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1、authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend, the disciplinary offence does not indulge, do not give way, does not condone, ensure discipline put in place Constitution Party rules. (D) the broad masses of party members and cadres should set high standards and hold the bottom lin

2、e, conscientiously abide by the guidelines, the Ordinance. One is against the guidelines and of the 25 cases, closely their ideas, work, and life, focus on resolving the outstanding issues, strengthen study and carry out targeted and effective. Second is to set high standards and hold the bottom lin

3、e, conscious pursuit of high standards in self-discipline . The wind prone-prone, important nodes and masses feel strongly about issues, focus on four winds new forms, new trends, Stern acts that violate Central eight spirits. Efforts to increase informed exposure form check the correct four winds o

4、f the powerful momentum, release of discipline will signal. Meanwhile, extended monitoring antenna, through rural and fishery honest inspections, discover, check there is happening at the grass-roots masses around the issue of corruption and unethical practices, and to safeguard the peoples interest

5、s and social stability. Creative discipline. Grasp and use of supervision and discipline four types vacuum tube up the lot, discipline and law. A few and few serious investigation into the deal, and most maintain zero tolerance situation, through the layers of conductive pressure let discipline rule

6、s become the consciousness of each of the party members and cadres to follow. At present, to be imposed on the clues list-style management, strictly follow clues to dispose of five standards, classification and disposal, dynamic cleanup. Urged party committees at all levels the implementation of res

7、ponsibility, using a combination of party discipline and organization to address by means of effective control of those common, familiar strange a minor issue, not practice and exceptional case. Outstanding discipline features, breaches of discipline and rules issues in supervision and discipline an

8、d disciplinary focus. Same time, increase the case-cha, to serious indiscipline or against the four winds problem ban while the generation, not only to hold directly accountable, also holds the leadership responsibility not only holds the primary responsibility for party committees, and to pursue di

9、scipline supervisory responsibilities, promote accountability as the new normal. Implementation of oversight responsibilities. Maintain the seriousness and authority of the guidelines and the regulations, the discipline and rules truly become the ruler of the party the party. Discipline Inspection C

10、ommission as a specialized agency in inner-party supervision, accountability must be strengthened, and adhere to the iron discipline of accountability, effective discipline, discipline will investigate, seriously investigate and deal with acts in violation of guidelines and regulations, making it pr

11、one to blame, preventing broken window effect. Supervise the leading cadres play an exemplary role, and lead to strictly adhere to the guidelines and regulations, lead to maintain the seriousness and authority of the party rules of party discipline, that the party discipline and laws in place. Throu

12、ghout the daily supervision and management discipline, and strengthen supervision and inspection, strictly investigate and deal with a variety of disciplinary actions. Strengthening key areas, key sectors and key projects as well as focused on public and sector-specific宜叙高速公路四分部 宜叙高速公路工程项目经理部4分部S308

13、省道(下穿宜叙高速段)改造方案四川公路桥梁建设集团有限公司S308省道(下穿宜叙高速段)改造方案一、工程概况 本段为宜宾至叙永高速公路第4分部,路线起于翠屏区李端镇马石村(K8+970),经李端镇新庄村、李端镇方碑村、跨S308(K12+770),经李端镇唐湾村、李端镇古井村,进入长宁互通区,互通跨长宁镇群利村、止于井江乡广济村(K16+700),路线全长7.73公里。本合同段总挖方128万m,填方126万m;大桥5座,中桥1座,小桥3座,分离式天桥1座。宜叙高速K12+913小屋基大桥上跨S308省道,分部为了确保宜叙高速总体施工计划的完成,已实施K12+913小屋基大桥的施工,梁板架设之后


15、组,具体人员安排如下:组长: 罗滔(项目经理)副组长:潘峰(总工程师)、张太杰(安保科长)组员: 李皓、彭文杰、曾蓉、李仁勇、王伦、何宗林、刘帆洋、李瑀瑀等2、人工材料机械组织我部将在施工期间调配相关机械设备和筑路材料保证S308省道(下跨宜叙高速段)改造工程的施工。序号名称型号数量备注1挖掘机小松33012012年产2自卸运输车北奔22013年3压路机柳工Y22012012年4装载机徐工55012012年5砼罐车红岩F8012013年6工人20 分部利用自建砼拌和站加工同标号混凝土铺筑S308省道(下跨宜叙高速段)路面结构层,确保混凝土铺筑质量。四、施工方案因S308省道(李沙段)是宜宾市翠

16、屏区货运主要通道,道路昼夜交通量很大,我部与相关部门研究决定拟采取半幅保通的方式进行施工,尽量减少施工中对S308省道(李沙段)交通的影响。 1、施工准备(1)在施工范围附近选择空旷视线较好的位置埋设好平面高程控制点,以方便施工。(2)开工前至少7天内,应对施工断面进行实测,将实测结果报监理工程师审核。(3)量测S308省道(下穿宜叙高速段)前后一百米的高程和梁底高程,确定下挖深度。(4)组织工料机,做好安全技术交底工作。2、施工流程埋设控制点 测量平面、高程 摆设安全标识标牌开挖左幅路面(宜叙大桩号侧) 基底处理 浇筑路面砼新砼养护 开放左幅交通、重设安全标牌 开挖右幅路面基底处理 浇筑路面

17、砼 砼养护 标志标牌拆除、开房交通3、施工要点(1)宜叙高速公路小屋基大桥上跨S308省道(李沙段),上跨段梁体长度16m,小桩号侧为重力式桥台,大桩号侧为柱式墩,该跨跨中设计高程为361.163,根据桥梁结构形式计算和现场测设,梁底和下挖前的省道高差仅有4.75m,故应降低桥底省道标高0.75m,保证5.5m的净空。(2)开挖过程中,在施工作业面前后应有人值守,敦促过往车辆减速慢行,在保证另外半幅车行宽度时,还应在内侧刷1:1的坡度以保证未开挖路面结构层的相对稳定以保证行车安全。(3)开挖至合理标高后,尽量避免雨天冲刷路基基底,利用压路机或者小型夯机夯实基底,如若遇到下雨天,可用薄膜对基底进

18、行遮盖避免基底受到浸泡影响工程质量和工期。(4)利用钢模安装砼侧模,使用插入式振动棒和水平振动板配合捣实混凝土,按照规范要求预留施工缝和断缝,在混凝土初凝前使用磨光机和人工配合混凝土收面,在混凝土浇筑的8个小时内使用压纹机或刻纹机对砼表面进行防滑处理。(5)因路面标高降低,原省道两侧水沟应根据实际施工情况进行加深或者圬工作业,以保证整个路基边沟排水通畅。(6)路面应设置不小于2%的路拱,在弯道部位应适当超高加宽。(7)施工完成后因对砼进行养护,专人看守防止车辆行人乱入造成砼的早期破坏。五、施工现场安全保证措施 1、在边通车边施工路段的安全生产除遵守相应的规章制度外,还必须加强对通行车辆、人员和

19、施工车辆的安全管理,确保施工、交通安全; 2、在边通车边施工路段两端及中途出入口, 设置指示方向和减速慢行标志,并在施工时间段设专职人员防护及指挥交通。防护人员必须穿带有反光条纹的,具有警示作用的工作服; 3、在高速线路段、纵坡地段和急弯路段,增设减速带,减速带可根据具体情况和位置增设; 4、在施工路段的两端及其延伸100米500米处, 竖立显示正在施工和限速的警示标志,标志必须应鲜明、醒目。标志与施工位置的距离根据施工范围和施工程序及车流量、人流量等现场情况确定。 5、在施工现场有泥浆、水沟、坑洼、水塘、高砍地段设安全护栏和危险警示标志,同时相应的设置一些明显的路栏、隔离墩,夜间要在路栏上架

20、设施工标志灯。 6、现场施工车辆进入交叉路段减慢行车速度减少扬尘,施工队安排洒水车进行洒水除尘,确保文明施工。六、安全保通保证体系 1、安全保通领导小组组长:罗滔 副组长:潘峰、张太杰现场保通负责人:李皓安全保通内业资料负责人:王鹭鸶七、安全保通应急预案 1、突发性事件的范围 司机不守交通规则,不听保通人员指挥,加塞插队造成交通堵塞;司机驾驶技术差,或其他原因,冲撞围护设施,造成车辆和设施损坏、人员伤害及交通堵塞;在施工及附近地段发生交通事故,造成车辆损坏、人员伤害及交通堵塞;车辆状况差、路况不好,车辆坏在路上,造成交通堵塞。车主、货主、驾驶员围攻保通人员,聚众闹事,严重妨碍交通路基边坡垮塌造

21、成路基宽度变窄造成堵塞。 恶劣天气引起的交通堵塞。 节假日出行高峰引起的交通堵塞。 2、加塞插队造成交通堵塞应急措施 插队等原因造成交通堵塞,还是以指挥疏导和教育说服为主,及时制止加塞插队行为并立即进行疏通。 请求辖区交警、派出所组织应急警力对恶意堵塞公路的车辆进行清理和疏导,采用非现场处罚的方式,予以重罚。 成立服务小分队,发生阻车时及时通报进展情况,做好解释和安抚工作,积极协助交警疏导交通。 保通人员全天候留守施工现场,一旦发生拥堵,立即进行疏导和指挥,立即增加疏导的人力,把加塞插队的现象制止在萌芽状态。 4、交通事故造成伤害和堵车应急措施 发生交通事故,立即报警120和122,同时在事故

22、发生处摆放警示标志,设置事故区域。 立即安排人员协助医院抢救受伤人员,同时协助交警根据需要对事故现场进行交通管制,控制当事人。对没有造成人员伤亡、责任明确的,现场拍照后快速拖离事故车辆,清理现场,尽快恢复交通。对造成人员伤亡以及事故现场较为复杂的重特大交通事故或遇大吨位重型货车需采取卸货转运等特殊处理,不能短时间撤离的,可组织单幅轮流通行,做好指挥疏导交通和设置相应交通安全设施工作。5、火灾事故、危化品泄漏事故造成交通堵塞应急措施 立即与消防部门联系,同时向上级报告。协助交警对现场秩序进行控制,划定现场警戒线,进行交通管制,指挥疏导交通,确保消防车辆及指挥车辆顺利通行。在堵塞现场如有危险化学品

23、泄漏的情况,还要与安监、防疫、环保等部门联系,迅速向当地党委政府报告,及时将危险区域内人员及时疏散到上风或侧风方向等安全地带,不能进入低洼区域。 紧急撤离现场作业人员。 附件:施工布置图宜叙高速四分部二一五年二月二十七日oversight. -Strengthening supervision, discipline inspection and supervision cadres must comply with the guidelines and the Ordinances lead person must not throw stones, iron itself must be

24、hard. Discipline check organ as party of discipline of implementation who, and defended who and supervision who, on itself supervision must more strictly, discipline monitored cadres to firm set Constitution consciousness, and discipline consciousness and rules consciousness, political Shang told lo

25、yalty, and organization Shang told obey, and action Shang told discipline, enhanced supervision and accept supervision of firm sex and consciousness, do comply with guidelines and Ordinance of example. To firmly establish discipline a discipline first, supervision must be supervised concept, and con

26、sciously safeguard and implement the party . This is not easy to 10, we shouldnt blame, laugh at, dont envy anyone. Like a man is a feeling, not like a person but it is fact. Fact is easy to explain, feeling is indescribable. My best trip, is youre in a strange place, finds a long time. 11, happines

27、s is not in the hustle and bustle of life and peace of mind, regardless of how many grievances, and how hard, can finally heal themselves or their own, others may give you comfort, but never knew how wanjianchuanxin you are. 12, like smoke, like watching a movie, and learn to appreciate, learn to ap

28、preciate and learn tolerance, kindness, helping others. Rather than blame society, than into them; still, better to dedicate what do 13, do not envy others, dont lose yourself. Life and difference: the former is just an experience we cant escape which finally will be over one day, every minute, whil

29、e the latter is our dedicated, constantly want to cherish and remember those things and people combined. 14, learn to smile, to be strong, you know so many people in this world, so many people with you, you just cant change cant make everyone like you, so might as well make a person they want to do.

30、 Life is too short to mad to love to go to waste, to chase the dream to regret. 15, when his temper when Fortune went away. Mens elegant, the key is to control their emotions. Mouth hurts is one of the most stupid behavior. A person who can control negative emotions, more powerful than a man who can

31、 take a city. Water flow slow language you are expensive. It took two years to learn to speak, it takes decades to learn to shut up. Says, is an ability; dont say, is a kind of wisdom. 16, life is not perfect, and sometimes, growth is not a call, not a full tear, without a hint of emotion, no hope,

32、no desire; no, not static, there is only one sinking feeling down, sunk? 6?7?6?7 sink? 6?7?6?7 toward the abyss of dark setting. 17, some roads, dont go, you dont know how beautiful the scenery over there. Is bad for you, and you dont mind too much, no one has an obligation to be good to you; your k

33、nowledge, is the weapon you have, starting from scratch, but not unarmed; how do you treat people, doesnt mean others how to treat you, if you see this, just inviting trouble. 18, time is like a sponge in the water, as long as you are willing to squeeze, there is still water. Every life, through the

34、 ups and downs of life, for the survival and continuation of life, keep fighting in the joys and sorrows of life on the road, make different souls suffer the beat of life, stand the test of hardships. 19, indifferent at heart, contained in table, elegant and comfortable to live in, dont take anything too important. Pursuit, will be disappointed; live, there will be trouble. Most afraid of what life wants to care


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