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1、代词(Pronouns)考纲精解:代词是用来代替名词或名词词组的词。代词是历年中考必考的考点之一。考试题型以单项填空、词形变化为主。近几年中考命题中,对代词的考查主要集中在人称代词的主格和宾格,物主代词以及不定代词的用法上。知识梳理:初中阶段学过六种代词:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词。现列表如下:代 词单 数复 数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称人称代词主格 I you he,she,it we you they宾格 meyouhim,her,itus youthem物主代词形容词性 myyour his,her,its our your thei

2、r名词性mineyours his,hers,its ours yours theirs反身代词myself yourself himself herself itself ourselvesyourselves themselves指示代词 this,that these,those不定代词修饰可数名词both,either,neither,a few(一些、几个),few(几乎没有),many修饰不可数名词 a little(一些、几个),little(几乎没有),much 修饰可数/不可数名词some,any,all 复合不定代词 something,somebody,someone,a

3、nything, anybody,anyone, everything,everybody,everyone,nothing,nobody,no one 疑问代词 who,whom,whose,which,what 1. 人称代词的用法 主格人称代词在句子中作主语,宾格人称代词作宾语。如: Mr. Liu teaches us physics this term. He is a good teacher. We like him very much.这个学期刘老师教我们物理。他是个好老师。我们非常喜欢他。2. 物主代词的用法 形容词性物主代词只能用作定语修饰名词名词性物主代词不能与名词连用,

4、可单独用作主语、宾语、表语等,名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词。如: My pencil is longer than yours (= your pencil). 我的铅笔比你的长。Their classroom is bigger than ours (= our classroom)他们的教室比我们的大。His bike is new. Mine (=My bike) is old.3. 反身代词的用法 反身代词在句子中作宾语、表语、同位语,反身代词也有单、复数。妙语巧记反身代词的构成:一二用物代,第三用宾代。即:第一、二人称的反身代词是用形容词性物主代词加self/ selves

5、构成,第三人称的反身代词是用宾格代词加self/ selves构成。反身代词用作宾语时,常用于下列搭配:teach (sth.)oneself = learn (sth.) by oneself (自学),help oneself to (随便吃 ) , enjoy oneself (玩得愉快),dress oneself (自己穿衣),say to oneself (自言自语),think to oneself (心里想),by oneself (独自), leave sb. by oneself (把某人独自留下),see oneself in the mirror (照镜子)。4. 不定

6、代词是代词中最难掌握的一项,主要考查各自的意义、用法以及形容词修饰复合不定代词的后置情况。不定代词的两个特点:不定代词作主语时谓语用单数;形容词、动词不定式修饰时,要放在不定代词的后面。 (1)some,any的用法: some用于肯定句中,any用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。但是在表示征求、对方意见的疑问句中经常用some,如: Jane has some toys,but Ann doesnt have any. 詹妮有一些玩具,但是安妮一个也没有。 If you have any questionsplease out up your hands. 如果你有任何问题,请举手。 Would

7、 you like some bread? 你想来些面包吗? M ay I have some milk? 我能要些牛奶吗? (2)a little,little与a few,few的用法: a little,little修饰不可数名词,a few,few修饰可数名词, little,few表示很少,几乎没有,表达否定意思。如: They planted a few trees,but few of them are alive. 他们种了几棵树,但没几棵成活的。 He asked me for a little ink,but I had little myself. 他们问我要些墨水,但我

8、自己几乎都没有。 (3)all和none的用法:, all全部(三者或三者以上)。作主语时,谓语动词用复数; none没有一个人或物(三者或三者以上)。作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数都可以。all,none后面都可以跟介词of。 (4)none,no one,nobody的用法: none指人或物,表示三者或三者以上都不,常与of连用。作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数都可以;no one与nobody只能指人,不能与of连用,作主语时,谓语动词只用单数; They were all tired,but none of them would stop to have a rest他们都累了,但没有

9、人想停下来歇一歇。 Nobody was at home yesterday昨天没人在家。 (5) it和one的用法: it一般用来指代前面提到过的那个人或物; one表示泛指,指前面提到过的那类人或物中的任何一个,其复数形式是ones。如: Your digital camera is quite niceWhere did you buy it? I want to buy one,too你的数码相机真漂亮,你在哪里买的,我也想买一个。 I have three skirts. One is red,the other two ones are black 我有三条裙子。一条是红色的,另

10、外两条是黑色的。 (6)both;either,neither的用法: both(两者都),either(两者中的任何一个) neither (两者都不) 掌握下列结构连接主语时谓语的情况: both and +谓(复) 既又 either or +谓(就近原则) 或者或者,不是就是 neither nor +谓(就近原则) 既不也不 Both of them went out but neither came back 他们两个人都出去了,但一个也没回来。There are many trees on both sides(either side) of the road路的两旁有许多树。

11、Neither you nor I am from China. 你和我都不是来自中国。 (7)each,every的用法: each指两个或两个以上的人或物中的一个。every指两个以上的人或物中的一个,只能作定语,every后面不能跟of. There are lots of books on the bookshelf,and each of them is interesting.书架上有许多书,每一本都有趣。 (8)复合不定代词的用法: 复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。something,somebody,someone用于肯定句,anything,anybody,anyone

12、用于否定句,疑问句及条件状语从句。形容词修饰复合不定代词时,要放在其后面。如: Dont worryThere is nothing serious with your ears 别担心,你的耳朵没什么大碍。 (9)other,another,others,the other和the others的用法: other其余的,指不确定的别的人或物。不可单独使用,后面需加名词。如: Other people went to the supermarket其余的人去了超市。 another三者或三者以上之中任意一个人或物。 I dont like the color of this jacket,p

13、lease show me another (one)我不喜欢这件夹克的颜色,给我拿一件别的(颜色的)看看。another + 数词 + 复数名词 = 数词 + more + 复数名词 表示另外几个或再多几个。other + 复数名词 = others 无明确范围情况下,指其余的。可以构成some ,others 一些,其余的 如: There are lots of people in the park,some are boating,some are dancing,and others are playing chess. 公园里有许多人,一些在划船,一些在跳舞,其余的在下棋。the

14、other两者之中的另一个(特指剩下的那一个)。可以构成搭配one,the other , “一个,另一个 ” He has two sistersOne is a doctor,(and)the other is a teacher他有两个姐姐。一个是医生,另一个是教师。the other+复数名词=the others,指总体除了一部分后,剩余的全部。谓语动词应为复数形式。如: There are ten cars,six(of them)are red,the others are black10辆汽车中,6辆是红色的,其余的是黑色的。例题精析:1. She invited _ her

15、birthday party. Ayou and I BI and you Cyou and me Summary: 不同的人称合在一起使用时,一般排列为:两种或三种人称单数出现并列情况时,顺序为第二人称+第三人称+第一人称: you and I;you and he;he and I;you,he and I。 例如: You,he and I can help them finish the work in time复数:we and you;we and they;you and they;we,you and they. 但在承认错误时,I常放在其他代词前面。例如:I and she

16、made the boy cry. _must work hard and learn from each other AI and you BYou or I CMe and you DYou and I 2. - Who is that speaking? - _. AI am Ann BIts Ann CThis is Ann Summary: 在一些特定的情景中,如打电话、敲门,说话双方都知道指代的是人时,常用it这个代词。-“Who is _?”-“_ me,Linda.” A. it,It B. it,He C. she,She D. It,it3-Who is the man o

17、ver there? -He is a friend of _. A. I B. mine C. me Summary: 名词性物主代词常与of连用作定语,如: a friend of hers。双重所有格是指既有s所有格又有of所有格的一种形式,如a friend of my fathers。4. The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than _ in Liaoning. Ait Bone Cthat 【答案】C 【解析】题目的意思是: “广东的天气比辽宁的天气要热一点。”同类物作比较,为避免重复,用that,those代替前面提到过的名词。如:The ro

18、ads in Guangzhou are busier than those in Changsha. 5. Mr. Zhang is quite busy todayHe has _ meetings to attend (出席,参加). Aa few Bfew Ca little【答案】A【解析】此题的意思是“张先生今天很忙。他有一些会议要参加。”答案B(few)是指几乎没有,因为是很忙,、所以去除这个答案。而会议meeting是可数名词复数,所以只能选a few。6. Please come in and makeat home,boys! A. you B. yourself Cyou

19、rselves D. yours【答案】C【解析】此题的意思是“请进来吧,男孩子们,随便坐吧。”用了boys,所以应该是用复数,而make yourself at home是招呼客人时的礼貌用语。7. She s aid she would live in London for _ four or five years A. other B. another C. the other D. the others 【答案】B【解析】此题的意思是“她说她会在伦敦再待4或5年。”another four or five years表示另外4或5年或再多4或5年。 例3 I believe the a

20、uthor to be _. Ahe Bhim Chis Dhimself 答案为B. 【解析】该题中若人称代词作表语时用主格he,但作宾语补语则用宾格him。所以答案为B。 例4 You must take care _. A. of yourself B. for yourself C. by yourself D. to yourself 答案为A. 【解析】英语中of yourself表示自动,for oneself表示亲自,by oneself表示单独或独自,to oneself表示独享、专有。所以答案为A。例5 I am afraid I cant make myself Aund

21、erstand Bto understand Cunderstood Dunderstanding 答案为C. 【解析】本句含被动之意,宾语补语应用过去分词。 易错点警示:(1) 不定代词a little,little, a few,few 的使用许多同学经常弄错,大家要从它们的词义和所修饰的名词考虑。 There is _ salt here. Go and buy some.A. a little B. little C. a few D. few分析:salt是不可数名词,故排除C、D,根据“go and buy some”可知道剩下只有很少的盐,故选B。(2) it 与one易混淆。如

22、:-Can I get you a drink?- Thats very nice of you. Ive already got _.A. it B. one C. that D. this专题训练:单项填空( )1. You may come to my home _ this week _ next week A. neither; or B. from; to C. either; or Deither; nor( )2. I dont think we c an do it all _. A. by ourselves B. by myself C. by ourself D. by

23、 yourselves( )3. I dont want this shirtPlease show me _. A. others B. the other C. another D. the others( )4. I cant repair the model plane _. Can you help _? A. me;me B. myself;myself C. myself;me D. me;myself( )5. Does your father often wash clothes _? A. he B. himself C. herself D. him( )6. We st

24、udy Chinese,English,maths and some _ subjects. Athe other Bone Cother Danother( )7. I have two brothers _of them are doctors. A. Both BAll C. Either, D. Neither( )8. The dictionary on the shelf is _. She wrote _ name on its cover. A. Hers;her;herself B. Her;hers;herself C. Herself;her;hers D. Her;he

25、rself;herself( )9. “Dont worry. Theres _much wrong With you.”said the doctor. A. nothing B. everything C. very D. something( )10. These shoes are too smallYou may buy some _ shoes A. another B. other C. the others D. others( )11. I asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner but of them came. A

26、. both B. either C. neither D. none ( )12. They are_ the same size,so you may take _ half of the cake A. at;each B. in;both C. at;neither D. in;either( )13. Betty and John have come back,but _students in the class arent here yet. A. the other B. the others C. another D. others( )14. _ is the populat

27、ion of Shandong Province? A. How many B. Which C. How much D. What( )l5. She stayed there longer than A. anyone B. anything else C. anybody D. anybody else( )16. -Is this her bike? -No,it isnt. Its _. A. mine B. my C. me D. hes( )17. _Li Pings brother. AHer B. His C Hes DShes( )18. He is a boy. _nam

28、e is Wang Bing. AHe B. His CHer DHe s ( )19. -Whats this? - _. A. Its a bread B. It is a bread CIts bread D. Thiss bread( )20. The bowls are on the table. There are some eggs in _. A. it B. them C. the D. he ( )21. Let _ have a look. A. I B. you C. us D. my( )22. Mother often sees _ on Sunday. A. he

29、r all friends B. a11 her friend C. her friends D. her all friend( )23. When you see Tom and his sister,tell _that _ mother is waiting at the gate. A. his;his B. her;hers C. them;their D. his;her( )24. He wants you to talk _ about China. A. anything B. nothing C. thing D. something( )25. Granny seems

30、 ill. Are you sure its _? A. nothing serious B. anything serious C. serious anything D. serious nothing( )26. There are many people in the park, some are playing cards,some are dancing,and _ are taking a walk in it A. other peoples B. the others C. others D. the other people( )27. I have two uncles,

31、one is a doctor and is a teacher A. the other B. another C6ther D. another one( )28. _ of us answered the phone,for we were all in the yard. A. Either B. Neither C. An D. None( )29. -How many monkeys are there in the cage left? - _. A. None B. No one C. Nothing D. Not some ( )30. I had to buy _these

32、 books because I didnt know which one was the best. A. both B. none C. neither D. all( )31. - Be careful! Dont break the bottleDo you hear _ I said,David? -Yes,mum. Awhat Bthat Cwhy D. if( )32. May and her sister were on holiday with a cousin of _. A. her B. hers C. their D. theirs( )33. -Where is m

33、y rubber? - Oh,Im sorry. I have taken _ by mistake, A. your B. yours C. my D. mine ( )34. The price of my computer is different from_ of his. A. one B. it C. that D. this ( )35. There is _ sugar here. Lets go and buy some. Aa little B1ittle Cfew Da few( )36. - Did you enjoy _ at the party last eveni

34、ng,Lily and Kate? - Yes. We really enjoyed _. A. you;us B. ourselves;yourselves C. yourself;ourselves D. yourselves;ourselves( )37. Do you know _will give us a talk? A. who B. whom C. that D. whose( )38. There are two new dictionaries on the tableOne is mine,and _ is Li Taos A. other B. another C. the other D. others ( )39 - Who is that speaking? - _. A. Its me B. This is Mary. C. Im Mary D. I am( )40. _ child is pleased,for_ of them has got his own share. A. Every;each B. Each;every C. Every;every D. Each;every one


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