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1、estndard i grau de compactaci estndard de subgrade amb compactaci pesats capes, estndard de compactaci de el subgrade i embalatge dels requisits fora mostrats a la taula segent: projectes categoria carretera-profunditat (cm) embalatge la intensitat mnima (CBR, %) Grau de subgrade de compactaci (pesa

2、t, %) Dimetre mxim dembalatge (cm) ple llit subgrade a la carretera 0-30 8 10 carretera 5 30-80 96 10 de terrapl carretera sota 80 4 de 94 150 plenes i tallar la carretera-0-30 8 96 10 la protecci de m. tenint en compte els terrenys a ambds costats de rpid desenvolupament en protecci de talussos sub

3、grade en principi, sadhereixen a la protecci ecolgica, suport lleuger com un suplement. Aquest projecte, terrapl i excavaci pendent dissenyat segons lespecificaci, excavaci profunda o alta individual recolzat per retenir llum. (5) carretera disseny daquesta carretera carretera flexible estructura, c

4、arretera de vehicles de motor i el carril mixt carretera estructura capa total gruix 91cm; s lestructura de capa respectivament de Shang per Xia seguit per: 4cm gra gruixut tipus asfalt formig (AC-13) + 6 cm de gruix en lasfalt de gra tipus concret (AC-20) + 14 cm gra gros gran dimetre asfalt establ

5、e de grava (LSM-30) + 12 cm gruix distribuci nivell grava 40 cm gruix Petar material base + 15 cm de gruix de capa de grava coix de cribratge no. Lestructura de paviment de dalt a baix: Arena gruixuda capa en pors 6cm 3 cm + 15 cm, gruixut classificada. 1.3 aquesta secci de drenatge de la carretera

6、dissenyar sistemes de drenatge amb combinen sistemes de clavegueram, dimetre de la canonada drenatge per D300-D2200mm. Canonades de drenatge D300-d1000mm fet de canonada (HDPE) de polietil de alta densitat (GB/T19472.2-2004), tapa superior 5M, SN 8KN/m2, canonada que cobreixen ms de 5M de menys de 6

7、m, SN 10KN/m2, interfcie utilitzada en tots els connexi elctrica de fusi; Dimetre s superior a la fuga de D1000mm amb tubs de formig armat, canonada de canonada embolcall 6m nivell de formig armat, base de formig de 180 graus, tub superior-sl 6m tub de formig armat de dos nivells, base de formig de

8、360 graus, interfcie segons construcci 06MS201-1. Nmero 2, els principals projectes: (1) lexcavaci subgrade de moviment de terres: 753702m 3 caixa de la carretera: omplir de subgrade 48054m 3: rebliments 57707 m3 de runa: 8477 M3 estany dragatge i omplert: obres de drenatge (2) 13617m 3: canonada de

9、 polietil (HDPE) D300 alta densitat: canonada de polietil (HDPE) 969m D400 alta densitat: 303m. Granit Curbstone 27cmx12cm:13080 m 30cmx12cm:3488 Shi m Shi 40cmx12cm:7412 m, Ma Shiping, pedra collocaci de costat de granit C20:4366 m maons permeables de paviments de formig: 15696 m 2 3, les caracters

10、tiques de construcci: (1) estat del paisatge, els turons, parcel dhortalisses, creixement vegetatiu, ms gran que 15 cm sn un munt de arbres, trasplantat o caiguts perIn order to ensure normal teaching order, protecting students healthy growth, ensuring that national (property) is not lost, to preven

11、t or minimize the occurrence of safety accidents, follow the “prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses“ principle, according to the local conditions, make the management system. 1, the principal is the responsibility of school safety, school security under the leadership of Presid

12、ent security work leading group. The head teacher to the leadership team is responsible for, implementation of the accountability system. 2, school monthly student knowledge about safety education, education should be diversified in the form every safety education for students of classes per week sh

13、ould be targeted. To carry on emergency issues dealing with education in General, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common sense in education. 3, the establishment of major accident reporting system. School students report major accide

14、nt within an hour of education; student run and disappearances to report; report of the accident to a written report in triplicate, a correctional centre, a police station, a township peoples Government shall not conceal the accident. 4 week, teachers are on duty system, establish and improve the le

15、adership values; strengthen the education, management of teaching activities in schools to ensure normal teaching order; responsible for school safety leadership always maintained close contact and district police stations, canvassing support from the police station on school safety and help. 5, str

16、engthening teachers moral education, establish a dedicated love, improving education quality, observe the students psychological changes at any time and take preventive measures, no corporal punishment and covert corporal punishment on students, student out of the classroom, schools may not be. 6, u

17、nits or departments use student Street propaganda or participate in the celebrations, as well as participating in other social work, without approval of the Correctional Centre, school principals consent, without organization. Without the approval of relevant departments, may organize students to pa

18、rticipate in fire fighting, disaster relief and so on. 7, schools should educate students to obey the school rules and regulations, on time, on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school to school inspections on a regular basis, found hidden in time, and in severe cases, it is hard to eliminate immed

19、iately closed, and reported to the local peoples Government, education, and rule of law section. 9, the school should always check the internal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Windows, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, facilities such as fire

20、safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demolition to ensure that teachers and students work, learn, live venues and facilities are safe and reliable. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety sy

21、stems to enhance fire safety, protection of public property and the life and property safety of teachers and students, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing the following fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. According to the requirements

22、 of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire la seva aprovaci abans que es pot excavar. El projecte s un nou cam, especialment la terra excavaci una gran quantitat dexcavaci del sl-Roca de subgrad

23、e 753,000 plaa, excavaci de K0 + 440, K1 130 K1 + 480, K1 + 920 i diversos turons forma conjunt. (2) a travs del reconeixement, camp trobat dins apilats gran de sl diversos omplir i pigment omplir sl i part demolici edifici escombraries, principal apilats a K0 060-K0 + 240 i K0 + 380-K0 + 520, secci

24、ons, segons a la prospecci mostren, sobre el moviment principal de sl abandonat i planta arrels i escombraries edifici mixt format, apilades gruix per 1.2 m - 7 m, sobre sls omplir diversos, i pigment omplir sl i construcci escombraries necessitava tot excavat excepte Sinotrans. (3) el projecte s un

25、a carretera nova, especialment en lexcavaci de terra una gran quantitat dexcavaci del sl-Roca subgrade 753,000 quadrats, plaa de K0 + 440, K1 130 K1 + 480, K1 + 920 i diversos turons forma conjunt, pla de construcci segmentar basat en les caracterstiques anteriors i raonable de treball. Intercalades

26、 amb trnsit simple poble al llarg de la K0 + 000-K1 secci 620, construcci de principi raonablement es poden per a la construcci de vorera de moviment de terra en lmbit per proporcionar condicions bsiques. 4, condicions de construcci (1) lloc visita les obres, s a prop desmerilat aigua, alimentaci, c

27、onstrucci segons circumstncies concretes, disposici raonable. (2) pot utilitzar carretera de poble existent en la construcci de principi, mecnica accs ms cmode, per desprs dentrar immediatament requerit per la pionera carretera-edifici en lmbit. (3) coordinaci s difcil per a la construcci de la cano

28、nada. El projecte s un nou projecte, ms metro aplicar la nova canonada integrat, principal terrapl, canalitzaci i canonada travessia construcci pertorbacions de laigua, gas s gran, amb moltes unitats de gesti de canalitzaci, construcci molt difcil. 5, Enginyeria dificultats, centrant-se en: (1) base

29、 flexible de control de tcniques de construcci clau en aquest disseny utilitza tecnologia nova de lestructura de paviment amb base flexible, que classificava base de grava, xip de sincronitzaci-quitr segellar, grava de asfalt de mida de gra gran LSM30 pertanyen a aquesta nova tecnologia. Classificac

30、i macadam pavimentaci planitud, alt grau de requeriments de compactaci, utilitzat en la construcci de gran estenedora pavimentaci, amb LTP2030 rodes goma corr-compactat; grava de asfalt de mida de gra gran LSM30 necessitat dutilitzar pesats rodets compactat. Aconseguir adaptar-se a la local material

31、s de la construcci de la construcci, caracterstiques ambientals del control de procs de construcci de parmetres constructius per a millor direcci obres per assegurar la qualitat de lenginyeria s la mxima prioritat. Mesures de construcci en les noves tecnologies de la tecnologia de construcci de pavi

32、ment en detall. (2) lesElectricity lines, equipment inspections, found hidden in time for rectification, maintenance, and security. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burning stove, lit candles, mosquito repellent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household

33、 appliances is not allowed. 10, live on campus faculty members, must lead by example, and educate families and children ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-proof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security.

34、 12, dining room must be qualified, and annual testing of pressure vessels, to regularly check, the canteen workers must be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety

35、regulations, will be punished, until investigated for legal responsibility. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school, pine slopes surrounding safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school governance covers pe

36、rsonal and food hygiene, cultural events and other aspects, integrated governance shall obtain wide support and full cooperation of the community. On the surrounding environment in schools should be closely monitored. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of

37、school environment, should take the initiative to contact the district police station, the village Committee, Correctional Centre, Township government, business management and other departments to do a good job management. 3, teacher on duty with the exception of inspections in schools, should also

38、pay attention to environmental inspections near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment of students and a variety of accidents, according to different situations reported school officials or the police station in a timely manner, to protect the safety of

39、 students. 4, every day before school, teachers remind students, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, should educate students to respect social ethics, and various regulations, maintaining public order, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students

40、 self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and deployed. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organizations out of safety management system organization

41、activities between teachers and students, to draw up a precise plan and security measures must be signed by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Correctional Center agreed to implement. Organization to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the D

42、eputy Director of the Education Bureau in charge of security. 2, each activity should have a specific responsibility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, activities, location, field surveys should be carried out in advance. 4, activities for the means of transport should expla

43、in the situation to the school to comply with vehicle, safety requirements, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have security, emergency response plan for accidents. 6, picnics, hiking, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, prevention of fall accidents 7, the act

44、ivities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or do not meet the security requirements of the Organization and not let students into the water 第一章第一章 编编制制说说明明 第一第一节节 编编制依据制依据 1.1王家王家营营西西货场扩货场扩能改造工程招能改造工程招标标文件。文件。 1.2国家国家颁颁布的布的现现行施工行施工验验收收规规范、技范、技术标术标准及地区性法准及地区性法规规。 。 1.3现场调查现场调查所所获获取的当地气候、地取的当地气候

45、、地质质条件及施工条件及施工环环境等境等资资料。料。 1.4本企本企业拥业拥有的科技成果、工法、技有的科技成果、工法、技术术力量、机械力量、机械设备设备、施工管理水平及、施工管理水平及 类类似工程的成熟施工似工程的成熟施工经验经验。 。 第二第二节节 编编制原制原则则 2.1遵守招遵守招标标文件各条款要求,文件各条款要求,认认真真贯彻贯彻落落实业实业主、主、设计单设计单位的指示、指令位的指示、指令 和要求。和要求。 2.2严严格遵守招格遵守招标标文件明确的文件明确的设计规设计规范、施工技范、施工技术规术规范和范和质质量量评评定定检验标检验标 准。准。 2.3坚坚持在持在实实事求是的基事求是的基

46、础础上力求技上力求技术术先先进进、科学合理、科学合理、经济经济适用的原适用的原则则。 。 2.4自始至自始至终对终对施工施工现场实现场实施全施全员员、全、全过过程、全范程、全范围严围严密密监监控,控,坚坚持持动动静静结结 合、科学管理的原合、科学管理的原则则。 。 2.5实实行行项项目管理,通目管理,通过对劳务过对劳务、 、设备设备、材料、材料、资资金、技金、技术术、施工方案和信息、施工方案和信息 进进行行优优化,化,实现实现安全、安全、质质量、工期、成本及社会信誉的量、工期、成本及社会信誉的预预期目期目标标。 。 第三第三节节 编编制范制范围围 招招标标文件提供文件提供设计图纸设计图纸范范围

47、围内的土建、内的土建、钢结钢结构工程、水构工程、水电电安装、防雷工程安装、防雷工程 等。等。 4本工程使用本工程使用规规范、范、标标准准 4.1 建筑建筑结结构荷构荷载规载规范范 ( (GB50009-2001) )2006年版年版 4.2 钢结钢结构构设计规设计规范范 ( (GB50017-2003) ) 4.3 建筑建筑钢结钢结构构焊焊接技接技术规术规范范 ( (JGJ81-2002) ) 4.4 建筑抗震建筑抗震设计规设计规范范 ( (GB50011-2010) ) 4.5 涂装前涂装前钢钢材表面材表面锈蚀锈蚀等等级级和除和除锈锈等等级级 ( (GB8923) ) 4.6 钢结钢结构高构

48、高强强度螺栓度螺栓连连接的接的设计设计、施工及、施工及验验收收规规范范 ( (JBJ82-91) ) 4.7 钢结钢结构工程施工构工程施工质质量量验验收收规规范范 ( (GB50205-2001) ) 4.8 混泥土混泥土结结构构设计规设计规范范 ( (GB50010-2002) ) 4.9建筑的耐火等建筑的耐火等级为级为二二级级 estndard i grau de compactaci estndard de subgrade amb compactaci pesats capes, estndard de compactaci de el subgrade i embalatge del

49、s requisits fora mostrats a la taula segent: projectes categoria carretera-profunditat (cm) embalatge la intensitat mnima (CBR, %) Grau de subgrade de compactaci (pesat, %) Dimetre mxim dembalatge (cm) ple llit subgrade a la carretera 0-30 8 10 carretera 5 30-80 96 10 de terrapl carretera sota 80 4 de 94 150 plenes i tallar la carretera-0-30 8 96 10 la protecci de


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