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1、corporate occupational hazard protective equipment should be regular maintenance, repairs, ensure that protective equipment effectively. May use does not meet national standards, industry standards or have lost their protection against occupational hazards. 3, the strict implementation of standards

2、such as the norm for personal protective equipment specifications, according to different occupational hazardous factors in issuing the appropriate type and amount of labor protection articles. 4, warehouse, workshop is responsible for issuance of personal protective equipment, safety, emergency, em

3、ergency protective equipment for personnel department is responsible for the public, . 3, HR staff should be the establishment of occupational health surveillance archives, save within the stipulated period. When employees leave the company, the right to access my copy of the occupational health sur

4、veillance archives, personnel should be factual, free, and provide a copy of the sign. 4, the Department shall not assign minors engaged in the occupational hazard of the job; not allowed to assign women employees in pregnancy or lactation to engage in the my jobs and harm fetuses, infants. 1 occupa

5、tional health management system, occupational health examination system, setting up pre occupational health examination system. Shall not be arranged without receive occupational health examination before the jobs of employees engaged in the occupational-disease-inductive factors; taboo-staff shall

6、not engage in taboo operations. 2, the establishment of pre-employment occupational health examination system. Examination results inform employees in need of review and medical observation of the worker shall be in accordance with the requirements of medical institutions, arrange for their review a

7、nd medical observation; the suspected patients of occupational diseases should be reported to the Department of the local safety supervision and health, and in accordance with the requirements of medical institutions to arrange the occupational-disease diagnosis or medical observation. 3, the establ

8、ishment of posts occupational health examination system. To post not occupational health and medical practitioners, shall not release, or terminating the employment contract. 4, participate in emergency rescue workers after occupational accidents occupational health examination system. Practitioners

9、 of occupational health surveillance archives management system 1 in China, occupational history, past history and the history of exposure to occupational hazards; 2, the corresponding monitoring results of factors of occupational hazard in the work environment; 3, occupational health examination re

10、sults and the disposition; 4, diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases and other health information. 1 the management of the employers occupational health surveillance archives system, occupational health care power of Attorney; 2, occupational health examination results andconferences, lear

11、ned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. The complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we want to be professionals, or if generalists, to dabble in

12、different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rational analysis. This on requirements we, not only to learning national of route, and approach, and policy, also to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to wi

13、th economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption SM of mirror, also to gets is of road; not only to from local learn, also to to outside learn; not only to to books learn, also to field study learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to th

14、e outside world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside developments, learn other peoples development approach, and then come back to guide our work. Second, we must think. Learning without thought to overshadow, thinking without learning is perilous. We want to foster the charact

15、er of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting to the new situation on whether there are delays, have anything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keep promising State of mind. In order to do inves

16、tigations, investigations is the road to heaven, God disposes of the base. To wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, and get truth, received effectiveness, on must in-depth actual, and outreach, and in-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discussion

17、 everyone care of problem, listening they of calls, understand they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, especially on masses most hope, and most urgent, and most worries, and most complained of hot, and difficulties and focus problem, more to act

18、ive research, caught not put. Dare to innovate, in our work, often remain the old way doesnt work, the new approach would not situation, the reason, the key is that many people know that copying other peoples ideas, mechanically, using someone elses old ways. To change this predicament, requires us

19、to break the shackles of traditional concepts to overcome conservative, conformist, good at finding new problems and to accept new things, summarize new experience, new ideas, developing new programmes and Maverick, a new approach to solve problems, speed up development. Especially in implement supe

20、rior policy spirit of process in the, both implementation, and cannot mechanically, to to extraordinary of courage and develop enterprising of spirit, put flexibility and principle combined up, put superior of spirit and local reality combined up, Yong conspiracy to breakthrough of policy, and exerc

21、ise innovation of lift, developed out development works of, and grass-roots welcomes of, and 一、单项选择题(共20小题,每小题占1.5分,共30分)1、某工程含三个施工过程,各自的流水节拍分别为6 d、4 d、2 d,则组织流水施工时,流水步距为(a)d。A、2B、4C、6D、1 2、以下属于主动控制措施的有( d )A、应用现代化管理方法和手段跟踪、测试、检查工程实施过程,发现异常情况及时采取纠偏措施B、明确项目管理组织中过程控制人员的职责,发现情况及时采取措施进行处理C、建立有效的信息反馈系统,及


23、管理6、为保证工程项目的动态控制的健全性,不可缺少下列各个环节:、转换、投入、反馈、纠正对比,正确的顺序是()A、B、C、D、7、项目结构分解的基本原则不包括( )A、确保各项目单元内容完整性,不能遗漏任何必要的组成部分。B、项目结构分解是线性的,一个项目单元可以从属于一个或几个上层项目单元。C、项目单元J所分解得到的J1,J2,Jn应具有相同的性质,或同为功能,或同为要素,或同为实施过程。D、每一个项目单元应能区分不同的责任人和不同的工作内容,应有较高的整体性和独立性。8、按编制的时间和深度分类,施工组织设计可分为投标项目的施工组织设计(或规划大纲)和承建项目的开工前的施工组织设计。对两者的

24、描述不正确的是()A、两者编制人不同,前者为企业总工程师,而后者为企业派出的项目部项目经理。B、目的不同,前者用于施工投标竞争,后者是施工准备和施工过程中的指导性文件。C、两者依据范围不同,前者为施工合同,而后者为招标文件。D、两者侧重点不同,前者侧重于提出自己的技术方案优势和特色,后者侧重详细设计施工中的各个工作计划和措施9、某工程有两个施工过程,技术上不准前插搭接,划分为4个流水段,组织两个专业队进行等节奏流水施工,流水节拍为4 d,则该工程的工期为()A、18B、20C、22D2410、单代号网络图的基本符号中,“箭线”表示()A、工作名称B、一项工作C、工作持续时间D、紧邻工作之间的逻

25、辑关系11、某项目进行成本偏差分析,结果如下:已完工程实际施工成本已完工程计划施工成本0拟完工程实际施工成本已完工程计划施工成本0则说明( )A、成本超支,进度提前 B、成本节约,进度提前C、成本超支,进度拖后 D、成本节约,进度拖后12、设计施工总平面图的第一步应是()A、布置仓库B、引入场外交通道路C、布置临时房屋D、布置场内运输道路13、单代号网络计划中工作与其紧后工作之间的时间间隔(LAGi-j)应该等于该工作紧后工作的( )A、最早开始时间与该工作最早完成时间之差B、最迟开始时间与该工作最早完成时间之差C、最迟开始时间与该工作最迟完成时间之差D、最早开始时间与该工作最迟完成时间之差1

26、4、某工程合同总价为500万元,合同中规定:甲方支付乙方60万的工程预付款,且工程材料款占工程价款的60%。试问本工程预付款的理论起扣点为()A、400B、360C、300D、100E、6015、屋面防水工程的保修期限是( )A、2年 B、3年 C、4年 D、5年16、产品质量特性分布一般符合( )分布规律。A、直线 B、斜线 C、曲线 D、正态17、公开招标设置资格预审程序的目的是( )A、选取中标人B、减少评标工作量C、迫使投标单位降低投标报价D、了解投标人准备实施招标项目的方案18、施工质量控制点是施工质量控制的重点,凡属( )、重要部位、控制难度大影响大的施工内容均应列为质量控制点。A

27、、关键技术 B、多次使用技术 C、多次使用设备 D、多次使用工艺19、安全事故发生后,事故发生单位必须以最快的方式将事故的简要情况向上级主管部门,之后应该( )、安全事故调查、处理安全事故、对事故责任者进行处理、编写调查报告并上报20、某工程的混凝土基础为118m3,产量定额1.73m3/工日;每班工人数23人,采用一班制。则该施工过程工作持续的时间为( )A、9 B、8 C、2 D、3 二、多项选择题(共15小题,每小题占2分,共30分。每题至少有两个答案)1、单位工程施工设计中的施工方案包括()A、技术方案B、合同方案C、施工组织方案D、投标方案2、工程项目控制的方式和方法不同,归纳起来可


29、单位的施工组织设计4、下列属于流水施工时间参数的是()A、施工过程数B、施工段数C、流水节拍D、流水步距5、关于网络计划,下列说法正确的是()A、在双代号网络计划中,关键线路上可以存在虚工作B、在单代号网络计划中用节点表示工作,没有长度概念,不便于绘制时标网络计划C、在单代号网络计划中不存在虚箭线D、在双代号时标网络计划中,凡出现波形线且长度最短的线路就是关键线路E、在双代号时标网络计划中,波形线的水平投影长度就是该工作的自由时差6、以下属于产生施工质量变异系统因素的有( )A、材质不均匀 B、技术方法或作业程序失当 C、材料规格错误 D、经纬仪年久失修7、分项工程是施工项目质量检验评定的基础

30、,其评定内容由( )几部分组成。A、基本项目 B、允许偏差项目 C、旁站项目 D、保证项目8、施工安全技术措施的实施保证体系包括安全教育,具体有哪些安全教育( )A、新进施工现场的各类施工人员,必须进行进场安全教育B、变换工种时,要进行新工种的安全技术教育C、进行定期和季节性的安全技术教育D、加强对全体施工人员节前和节后的安全教育E、坚持班前安全活动、周讲评制度9、如图所示的原始网络计划,计算工期为1个月。如果该项目需要提前一个月交付使用,则应对该原始网络计划进行工期调整,采用关键线路优化组合方法来实现,则可行的关键工作组合方案有()72G4B4N66851F2H2E3D543A、工作A和工作

31、DB、工作A和工作BC、工作A和工作ED、工作ME、工作N10、下列属于建筑工程保修范围的( )A、地基基础工程 B、主体结构工程 C、供热供冷工程 D、门窗工程 E、防水工程11、某分部工程双代号时标网络计划执行到第6天结束时,检查其实际进度如下图前锋线所示,检查结果表明( )。进 度 (天)123456789101112131DB3E2C45AF6A、工作B的实际进度不影响总工期B、工作C的实际进度正常C、工作D的总时差尚有一天,自由时差已变为零天D、工作B的自由时差尚有4天E、工作B的自由时差尚有5天12、施工质量计划( )A、 施工质量计划的编制主体是监理工程师B、目前我国工程项目施工

32、的质量计划常用施工组织设计或施工项日管理实施规划的文件形式进行编制C、工程检测项目计划及方法是施工质量计划的内容之一D、施工质量控制点的设置是施工质量计划的组成内容E、旁站监理的关键部位、关键工序与施工质量控制点是完全不同的13、建设工程索赔的起因包括( )A、发包人不按合同支付工程款B、设计图纸、技术规范错误C、地震D、工程师指令E、承包人没有按合同和有关规范规定进行操作,施工过程中发生人员伤亡14、建设工程施工合同示范文本规定,竣工验收条件( )A、完成合同和设计图纸中的主要内容B、工程质量符合有关标准、设计文件及合同要求,并经质量监督机构核定全部为优良以上C、工程所用的设备和主要建筑材料

33、、构件应具有产品质量出厂检验合格证明和技术标准规定的必要进场试验报告D、具有完整的工程技术档案和竣工图,已办理工程竣工交付使用的有关手续E、已签署工程保修证书15、下列有关施工资源调整与优化的说法正确的有( )A、就是在初始施工进度计划的基础上,考虑对有限资源进行统筹安排,用科学的方法解决资源供应与需求的矛盾,并在一定条件下达到资源均衡消耗的目的B、调整与优化的基本思想就是利用关键工作的自由时差和总时差C、调整与优化的基本思想就是利用非关键工作的自由时差和总时差D、调整的目的有两个:一是减少某段时期的某类有限资源需求量以满足供应限量;二是使某种资源消耗量在整个施工期间处于相对均衡的状态 三、综

34、合题(共3小题,第1题6分,第,2题20分,第3题14分,共40分)1、某工程施工的流水节拍数如下,完成该项工程的时间及A、B及B、C之间的流水步距分别为多少?施工段施工过程流水节拍一二三A435B221C332(1)、计算流水步距,计算工期。(2)、试组织无节奏流水施工,并绘制流水施工横道图, (3)、根据上述工序逻辑关系,绘制相应单代号网络图。2、已知某工程其施工进度计划网络如下图所示,箭线上方为工序符号,上方括号内为该工序每天所需钢筋数量(T/天),箭线下方数字为工序持续时间(天),数据见图。E(1)4C(10)3D(12)4A(5)64261G(7)105F(3)3B(3)43试(1)


36、正确的网络图。(2)、指出该施工网络计划的关键线路?(3)、按要求工期压缩2天,压缩哪些工作的持续时间所增加的直接费最少?(列表说明方案优化过程答案:一、单项选择题ADADA CBCBD ABAAD DBABD二、多项选择题1、AC2、ABC3、ADE4、CD5、ABCE6、BCD7、ABD8、BCD9、ACE10、ABCE11、BD12、BCD13、ABCD14、CDE15、ACD三、综合题1、解:(1)、计算流水步距累加数列:A 4 7 12 B 2 4 5 C 3 6 8 错位相减: 4 7 12 0- 0 2 4 5 4 5 8 -5则KAB=8 2 4 5 0- 0 3 6 8 2

37、1 -1 -8则KBC=2计算工期工期=KAB+KBC +TC=8+2+8=18(2)123456789101112131415161718ABC(3)单代号网络图A3A2A1B3B2B1C3C2C12、解:(1)计算网络时间参数9 146 11 59 14 0C34325616 69 14 59 14 524 2410 100 010 10 014 14 010 10 06 6 014 14 024 24 06 6 00 0 0F10E4D4A614 1413 14 16 7 1B7(2)绘制双代号早时标网络图(3)钢筋的资源曲线1234567891011121314151617181920

38、212223241A62C3B7D443E45F106时间714152551020钢筋日用量30(4)答:需要调整。利用非关键线路上的自由时差与总时差,将非关键工作向后移动。本例中,可利用非关键工作C的5天的自由时差,将C工作延后移至第11天开始,即可满足每天供应量16T的条件。3、解(1)、错误的地方有:3543一是 E工作没有用带箭头的箭线表示,另外编号也是错误的,应该改为二是C工作与B工作的编号同为(2-3),应增加虚工作来区分。正确的图为F(0.5)10(8)E(0.06)4(2)C(0.1)8(6)B(0.2)5(4)D(0.08)4(2)A(0.2)6(4)325614(2)、关键

39、线路如上图中双线所示(3)、共有四种方案可使工期提前两天序号方案增加直接费1A0.42C+D0.363C+E0.324C+(D+E)(D、E工作各缩短1天)0.345F1.0由上表可知,应该压缩C工作和E工作各两天。evaluation reports; 3, occupational disease report card; 4, for these patients, those with occupational contraindication and has resulted in a career-related damage to health practitioners and

40、 placement records. Post operating rules establish occupational health occupational health practice for each post, and post them in operational positions. Contents include: 1, production methods and requirements; 2, key actions for review, procedures, requirements and protection against occupational

41、 hazards; 3, exception handling and reporting; 4, process and environmental health. Measures for prevention and management of occupational diseases 1 special fund management system, in order to ensure production safety, maintain normal production management, strengthening the management of special f

42、unds for occupational disease prevention and management measures, the system is formulated. 2, the main person in charge of the enterprise measures for prevention and management of occupational diseases primarily responsible for the management of the special funds, according to the actual conditions

43、, develop occupational-disease-prevention funding scheme, in accordance with the requirements of the occupational-disease-prevention laws and ensuring that measures for prevention and management of occupational diseases special funds spending. 3 special funds must be earmarked for the occupational-d

44、isease-prevention and management measures, shall not be appropriated for other purposes. 4, special measures for prevention and management of occupational diseases based on sales of three extraction to ensure .Nine, and hidden troubleshooting governance management system to implement security first, and prevention, and comprehensive of approach, effective do ca


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