s铁路桥悬臂浇筑连续梁0 块混凝土浇筑方案.doc

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1、in 26 cases, long-term measures to implement the rate is 77% deployed 40 couples free pre-pregnancy health checks. -Balanced development of education. I attach great importance to control fits and starts work, to ensure that school-age children to school on time, hope dream poor students go to schoo

2、l to help poor students, help students complete nine years of compulsory education. Township school-age children enrollment rate up to 100%. -Home to poverty alleviation work in order. Complete the rural minimum living standard security system and the effective connection between pro-poor developmen

3、t policies, establish the Township poor electronic records and paper file documentation work, and cooperate with the superior unit holders, such as the statistical work of the poor masses. As of now, I enjoy the low 94 families, a total of 305, 44310 rural minimum living standard security issued org

4、anization 7 operational training full-time staff with disabilities participated in the County Federation organized 15 disabled people to participate in free training in farming skills; organization of 14 patients with cataract receiving free checks, participate in the examination will now undergo su

5、rgery had been successful. -Waste management policy in place. Seriously implement the subsidy policies such as direct subsidies for grain, returning farmland to forests this year agriculture agricultural policy subsidies total 554940, of which: farmers direct subsidies for grain 389880; reforestatio

6、n subsidies 165060. -Comprehensive management of public security work steadily. Full implementation of the measures for comprehensive management of social security, increasing crackdown on all illegal and criminal activities. As of now, my alarm 30 received, 7 all kinds of disputes, mediation succes

7、sfully 6; State criminal case 3, case 7, has been investigating the 7. -Stabilisation work of letters and calls for further strengthening. Received mass petitions from 10 successful mediation, 8, investigation 1, collective skipping appeal event does not occur. Meanwhile, further strengthen publicit

8、y and mobilization work, carried out in schools, kindergartens and surrounding environment group woven fire safety and food safety 6 times, 1 traffic safety publicity and education, legal literacy, drug pictures and materials via issuing 600 and guard against cult of special publicity activities 2 a

9、ttended by 300 people, mixture of anti-evil propaganda 70. Advancing the law of six thematic activities, through the easy way, with the film projectionist the village broadcast education 44, 3600 people returning to watch. -Further development of spiritual civilization construction work. Evening lei

10、sure time, organizations in the elderly in the rural culture of Hui Xiang Hui fitness dance square, greatly enriched the lives of the masses. Use of Arbor Day, 51 labor day, May Fourth youth day festivals, organize the education campaign for the festive, educational guide people to foster patriotism

11、, socialism, collectivism and strengthen love and loyalty to the party, firmly follow the party go . Implementation of the one gang double responsibility established number one responsibility, team member management works. Five are team building. Open-minded, innovative ways to meet the actual needs

12、 of target, combining education and political education in party lecture, unified planning, unified plan, take active measures to enhance cadres quality and ability. (B) a solid foundation steadily promoting the construction of铁路桥悬臂浇筑连续梁0#块混凝土浇筑方案一模板工程:1.1注意底模调校时,模板平顺连接,要求无错台;1.2所有模板在关模必须将表面水锈、污迹等清理


14、分三次绑扎,第一次绑扎底板钢筋及腹板钢筋,第二次绑扎顶板底层钢筋,第三次顶板顶层钢筋绑扎在顶板堵头模板安装、纵、横向预应力管道安装好后进行。在腹板钢筋绑扎时必须保证钢筋的垂直度和平面位置及施工安全;2.2钢筋绑扎必须考虑与预应力管道是否冲突,砼浇注通道,钢筋之间间距能否保证砼通过,必要时可适当弯折或移动普通钢筋位置,钢筋如须切断,则在预应力管道施工完毕后,必须利用等直径钢筋(可弯折)绑焊恢复;2.3在无预应力管道冲突部位的普通钢筋必须保证间距均匀一致,符合设计要求;2.4 钢筋保护层厚度控制在设计及规范要求的范围内,保护层垫块数量布置适当,强度不小于砼强度,为保证外观质量,保护层垫块应尽量不外

15、露,垫块与模板接触的一面作成条纹状,使砼的砂浆能填充缝隙。三精轧螺纹粗钢筋的安装:3.1精轧螺纹粗钢筋施工时,由于长度、数量已全部按设计尺寸加工好,因此在安装时必须测量其长度,不得切割和胡乱安装。 3.2精轧螺纹粗钢筋施工时,注意无缝钢管管道、锚垫板位置正确,锚垫板安装水平,与无缝钢管垂直,并用胶带密封缠裹锚垫板与无缝钢管管连接处,防止漏浆堵塞管导。特别是上锚垫板必须安装水平,并预先拧上螺母,以保证张拉时精轧螺纹粗钢筋可靠锚固,底部压浆嘴和顶部出浆孔在安装前检查是否通畅,压浆管与压浆嘴可靠连接、牢固、不漏浆,压浆管硬度适中,不会被砼压瘪,压浆管排列整齐,端部封口,保证不被砼掩埋。3.3精轧螺纹

16、粗钢筋严禁电弧焊及在其上搭设地线或起弧;3.4精轧螺纹粗钢筋张拉端锚垫板必须垂直于粗钢筋,以保证张拉质量,张拉槽口模板位置准确,固定牢固。四纵、横向管道施工:4.1纵向管道安装必须高度重视,首先必须保证堵头模板位置安装准确无误,堵头模板顶面必须成一条线,不错台,才能保证管道位置安装准确、平顺、畅通,纵向管道定位网片每50cm一道,并固定牢固,除0#块波纹管分两节加工外(每节7m),其余均加工成一节,每个梁段在南(南宁)广(广州)两端波纹管的前端各设一个外接头,接头长度为30cm,两端旋入波纹管内15cm,严禁用内接头。每根纵向管道每隔30m设出浆孔一个。 纵向管道安装完毕,必须由技术人员和质检


18、挂住钢绞线;4.5横向波纹管位置严格按设计位置安装,准确牢固,定位筋间距1m,锚垫板安装位置准确牢固,四周堵塞密实不漏浆,压(出)浆管布设通畅、牢固。钢绞线严禁电弧焊及在其上起弧。五砼浇注:5.1 0#块箱梁砼强度根据设计要求须大于C50,砼配合比预先在试验室试配成功,砼要求和易性好,三天强度不小于40MPa,采用早强减水剂和缓凝剂延长砼初凝时间,砼初凝时间不小于3h,要求砼浇注强度不得小于20m3/h,坍落度控制在14-18cm左右。各种原材料满足设计及规范要求,砼中不得掺入粉煤灰,宜用5-20mm级配碎石,以保证砼质量。5.2 0#块箱梁砼必须一次性浇注完毕,一次砼浇注量为420m3左右。


20、为保证0#块箱梁底板砼的平整度及顶板砼的平整度和横坡,特别是顶板平整度须控制在5mm以下,需在顶、底板的钢筋上焊接数排支撑钢筋,然后利用圆钢焊接数条轨道,轨道间距根据刮尺长度而定,轨道顶标高即为顶、底板在该位置的实际标高,在顶板或底板砼浇注完毕时,利用两米刮尺根据此标高将砼表面整平,然后将底板砼表面抹光,顶板砼表面扫毛,在底板砼表面铺设盖板,防止砼表面平整度被破坏。5.7 砼要求振捣密实,无漏振、过振,无蜂窝、麻面、空洞,腹板砼进入仓内振捣,振捣器快插慢拔,振捣间距控制在20cm左右,直至砼表面无气泡为止。砼分层厚度按30cm控制,第二层砼振捣时振捣棒必须插入上一层砼内5-10cm,以确保每层

21、砼充分结合在一起,砼表面无明显分层现象。砼布料要求对称均匀,保证力一致。在纵向预应力的锚垫板位置振捣时,由于钢筋较密,必须小心振捣,保证砼密实,必要时利用30mm振捣棒进行振捣。5.8 由于0#块箱梁浇筑时间近1天,随时注意收听天气预报,尽量避免在雨天浇注砼。 雨天进行砼浇注时,试验室应勤测骨料的含水率,随时调整砼搅拌用水量。69竖向施工缝处理采取在每次砼浇筑完毕后,达到2.5MPa强度后,采用人工进行凿毛,注意避免损坏施工缝处0#块箱梁的外壁,影响美观。5.10由于0#块箱梁砼浇注量较大,须考虑砼的防裂措施,要求严格控制砼材料的计量,延长砼的搅拌时间,加强砼振捣控制,以获得质量均匀的砼,减少

22、应力集中,减少出现裂缝的机会。浇筑砼时,采用先周围后中央,溥层均匀上升的方法,以便散发早期水化热,减少砼内外温差。5.10 砼浇完后在底板和顶板上覆盖土工布洒水养护,以达到保湿养护和防止砼出现干缩裂缝的目的,0#块箱梁外侧以及翼缘底面采取喷淋养护措施。冬季施工时,砼浇注完毕应及时采取保温措施,砼顶面进行覆盖保温,0#块箱梁内、外侧利用碘钨灯加热环境温度以保温,尽量延长拆模时间以保温,防止砼由于内外温差过大而开裂,环境温度低于5时,不得向砼表面洒水。511为保证0#块箱梁砼安全顺利的浇注完成,施工现场除布设的两台检修完好的拖泵外,另外备用一台,以保证设备使用,如砼浇注途中拖泵损坏一台,就先用一台

23、拖泵进行砼浇注,后场立即利用汽车装运备用拖泵通过栈桥运至施工现场进行更换,保证砼浇注;为防止砼浇注中途突然停电,除预先通知电业局及有关部门外,另在现场备用发电机两台(搅拌站和墩位处各一台),以确保砼连续浇注不中断。六砼外观:6.1砼的水平或垂直施工缝必须保证水平或垂直。竖向堵头模板安装要求必须放线,保证底板、腹板、顶板堵头模板在一个端面上,垂直一条线;6.2在施工缝凿毛时注意不得破坏砼的表面,最好边上留3cm左右不凿毛和采用浅凿;6.3模板拼装要求无错台,拼缝密实,表面无锈迹,模板上的多余的脱模用油必须抹去,防止油污染砼;6.4 对拉螺栓预埋管两端胶皮必须埋好,模板拆除后及时将拉杆孔堵塞、修饰

24、好,防止锈蚀水流出污染砼表面,底板拉杆利用锥形螺母形成对拉,拆模时取除;6.5为保证底板和顶板表面的平整度和厚度,必须预先在底板和顶板的钢筋上设基准标高线,然后据此抹面、刮平,准确控制平整度和厚度,平整度控制在5mm以下,厚度不得超过规范要求,严格控制砼坍落度,防止腹板底口翻浆,增厚底板;6.6 0#块箱梁施工时,必须加强砼的养护工作,落实专人进行养护,并作好养护记录,洒水养护时间不得少于七天,砼须保持充分湿润。底板、顶板采用土工布或海绵覆盖,洒水养护,底板可采用蓄水养护,翼缘板底面和0#块箱梁内、外侧腹板表面采用喷淋养护(利用钻一排孔的PVC管作为水管,安装在内外模的滑梁上,随时进行养护),

25、以保持砼潮湿,防止砼出现干缩裂缝。 定期对养护用水进行检验,严格禁止使用不合格养护水。6.7必须注意砼养护水以及油污对砼表面的污染,各种机械用油防止泄漏,遇油掉在砼表面时应及时清除掉,及时采取措施防止机械用油污染砼。6.8 0#块箱梁的预埋钢筋(挡渣墙)必须刷水泥浆,防止钢筋锈蚀,避免锈水污染砼表面,而且随时检查,如有水泥浆脱掉的现象必须及时补刷,预埋件必须刷防锈漆。 七安全措施:7.1每个主墩设置专职安全人员1名,负责现场施工安全检查及安全措施的落实。各个班组设置兼职安全员负责工序施工的安全作业,保证施工生产的安全运行。严格执行各项安全操作规程和设备管理办法,严禁违章指挥,违章作业,对特殊工

26、种实行持证上岗,严禁无证操作;7.2实行安全预控,优化施工方案,制定安全操作规程和安全技术措施,认真进行安全技术交底,提出安全生产的具体要求;7.3加强机械设备管理,对机械设备的使用和维修人员进行岗位培训,熟悉机械设备性能,掌握机械设备的作用和维护性能,杜绝重大机损、机械伤人事故的发生,各种起重机械严禁超负荷作业,严格遵守“十不吊”的规定;7.4严格各项规章制度,进入施工现场必须戴安全帽,高空作业必须系安全带,严禁在高空向下抛物,氧气、乙炔瓶摆放距离符合规范要求;7.5材料吊装时注意吊索、吊具的使用要安全可靠,按规范要求预留保险系数;7.6 严格遵守预应力张拉操作规程,操作时严禁正对钢绞线,防

27、止钢绞线断丝伤人;7.7 管道压浆时注意保护眼睛,戴防护眼镜,防止压浆管爆裂后损伤眼睛;7.8 在进行腹板砼凿毛时,操作人员必须系号安全带,防止发生意外事故;八:文明施工:8.1施工现场保持整洁、卫生。及时清理现场用剩的钢筋条、波纹管等,做到施工完成,现场清理完毕;8.2 预应力管道压浆完毕,及时用清水将流在0#块箱梁砼表面的水泥浆冲洗干净,保持桥面清洁;8.3 施工现场各种电缆、油管、焊把线、氧气乙炔管,布设合理,施工完毕,及时将不用的线回收圈好,杜绝桥面上各种线纵横交错,乱作一团;8.4 禁止在施工中向模板内抛弃烟头、纸屑、木块等杂物,并及时清理模板内的杂物;8.5 禁止操作人员在波纹管上

28、践踏,防止将其压瘪;8.6 在施工现场吃饭用过的饭盒不得乱仍,集中收集在一起运至后方垃圾场或就地销毁;8.7 在砼浇注时散落在桥面的砼必须及时清除,砼浇完后未终凝前不得在上面行走,以免影响砼外观;8.8 桥面无积水、杂物,各种原材料堆码摆放整齐。 grass-roots party organizations is focus of new party members. Further strengthening the party education campaign, party organization to more excellent talents absorbed, consta

29、ntly enhance the partys vitality and vigor, a solid job discovery, training activists. The initiative to broaden the scope of training, at the village level organization of young cadres, wealth experts and other personnel in the discovery, selection, training, and guide them to move closer to the pa

30、rty and injected fresh vitality to the building of rural grass-roots party organizations. Second is to further improve the site present situation of grass-roots party branches. With an emphasis on construction of village-level activities, comprehensive corrosion activities of grass-roots party organ

31、ization construction in various fields, with village-level party organization function setting, achieving more efficient use of venues, activities for grass-roots party organizations and party members, and create good conditions for serving the masses, by using village-level activities. Third is to

32、conscientiously implement the village group living subsidy distribution work. In strict accordance with the parent document, fully according to the actual situation, further improve the village cadres of the group registration through the one card uniform forms, living subsidies timely payment on ti

33、me each month to the hands of village cadres of the group, to ensure, without delay, not in arrears, and to ensure that earmarks. Four village election preparations are made. Organization survey and the Xiang village cadres, a comprehensive understanding of the village Committee. Using visited membe

34、rs, and masses representative and village group cadres of form, understand masses by wants to, and by needed, and by hope; through held members will, and masses will and village group cadres will, understand village level organization status, and exists highlight problem and future development direc

35、tion; visited understand complex back soldiers, and workers returned young personnel and masses recommended of rich capable, full reserve cadres team, for village two Board general election lay solid based. (C) to speed up the pace of the adjustment of industrial structure and increase farmers incom

36、e through various channels. One is to strengthen its efforts to readjust the industrial structure. At the same time accelerate the process of industrialization in rural areas, and actively promote the development of industries with local industry and quality, reasonable and effective solution to my

37、single issues of the industrial structure, for example: turtle and introduced sheep farming project, strengthening the educational plant support. Second, broaden the channels of sales of agricultural products. Actively carry out famous brand construction of agricultural products, to create brand agr

38、iculture, expand marketing channels, enhance brand awareness and market competitiveness of farm products. Third, strengthening agro-technical training. Through training, to improve the scientific quality of peasants, farmers quality of life, promote the surplus labor force transfer output, really be

39、 my shortcut to rural farmers for agricultural development. Four is the comprehensive strengthening of the construction of ecological environmental protection, further establishing ecological compensation mechanism construction of ecological construction and industry, development of local characteristic, strongly supports the ecological transition Industrial construction, focus on the development of9


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