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1、branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects

2、: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high level. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network

3、resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety management: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: i

4、ncluding equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network layer, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management syste

5、m in intelligent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distribution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system mon

6、itoring platform, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network management event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output managem

7、ent services/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, nee

8、ds information stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 factory NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the ar

9、t network connecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platform for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET

10、, quick access to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factorybranch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision,

11、design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high lev

12、el. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety manageme

13、nt: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: including equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network lay

14、er, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management system in intelligent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distrib

15、ution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system monitoring platform, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network manage

16、ment event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output management services/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance

17、, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, needs information stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 facto

18、ry NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the art network connecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platfor

19、m for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET, quick access to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factory瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制一、 工程概况由原


21、目经理任组长,各职能部门负责人成为成员的质量管理领导小组;推行ISO9002质量保证模式,明确创精品质量目标。项目部质量管理小组多次组织有关参战人员对施工工艺、平整度控制、标高控制,横坡度控制及其他注意事项进行了多次的认真讨论,制定出详细的桥面铺装施工工方案和质量控制办法。现把瑞云号桥桥面铺装施工的一些做法、经验与体会作简要介绍。二、 桥面铺装施工要点与质量控制施工方案 桥面铺装三度(厚度、强度、平整度)和裂缝是桥铺施工的控制关键,尤其是平整度和裂缝的控制,它将直接影响沥清混凝土层面的施工质量,乃至影响到今后的行车的稳定性、舒适性、安全性和桥梁的使用寿命。我部把平整度控制在3以内及防止裂缝的产

22、生作为 桥铺施工的质量控制重点。就目前施工机具而言,桥面采用全幅一次施工,是较难达到技术规范所要求的平整度。由此根据本桥具体情况,借鉴以往的施工经验和教训,制定出较为合理的施工方案,及先左桥后右桥,以角钢做模板控制桥铺标高,纵向分两幅施工(每幅宽度5.2m),分幅的施工顺序为按横坡方向先低后高的原则进行。如果按先高后低次序进行施工,在施工过程中如突遇大雨,将会给施工带来诸多不便,雨水会沿已施工好的高侧顺坡流入正在施工的低侧,造成混凝土强度下降或表面砂浆被冲洗而出现砂石裸露的质量事故 。施工要点和质量控制桥面铺装的施工顺序:凿除浮渣、清洗桥面、精确放样、绑扎钢筋、安装模型、浇筑40钢纤维混凝土或

23、40普通混凝土、混凝土养生、盲沟及泄水孔1、 清理桥面桥面施工前应对桥面进行普测,以确保铺装层的设计厚度。然后“地毯式”凿除浮渣、浮浆,清除其他杂物,并用高压水冲洗干净,保证桥面铺装层与底层紧密结合。2、 精确放样与高程控制按分幅施工的方法,应设置三副纵向模板,因此在桥面上按纵向每5m的间距布设中线点,准确弹出三道模板的安装基准线,并于中线点处精确测出高程控制点。考虑桥铺钢筋网必须按设计为指定位,采用30角铁作为模板,以滚筒和角钢顶面保持线接触进行控制。立模时,于弹好的基准线间隔70cm预埋螺栓,作为模板支撑点和高程控制之用,并在间隔5m已设置的高程控制基准点间,采用拉线严格控制角钢顶面高程。

24、高程精确放样是确保桥面平整度最为关键的一环,一错将会百错,因此必须坚持复测制,模板安装完毕后,应对模板标高多次检验复核,即便在浇注过程中仍应进行必要的复核,做到勤测、勤核、勤纠偏,以确保桥铺高程的准确性,万无一失。3、 混凝土施工原材料选择:混凝土材料组成:盐城po.42.5水泥;沙溪洁净中砂,M=2.63.0;5-30双级配碎石,压碎值8%,针片状含量6%;符合标准的河水。为了提高混凝土的和易性、密实度和早期强度,采用FDN-FZ高效减水剂作为外加剂。 设计配合比:(1) C40普通混凝土每立方混凝土各组成材料的重量为:水泥405kg,砂638kg,5-30mms碎石118kg,水170kg

25、,外加剂2.4kg,水灰比0.42,坍落5570。(2) C40钢纤维混凝土每立方混凝土各组成材料的重量为:水泥429kg,砂698kg,520随时1046kg,水180kg,外加剂22.57kg,钢纤维94.2kg,水灰比0.42,稠度9s。 钢纤维混凝土的搅拌:普通混凝土和钢纤维混凝土的搅拌均采用电子计量系统的强制拌合站拌合,以保证投料准确和混凝土混合料的拌合质量。为了使钢纤维在混凝土混合料中均匀分布,不结团,搅拌时严格按投料顺序进行;即先将碎石、砂、钢纤维分别计量投料后干拌2分钟,再投入水泥、水以及外加剂湿拌3分钟。采用此方法拌合质量好,钢纤维不产生结团现象。混凝土的运输:混凝土混合料采

26、用混凝土搅拌车运输 ,避免运输过程中钢纤维混凝土震动下沉,影响其均匀性,或普通混凝土发生离析现象。同时应注意混凝土的配制和运送速度应与浇筑速度相适应,避免混凝土混合料停滞时间过长而造成混凝土浇筑困难。混凝土的摊铺与成型:混凝土的浇筑是整个桥面铺装施工的最重要环节,其工艺流程为:混凝土人工摊铺平板振捣器振实滚筒滚压提浆真空吸水抹光机粗平钢管刮尺刮平、直尺检查人工精平拉毛养生。主要施工方法和措施:(1) 浇筑前,桥面应充分湿润,并以不积水为度。混凝土混合料要摊铺均匀,布料高度应略高于桥面标高2左右,以备整平和收浆。(2) 人工粗平后,用平板振捣器横向平行振捣密实。(3) 用人工一边整平,一边用直径

27、75滚筒滚压数遍进行提浆滚平。(4) 进行真空吸水,吸水时间视气温而定,一般为十分钟左右,然后用圆盘抹光机提浆机粗平,此时可起到表层致密作用。(5) 采用直径75钢管做刮尺,贴近模板顺桥向连续反复几次直至刮平。此时配合用长6米,断面10060的铝合金直尺纵横反复检查,是平整度符合要求为止。(6) 由熟练工人用木抹抹二遍,收浆再用铁抹精平收光。如发现部分钢纤维外露混凝土表面,应把其抹压入混凝土内。在人工精平的同时仍应再用直尺检查平整度。(7) 为保证桥面有一定的粗糙度,精平后进行拉毛。采用特制的塑料扫把顺横向拉毛,拉毛应线条均匀,深度控制在12。(8) 拉毛后以手指按压混凝土痕迹时即覆盖湿无纺土

28、工布,并充分保持湿润10天以上。采用无纺土工布养生对桥面无污染,保水性能好,节水,施工方便,周转次数多,成本低等特点。(9) 桥面铺装施工必须连续作业,在施工过程中不可避免会突遇下雨,因此施工前准备好35米长人字型遮雨棚,做好防雨工作。同时在下及时供应避免在11点至15点时间内高温天气下施工,因为在高温条件下施工平整度和裂缝的控制是非常困难的。(10) 由于是分幅施工,后施工的一幅水泥浆会污染线施工的衣服,因此派专人在拉毛后用钢丝刷清除界查处的污染砂浆,以保证界查处的平整度和桥面的整洁。4、 裂缝的控制和消除措施 混凝土表面产生微裂缝是桥面铺装的主要质量通病之一,要避免和消除裂缝的产生,除各个

29、施工环节严格按技术规范要求进行外,关键在于抓好以下两方面的措施:(1) 桥铺钢筋网应严格按照设计位置设置,钢筋网的保护层不能大于2.53,以从分发挥钢筋网的抗列作用。(2) 即使严格控制了钢筋网保护层的厚度,但桥面铺装混凝土表面仍然常发生不规则的微裂缝,这主要是混凝土每部变形受到阻碍而产生自应力超过混凝土容许应力,引起混凝土开裂的变形裂缝,这种裂缝在高温或差较大的气候下施工将会更加明显。通过施工实践,我们认为桥铺施工增加真空吸水和抹光机抹面两道工序是控制和消除变形裂缝的有效途径。5、 质量检验结果平整度、厚度和强度是桥面铺装质量控制的三大指标,我们的质量控制也是紧紧围绕着“三度”进行的。平整度

30、和强度是在桥面铺装过程中加以控制的,而影响桥铺厚度是多方面的,主要是诸工序施工质量控制不严,误差累计与桥铺层,如墩台帽支座垫石定标高、T梁高及其预拱度控制不严,造成正巧或局部偏高,不得不进行桥面坡度和高程的调整,从而改变设计和载荷增加施工成本,这对桥梁使用寿命和施工方面都是不利的。因此我们充分注意到影响到桥铺厚度的有关的工序质量,严格控制墩台支座垫石标高、T梁高度及其预拱度,确保了桥面铺装的厚度。从以下检验结果表明,桥面铺装“三度”的质量控制效果是令人满意的。(1) 厚度 左幅铺装前标高检测共计66点,其中负弯矩区及36点,最大值12.1cm小值10.5cm,平均厚度11.2,(设计厚度11)

31、11;普通铺装区计30点,最大值9。7,最小值6.3,平均厚度8.4(设计厚度8,允许最小厚度6),厚度满足设计要求。(2) 强度桥铺混凝土试件龄期已到的共17组,其中颇通混凝土试件计9组,Rmax=52.4Mpa,Rmin=48.9Mpa,Rn=50.2Mpa;钢纤维混凝土试件8组,Rmax=53.3Mpa,Rmin=46.6Mpa,Rn=49.5Mpa,满足设计强度要求(设计混凝土强度40Mpa)。(3) 平整度采用平整度仪检测左幅桥铺平整度。均方差Xn=0.80;平整度达到路面面层的标准(Xn=1.2).三、 防撞拦施工要点和质量控制防撞拦施工是最后一道工序,它不仅要求内在的高质量,而且

32、要有外在整洁流畅的外观。在已施工防撞拦中,线条平顺,棱角分明,表面光洁,达到了内实外美的效果。下面就是防撞拦施工要点和质量控制作简要介绍。1、 测量、放样瑞云号桥位于曲线段上,上部防撞栏杆线型的平顺与否显得至关重要,放样精确度十分关键。为此测量放样时加密点位,每5米准确测一中线点,并弹线作为安装模板的基准线。同时,防撞拦顶面标高也不容忽视,装模前,在弹好的位置每2米做好控制高程的混凝土垫块,是防撞拦模板立于混凝土垫块上,从而使防撞拦顶面和转角部分成一条直线,确保线型平、顺、直。2、 模板制作和组装模板加工要求按机械制造的工艺要求进行,制作力求平顺,尺寸准确,牢固不变形,接缝严密性能好。制作好的

33、模板进行试拼并编号,有座台基平整度不符要求的模板进行整改直至合格后方可使用。模板拼装成30米(跨径长度)长的一组,模板的加工峰和模板之间的拼装缝采用玻璃胶挤入缝内,并用刮刀刮平,以保证模板表面的平整度。3、 模板的安装与拆除防撞拦模板的安装应严格按技术规范要求进行,在实际操作过程中,为确保浇筑混凝土时,不出现跑模、错台、变形、漏浆,以及拆模后混凝土表面颜色光洁均匀,我们采用了以下措施:(1) 由于T梁张拉而形成拱度,因此我们在防撞拦底部采用与其同标号的小石子混凝土抹平,作为装模的基准面,并选用弹性较好的海面材料与双侧模板的底部作为密封措施,止浆效果好。(2) 选用优质机油和柴油按比例配合作为脱

34、模剂,禁止使用劣质废机油,以免造成混凝土表面颜色不均匀和污染现象。(3) 再T梁行车道板外侧预埋螺栓作为防撞拦外膜制成和加固点,内模采用缆风拉紧与堵木支撑相结合,确保模板牢固稳定不变形。(4) 以T梁长度为作业单元,把施工缝设于梁端峰处,封头板采用栓接固定,从而消除施工缝并保证了断缝的垂直度。(5) 模板安装完毕后,由专人负责,对其平面位置,顶部标高,加固措施,进行全面检查,符合要求后,方可进行下一道工序混凝土的浇筑。(6) 防撞拦模板应在混凝土强度保证其表面棱角不知损坏释放可拆除,对模板的拆除无比小心,避免人为的破坏混凝土表面的棱角。模板拆除后及时进行整修,将表面灰浆、污垢清除干净。4、 混

35、凝土施工工艺(1) 混凝土浇筑采用分部分三层斜向浇筑的方法,第一层控制在25cm左右,第二层浇筑到防撞拦斜面处,然后在浇筑顶部35cm,实践证明,采用三层浇筑方法能使气泡减少到最低限度,且实混凝土层次衔接较好,拆莫后混凝土表面较为光洁并不留分层痕迹。(2) 浇筑是振捣器要快插、慢拔,以便起跑充分溢出。振捣棒要插入已振完下层混凝土5cm,从而消除分层接缝;插入点药均匀排列,顺序进行,并掌握好振到时间,一般每差点为30s左右,以混凝土表面平坦、泛浆、不出现气泡为度,保证混凝土振捣密实;严禁过振,避免混凝土表面出现鱼鳞纹或流沙、泌水现象而影响外观。另外镇到期应严禁碰撞模板,以免造成模板损伤,给混凝土

36、外观留下痕迹。(3) 建立岗位责任制,采取定人、定岗、定责任,以防组织混乱,避免浇筑时分层、分块不清,造成漏振或过振。(4) 养生,浇筑抹平后及时用湿土工布覆盖,并充分保持湿润,避免混凝土表面缩裂。四、 体会1、树立认真严谨的科学精神、实施一整套规范的施工管理制度和手段,并且进行认真仔细的施工作业,桥面系的施工质量控制完全可以达到预期的目的。2、一个作业循环的质量控制容易做到,难得是整个桥都做得到。要创精品工程,每道工序都必须处于受控状态,要不得半点闪失。严把质量关应自始至终贯穿于整个施工过程,否则一道工序或一作业循环对质量控制的放松,则有可能留下无法弥补的缺陷和遗憾。branch netwo

37、rk, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects: performanc

38、e management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high level. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network resources. F

39、ault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety management: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: including equ

40、ipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network layer, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management system in intelli

41、gent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distribution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system monitoring plat

42、form, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network management event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output management services

43、/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, needs informati

44、on stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 factory NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the art network co

45、nnecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platform for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET, quick acce

46、ss to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factorybranch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and c

47、ontrol of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high level. Configur

48、ation management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety management: accordin

49、g to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: including equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network layer, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system


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