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1、divisor, strive to realize the Chinese dream. Levels leaders is coordination advance four a full strategy layout of organizers, and promoted who, and led who and practice who, only has strictly practice line three strict three real, to led more of members cadres insisted strictly slim, and strictly

2、self-discipline, and strictly tied prison style of root, to inspired members cadres on party of identity, and formed powerful of centripetal force and cohesion, to put party of behavior, and practice, and work, and activities into consistent of track, to condensed party power to achieved four a full

3、 strategy layout. (B) the three-three is strengthening the style construction of the operations guide. Style construction on the road forever. Since last year, the effectiveness of mass education activities, but four winds disadvantages of a day form, its obstinate decision to eliminate four winds w

4、as not built in a day. At present, the go style change are at a critical point, point, cadres and the masses fear issues rebound, yuguodipishi, activities wind, most looking forward to is the formation of normal, constant attention, maintaining long-term. Central education practice ended, shortly th

5、ereafter, with three Suns on the theme of education, this is the central issue to the party once again advancing the style construction of the mobilization order, given the style construction of the new content, and oppose formalism and bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance put forward higher req

6、uirements. I think that the main purpose of education, was to have been based on the added fire, then put in force, encourage leading cadres at all levels to three Suns general conformity, good maintenance and development of the formation of our party, and make good style of party members and cadres

7、 and the behavior. (C) the three-three is a measure of a good cadre of standard. Once a political line, the cadre is the deciding factor. At present, the moderately well-off society is at a decisive stage, deepen the reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, comprehensive ru

8、le of law is to promote comprehensive strictly administering the party is faced with many important issue to be solved to achieve our goals, accomplish the duties of the mission, the key is to build a ideological, political, and style comprehensively perfect the cadre of the ruling. Three Suns catch

9、 man in politics, pioneer was hit where it hurts, defined for officer and regulate their conduct with the red line, for party members and cadres at all levels to provide a slim Navigator and ruler. If cadres at all levels in accordance with the three-three requirement, from the strictly ideological

10、and work style through to the construction of the contingent of cadres, can summon a powerful force for unity, overcome the difficult, for the realization of two 100 year goals provide a solid guarantee. (D) the three-three is the important guarantee for promoting reform, development and stability.

11、XI General Secretary stressed that the party faces the situation more complex, tasks more difficult, more to strengthen discipline construction, more to maintain party unity, ensure party unity of will, unified action, step forward. Must be aware that the party faces in the new era, the four-way tes

12、t complex for a long time . Provides the basic norms and standards, specified undertaking methodological, seize opportunities and solve problems for us provides a powerful ideological weapon. As long as the leaders consciously practicing three Suns requirements, and strict宁 编制: 审核: 批准: 中太建设集团股份有限公司宁

13、乡大玺门安置小区项目经理部2011年7月目 录一工程概况031.1编制依据031.2分项工程概况031.3工程地质概况03 1.4 采用的支护形式.03二支护设计说明及部署042.1施工方法及机械的选择:04三施工布置和进度043.1支护施工总体工序图043.2 基本步序043.2.1支护桩施工顺序043.2.2放坡施工工序:053.2.3支锚体系施工顺序05四施工方法及技术措施054.1人工挖孔桩施工工艺054.2冠梁施工工艺074.3 冠梁及锚索冠梁施工工艺.074.4喷射砼、锚杆注浆、土钉边坡施工工艺084.5基坑监测11五安全、文明施工措施126.1安全管理措施126.2安全防护136



16、各地层为弱透水微透水性地层。1.4采用的支护形式本基坑主要采用桩锚支护形式。基坑使用年限为不超过2年,DE延伸段的桩是永久性支护,其安全等级按一级考虑。二支护说明及部署2.1施工方法及机械的选择:根据本场地地质特点、工期要求,结合我单位在同类工程中的施工经验,我部计划采用人工挖孔的方式进行成孔。三施工布置和进度3.1支护施工总体工序图前期土方挖运坡顶排水系统施工人工挖孔桩开挖支护桩施工带场地平整防护栏放边坡、护坡冠梁施工 分层开挖土方桩间钢筋挂网、喷射砼施工锚杆、土钉挡墙施工重复上面3项工作3.2 基本步序3.2.1支护桩施工顺序根据现场实际场地移交条件和支护设计方案,决定该支护段分A、B、C




20、芯砼至设计顶标高。(1)人工挖孔桩工艺程序:埋设护筒制定成桩流水步骤机械进场与安置现场测量放线定桩位 桩机就位 挖钻取土 继续挖进桩深度测量 清除沉渣吊入钢筋笼,接头焊接安装导管 二次清孔浇灌砼,退导管拔出护筒、回填桩孔4.2冠梁施工工艺根据本工程的支护设计方案,冠梁尺寸为宽1200* 700,中线同支护桩轴线一致。砼强度为C25。4.3冠梁及锚索冠梁施工工艺1 冠梁施工工序:人工挖孔桩强度达到75% 土方开挖到梁底标高下100MM 浇C10砼垫层破除人工挖孔桩头和旋喷桩松散层 弹出冠梁的中心线 制作安装冠梁的钢筋预埋锚索钢导管和垫板 模板安装加固 浇筑C25砼冠梁 养护。2人工挖孔桩主筋伸入

21、冠梁长度为65cm。 4.4喷射砼、锚杆注浆、土钉边坡施工工艺绑扎钢筋挂网,用6.5钢筋单层挂网,间距200,C20喷射砼浇筑。挂网、设置泻水孔后,喷射砼,砼厚100mm,坡顶往外2.5m宽范围内喷射砼与硬化砼相接,在喷砼过程中,须保护好泻水管畅通。材料和质量要求1注浆和喷射砼选用32.5普通硅酸盐水泥。砂选用细砂,含水量不宜大于5,石子选用5-10mm碎石,应干净无杂质。注浆用水泥砂浆水灰比0.5。喷射砼强度等级C20,锚管采用钢筋网采用6.5200双向钢筋网片,锚管制作及钢筋连接所采用电焊条为E43或E50型。2分层开挖高度控制在每排钢筋挂网位置以下0.3m,每层每段开挖长度控制在3m以内

22、。3下层土或相邻的开挖须分开,待上层或相邻钢筋挂网施工完毕24小时后方可进行。4严格控制基坑土方的开挖量,做到不超挖,并保证开挖的边坡角度。土钉挡墙施工示意图4.5基坑监测1施工检测严格按建筑基坑支护技术规程(JGJ120-99)等规程规范要求进行。2在基坑顶部设置位移监测点和沉降监测点,要求在基坑支护及地下室施工期间,对基坑侧壁侧向位移和沉降观测。监 测 警 戒 值 表项目设计允许值预警值备注地面位移30mm22mm精度2mm地面沉降30mm22mm精度2mm基坑周边堆载坑顶2米内严禁堆载坑顶2米外堆载不超过15KPa堆载超过规定每天24小时巡查3.将监测结果及时报送建设、设计、监理及施工各

23、方,发现异常情况,以便及时采取对策。4.基坑开挖期间和遇暴雨时,每天观测一次,其它时间,每2天观测一次,在地下室底板施工完后,若无明显变形,可适当减少(每周不少于2次,基坑回填后二个月内每星期一次)观测频率。5.委托的第三方监测应按规范进行,认真做好监测记录,并存档保存。监理方应进行旁站,确保监测数据真实有效;6.基坑支护施工期间我方质检部门每天巡视,并形成巡视报告及时上报监理、设计与业主方。五安全、文明施工措施6.1安全管理措施1认真进行技术交底,施工中明确施工,统一指挥。2 施工设备处于完好状态。3 张拉设备牢靠,实验时采取防范措施,防止器具伤人。4 注意泵浆应畅通,防止堵泵、塞泵。5 机

24、械设备运转部位有防护装置。6 锚杆、钻机应安设安全可靠的反力装置。7 锚杆各条钢筋的连接要牢靠,严防在张拉时发生脱扣现象。8 所有施工操作人员,遵守有关安全规程。持证上岗,施工用电器设备必须接地、接零,电线、电缆必须架空。6.2安全防护1、安全设施有专人按规定统一设置,其他人不得随意拆动。因工作需要须拆动时,要经过有关人员允许,事后要及时恢复,安全员要认真检查。2、喷砼浆时,基坑边应用竹篱板隔离以防飞石伤人和灰尘飞扬。3、注浆、喷浆、电焊人员必须带上防护眼镜及其他有关防护用具。4切割钢绞线使用的砂轮切割机要设安全护罩,以免断片伤人。5、现场土方开挖、基坑支护、泥浆池等四周都要做好防护栏杆,高1



27、当发现管线有大的变形和趋势时,及时快速与监理、业主、设计等单位联系,以便随时调用。四、应急准备1、成立抢险领导小组,明确责任分工。2、应急资源:应急资源的准备是应急救援工作的重要保障,项目部应根据潜在的事故性质和后果分析,配备应急资源,包括:救援机械和设备、交通工具、医疗设备和必备越频、生活保障物资。 3、组建抢险队,进行应急知识教育培训4、互助协议与相关单位建立快速联系通道,以便及时处理问题。紧急事故发生报公司抢险领导小组抢险方案确定物资、设备到位进行抢险现场处置、送医院抢救抢险结束、恢复生产措施及善后处理、进行总结上报监理、业主、设计院五、应急响应施工现场发生无法预料的需要紧急抢救处理的危

28、险时,迅速逐级上报,次序为现场、办公室、抢险领导小组、上级主管部门。由小组组长主持紧急情况处理会议,协调、派遣和统一指挥所有车辆、设备、人员、物资等实施紧急抢救和向上级汇报。由建设单位向建委或政府部门请示启动上一级救援预案。附:基坑支护部分进度计划 基坑支护阶段总平面布置adherence to the partys political discipline and rules, we will be able to create faith, to party, honest and diligent and good political environment for the people

29、. From the city, it is currently the citys power to promote three battles and five cities and create forging ahead on a comprehensive well-off society in the completion of the journey, faced with steady growth, structural adjustment and reform, strong rule of law, ecology, conservation and peoples l

30、ivelihood and other daunting tasks, which are inseparable from the three Suns for protection. City Government employees at all levels must unify thinking and action to CPC Central Committee General Secretary and learning requirements for strictly administering the party, a profound understanding of

31、three Suns richness and importance of enhancing consciously practicing three Suns urgency and initiative. Third, in consciously practicing three Suns to open up a new situation in Government work at all levels of Government and departments in reform and development, charged with carrying out the Cen

32、tral, provincial and municipal policies, promote reform, development and stability of the citys important duties, implementation of the three-three to enhance targeting and relevance. Judging from our local government, practice the three Suns should focus on the following six aspects: (a) the practi

33、ce of three Suns, requires us to uplifting, always keep the forges State of mind. Many comrades now privately complain about, said the Central eight provides very fast, the rules and regulations are very strict, and how vulnerable, is not to dry or less dry, there is no need as seriously as before,

34、so hard. The tasks assigned, plays trying to do on the surface only, payable to cope with. Some comrades hold taking one day at a State of mind, muddling along. Listlessness during the day, in the evenings, drinking, recreational and playing mahjong, but high spirits. Attitude towards work, treat cl

35、ients, treated superiors, superficial and perfunctory, in the mouth, at the meeting, implemented on paper. Superior resolution to the following decision No enterprises and their problems, lead the batch to batch to departments around, finally, disappear. The spirit is not in the State, in the final

36、analysis is not strictly untrue, especially being false. I feel, we practice the three-three is in the first place thinking and understanding, or to boost the spirit, with a passion to work. Deng Xiaoping once said, without a current of air, Jin Ah Ah, no new way. Here the energy and gas refers to t

37、he passion. Leading cadres is to promote the development of a city, a place of Captain and trader, without a bit of vigor, apathetic, it is difficult to imagine the city full of vitality. If cadres are all thought of ordinary people a life of ease, a city there would be no hope. Many people in the f

38、ield told me, Jingdezhen city is a very slow, life is more comfortable, it is suitable for life. But living and working are two different things . Local leaders play mahjong daily, drink tea, these achievements have been possible. Moreover, Jingdezhens comprehensive strength in the province are in d

39、eep positions, coupled with the development situation is grim now, let not our depression, let not our balanced, step by step, does not allow us to enjoy life and the love of ease. In these two years, we strive to promote the three major campaigns and five cities and create, deepening the reform, the task is very difficult. To achieved expected target, on need city upper and lower levels leaders 13


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