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1、influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. Instead, the view does not have the correct values,

2、the concept of power, achievement, accelerated development of not only impossible, but also bred and spreading of formalism and bureaucratism and corruption, corrosion of cadres, corrupted party and society, damage the party and the masses. Therefore, the leading cadres should want to resist corrupt

3、ion, guard of Defense, will first have to establish the correct values, the concept of power and start Outlook. It should be noted that currently the County ranks of cadres are good, but it cannot be denied that some of our leading cadres, in the treatment of values, power, performance and other iss

4、ues still exist on some wrong ideas and behavior. On value orientation of treating issues such as, some leading cadres tend to put self-interest above the overall interests, there is a Government powers, powers of personal interests, personal power phenomenon. In treats power of problem Shang, offic

5、er read not are, some leaders too addiction Yu power pursuit, adjustment to better of location Shi on complacency, and carried away, once didnt adjustment good on has negative slack, and sent complaints told grumbling, cannot to good of mentality right treats personal of retreat circulation; some on

6、ly may official, and unwilling to work, always calculations personal gains and losses, each other comparisons, than fame, and than status, and than income, is not than contribution; very minority leaders even put power as profit of tool, using terms seek self-interest , Do not give benefits didnt ac

7、t, gives the advantage to do. In treats achievement of problem Shang, some leaders also lack created achievement of strongly pursuit, development confidence insufficient, and thought not liberation, work muddle along, and perfunctory, unambitious, and inaction; also some eager for quick success and,

8、 work bishijiuxu, on easy see have see of achievement happy, on unknown of hard work is unwilling to input energy, even make formalism, and pendulum showy, habits Yu do cosmetic, no real sank heart June to caught development, and so on. These problems are not solved, is bound to seriously affect the

9、 growth of leading cadres, and even some cadres resorting to crime as a result of the road, eventually come to downfall end. As a leader, only to establish the correct values, the concept of power and Outlook, always keep the spirit of noble pursuit, can we from the thought of constructing the degen

10、eration in the deep defence, . Plenum put forward the important exposition of the construction of Socialist core value system, and pointed out the direction for us. Socialist core value system consists of four basic elements: Marxist guiding ideology, the common ideal of socialism with Chinese chara

11、cteristics, patriotism at the core of national spirit and innovation as the core spirit of the times, with eight honors and eight disgraces as the main content of socialist concept of honor and disgrace. From these four elements, especially from the eight honors and eight disgraces as the main conte

12、nt of Socialist honor or disgrace view can be seen, fundamentally reflects the values of the Socialist core value system requirements for leading cadres to establish the correct values, form the Basic code of ethics and code of conduct provides the basis and standard. Our leading cadres must establi

13、sh with the eight高层建筑主体结构施工几个重要的节点控制程序 一、原材料质量 高层建筑工程施工所需的材料、构配件及设备品种多、数量大,它们的质量好坏及供应情况,直接影响到工程质量和工期。所以必须予以高度重视,为此:(1)对所用原材料必须做到“三有”:质保书、出厂合格证、有关复试报告。(2)材料计划的准确性,设备进场计划的合理性,以及建设方供货计划的及时性。 (3)严格材料的使用认证,以防错用或使用不合格的材料。 二、高层建筑施工测量放线 (1)高层建筑平面及高程控制网点。精确合理布设和传递平面及高程网点,不但能在较大程度上使立面、平面的施测工作和建筑施工得到顺利进行,而且能保证

14、达到建筑物所要求的测量精度和避免差错的出现:1)平面控制网及主轴线的选择和布设,应根据规划部门给定的定位条件,结合建筑平面形状及布置情况、现场测设环境条件和批准的施工方案进行。2)平面测量控制网应尽量采用与建筑物各边平行的封闭图形。非矩形平面,应按主轴线的情况,测设三角形或多边形平面控制网,平面控制网及其主轴线应尽量包括建筑物的对称轴线及主轴线、主要圆心等,以简化测量计算和方便建筑物的放线工作。3)在基础施工完和0.000结构施工开始前,应把建筑场地所布置的高程控制水准点精确地转测到建筑结构上,作为结构往上施工的高程控制起算点。高程起算控制点一般至少布设三点,以满足闭合校核使用。 (2)地下室

15、的测量放线。高层建筑深地下室的测量放线轴线易出差错;同时地下室施工一般属抢进度阶段。为保证测设精度和不耽误工期,采用下列措施有较好效果:1)基坑开挖过程中,在基坑外围设置龙门控制桩。2)混凝土垫层施工完毕后,将基坑围护桩间木板上的轴线控制点引测到垫层上。3)柱墙插筋测设固定。为防止浇筑混凝土时,因混凝土流动产生的侧压力改变柱墙插筋位置,可将柱插筋焊于底板筋上,对墙插筋则采取加斜撑和水平拉撑等措施固定,并用22号铁丝拉通线检查位移情况。 三、柱墙梁板不同强度等级混凝土浇筑 高层建筑主体结构现浇钢筋混凝土框架芯筒剪力墙形式较为普遍。混凝土强度等级随着楼层的变化、结构空间体系中构件受力不同的变化特点


17、200mm左右,随后浇筑梁板混凝土,确保后浇梁板低强度等级的混凝土不流入柱梁节点范围内。(4)上部结构混凝土浇筑的输送泵管应合理分配任务。芯筒剪力墙应专设一条输送泵管。其余泵管先就近输送高强度等级混凝土,后转换输送低强度等级混凝土,当再次转换输送高强度等级混凝土时必须保证将输送泵管内部的低强度等级混凝土放尽。(5)严格控制混凝土柱的浇捣速度和梁板平面覆盖浇捣的时间差,确保在同一截面的分界处不产生施工冷缝。(6)混凝土浇捣完成后,必须加强对柱梁节点部位的自然养护,按实际情况对该表面进行覆盖浇水湿润,使其不会因温差和强度等级高低不一致而产生收缩裂缝。 四、核心筒中(剪力墙为楼体支座)的楼梯 一般的

18、高层建筑,在核心筒中都设有楼梯,并且多数楼梯混凝土强度等级和剪力墙混凝土强度等级差别较大,即使强度同等,若不采取措施,楼梯和剪力墙同步施工难度也比较大。因为剪力墙中的混凝土从与楼梯段接缝中冒出来,在梯段上形成一大滩多余混凝土,所以常规施工中楼梯要滞后于剪力墙,架在剪力墙上的楼梯梁主筋只有先从剪力墙中甩出来,但施工过程中常常出现楼梯梁主筋漏甩或甩出来的钢筋标高位置不对。所以监理人员在进行隐蔽工程验收时,必须把预埋楼梯梁主筋作为重点监理对象。 若采用在剪力墙和梯段之间留施工缝后浇,解决同步施工的方法施工,应重点监控施工缝预留与处理的质量。 五、商品混凝土楼板的表面裂缝控制 高层建筑楼板混凝土强度等

19、级一般较高,泵送混凝土骨料较细,单位体积水泥用量较大,要求的流动性大,混凝土外加剂是泵送混凝土拌和物的基本组成材料。由于混凝土水泥用量大、坍落度大、外加剂的减水早强作用,楼板的结构厚度等原因造成混凝土凝结硬化时收缩应力大,表面容易产生裂缝,严重时裂缝贯通楼板截面,影响结构强度和耐久性。所以防止混凝土楼板裂缝是一个重要的质量控制点。根据实践和探索,对于混凝土楼板的裂缝采取“二振三搓,随养护随遮盖”的技术措施,可以有效地解决收缩裂缝问题。 六、模板工程 高层建筑现浇框架、框架剪力墙(简体)结构施工周期长,其中模板工程是施工主导工程。模板工程的工序活动效果质量是确保主体结构工程和施工安全的基本条件,



22、现场加工且安装完成后,才进行对钢筋的成品进行质量检查验收,这样往往出现由于钢筋加工不符合要求,造成返工,不但造成浪费而且影响进度,对工期及成本非常不利。因此现场施工人员应经常深入钢筋加工现场了解钢筋加工质量,发现问题及时整改以保证工程的顺利施工,避免造成返工和窝工现象。在钢筋加工制作过程中应注意以下几点: 1)、钢筋加工制作时,先根据钢筋加工料单结合设计图纸进行复核,检查下料单是否有错误和遗漏,核对钢筋的规格、根数及形状是否符合要求。对于特殊构件必须进行放样,对于大批量的构件加工前必须进行试制,合格后方可大批制作,加工好的钢筋要挂牌堆放整齐有序。2)、钢筋的弯钩和弯折应符合下列规定: 钢筋弯钩



25、1)由专业技术工长对进场工人进行操作前期技术交底,现场弹线,核对需要绑钢筋的规格、直径、形状、尺寸和数量等是否与料单、料牌和图纸相符; 2)准备绑扎用的铁丝、工具盒绑扎架等。(2)、钢筋安装绑扎1)、梁的绑扎,应严格控制梁端支座处的标高,绑扎时还应注意主、次梁的先后顺序,当梁的高度较小时,梁的钢筋架空在梁模板顶上绑扎,然后再落位;当梁的高度较大1.0m时,梁的钢筋宜在梁底模上绑扎,其两侧模或一侧模后装。板的钢筋在模板安装后绑扎;梁纵向受力钢筋采取双层排列时,两排钢筋之间应垫以直径25mm的短钢筋,以保持其设计距离。箍筋的接头(弯钩叠合处)应交错布置在两根架立钢筋上按要求放置垫块。2)、板的绑扎

26、,在板钢筋绑扎前应按下部钢筋间距要求划线且用墨斗弹成方格网,板筋应左右支座放匀,四周两行钢筋交叉点应每点扎牢,中间部分交叉点可相隔交错扎牢,但必须保证受力钢筋不位移。双层钢筋网应在上层钢筋网下面应设置钢筋撑脚,以保证钢筋位置正确。板上部的负筋,要防止被踩下;特别是雨篷、挑檐、阳台等悬臂板,要严格控制负筋位置,并按要求放置垫块及马 櫈,以免拆模后断裂。3)、柱的绑扎,柱钢筋的绑扎应在柱模板安装前进行,绑扎前在柱四角沿纵向按间距要求划线,箍筋始终按大中小顺序套制,箍筋的接头(弯钩叠合处)应交错布置在四角纵向钢筋上;箍筋转角与纵向钢筋交叉点均应扎牢(箍筋平直部分与纵向钢筋交叉点可间隔扎牢),绑扎箍筋



29、保证水平段锚固要0.4LaE的要求,所以对此点也要注意检查。施工中如果直锚不能保证0.4LaE,则需通过设计院变更,将较大直径的钢筋以“等强或等面积”代换为直径较小的钢筋予以满足。而不应用加长直钩度使总锚固长度达到LaE的做法。2)、钢筋的保护层: 钢筋保护层的主要作用主要是保护钢筋了,保护层过薄会导致构件受力钢筋处保护层纵向开裂、脱落、主筋外露锈蚀,缩短构件使用年限;保护层过厚会影响主筋与混凝土之间的共同作用,降低构件承载能力。合理控制钢筋的保护层以防止钢筋的锈蚀(保护层过薄)或影响构件的承载能力(保护层过厚),以保证达到设计值的要求,使钢筋与砼共同发挥作用。在施工过程中加强对钢筋保护层厚度



32、对关键部分的混凝土具有约束作用,对提高节点的抗剪强度有重要作用。一般情况下,箍筋的间距越小,其对混凝土的约束能力就越强,抗剪的能力也就越强。梁柱的交接处包括横梁、纵梁和柱的钢筋三方面的交叉,钢筋密度大,在施工上配置箍筋存在一定的难度。但是往往存在某些设计和施工人员忽视加密节点的钢箍的重要性,对节点所要承受的内力研究不充分,有时甚至忽略了按最小体积配箍率做构造配筋。 钢筋混凝土工程极易产生质量问题,通常问题产生的原因及种类很多。作为专业技术人员必须对混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图11G101-1和建筑物抗震构造详图12G329-1等图集认真熟悉并掌握,以便很好地指导工作。千里

33、之堤毁于蚁穴,只有防微杜渐、严格管理,在施工中我们必须对钢筋工程的每一步施工、每一个细微之处都进行严格控制,这样才能更好地保证工程质量、按期顺利完成。 郝松大东泰美丽家园项目部honors and eight disgraces as the main content of Socialist Unity of values, in the performance of his duties and exercise his powers, make the value of our work and the partys request, is consistent with the int

34、erests of the people, harmony. Secondly, the basic ways to clear positive work ethic. Personal sense of leading cadres, and establish the correct values, the main approach is to strengthen the transformation of the subjective world, guarantee political loyalty and increase personal morality and pers

35、onal values of obedience, unity, coordination in the value of the party and the people. Specifically, you want to deal with several relations in practice: first, the relationship between public and private. Always look to grasp the overall situation, unconditional obedience to the party and the peop

36、les interests, dare to fight against all damages the interests of the party and people. Second, personal relationships and others. Adhere to the working public, treat people with sincerity, kindness, not things, on behalf of themselves, even beggar-thy-neighbour, beggar-thy-neighbour. Third, the rel

37、ationship between work and life. At work, dedication, hard work, and the first to bear hardships, pleasures at the back, and withstand the temptations of power, money, sex, hold firm in his heel. Only so that the rational consciousness, can in practice deal with powers and responsibilities between p

38、ersonal interests and the interests of the people, can be a good cadres of the party and peoples satisfaction. In daily life, arrogance is not, to be vertical, not, volunteers not full, proper selection of personal hobbies, said ethics, conduct, according to the standard time to check every aspect o

39、f their lives, discard unsuitable for himself or herself the hobby, and develop a positive, healthy and noble life, keeping lofty spiritual pursuit. (Ii) set and insisted party, and ruling for people of power views, real for people Palm good right with good right power, in Chinese dictionary has two

40、 layer meaning: a is political Shang of forced power, as power, is national of forced power; II is duties range within of dominated power, it with must of positions phase contact, that has has must positions on has has corresponding of a species power. Through these two meanings can be seen, once a

41、person has power is meant to have a certain amount of control and command of the force, with power who tend to be more convenient than the average person to get some fame and fortune. So now some leading cadres often put the power and right together, force as good. . Jobs is to serve the people of p

42、ower tools, it means that responsibilities and obligations. Gate of the ancient city of Pingyao County Government in Shanxi province are a couplet: people eating the food, wearing clothes of people, say the people bullied, also people is not, one is not, and do not speak a useless, where one officer

43、. This is a magistrate of Pingyao ancient inspiration, it tells us that this kind of truth: officials to bear in mind the peoples hardships and work for the people, must not oppress the people. We have power, if careless, do nothing, the tubes are not serious pipes, which do not take the initiative,

44、 the completion of the task is not completed, the responsibility is not responsible, is the lack of responsibility. If self-dealing, abusing power for personal gain, even flinging, throw more deviate from the direction of the correct Outlook on power. Magistrate Zheng Banqiaos poems in the Qing dynasty: Ya Chai lay listening to the rustling of bamboo, the suspect 9 / 10


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