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1、guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentia

2、lity, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operat

3、ional mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the conting

4、ent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the to

5、p, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the provinces Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation the functions and priorities compared to the requirements of our gap is still very big. Main is d

6、aily in the passive meet of more, active research of less, service also has not timely, and not in place of problem; work in the meet Yu traditional of, and program of of work way, develop innovation spirit and service innovation capacity not strong; supervision information work and promoted decisio

7、n implementation of contact enough close, feedback situation not active; research resources of using enough full, research results of into degree not high; some sector documents running not specification; Municipal Government Office on the County (district) and municipal government sector Office wor

8、k of guide enough, No real form interaction and close collaboration, promote the implementation of the work. These problems, we must effectively be addressed in the future work. Second, serve the overall situation, carry out their duties, improve quality, and strive to create a new situation of syst

9、em of government offices in the city since last season, meeting the Secretary-General of the State Council and the provincial government has held a government system, from a global and strategic height, scientifically analyzed the new situation and the newTasks on the system of government offices br

10、ing new situations and new problems and new challenges, profoundly expounded the work of government departments at all levels in the new era should be put in the situation to understand, to grasp, to deploy at any time and under any circumstances, should always focus on the big picture, firmly grasp

11、 the overall situation, increasing in the overall implementing in earnest the work of spontaneity, initiativeSecondly, we should strengthen the team. A unit is a team in various sections of the unit inside is also a small team. A unit with a team spirit, formed a team responsibility, cohesion and co

12、mpetitiveness. You want to make a unit, a Department work improvement, must be melting inside a feeling of solidarity and mutual help, for a common goal and determined to achieve the spirit, cultivating a strong collective spirit and team responsibility, sense of honor. Therefore, we need to start i

13、mproving office work and enhance the efficiency of Office work and strive to build a concerted . Fault. In accordance with the requirements of modern management science, establishing strict responsibility system of management by objectives. A work who is in charge, who is in charge and who is respon

14、sible, what right do these people have, what responsibility, has to truthfully and clearly understood. Departments at all levels should strictly implement the check in the Office of party Committee evaluation, significant accountability and reward incentive system, pay close attention to duty cash a

15、nd making unity, rights, responsibilities, and to inspire each of cadres spirit and morale, Super courage. Investee insists, is a deep topic, is a real problem, is a big issue. Today, I just combined this year, the citys Communist Party Committee Office, had some rough talk and understanding, we mus

16、t strengthen research and exchanges in this regard in the future. Investee in the new year, we must hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping theory and the three represents theory the great banner of, under the correct leadership of the CPC, adhere to the people-oriented, insist on truth, adhere first

17、to excellence, efforts to do Office work to a new level. Speech at the Conference on the system of government offices in the city around the development of service function to create a new situation in the work of the Office of the citys system of Government-speech at the Conference on the system of

18、 government offices in the city This system of government offices working in the citys main task is to study Government systems of administrative supervision, administrative information, administrative reception and information technology issues. For the meeting, the City Mayor Ma has made important

19、 instructions, the Municipal Government Office fully prepared brewing, combined with practical work to develop the notice on further strengthening the supervision work, the XX, Chief Information interim measures for 2005 and the citys system of Government Administration informatization construction

20、task statement and other documents. Before the General Assembly and organization of counties (districts) of the scene to observe the Government Office, achieve the purpose of exchanges of work, thought. Today, the Tang Mayor also attended the meeting and delivered an important speech in the midst, h

21、ope good grasp of implementation. Next, I would like to make a few remarks. A, and around Center, looks at development, strengthened service, city government system Office work rendering atmosphere in recent years, city government system Office to软化水设备中软化技术及控制类型说明软化水设备占据主要市场的是前三位,其中前两个品牌为工业、商业全自动软化水


23、以很多人将这个过程称作置换。这个过程一般与吸盐的时间相同,即30分钟左右。 快冲洗:为了将残留的盐彻底冲洗干净,要采用与实际工作接近的流速,用原水对树脂进行冲洗,这个过程的最后出水应为达标的软水。一般情况下,软化水设备的快冲洗过程为5-15分钟。软化水设备技术配套对给水进行软化处理软化水设备占据主要市场的是前三位,其中前两个品牌为工业、商业全自动软化水设备中的主要选择,可以提供最小0.5t/h,最大达200t/h左右的处理量。家用全自动净水器、过滤器和家用软化水领域,以小型设备为主,全自动软化水设备及净水器产品(以FLECK为代表)多数采用进口的核心部件在国内装配成套系统的全自动软化水设备。软

24、化水设备工业主要经营工业为主的全自动软化水设备,全方位为中国各企业服务。水中钙镁离子的存在是当水温变化时形成水垢的主要原因,水垢的存在使对锅炉、热交换器等设备运行时的效率和安全性能都存在很大隐患,所以在国家强制性标准(工业锅炉水质标准等)中,对锅炉供水的硬度有非常严格的规定,全自动锅炉软化水设备是锅炉配套的必需设备,同样其他很多设备(换热器、空调等)、生产工艺(化工、印染、食品等)也对供水的硬度有着很高要求,也需要有软化水设备配套对给水进行软化处理。软化水设备有哪些材料软化水设备镁离子金属阳离子,达到去除硬度(碳酸钙或碳酸镁)的目的软化水设备。 软水器中装有软化剂树脂,这种人造的离子交换树脂上


26、吸附满钙、镁离子后,就不能再进行工作了,而需要再生处理。软化水设备, 软水器树脂的再生是用氯化钠和水的稀溶液进行的。在再生过程中,首先停止软水器的工作水流,从盐水槽引出的盐水与另外的稀释水流混合,稀盐水溶液流经树脂,与附有钙、镁离子的树脂接触。软化水设备工作流程工作(有时叫做产水,下同)、反洗、吸盐(再生)、慢冲洗(置换)、快冲洗五个过程。不同软化水设备的所有工序非常接 近,只是由于实际工艺的不同或控制的需要,可能会有一些附加的流程。任何以钠离子交换为基础的软化水设备都是在这五个流程的基础上发展来的(其中,全自动软化水设备会增加盐水重注过程)。反洗:工作一段时间后的设备,会在树脂上部拦截很多由

27、原水带来的污物,把这些污物除去后,离子交换树脂才能完全曝露出来,再生的效果才能得到保证。反洗过程就是水从树脂的底部洗入,从顶部流出,这样可以把顶部拦截下来的污物冲走。这个过程一般需要5-15分钟左右。吸盐(再生):即将盐水注入树脂罐体的过程,传统设备是采用盐泵将盐水注入,全自动的设备是采用专用的内置喷射器将盐水吸入(只要进水有一定的压力即 可)。在实际工作过程中,盐水以较慢的速度流过树脂的再生效果比单纯用盐水浸泡树脂的效果好,所以软化水设备都是采用盐水慢速流过树脂的方法再生,这个过 程一般需要30分钟左右,实际时间受用盐量的影响。慢冲洗(置换):在用盐水流过树脂以后,用原水以同样的流速慢慢将树

28、脂中的盐全部冲洗干净的过程叫慢冲洗,由于这个冲洗过程中仍有大量的功能基团上的钙镁 离子被钠离子交换,根据实际经验,这个过程中是再生的主要过程,所以很多人将这个过程称作置换。这个过程一般与吸盐的时间相同,即30分钟左右。快冲洗:为了将残留的盐彻底冲洗干净,要采用与实际工作接近的流速,用原水对树脂进行冲洗,这个过程的最后出水应为达标的软水。一般情况下,快冲洗过程为5-15分钟。软化水设备的控制方式软化水设备优质软水英国漂莱特树脂600L(每个罐子填充1.2m高度,即300L),C100E罐体配件: 含中心管和布水器性 能: 采用优质英国漂莱特特树脂有效地置换原水中的钙镁离子,水的硬度主 要是由钙、

29、镁离子构成,去离子水设备。当含有硬度离子的原水通过软水器内树脂层时, 水中的钙、镁离子被树脂交换吸附,同时等物质量释放出钠离子,去离子水设备。软化水设备经软水 器内流出的水就是去掉硬度离子的软化水设备。当树脂吸附一定量的钙、镁离 子之后,达到饱和交换容量就必须进行再生。再生过程就是用盐箱中的饱 和盐水浸泡、冲洗树脂层,把树脂中的钙、镁离子再置换出来,并随再生液排出罐外,(去离子水设备)树脂恢复交换能力 特 点: 罐体耐酸碱腐蚀附属盐桶: 100L的PE桶,含盐阀1.2 自动控制器数 量: 2套(一用一备自动再生)控制方式: 自动控制流 量: 5m3/hr机头品牌。软化水设备的控制器类型1.手动

30、型:这种方式是传统的标准方式,主要有顺流/无顶压逆流两种形式,一般是两只碳钢结构的罐体并联,根据工艺流程不同,每只罐体需要配用8-11只手动阀门(两只罐体需要配16-20只阀门左右),再生时用专用的盐泵将溶解好的盐液泵入树脂罐( 这种设备曾是国内软化水设备的主要形式)。这种结构的软化水设备主要特点是:流程简单易懂,易于操作,成本低,可以适用于流量很大的需要;但是技术落后,占地大,运行消耗也大,实际操作时强度较大,盐泵的腐蚀较重及维护成本高。2.国产组合自动型:由于手动设备的使用过于复杂,在20世纪90年代初期,国内出现了一种以组合式集成阀为核心的新型设备。这种设备的主要核心部件是一只多通道的集



33、的原因:1、在软水设备的取样口检测是合格的,但软水箱中的水硬度超标。主要有以下几点原因:A、再生周期设定过大,或流量计故障造成的计量不准,使树脂本该再生时未能及时再生,致使超标水注入软水箱。B、正洗时间偏短,使本应在正洗中被冲掉的废盐水被部分地带到软水箱中。C、给水水压不稳引发的盐箱补水过少,吸盐过少,正洗不足,其中上述任何一项都可造成该次再生后出水硬度超标,影响软水箱水质。D、盐箱中的盐很少时,未及时添加,造成某次再生效果不佳。E、操作不当,在某次再生过程中关闭给水阀。F、旁通球阀打开或漏水。G、采用混泥土制作的软水箱未处理好,钙镁离子释放出来导致水箱水不合格。the second dete

34、rmination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the a

35、sh is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samp

36、les of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution tit

37、rated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled wat

38、er, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: abou

39、t 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)and steadfastness. And explicitly put forward the surrounding situation, pay attention to implementation is the core of government offices, requ

40、iring government departments at all levels cannot be Gramophone, mail room and the Messenger is not confined to paper communications, yinglaisongwang and upload issue. Must to has strongly of implementation consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-boun

41、d, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to researc

42、h solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a implementation Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party and G

43、overnment policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-General

44、Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for gras

45、s-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team. Concrete work, and must deal with three relationships: one is to handle w

46、ell the relationship between passive adaptation and active service. Office service functions to the passive aspect of its work, which requires us to host lead when action must be strictly in accordance with the intentions and requirements for leadership, work within the limits of delegated authority

47、, not offside, participation in the intervention, and not decision-making, coordination is not contemplated. Meanwhile, Office work and must become more conscious, give full play to the initiative and work to some foreseeable, be proactive, prepared, thinking ahead, providing information, active lea

48、dership, reflect the situation, ahead of good research, reference point, in key places to promote overall efficiency. Second, to handle the relationship between administrative services and transaction services. Administrative services and Services Office services complement the two aspects of the jo

49、b. Administrative services is the core service is guaranteed. Note that combines both, adhere to government service as the main line, the Chief turns around the overall situation, turns around the district. On one hand, will attachthree a representative important thought for guide, efforts adapted new situation, and new task, and new requirements, tightly around city reform development of ov


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