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1、 震损钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震性能评估方法研究重庆大学博士学位论文学生姓名:周小龙指导教师:李英民教授专业:土木工程学科门类:工学重庆大学土木工程学院二 O一四年五月 Research on Seismic Performance Evaluation Method of Earthquake Damaged RC Frame Structures A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for theDegree of Doctor of EngineeringByZ

2、hou XiaolongSupervisor: Prof. Li YingminMajor: Civil EngineeringCollege of Civil Engineering of Chongqing University, Chongqing, China. May 2014 中文摘要摘要破坏性地震在我国时有发生,这些地震均造成大量房屋建筑的损伤与破坏;同时,早期建设的震损结构也存在着过早劣化的现象,面临着维修加固甚至提前退役的境遇,因此对地震受损钢筋混凝土结构进行抗震性能评估有着重要的现实意义。本文以框架结构为研究对象,从地震作用取值、损伤模型确定、抗震性能评估方法研究三个方面对

3、震损结构抗震性能评估展开了深入的研究。论文的主要研究工作和成果如下: 建立了均匀泊松分布地震发生概率模型和非齐次泊松分布地震发生概率模型,用于表征是否考虑场地历史地震发生信息;基于地震发生概率模型,给出了不同地震风险中的结构应选用的抗震评估设防准则。考虑结构不同使用寿命及结构后续服役期内场地地震具有不同超越概率的影响,推导出各抗震评估准则下结构评估烈度在剩余使用寿命内的超越概率换算为设计基准期为 50年时的相当超越概率的计算公式;推导出各评估准则下水平地震影响系数最大值、地面峰值加速度与评估烈度之间的换算关系;给出了结构在不同评估准则、不同剩余使用寿命下的震损结构抗震性能评估用地震地震作用取值

4、调整系数。 选取了 47 个钢筋混凝土压弯构件在低周往复加载损伤试验条件下获得的滞回曲线数据结果,根据 Park-Ang损伤指数计算公式,计算出损伤构件不同损伤状态点对应的损伤指数值,并通过数据回归分析,得到了损伤构件刚度退化系数和强度退化系数与构件损伤指数值之间的拟合关系式,建立了考虑地震损伤的损伤构件恢复力模型,并在此基础上提出了考虑材料劣化的震损构件恢复力模型;同时,在考虑材料劣化的损伤构件恢复力骨架线时,针对混凝土和钢筋材料劣化本构关系与混凝土碳化深度有着密切关系的现状,引入贝叶斯更新方法对已有混凝土碳化深度预测模型的预测结果进行了重新估计,使得预测结果的准确性和客观性得到大幅提高。

5、在既有结构基于性能的抗震评估方法研究中,静力弹塑性分析方法是一种重要的分析方法,本文基于模态弹塑性理论,结合动力时程分析方法和静力弹塑性分析方法的优点对传统 Pushover 分析方法中结构在地震作用下的顶点目标位移的确定方法以及考虑高阶振型影响的侧向力加载模式进行了改进,并详细给出了基于本文方法的建筑结构抗震性能评估流程。将改进方法应用于五层和十层完好框架结构以及十层地震受损钢筋混凝土框架结构的抗震性能评估中,计算结果表明:本文改进 Pushover 法能够有效模拟结构在地震作用下的真实反应,也能体现I 重庆大学博士学位论文震损结构在后续地震作用过程中的非线性行为。 考虑到地震易损性分析是结

6、构基于性能的抗震评估中一个必不可少的研究内容,且传统三水准地震作用并不能合理描述现行抗震设计规范中划分的五个结构性能目标,特别是不能为轻微地震损伤结构的抗震性能评估提供依据。为了完善了基于性能的既有钢筋混凝土结构抗震性能评估体系,作者针对既有结构可能遭遇的地震风险水平特征,参考已有研究成果,在现有小震、中震和大震地震作用水平基础上,新引入了一个 50年地震超越概率为 40%的地震作用水平,定义为“中小震”,并建立了既有钢筋混凝土结构在不同地震作用水平下的抗震性能水平目标。 建立了地震受损钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震性能评估方法的理论体系和基本流程,并以一栋 10层钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,详细说明了震

7、损结构抗震性能评估过程中损伤模型以及评估用地震作用取值的确定过程,并验算了结构不同损伤位置对各抗震性能评估方法可靠性和适用性的影响。关键词:震损结构,基于性能,地震输入,损伤模型,抗震性能评估II 英文摘要ABSTRACT Destructive earthquakes occur occasionally in our country, and these earthquakeshave led to a large number of damaged engineering structures; meanwhile, the earlymassive concrete structure

8、s, especially the earthquake-damaged buildings, have thephenomenon of premature deterioration that need to be maintained or strengthened, andsome buildings even face the situation of early retirement. Therefore, it is significanceto evaluate the seismic performance of earthquake-damaged reinforced c

9、oncretestructures. This paper took RC frame structure as the object,and three research contentsfor the earthquake-damaged structures, including earthquake action calculation, damagemodel determine and seismie performance evaluation method were deply studied in thispaper. The main contents and result

10、s of this paper as following: The Homogeneous Poisson distribution models and the InhomogeneousPoisson probabilistic models for earthquake occurrence were established to characterizeif the construction site will consider the history earthquake informations. The seismicappraisal criteria of structure

11、s in different seismic risk were established based on theearthquake occurrence probabilistic models. Considering the different residual servicelives of structures and the different exceeding probability of earthquake in different sites,the calculation formulas of exceeding probability of assessment

12、intensities were derived,while the exceeding probability based on the residual service life was converted to thewell-matched exceeding probability based on the design reference period (i.e., 50 years);The values of small earthquake intensity and major earthquake intensity of three zoneswith differen

13、t seismic hazard characteristics were studied in this paper, then theconversion among maximum horizontal earthquake influence coefficient, peak groundacceleration and seismic intensity were derived; the modification factors of seismicaction of buildings at the three zones with different seismic appr

14、aisal assessment criteriaand different residual service lives were provided in this paper. The hysteresis curve datas of 47 compression-flexure concrete columns wereselected in the study, and the damage index values corresponding to different damagestatus of each damaged concrete column were calcula

15、ted using the Park-Ang damageindex calculation formula. Through regression analysis, the fitting relations betweenstiffness degradation coefficient (strength degradation coefficient) and damage indexIII 重庆大学博士学位论文values of damaged members were obtained. The restoring force model of damagedmembers on

16、ly considering seismic damage was established in this paper, and on thisbasis, restoring force model determining method of earthquake damaged membersconsidering the durability of material was given. Noticed the close relationship betweenconcrete carbonation depth and concrete material deterioration

17、constitutive relationship,Bayesian Updating was incorporated to reevaluate the results obtained viawell-established models, and its accuracy and objectivity is enhanced extensively byBayesian updating. In the methods of seismic performance evaluation of existing structures, thestatic elastic-plastic

18、 analysis method is one of important method. Based on the modalelastic-plastic theory, considering the advantages of dynamic time history analysismethod and static elastic-plastic analysis method, the determination of targetdisplacements for buildings under the earthquake action and the load pattern

19、 ofpushover analysis considering higher mode effects were improved in this paper, andthen the detail seismic performance evaluating process of the new improved methodpropose by the author for structures was given. Make the modified pushover methodapplying to the performance evaluation for two undama

20、ged frame structures (five-storyand ten-story frame structure) and a seismic damage ten-story frame structure. Theresults show that the modified pushover method can efficiently simulate the seicmicresponse of structure under earthquake action and also can embody the nonlinearbehavior of the earthqua

21、ke-damage structure during the subsequent earthquakes. Considering that seismic fragility analysis is an essential content of theperformance-based seismic assessment on existing structures, and the groups ofstructure performance objective on three traditional levels of horizontal earthquakeaction ca

22、nt reasonably describe the five seismic performance objectives defined by thecurrent code of seismic design, especially cant provide a basis for seismic performanceassessment of slight earthquake damaged structure. In order to perfect theperformance-based seismic performance assesment system of exis

23、ting reinforcedconcrete structures, the author defined a new earthquake action level with exceedingprobability of 40% in 50 years named medium-small earthquake aimed at the differentseismic risk level characteristics which may be encountered for the existing structures.Based on the available action

24、level of small, medium and strong earthquake, andestablished the seismic performance objectives corresponding to different earthquakeaction levels of exciting RC structures, in order to perfect the performance-basedIV 英文摘要seismic performance assesment system of existing RC structures. A theory syste

25、m and basic procedure of evaluating the seismic performance ofRC structures after earthquake was established. And then, a 10-layers RC framestructure was taken to explain the damage model in seismic performance evaluationprocess, and how to confirm the assessment earthquake action of earthquake dama

26、gedstructures. And the influence of the different damage locations to the reliability andapplicability of different evaluation methods were checked.Keywords: earthquake damaged structures, performance-based, seismic input,damaged model, seismic performance assesmentV 重庆大学博士学位论文VI 目录目录中文摘要.I英文摘要. III

27、1 绪 论. 11.1 课题背景与研究意义 . 11.1.1 震损钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震鉴定方法 . 11.1.2 震损钢筋混凝土框架结构基于性能的抗震评估方法. 21.1.3 震损钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震性能评估方法研究意义. 31.2 震损框架结构抗震鉴定方法国内外发展历程与现状 . 41.2.1 日本抗震鉴定标准的发展历程与现状 . 41.2.2 美国抗震鉴定标准的发展历程与现状 . 81.2.3 我国建筑抗震鉴定标准的发展历程与现状 . 91.3 基于性能的建筑结构抗震评估理论 . 111.3.1 基于性能抗震评估理论的的提出与发展 . 111.3.2 基于静力弹塑性分析法的建筑结构抗震

28、性能评估 . 121.3.3 基于 IDA分析法的建筑结构抗震性能评估 . 141.4 震损框架结构地震损伤评估方法国内外研究现状 . 151.4.1 钢筋混凝土构件损伤评估方法 . 151.4.2 钢筋混凝土结构损伤评估方法 . 151.4.3 结构损伤破坏等级 . 161.5 目前的震损框架结构抗震性能评估方法存在的主要问题 . 161.6 本文主要研究内容 . 172 震损框架结构抗震性能评估地震作用取值研究 . 212.1 引言 . 212.2 地震发生概率的数学模型 . 222.2.1 均匀泊松分布模型确定地震发生概率 . 222.2.2 非齐次组合泊松分布模型确定地震发生概率 .

29、232.2.3 地震发生概率模型的选择 . 252.3 震损框架结构抗震评估设防标准及其概率定义 . 252.3.1 相同评估烈度原则 . 262.3.2 相同超越概率法 . 272.3.3 相同年平均发生率法 . 28VII 重庆大学博士学位论文2.3.4 不同重要性类别建筑各水准地震超越概率 . 292.3.5 基于性能的震损框架结构抗震评估设防准则的确定 . 302.4 地震烈度概率模型及地震作用调整系数 . 302.4.1 形状参数 k的确定 . 312.4.2 评估烈度确定. 322.4.3 地震作用调整. 362.5 本章小结. 403 震损钢筋混凝土框架结构损伤模型研究 . 41

30、3.1 引言. 413.2 钢筋混凝土材料劣化本构模型 . 413.2.1 基于碳化百分率的混凝土劣化模型. 413.2.2 基于锈蚀率的钢筋劣化本构关系. 423.2.3 基于锈蚀率的钢筋混凝土连接滑移本构关系 . 433.2.4 基于 Bayesian的混凝土碳化深度预测模型 . 443.3 钢筋混凝土框架结构地震损伤模型确定 . 533.3.1 震损框架结构损伤构件恢复力骨架线确定方法 . 533.3.2 基于表观损伤状态的震损构件恢复力骨架线确定方法 . 553.3.3 地震受损结构基于截面层次的塑性铰模型 . 643.3.4 滞回规则及损伤构件恢复力模型确定 . 653.4 本章小结. 664 震损钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震性能评估方法研究. 694.1 引言. 694.2 已有抗震性能评估方法介绍 . 694.2.1 逐步增量动力弹塑性分析方法. 694.2.2 静力弹塑性分析法. 714.3 改进的 Pushover分析方法. 764.3.1 模态弹塑性分析方法基本理论.


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