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1、yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and municipal discipline Inspection Commission, the peoples d

2、aily special report. Constantly promote independent Commission against corruption culture construction to rural extends, created established Dahlin rural industry Park independent Commission against corruption culture positions, formed has a support service low double excellent of members lead team,

3、 constantly perfect and established Park funds assets management, and village audit supervision, and villagers democratic financial, system, strengthening Park party, and Chief, and financial, full public, powerful to guarantees has new rural construction, by city rural style clean government inspec

4、tion unit led of height evaluation. Through the implementation of honest and clean government cultural construction, and effectively educate the broad masses of party members and cadres and consciously regulated behavior and discipline, honesty in politics and culture to create a good atmosphere and

5、 fresh development environment. Although we in implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines aspects made has must effectiveness, but away from superior of requirements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a is system enough sound, education, and superv

6、ision, and prevention, and punishment, aspects long-term mechanism also enough perfect, especially in enrollment bid work regulatory aspects also needed strengthening; II is regulatory supervision exists lost of Yu wide, and lost of Yu soft, investigation illegal disciplinary case of efforts also ne

7、eded strengthening, individual sector and cadres also different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; Three for honest work is the new situations and new problems in finding timely enough, treatment measures are not strong enough. To solve these problems, we wi

8、ll proceed from the following five aspects of rectification, make sure to implement the provisions of the code. (A) deepening the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create event as an opportunity to Excel and learning party, further increasing the governance capability an

9、d advanced construction, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres awareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve working ability and level of scientific development. Should make full use of meetings, in particular central group learning opportunity, further stren

10、gthening the study and education of the code, the intensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres known fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enhancing the implementation of the initiative. Also, pay attention to apply what the

11、y have learned, consciously study results into planning work, new ideas,湖北省路桥集团 【盾构机受力计算及始发结构设计】盾构机受力计算及始发结构设计【内容提要】本文重点从分析盾构机在始发阶段的受力入手,设计盾构机的始发设施(始发托架、反力架)及其固定,提出对盾构机掘进参数的控制要求。【关 键 词】隧道、盾构、始发、始发托架、反力架前言随着技术进步、综合国力的增强,盾构法越来越多地被国内地铁界所接受,上海、广州、南京、北京、深圳、天津、西安、成都、沈阳、杭州、青岛等城市都使用这种方法。上海地铁是国内最早采用盾构施工的,且大部



14、重心距刀盘面约2.7m,刀盘悬臂置于托架前端,托架前端离始发掘进面(围护结构外侧面)约1.8m。始发井盾构始发设计负7环始发,负7环端面靠紧反力架的反力环面,负7环另一端成为30个推力油缸的支撑面,提供掘进支撑反力,盾构机始发前受到始发托架两个导轨的支撑反力。2.2盾构机的总推力计算根据隧道工程条件,盾构主要参数计算按盾构在最大土压和水压位置进行计算。本标段选择的计算断面位置为YCK6+200处。根据招标文件和地质堪察报告按盾顶埋深20 m,地下水位埋深按2m,盾构穿越地层按卵石土地层进行核定。2.2.1计算参数管片内径:5400mm管片外径:6000mm管片厚度:300mm管片宽度:1500

15、mm覆土厚度:20m水头压力:180kPa土容重:23kN/m3土的侧压力系数:0.2盾构机重量:320t盾构机盾壳长度:8.16m管片外径:g=6000mm盾构尾部的外径为:6230mm盾构刀盘直径为:D 06250mm钢与土的摩擦系数10.3车轮与钢轨之间的摩擦系数20.15每一滚刀的容许负荷pr250kN后配套系统G1200t最大推力F:34210kN额定扭矩:4300 kNm脱困扭矩:5200 kNm2.2.2盾构荷载计算松动圈土压,见图2荷载计算简图按覆土厚度H0=20m计算Pe1=(-10)H0=(23-10)*20=260kPaPe2=Pe1-60=200 kPa 图2荷载计算简

16、图2.2.3盾构机总推力计算盾构的总推进力必须大于各种推进阻力的总和,否则盾构无法向前推进。包括盾构外围与土的摩擦力、盾构推进阻力(正面阻力)、由滚刀挤压破岩力、管片与盾尾的密封阻力、后方台车的牵引阻力。盾构外壳与土的摩擦力2.2.3.2盾构推进阻力(正面阻力)由滚刀挤压产生的阻力n-滚刀数量按正面有35把计算2.2.3.4管片与盾尾的密封阻力MC-管件与钢板刷之间的摩擦阻力,取0.3WS-压在盾尾内部2环管片的自重2.2.3.5后方台车的牵引阻力所需最大推力安全系数 结论:根据分项计算推力的安全系数达到1.37,可以满足掘进的需要;始发时每一个滚刀挤压产生的负荷按

17、150kN计算,则F3=150*35=5250kN,盾构机在始发井的反力架的承载能力应大于F2+F3+F4+F5=8013.3+5250+118.5+300=13681.8 kN,反力架按承载15000 kN设计。3始发托架的设计3.1始发托架的用途及受力3.1.1始发托架的用途始发托架用于组装盾构机主体和支撑组装好的盾构机主体,并且可使盾构机处于理想的预定进发位置(高度、方向)上,确保盾构机始发时掘进稳定,同时始发托架还可以用于盾构机到达吊出井时的接收托架和过站时的横移、纵移托架。3.1.2始发托架的受力始发托架受到盾构机的重力、掘进扭矩和管片固定及管片重力。3.2始发托架设计及固定3.2.

18、1 始发托架高度的确定盾构中心线与轨面线的距离为1860mm,轨面线与始发井底板的距离为1590mm,故盾构中心线与始发井底板的距离为1860+1590=3450mm,预留20mm找平高度,设计盾构中心线与始发托架底面的距离(含以后调头、过站时在托架底部焊接20 mm厚的钢板)为3450-20-=3430mm。3.2.2始发托架长度的确定设计零环管片进入盾构隧道洞门600mm(在400-800mm范围内),反力架的反力环端面距零环管片进入隧道洞门端面的距离为15007+(1500-600)=11400mm,这中间安装了7环负环管片。 始发托架的长度=反力环端面距零环管片进入隧道洞门端面的距离(

19、11400mm)-洞门前排水沟的宽度(1000mm)-托架距反力环端面的距离(200mm)=10200mm。3.2.3始发托架导轨的确定盾体支撑采用43kg/m重轨,重轨截面中心线过盾体中心,并且垂直于轨面,轨面距盾体中心R3125(即前盾外径尺寸6250的一半),中盾安装时用铝板或铜板垫平,垫平厚度为3125-62402=5mm;后盾安装时也用铝板或铜板垫平,垫平厚度为3125-62302=10mm。3.2.4 两重轨之间夹角的确定设盾构机重量为G ,重轨给盾体的支撑力为N1,N2,截面受力分析如下,设两重轨界面中心线过圆心的夹角为G= N1 Cos/2+ N2 Cos/2=2 N1 Cos

20、/2N1 Sin /2= N2 Sin/2故 N1 =G/ 2 Cos/2 为了使N1 小,Cos/2 就取大, 角就越小越好。选角为50。G= 320t, 于是N1 =320/ 2 CoS25=177t如图3盾构机静载受力所示:图3盾构机静载受力图3.2.5始发托架结构的确定盾体(前盾)外径距始发托架底面的距离为3430-3125=305mm,故始发托架底部支撑采用热轧H型钢(GB/T 11263-1998)H 250250材料。两侧的重轨支撑采用3个30mm厚钢板与H 250250型钢一起焊接的方式。3个30mm厚钢板焊接成的工字形支架横向焊两个30mm厚的加强筋板,筋板纵向间隔890mm

21、(即H 250250型钢的中心线上);纵向焊两个20mm厚钢板形成箱形结构。重轨焊接到连接板的表面,连接板通过高强度螺栓与工字形支架连接,在重轨纵向的方向上每隔500mm焊两个20mm的三角形加强筋板。管片支撑架采用H型钢150150材料,焊成三角形与底部支撑(H250250)一起与盾体底部支架通过两个30mm厚的法兰板用M24的高强度螺栓相连。管片支撑架的支撑面与管片之间有200mm的距离,中间通过木楔子撑紧。始发托架主体分为10个部分,纵向从中间一分为二,由两个30mm厚的钢板用高强度螺旋连接。横向分为5个部分,中间由两个30mm的法兰板用高强度螺栓相连。等主体连接好后,将重轨及连接板与主

22、体栓接。管片支架安装时,先把支撑三角架分别与底座端头用两个30mm厚钢板相连,然后把管片垫板用高强度螺栓连到支撑三角架上。始发架底架H250250型钢之间,中间连接板两侧用14a 槽钢焊接加强,用两个14a 槽钢斜撑焊接在重轨支架底部与中间槽钢下方,斜撑纵向夹角55。 盾体组装时用千斤顶顶推来实现,盾体总重按320t 设计,重轨表面涂抹黄油润滑,有润滑钢对钢的摩擦系数为0.1,所需要的推力3200.1=32t。利用两台85t千斤顶可实现盾体平移组装。千斤顶挡板采用30mm厚钢板焊接成L型,后面加一支撑的方式。千斤顶挡板支架采用H型钢250250材料,与底部支撑H型钢栓接在一起。千斤挡板与挡板支

23、架间用M24高强度螺栓固定。3.2.6洞口始发导轨的安装在围护结构破除后,盾构始发架端部距离洞口围岩必然会产生一定的空隙,为保证盾构在始发时不致于因刀盘悬空而产生盾构“叩头”现象,需要在始发洞内安设洞口始发导轨。安设始发导轨时应在导轨的末端预留足够的空间,以保证盾构在始发时,不致因安设始发导轨而影响刀盘旋转。 3.2.7 重轨支撑强度校核支撑架的工字型支架按H250250型钢简化成简支梁计算因为每个重轨承受盾体的力为177t。所以支撑架中的承重加上重轨及其他部件的总量约为200t。支撑架长度以10m 来计算每米支承架的承受力P=200t/10=20t=200kN(1t=10kN)受力见图4支撑

24、架的剪力图弯矩图:支反力RA=RB=P/2=200kN/2=100kN最大变距在距两端500m处。Mmax=RA 0.5=1000.5=50kN.m惯性矩 I Z=Ay2dA =1/3A y3=1/392.1812.53 =60013cm4最大弯应力max = Mmaxy/ I Z=50kN.m1.25m/6001310-8 m4 =50103N.m1.25m/6001310-8 m4=104MPa 故满足要求图4支撑架的剪力和弯矩图3.2.8根据以上分析设计的始发托架见图5始发托架主视图和图6始发托架俯视图图5始发托架主视图图6始发托架俯视图3.2.9始发托架的固定始发托架的水平位置固定原则

25、:在设计隧道转弯半径较大时,始发托架的中心在设计隧道中心线盾构机始发点的切线反向延长线上;在设计隧道转弯半径较小时,始发托架的中心在盾构机始发点和前八米的设计隧道中心线两点的反向延长线上。始发托架的中心要与隧道纵曲线平行。始发托架支撑盾构机的两纵梁(导轨),托架底部需要与始发井底面的预埋钢板焊接在一起。防止盾构机始发时托架的移动。4反力架的设计4.1反力架的用途 反力架是用来提供盾构机始发时的反力的。4.2横梁校核反力架的主体结构是采用30mm厚的钢板焊接成H型钢,截面尺寸为1000300,四根承压梁之间用高强度螺栓连接,反力架总推力按1500t(15000kN)设计,每根梁承受压力为375t

26、,以上部横梁简化成简支梁计算:因为横梁每隔1000mm间距焊两个30mm厚钢板增加强度,取中间一段,承受均布载荷P=375t计算,求出反支力RA=RB=1/2P=375t/2=187.5t=1875kN最大弯矩Mmax=18750.5=937.5kN.m横梁截面面积A=300302+30(1000-60) =46200mm2 =462cm2惯性矩 I Z=Ay2dA =498000cm4最大弯应力max = Mmaxy/ I Z =937.5 103 N.m0.5m /49800010-8 m4=94106 N/m2 =94MPa 故满足要求4.3反力架结构的确定反力架竖梁下方部位用M24的高


28、0个螺栓孔均布在反力环面板直径为=5640mm的圆上。4.4反力架的安装及固定反力架的位置确定主要依据洞口第一环管片的起始位置、盾构的长度以及盾构刀盘在始发前所能到达的最远位置确定。在盾构主机与后配套连接之前,开始进行反力架的安装。安装时反力架与车站结构连接部位的间隙要垫实,以保证反力架脚板有足够的抗压强度。 由于反力架和始发托架为盾构始发时提供初始的推力以及初始的空间姿态,在安装反力架和始发托架时,反力架左右偏差控制在10mm之内,高程偏差控制在5mm之内,上下偏差控制在10mm之内。始发托架水平轴线的垂直方向与反力架的夹角2,盾构姿态与设计轴线竖直趋势偏差2,水平趋势偏差3。反力架竖梁后面

29、留有48个螺栓孔,用于支撑连接。 支撑采用钢管材料,钢管外径600mm,壁厚14mm。钢管中间部位焊接环形钢板增加抗弯强度,在环形钢板与钢管之间焊接三角形筋板加强,焊接管纵向焊缝为V形坡口,钢管两头焊接30mm厚钢板,与反力架竖梁和车站边墙的预埋钢板连接,钢管纵向对接焊缝为II 级,端头手腿部分角焊,焊缝为II级,其余为III级。焊接钢管的加工精度为椭圆度不应大于2D/1000(D为钢管直径)。4.5根据以上分析设计的反力架见图7反力架总图和图8反力架钢环板图图7反力架总图 图8反力架钢环板图【参考文献】1. 机械设计手册 成大先 主编 化学工业出版社 2002年1月第四版2. 盾构隧道施工手

30、册 张凤祥 傅德明 杨国祥 项兆池 编著 人民交通出版社 2005年6月第一版3. 复合地层中的盾构施工技术 竺维彬 鞠世健 等著 中国科学技术出版社 2006年5月第1版new measures to promote work, the courage to take responsibility, dare to break hard to ensure district, Government decisions and arrangements to implement. (B) strengthening supervision, severely punish acts of vi

31、olation. One is to open the channels of supervision. Vigorously promote the party affairs public, open, widely accepted supervision by the masses, pay attention to social groups and public opinion supervision, the powerful force formed to urge party members and leading cadres properly exercise their

32、 powers. Second, strong supervision and inspection. Democratic life into full play, important briefings, reports related to personal matters and evaluation of cadres study of inner-party supervisory system, a comprehensive grasp of guidelines for the implementation of the independent Commission agai

33、nst corruption-related cases of leading cadres of party members, focus on strengthening key areas of project selection, funding, officials monitor, detect and rectify the problem, promote honesty in politics. Third, strengthen disciplinary investigation. Seriously the implementation of JI .Recently,

34、 the County leading bodies at the county level to carry out three trees practice, which is to improve the governing ability and promoting the development of XX effective measure. I carefully follow your deployment requirements, and actively participate in the three trees campaign. Read Group, prepar

35、ed by the Department in the near future of the ideological and political construction of leading cadres in the city reader, read the relevant information, larger harvest, inspired. I think the ability of repelling is to strengthen the partys governing capacity in questions of the construction of mea

36、ning, an important topic remains in front of party members and cadres at all levels, we need to further explore and ponder. The ability of repelling the name suggests, is asking party members and cadres at all levels in particular, leading cadres at all levels, not only ourselves, establish a correc

37、t concept of the independent Commission against corruption, political integrity, self-discipline, rejection of corruption, made for the people, pragmatic, honest leadership, and strengthen the sense of responsibility, earnestly implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, implementation of the baoli

38、an anti-corruption measures to ensure the realization of business-building, construction of a win-win situation. Next, I combined with their thinking, experience and contact XX practical, on how to enhance the ability of repelling, on four aspects of cognition. Irregularities, please comment. First,

39、 the construction of the propulsion system, and enhance the system of corruption since the founding of our party, have been thinking about tackling corruption. Currently, democratic legal system, management system and supervision mechanism is not perfect, administrative acts are not very standardized, Enterprise behavior and market behavior, corruption presents a diverse, pluralistic, complex trends, this shift the struggle between the two, will accompany第 17 页 共 17 页


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