公路隧道施工技术规范JTG F60-2009(质量评定标准).doc

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《公路隧道施工技术规范JTG F60-2009(质量评定标准).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《公路隧道施工技术规范JTG F60-2009(质量评定标准).doc(11页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、take corrective and preventive action. 3.11 quality rewards companies for projects, construction crews and other layers of quality responsibility documents signed, linked with the economy. Clear rewards and punishments, strictly cash. 3.12 quality return system to track the quality of completed oper

2、ations, monitoring, and problems with corrective action in a timely manner, and recorded for analysis in order to improve the experience for the future construction level. 4, quality control system: establishment of perfect quality control system. Comprehensive understanding of engineering quality c

3、ontrol points, develop specific comprehensive quality control measures, clear quality control responsibilities, company, Department, three-level quality control system in the construction area of the project. Concrete quality control system block diagram. 4.1 quality control principles: (1) quality

4、control follow the prevention first principle, insisting on quality in advance control, eliminate hidden quality in spurts stage. (2) adhere to the high standards of quality assessment, and all data is strictly prohibited on imagination-do. 4.2 quality control: quality control procedures, see next p

5、age. Quality control elements list construction prepared process a design low-down 1 drawings since trial project technicians drawings information whether complete, whether meet construction need drawings technology file since trial records 2 design low-down project technology head understand design

6、 intent proposed problem drawings technology file design low-down records 3 drawings triage project technology head on drawings of integrity, and accuracy, and feasibility for triage drawings technology file drawings triage records II developed construction process file 4 construction organization d

7、esign project technology head by related file requirements series Construction organization and standard approval drawings for approval of construction organization design 5 construction plan project technicians above standard construction drawings . Officer for check acceptance, through the layers

8、of quality control to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel,

9、 shall not be an illegal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the opera

10、tor immediately corrected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of constructionuna certa fora, triar la ubicaci correcta de laigua d

11、escarregada. Mtodes experimentals sn les segents: una. secci de prova tamb, per separat amb prova b. Reg lentament omplert de la canonada daiges avall. Quan alts en la secci la proveta i canonada que sobresurt de un conjunt de vlvula descapament, lexclusi de gas a la canonada de reg. Desgus b. princ

12、ipis en el tub dassaig ple daigua per a 1 nit, comenava a provar nivell daigua ben marcat i gravada i continua a prova dins de lobservaci perode de temps durant el qual laigua i el registre el componen laigua, llavors dacord amb la frmula per calcular el volum real de laigua. Frmula: q=W/(T*L) w-com

13、plementries aigua capacitat l-canonada longitud experimental t-temps, no menys de 30min quan q permet passar c. desprs de completar la prova, laigua immediatament posar aigua a la xarxa. (6) conductes omplint: canonades abans backfill ha netejar les escombraries a la canonada i fent manteniment treb

14、alla quan la inspecci clavegueram sense problemes. I netejar la runa de tanc, ranura Expulsor desprs de laigua en la backfill. Backfill simetria bilateral rasa backfill a canonada, segons els requeriments de disseny, backfill amb sorra graduada, classificava grava aigua i vibraci de dinmic compactac

15、i-compactar, estndard s ja no enfonsant, fins bombolles, per conixer el disseny i especificacions. En prova daigua tancats qualificat noms desprs domplir la construcci. Quan leix en els dos costats al mateix temps, backfill Simetria horitzontal; el gruix de Max de paviment i compactaci de cada capa

16、s de 30cm i per evitar limpacte violent. Quan el backfill sobre els 50cm de la part superior de la canonada pot ser mecnicament el farciment. Backfill sl backfill per capes, capa compactaci mtode. Compactaci est perms fer malb la canonada, compactat la canonada per ambds costats i 50cm dins de la ca

17、nonada per sobre les manipulacions elctric a causa de la durada del projecte i sense interrompre els casos de trfic, construcci de canalitzaci hauria de teixit segmentat, en un perode relativament curt de temps per satisfer la demanda de trnsit, laltre costat de la construcci de caixa de la carreter

18、a tan aviat com sigui possible, per afrontar la segent secci de construcci. Amb aquesta finalitat, es recomana la canonada rasa classificava grava backfill lelevaci de llit de carretera. Distribuci de mida de partcula de sorra backfill de rasa ha de ser utilitzat en bon gruixut sorra, relativa densi

19、tat no menys de 0,70, bona 2-4cm grava gradaci grava backfill grava backfill i compactaci per capes de manera, cada solquen 30-50cm, piconat en mtode constructiu de consolidaci o aigua. Qualificar grava compactant de compactaci dinmica vibraci grava amb brollen ja no, no que senfonsa com lestndard.

20、Procs de desgus de paret destructura de polietil 9.3.4HDPE: solc excavaci amaniment artificial canonada basat HDPE canonadaIn order to ensure normal teaching order, protecting students healthy growth, ensuring that national (property) is not lost, to prevent or minimize the occurrence of safety acci

21、dents, follow the prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses principle, according to the local conditions, make the management system. 1, the principal is the responsibility of school safety, school security under the leadership of President security work leading group. The head tea

22、cher to the leadership team is responsible for, implementation of the accountability system. 2, school monthly student knowledge about safety education, education should be diversified in the form every safety education for students of classes per week should be targeted. To carry on emergency issue

23、s dealing with education in General, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common sense in education. 3, the establishment of major accident reporting system. School students report major accident within an hour of education; student run a

24、nd disappearances to report; report of the accident to a written report in triplicate, a correctional centre, a police station, a township peoples Government shall not conceal the accident. 4 week, teachers are on duty system, establish and improve the leadership values; strengthen the education, ma

25、nagement of teaching activities in schools to ensure normal teaching order; responsible for school safety leadership always maintained close contact and district police stations, canvassing support from the police station on school safety and help. 5, strengthening teachers moral education, establis

26、h a dedicated love, improving education quality, observe the students psychological changes at any time and take preventive measures, no corporal punishment and covert corporal punishment on students, student out of the classroom, schools may not be. 6, units or departments use student Street propag

27、anda or participate in the celebrations, as well as participating in other social work, without approval of the Correctional Centre, school principals consent, without organization. Without the approval of relevant departments, may organize students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief a

28、nd so on. 7, schools should educate students to obey the school rules and regulations, on time, on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school to school inspections on a regular basis, found hidden in time, and in severe cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately closed, and reported to the local peop

29、les Government, education, and rule of law section. 9, the school should always check the internal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Windows, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, facilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facil

30、ity to immediately repair and demolition to ensure that teachers and students work, learn, live venues and facilities are safe and reliable. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protection of p

31、ublic property and the life and property safety of teachers and students, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing the following fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone h

32、as of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire公路隧道施工技术规范JTG F60-2009隧道总体检验项目表序号检查项目规定值或允许偏差(mm)检验方法1车行宽度10尺量:每20m(曲线)或50m(直线)检查一处2隧道净总宽不小于设计尺量:每20m(曲线)或50m(直线)检查一处3隧道净宽不小于设计水准仪:每20m(曲线)或50m(直线)测一个断面,每个断面测拱顶和拱腰3个点。4隧道偏位20全站仪:每20m(曲线)或50m(直线)检查一

33、处5引道中心线与隧道中心线的衔接20分别将引道中心线和隧道中心线延长至两侧洞口,比较平米其平面位置。6边坡 仰坡的坡度不大于设计坡度板:检查10处。洞门端墙、翼墙、挡土墙基坑开挖质量标准序号项 目规定值或允许偏差(mm)检验方法1基坑中心线到路线中心线距离50尺量:每边不少于5处4基坑长度、宽度100,05基坑高程0,-100水准仪测量:每边不少于5处洞门端墙、翼墙、挡土墙模版安装质量标准序号项 目规定值或允许偏差(mm)检验方法1基础边缘位置15,0测量:每边不少于4处2基础顶面高程103边墙边缘位置10,04边墙拱脚、端翼墙面顶面高程105模版表面平整度52m靠尺测量:不少于4处6模版表面

34、错台2尺 量7预留孔洞10,0洞门混凝土端墙、翼墙和挡土墙质量标准序号项 目规定值或允许偏差(mm)检验方法1强 度在合格标准内按规范内附录A检验2平面位置50仪器测量:每边不少于4处3断面尺寸不小于设计4顶面高程205底面高程506表面平整度52m靠尺测量:拱部不少于2处,墙身不少于4处7竖直度或坡度()0.5吊垂线:每边不少于4处明洞回填及防水层序号项目规定值或允许偏差(mm)检验方法1卷材搭接长度100尺量:每环测3处2卷材向隧道延伸长度500尺量:检查5处3卷材在基底的横向 长度500尺量:检查5处4沥青防水层每层厚度2尺量:检查10点5回填层厚300尺量:每层检查,每侧至少5处6两侧


36、(mg/L)10003500SO42-(mg/L)20002700碱含量(mg/L)15001500喷射混凝土支护施工质量标准序号检查项目规定值或允许偏差检查方法和频率1喷射混凝土强度在合格标准内按附录C检查2喷射厚度平均厚度设计厚度;检查点的90%设计厚度;最小厚度0.5倍设计厚度,且50mm凿空法或雷达探测仪:每10m检查一个断面,每个断面从拱顶中线起每3m检查1点3空洞检测无空洞、无杂物同上锚杆支护施工质量标准序号检查项目规定值或允许偏差检查方法和频率1锚杆数量不少于设计值现场逐根清点2锚拔力拔力平均值设计值,最小拔力90%设计值 按锚杆数1%且不少于三根做拔力试验3孔位(mm)50尺量

37、4钻孔深度(mm)50尺量5钻孔直径满足设计要求尺量6锚杆长度满足设计要求按锚杆数的3%,或不少于3根钢筋网支护施工质量标准序号检查项目规定值或允许偏差检查方法和频率1网格尺寸(mm)10尺量2钢筋保护层厚度满足设计要求凿孔检查:每10m检查5点3与受锚岩面的 间隙(mm)30尺量:每10m检查10点4网的长、宽(mm)10尺量钢架支护施工质量标准序号检查项目规定值或允许偏差检查方法和频率1安装间距(mm)50尺量:每榀检查2净保护层厚度满足设计要求凿孔检查:每榀自拱顶每3m检查1点3倾斜度()2仪器测量:每榀检查4安装偏差(mm)横向50尺量:每榀检查竖向不低于设计高程5拼装偏差(mm)3尺

38、量:每榀检查模板安装施工质量标准序号检查项目规定值或允许偏差检查方法和频率1平面位置及高程(mm)15尺量:全部2起拱线高程(mm)(mm)10水准仪测量:全部3拱顶高程(mm)+10,0水准仪测量:全部4模板平整度(mm)52m靠尺和塞尺:每3m测5点5相邻浇筑段表面错台(mm)10尺量:全部混凝土衬砌施工质量标准序号检查项目规定值或允许偏差检查方法和频率1混凝土强度在合格标准内试件强度试验报告2边墙平面位置(mm)10尺量:全部3拱部高程(mm)+30,0水准仪测量(按桩号)4衬砌厚度不小于设计值激光断面仪或地质雷达随机检查5边墙、拱部表面 平整度(mm)152m直尺、塞尺:每侧检查5处;


40、HRB级钢25d5钢筋加工长度(mm)-10,+5尺量:每20m检查2根6钢筋保护层厚度(mm)+10,-5尺量:两端、中间各1处中岩墙现场监控量测项目及方法序号项目名称方法、工具布置间隔时间1-30d1-3个月大于3个月1中岩墙土压力钢弦式 压力盒每10-30m一个断面,每个断面3个压力盒1-2次/d1次/2d1次/周2围岩内位移多点位移计及千分表每10-30m一个断面,每个断面2个测点3围岩压力钢弦式 压力盒每10-30m一个断面,每个断面1个压力盒隧道现场监控量测必测项目序号项目名称方法及工具布置测试 精度量测间隔时间1-15d16d-1个月1-3个月大于3个月1洞内、外观察现场观察、地

41、质 罗盘等开挖及初期支护后进行2周边 位移各种类型收敛计每5-50m一个断面,每断面2-3对测点0.1mm1-2次/d1次/2d1-2次/周1-3次/月3拱顶 下沉水准测量的方法,水准仪、钢尺等每5-50m一个断面0.1mm1-2次/d1次/2d1-2次/周1-3次/月4地表 下沉水准测量的方法,水准仪、钢尺等洞口段、浅埋段(h02b)0.5mm开挖面距量测断面前后2b时,1-2次/d;开挖面距量测断面前后5b时,1次/2-3d;开挖面距量测断面前后5b时,1次/3-7d。隧道现场监控量测选测项目序号项目名称方法及工具布置测试精度量测间隔时间1-15d16d-1个月1-3 个月大于3个月1钢架

42、内力及外力支柱压力计或其他测力计每代表性地段1-2个断面,每断面钢支撑内力3-7个测点,或外力1对测力计0.1 MPa1-2次/d1次/2d1-2次/周1-3次/月2围岩体内位移(洞内设点)洞内钻孔中安设单点、多点杆式或钢丝式位移计每代表性地段1-2个断面,每断面3-7个钻孔0.1 mm1-2次/d1次/2d1-2次/周1-3次/月3围岩体内位移(地表设点)地面钻孔中安设各类位移计每代表性地段1-2个断面,每断面3-5个钻孔0.1 mm同地表下沉要求4围岩压力各种类型岩土压力盒每代表性地段1-2个断面,每断面3-7个测点0.1 MPa1-2次/d1次/2d1-2次/周1-3次/月5两层支护间压

43、力压力盒每代表性地段1-2个断面,每断面3-7个测点0.1 MPa1-2次/d1次/2d1-2次/周1-3次/月6锚杆轴力钢筋计、锚杆测力计每代表性地段1-2个断面,每断面3-7锚杆(索),每根锚杆2-4测点0.1 MPa1-2次/d1次/2d1-2次/周1-3次/月7支护、衬砌内应力各类混凝土内应变计及表面应力解除法每代表性地段1-2个断面,每断面3-7个测点0.1 MPa1-2次/d1次/2d1-2次/周1-3次/月8围岩弹性波速度各种声波仪及配套探头在有代表性地段设置9爆破震动测振及配套传感器邻近建(构)筑物随爆破进行10渗水压力、水流量渗压计、流量计0.1 MPa11地表下沉水准测量的

44、方法,水准仪、铟钢尺等洞口段、浅埋段(h02b)0.5 mm开挖面距量测断面前后2b时,1-2次/d;开挖面距量测断面前后5b时,1次/2-3d;开挖面距量测断面前后5b时,1次/3-7d。净空位移和拱顶下沉的量测频率(按位移速度)位移速度(mm/d)量测频率52-3次/d1-51次/d0.5-11次/2-3d0.2-0.51次/3d0.21次/3-7d净空位移和拱顶下沉的量测频率(按距开挖面距离)量测断面距开挖面距离(m)量测频率(0-1)b2次/d(1-2)b1次/d(2-5)b1次/2-3d5b1次/3-7d洞口排水沟施工质量标准序号项 目规定值或允许偏差检验方法和频率1轴线偏位(mm)50仪器测量:每条排水沟不少于5处2沟底高程(mm)153排水沟纵坡(%)0.5,不积水4排水沟宽度(mm)十30,0尺量:每条排水沟不少于4处5排水沟侧墙高度(mm)-106壁厚(mm)- 10洞内排水沟断面尺寸质量标准序号项 目规定值或允许偏差检验方法和频率1断面尺寸(mm)10尺量:每100m随机检查5处2壁厚(mm)士 53高度(mm)0, -204沟底高程(mm)20水准仪:每20m测高程防水混凝土质量标准序号项 目规定值或允许偏差检验方法和频率1抗压强度在合格标准内按附录A检验2抗渗等级符合设计每200mm衬砌做一组6个)试件防寒泄水洞质量标准序


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