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1、The StructureOf TheLightITNOTGOGReflectionThe light has plasmatic structure the same as the plasma of the proton and electron and it is made of mixture of magnetic fields strength with difference that the light has dynamic composite magnetic field strength spiral helixial cylindrical composite matte

2、r mafs plasma structure rather than the dynamic composite mafs spherical structure of the matters the like of the plasma of the neutrons.ForwordsAll knowledge gathered and learned in every fields of science by man in his cycle of scientific evolution from his beginning of time and up to this point,

3、these are like of the speck of dust of the universal wisdom in comparison to what man will enjoy from the knowledge which is to be revealed in this disclosure.This shall not be all that the man has to know about his creation and the creator but through this new knowledge man will become close to rea

4、lise how much more he needs to discovered and learn more about the created bigger universe, and our hope is that we have managed to bring man to his ultimate point of maturity about his world and the world of other creatures of universe through what is to be disclosed in this book.In these new serie

5、s of disclosures including this we will open the world of science into the realisation of the real working of the universe and how man can advance his intelligence and that this new and up to now unknown science can clear the way for bringing peace to the Mans own wondering life and other intelligen

6、t beings in the universe.62TABLE OF CONTENTReflection .6畅想Forwords.9前言Introduction .13介绍The re-naming of matters and conditions .14物质和条件的重命名CHAPTER 1 .16THE LIGHT .16光CHAPTER 2 .19THE STRUCTURE OF THE LIGHT .19光的结构CHAPTER 3 .41THE CONVERSION OF LIGHT RAYS TO THE GANS OF THE MATTER .41物质从光线转换为甘斯CHAPT

7、ER 4 .54CO2 IN GANS STATE (PAPER 2009).54二氧化碳的甘斯状态(paper2009)Abstract .54文摘Discussion .54讨论The CO2 absorption .57二氧化碳的吸收The methane CH4 absorption.68甲烷CH4的吸收Observations and notes.76观察和记录New state of matter.77物质的新状态Implication and applications of this new technology.79此新技术的内涵和应用Conclusion .81结论Addit


9、R 8 .98INSIGHT INTO THE FUTURE USE OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE LIGHT.98展望光结构的未来DEFINITIONS .106定义Reference .107参考Published and unpublished works by M. T. Keshe.108M.T.Keshe已发表和未发表的著作INTERNET LINKS.120网络链接APPENDIX 1.121附录1The unifying field Theory .121统一场理论Abstract .121文摘Discussions .121讨论Electromagnetis

10、m .122电磁Permanent magnets .125永磁The difference between conductors and superconductors.125导体和超导体之间的差异Experimental points observation .128实验点的观测Conclusion .128结论Reference: .129参考Index.130索引Introduction介绍With the present knowledge in the plasma technology and the new understanding of the internal struc

11、ture of the plasma, the light is and can be considered to be a cylindrical version of the spherical plasma like of the proton and the plasma of the light is in possession of all three magnetic fields of the matters of the plasma .根据当前等调离子体的技术和对等离子体内部结构新的理解,光可以被认为是球形等离子体如质子的柱形形式,并且光的等离子体包含所有三种等离子体物质的

12、三种磁场。The ray of light is in possession of Magravs and hence its own gravity, mass and Magnetosphere, and due to its dynamism this plasma of the light possesses momentum and hence can carry and transfer this momentum as energy to other light rays, tangible and non-tangible entities.光线由磁引力场组成,故而它拥有引力,

13、质量和磁层,由于它在运动,光的等离子体拥有动量,故而能承载并将这个动量作为能量传输到其他的光线、有形和无形的实体。As the plasma of the light is moving from one dynamic magnetic field strength spherical in shape plasma to another and as each matters mafs of the plasma of the light interacts with its surrounding environments plasmatic magnetic fields in any

14、 matter environment, then the appropriate matter mafs components of the light and its ever present environment come to interact with the same and different matters and matter mafs in strength of its environment, this leads to less losses of the plasmatic magnetic field (pmf) contents of the mafs of

15、the matters of the ray of light and hence allowing the light to travel in any environment at the speed of its given environment plasmatic magnetic fields strength with less friction and maximum speed in that given pmf strength. Then in matter mafs and matter magnetic fields strength environment, thi

16、s property allowing the ray of light to have a speed of light in matter environment strength as is observed by man, and where in antimatter environment the antimatter light travels at antimatter magnetic field strength environment, which the speed of antimatter light is far higher than the speed of

17、light in the mans matter plasmatic magnetic field strength environment.当光的等离子体从球形等离子汤中的一个动态磁场力场运动到另一个中,并且当每个混沌态物质的光的等离子体与它所处的周围环境的原汤磁场相互作用于任何物质环境中时,那么光的适当的物质混沌态元件和它的永远存在的环境得以与同样的和不同的物质以及在它的环境力场中的混沌态物质相互作用,这导致光的射线的物质的混沌态物质的原汤磁场(pmf)内容损失,故而允许光在给予的pmf立场中以最小摩擦和最大速度旅行到任何环境。然后,在物质和物质磁场力场环境中,这个性质允许光有一个在物质环

18、境力场中被人类观察到的光速,并且在反物质环境里,反物质光旅行在反物质磁场力场环境,反物质光的速度远比在人类物质原汤磁场力场环境中的光速高得多。Thus the speed of the light in the matter environment is not the ultimate speed of matters in the universe, but the speed of light is dictated and controlled by the environmental magnetic field strength which the light operates i

19、n.在物质环境中光的如此的速度不是宇宙中物质的最终速度,但是光速被光所运行其中的环境磁场力场所支配和控制。It is possible to attain faster speeds than the speed of light in a matter magnetic field strength environment by using the magnetic fields properties of the antimatter plasmatic fields.在一个物质磁场力场环境中由使用反物质原汤场而获得更快的光速是可能的。Once understanding this cri

20、terion and concept then at this stage one will face the magnetic strength barriers to overcome as one does in the matter environment with sound barrier.一旦明白了这个准则和概念,那么在此阶段人们将面对要克服的磁力场屏障就如人们在物质环境面对声障(译者注:我想是指克服音速障碍实现超音速飞行)。Therefore: One has to understand the truth about the real construction of the

21、light and its movement in each plasmatic magnetic field strength environment for the man to be able to travel the spans of the universe with pleasures of being able to observe and learn all the truth about the creation in all pmf strengths which operate in the universe.所以:人们必须理解关于光的真实结构的真相和光在每个原汤磁场力

22、场中的运动,为了人类能带着观察和学习在宇宙中运行的全部的pmf力场中关于创造的真相的愉悦而跨宇宙旅行。物质和条件的重命名The re-naming of matters and conditions(Advice: Skip this section unless you need to refresh or reading for the first time or read it after you have read the chapter 1, 2 and 3 as this section can be confusing and distracting you from the m

23、ain body of the book).(建议:如果你不需要刷新或不是第一次阅读就跳过本节,或者当在已经阅读完第1,2和3章之后再阅读本节,有可能使你对于本书主体造成迷惑和分神时也可跳过本节。)(Point of reference: The following section is and to be added to all disclosures for the ease of understanding as most of these have been disclosed in the book (1), and it is added here for the ones wh

24、o have not read the book and are not familiar with terminologies in the works of the author).(参考点:后面的章节是并且加强了对于在第一本书已经被揭露的那些所最大最多不理解的缓解进行全面揭露,这里为尚未阅读本书并且不熟悉本书著者用语作了补充说明。)In this literature, when using the term “mafs” for example in form of the antimatter mafs this means and refers to the magnetic fi

25、elds (mafs) which this entity is made of and it is considered to be as a plasma of magnetic fields, and where the term “antimatter” is used on its own this meaning the physical tangible or detectable entity of the same. This usage of mafs similarly applies to physical matter and Dark matter too.在本部作

26、品中,当使用术语“mafs在反物质mafs的形式举例时,这意味着并指磁场,实体被它所制造,该实体被视为磁场的等离子体,在术语“antimatter”被用于自身的地方,这意味着物理的有形的或可探测的同一的实体。Mafs的用法也相似地应用于物理物质和暗物质。Further, the difference with Antimatter and matter is only in their plasmatic magnetic fields (pmf) strength and compactness of their fields. Thus, what is the magnetic fiel

27、ds (mafs) of antimatter they become magnetic fields of the matter as antimatter magnetic fields unwinds, loosens up, weaken in their field strength through their interaction with other magnetic fields and matters and become matter mafs and in plasmatic magnetic field strength of matter environment the matter mafs becomes tangible and become matter.进一步,反物质(Antimatter)和物质的区别仅在于它们的原汤磁场(pmf)力场和它们的场的紧致性(紧凑性或致密性)。如此,正是反物质磁场的场的力场通过与其它磁场和物质的相互作用而发散、放松时,它们变成了物质的磁场,并成为物质mafs并在物质环境的原汤磁场力场中,物质maf


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