17、械操作手55辅助操作人员106防护员4主要机械设备配备表序号设备名称单位数量备注1挖掘机台12发电机台13钢筋切断机台14交流电焊机台15钢筋弯曲机台16钢筋调直机台17插入式砼振动器台58砼搅拌站座19砼罐车辆2六、施工方法1、防护桩施工 防护桩施工工艺流程:施工准备测量定位桩孔掏挖桩孔检测插入钢筋灌注砼。(1)用全站仪根据设计尺寸放出桩位(2)用洛阳铲依据测量桩位进行桩孔掏挖(3)当桩孔掏挖至设计标高后用钢尺、测绳配合探孔器进行桩孔检测,符合要求后报监理工程师确认(4) 插入钢筋桩孔深度、孔径、垂直度经检查以及监理工程师同意后插入钢筋(5) 砼灌注在砼灌注前对孔内再次进行检查,有无塌孔或者

18、杂物掉入;如没有即可向桩孔内灌注混凝土挖孔桩挖孔允许偏差和检验方法序号项目允许偏差检验方法1孔位中心50测量检查2倾斜度0.5%2、扶壁式挡土墙施工 防护桩达到强度后即可进行扶壁式挡土墙的施工,扶壁式挡土墙混凝土浇注分二次进行。(1)测量放样 用全站仪依据设计尺寸放出扶壁式挡土墙位置(2)基坑开挖 用挖掘机依据测量桩位进行扶壁式挡土墙基坑开挖(3)墙底板钢筋绑扎 基坑开挖完成复核基坑标高和宽度符合要求后报监理工程师确认,即可进行墙底板(墙趾板和墙踵板)钢筋的绑扎,钢筋在钢筋加工厂集中加工好后运至施工地点进行绑扎和焊接;在绑扎墙底板钢筋的同时预留墙身立壁和扶肋钢筋。(4)墙底板模板安装 在墙底板

19、钢筋绑扎完成自检合格后报监理工程师确认即可进行墙底板模板安装,模板采用厂制组合钢模板。(5)墙底板砼浇注 在墙底板模板安装完成自检合格后报监理工程师确认即可进行墙底板砼浇注。墙底板和墙身立壁、扶肋接茬的底板面上做成凹凸不平,以增加粘结。(6)墙身立壁、扶肋 当墙底板砼强度达到2.5MPa后,即可进行墙身立壁和扶肋的施工, 首先凿除墙底板和墙身立壁、扶肋接茬处砼表面的水泥砂浆及松弱层,凿毛后用水冲洗干净。(7)墙身立壁、扶肋钢筋绑扎 墙身立壁、扶肋钢筋绑扎完成自检合格报监理工程师确认(8)墙身立壁、扶肋模板安装模板采用厂制组合钢模板,钢管脚手架支撑加固(9)墙身立壁、扶肋砼浇注 模板安装完成自检




23、照设计和有关施工技术规范、验标等规定办理外,还必须遵照招标文件有关要求施工。g.严格执行技术人员现场值班制度,及时解决施工中发生的技术问题。九、工期保证措施1、加强施工组织的动态管理 紧抓施工的程序化作业、标准化施工,通过合理的组织与正确的施工方法,尽快形成生产能力,提高施工进度。 认真做好工程的统筹、网络计划工作,科学组织,合理安排生产。 紧抓关键工序的管理与施工,控制工序作业时间,提高施工效率。 依靠科学和技术进步,对施工中遇到的技术难题,组织QC小组攻关,充分听取各方面的合理化建议和开展岗位技术创新活动,保证施工生产能够顺利进行。 2、加强机械化作业程序以提高施工进度 配备数量充足、机况

24、完好、配置合理的机械设备。 加强对施工设备管、用、养、修的动态管理,提高机械设备使用率。 编制机械配件计划,超前定货加工,并有足够的库存量,保证机械能正常运转。 3、加强物资设备保证供应 编制材料供应计划,并备有足够的库存量,保证工程物资供应。 作好冬雨期物资储备。 4、技术保证措施 搞好工程的统筹、网络计划工作,制定阶段目标,科学合理安排施工工序。牢牢抓住关键工序的管理与施工,确保关键工序施工的工期与质量。 提前做好图纸会审工作,对图纸中有疑问的地方,及时与设计单位联系解决,避免耽误施工。 组织技术质量人员学习招标文件、技术规范与施工监理程序,准确掌握本合同段技术标准与施工程序。 提前做好各

25、分项工程的施工方案与材料试验。 5、外部环境保证 协调好同当地政府及居民的关系,并与业主、监理及设计等单位密切合作,同心协力,创造良好的施工环境,以确保本工程工期。 6、制订进度控制工作管理办法 根据总工期及业主的具体要求,编制详细的工程进度计划并及时上报业主及监理工程师审查。 根据施工进度进展情况调整施工网络计划,找出关键工序的转换,始终抓好关键工序的施工及进度控制。设计工程进度专项保证基金,对各工区各项目工程进度实行奖罚,以促使进度按计划完成。十、施工安全保证措施 施工地段属于既有线施工范围,进场后立即与铁路设备管理单位签订施工安全协议;动土前,派专人对施工范围内的光电缆、管线进行探测,项

26、目部提前与设备管理单位联系,做到措施到位、人员到位、探测设备到位,在设备管理单位派员到场的监督下,探明施工范围内地下光电缆和管线径路和深度,并人工将其挖出,加以迁移或有效防护,设置明显安全防护标志后,在项目部专人和设备管理单位配合人员的现场监护下,方可进行动土作业。施工前对所有参加施工的人员进行既有线安全培训,讲解既有线施工注意事项。采用洛阳铲人工掏挖桩孔进行作业时,派专职防护员进行防护;列车通过时禁止作业;在既有线路堤坡脚两侧20m范围内使用施工机械和车辆时,必须在铁路限界外设置防护绳(带),而且必须确认光电缆拆迁完毕,并由项目经理书面下达开工令。 在既有线路堤坡脚两侧20m范围内每台机械和

27、施工车辆必须有一名专职人员随设备进行防护,做到“一机一人”监护。 对于既有线两侧15m范围内并行等高或高于既有线的机械和车辆施工,施工时项目部必须设置车站联络员和工地防护员,防护员和车站联络员及设备管理单位监督人员不到位,严禁启动施工机械。若临近既有线设有临时便道,应在靠铁路一侧设置防护桩,防止车辆冲入铁路限界。施工机械设备、运输车辆由项目部统一制牌编号,并在醒目处张贴注意事项,无牌车辆不得进入施工现场。白天下班后,运输车辆,机械设备钥匙一律交防护人员保管,防止防护人员不到位,操作人员擅自启动机械作业。应做好孔口防护,防止人或异物坠入。既有线的沉降观测(1)在既有线不限速的情况下,路基沉降量大




31、推置一旁,待工程完工后,再覆盖熟土,恢复耕作、植被条件。十二、水土保持措施临时用地范围的耕地采取措施复耕,其余裸露地表植草或种植树木绿化或整修后用于其它经济开发。桩孔掏挖出来的好土可以用来进行路基填筑,严禁乱堆乱弃。完工后及时清理施工场地,做到“工完料净”,不给周围环境遗留工程垃圾。对于偿还用地,待工程完工后,覆盖熟土,恢复耕作条件。施工营地、场地、便道在使用完毕之后立即复耕或恢复植被。十三、文明施工保证措施成立以项目经理为组长的文明施工领导小组,落实文明施工现场责任区,制定相关规章制度,做到现场文明施工管理有章可循。 加强施工现场管理,严格按照审定批准的平面布置图进行场地建设。并挂牌施工,自

32、觉接受社会监督。 施工现场坚持做到工完料清,垃圾、杂物分类集中堆放,并及时处理;坚持做到场地整洁、道路平顺畅通、排水畅通、标志醒目,使生产标准化。试桩施工废水严格按照有关要求经沉淀后才可排放。 工程材料、制品构件、机具设备等分门别类、有条理地堆放整齐,并正确标识;机具设备定机、定人保养,并保持运行正常,机容整洁。 现场施工人员统一着装,遵守现场各项规章制度,非施工人员严禁进入施工现场。加强内业资料的管理。各项资料做到分类合理、齐全,字迹端正,内容详实,手续完整,存放有条有理。 modern services and other content in the economic field, al

33、so covers protection of peoples livelihood, maintaining social harmony and stability, such as content in the social sphere. Therefore, in relation to the County, according to the development thinking to catch, is to adhere to the scientific Outlook on development; as far as the communes, departments

34、, around the development of ideas to plan the town, units of the Department of development, adhere to the scientific Outlook on development. When we were in the preparation and advance work, we must abandon the idea of simply the pursuit of economic growth, establishing the concept of all-round econ

35、omic and social development; abandon the concept of only local interest, establishing the concept of global development; abandon the idea of simply the pursuit of development, exploration and blaze a path of economic, social and ecological sustainability. Third, we need to keep changing style, solve

36、 the what a performance issue. Performance does not depend on blow out, but by a dry out. Create the record means a lot, but I think the key is nothing more than there are four: first, second, target, three is the initiative, four is executed. As the leading cadres, especially leading cadres of the

37、new, we promote a work, or when a local, host a, first to hold four points: one is thinking. All things stand, does not advance the waste. What are your ideas on what kind of development, in conjunction with the Countys development to determine the towns, the specific work of the entity to determine

38、 the future development of the work-oriented and let the team and staff know what to do and how to do it. Second, target. Goal is to unify the most powerful weapons. To at around established of development thought, developed meet actual, and can condensed heart, and encouraged morale of target, each

39、 township, and each units are to has big small target, and long-term medium-term recently target, specific to a session, and a years, and a months, and a week of task are to clear, such do on can enhanced work of purpose, and targeted, and can operation sex, on not appeared feet stepped on watermelo

40、n skin, and sliding to where is where of phenomenon. Third, initiative. To achieve a . Most of the leading cadres abusing power for personal gain is a few personality defects, vicious people. And those leading cadres of the power used in serving the people wholeheartedly, most perfect personality an

41、d person of high moral character. In order to implement both ability and political integrity, to Germany for the first personnel selection standards Department also recently issued a circular on strengthening the evaluation of cadres moral opinions, put forward to be faithful to the party, serve the

42、 people, focused on honesty and self-discipline, and strengthening the cadres political quality and ethical conduct of the assessment. Assessment of political quality, mainly check on cadres in political orientation, political stand, political attitudes, political discipline and the party spirit pri

43、nciple of performance. Appraisal ethics, mainly check on cadres of social ethics, professional ethics and personal morality and family virtues. To check on cadres at the critical moment performance, an important event as the main way of check on cadres de, importance of mass public opinion in the assessment of cadres de; to highlight the German priority and a leading role in the cadres standard, evaluation results into de cadre selection and appointment, training, supervision and other aspects. As the leading cadres, must13


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