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1、wonder if it is made or brought in from elsewhere. Although it is freshly cooked, it must be less healthy than our own locally grown and cooked Chinese food.I also worry about all those cars bringing people to buy food at McDonalds. First, there would be petrol fumes(气体),which will make our clean ai

2、r dirty. Second, theres the problem of all those cars that try to park and prevent other cars from moving quickly through our town. Im sure many young people would be happy to work for McDonalds but will they be treated fairly?In American, McDonalds does not allow workers unions to operate in its re

3、staurants and these are people who speak up for the workers. If, as they say, the workers are happy with them ,why should they fear some workers joining a union?So when I consider the food, the cars and the jobs, I think we should not allow McDonalds to build their restaurant in our town.Unit 3the m

4、illion pound bank noteAct I, Scene 3Narrator: It is the summer of 1903. Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick an dOliver, have made a bet. Oliver believes that with a million pound bank note a man could survive a month in London. His brother Roderick doubts it. At this moment, they see a penniless

5、young man wandering on the pavement outside their house. It is Henry Adams, an American businessman, who is lost in London and does not know what he should do.Roderick: Young man, would you step inside a moment, please?Henry: Who? Me, sir?Roderick: Yes, you.Oliver: Through the front door on your lef

6、t.Henry: ( A servant opens a door) Thanks.Servant: Good morning, sir. Would you please come in? Permit me to lead the way, sir.Oliver: (Henry enters)Thank you, James. That will be all.Roderick: How do you do, Mrer?Henry: Adams. Henry Adams.Oliver: Come and sit down, Mr Adams.Henry: Thank you.Roderic

7、k: You are an American?Henry: That s right, from San Francisco.Roderick: How well do you know London?Henry: Not at all, its my first trip here.Roderick: I wonder, Mr Adams, if youd mind US asking a few questions.Henry: Not at all. Go right ahead.Roderick: May we ask what youre doing in this country

8、and what your plans are?Henry: Well, I cant say that I have any plans. Im hoping to find work. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. Oliver: How is that possible?Henry: Well, you see, back home I had my own boat. About a month ago, I was sailing out of the bay ( his eyes stare at wha

9、t is left of the brothers dinner on table.)Oliver: Well, go on.Henry: Oh, yes. Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. It was all my fault. It didnt know whether I could survive until morning. The next morning Id just about given myself up for lsot when I was spot

10、ted by a ship.Oliver: And it was the ship that brought you to England.Henry: Yes. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance. I went to the American embassy to seek help, but ( The brothers smile at each other.)Roderick: Well, you mustnt worry

11、 about that. Its an advantage.Henry: Im afraid I dont quite follow you, sir.Roderick: Tell us, Mr Adams, what sort of work did you do in America.Henry: I worked for a mining comapany. Could you offer me some kine of work here?Roderick: Patience, Mr Adams. If you dont mind, may I ask you how much mon

12、ey you have?Henry: Well, to be honest, I have none.Oliver: (happily) What luck! Brother, what luck! (claps his hands together)Henry: Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! On the contrary, in fact. If this is you idea of some knd of joke, I dont think its very funny. ( Henry stands up to leav

13、e) Now if youll excuse me, I think Ill be on my way.Roderick: Please dont go, Mr Adams. You mustnt think we dont care about you. Oliver, give him the letter.Oliver: Yes, the letter. (gets it from a desk and gives it to Henry like a gift ) The letter.Henry: (taking it carefully) For me?Roderick: For

14、you. (Henry starts to open it) Oh, no, you mustnt open it. Not yet. You cant open it until two oclock.Henry: Oh, this is silly.Roderick: Not silly. Theres money in it (calls to the servant) James ?Henry: Oh, no. I dont want your charity. I just want an honest job.Roderick: We know youre hard-working

15、. Thats why weve given you the letter. James, show Mr Adams out.Henry: Well, why dont you explain what this is all about?Roderick: Youll soon know. (looks at the clock) In exactly an hour and a half.Servant: This way, sir.Roderick: Mr Adams, not until 2 oclock. Promise?Henry: Promise. Goodbye. Act I

16、, Scene 4( Outside a restaurant Henry looks at the envelope without opening it and decides to go in. He sits down at a table next to the front window.)Owner: ( seeing Henrys poor appearance) That ones reserved. This way, please.( to the waiter) Take this gentlemans order, Horace.Henry: ( after sitti

17、ng down and putting the letter on the table) Id like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak. Make it extra thick.Waiter: Right, sir. Im afraid itll cost a large amount of money.Henry: I understand. And Ill have a large glass of beer.Waiter: OK. ( The waiter leaves and soon returns with all the food.

18、)Hostess: My goodness! Why, look at him. He eats like a wolf.Owner: Well see if hes celver as a wolf, eh?Henry: ( having just finished every bit of food ) Ah, waiter.( waiter returns) Same thing again, please. Oh, and another beer.Waiter: Again? Everything ?Henry: Yes, thats right. (sees the look on

19、 the waiters face) Anything wrong?Waiter: No, not at all. (to the owner) Hes asked for more of the same.Owner: Its well-known that americans like to eat a lot. Well, well have to take a chance. Go ahead and let him have it.Waiter: (reading the bill after the meal) All right. Thats two orders of ham

20、and eggs, two extra thick steaks, two large galsses of beer, two cups of coffee and two desserts.Henry: (looking at the clock on the wall) Would you mind waiting just a few minutes?Waiter: (in a rude manner) What s there to wait for?Owner: All right, Horace. Ill take care of this.Henry: (to owner) T

21、hat was a wonderful meal. Its amazing how much pleasure you get out of the simple thins in life, especially you cant have them for a while.Owner: Yes, very interesing. Now perhaps, sir, if you pay you bill I can help the other customers.Henry: (looking at the clock on the wall again) Well, I see its

22、 two oclock.( he opens the envelope and holds a million pound bank Norelco in his hands Henry is very surprised but the owner and waiter are shocked) Im sorry. ButII dont have anything smaller.Owner: (still shocked and nervous) Wellerjust on moment. Maggie, look! ( the hostess screams, the other cus

23、tomers look at her and she puts a hand to her mouth) Do you thin its genuine?Hostess: Oh, dear, I dont know. I simply dont know .Owner : Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount Anyway, I dont think it can be a fake. People would pay too nuch attention to a bank

24、note of this amount. No thief would want that to happen.Hostess: But hes in rags!Owner: Perhaps hes a very strange, rich man. ( as if he has discovered something for the first time) Why,yes! That must be it!Hostess: (hits her husbands arm) And you put him in the back of the restaurant! Go an see him

25、 at one.Owner: ( to Henry) Im sorry, sir, so sorry, but I cannot change this bank note.Henry: But its all I have on me.Owner: Oh, please, dont worry, sir. Doesnt matter at all. Were so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. Indeed, sir, I hope youll come here whenever you like.Henr

26、y: Well, thats very knd of you.Owner: Kind, sir? No, its kind of you. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honour! As for前 言6第一部分 土建部分8第一章 编制说明及编制依据81.1编制说明81.2编制依据9第二章 工程概况及工程特点132.1地理位置及环境132.2工程概况142.3 工程特点16第三章 施工准备173.1技术准备173.1.3 生产和服务

27、提供过程的确认323.1.4 管理人员及劳务人员的资格333.1.5 质量、技术、安全管理文件的编制、审批计划373.1.6 检验批的划分373.1.7试验工作计划3832 生产准备393.2.1 办理相关证件393.2.2 现场临时用电设施393.2.3 施工现场临时用水523.2.4 施工平面布置523.2.5 主要周转材料需要计划563.2.6材料、机具、设备供应保证的应急措施57主要项目工程量及主要劳动力需用计划58第四章 主要分部分项工程施工方案604.1 土方工程604.2 地下防水工程624.3 钢筋工程664.4 模板工程814.5 混凝土工程:884.6 架子工程944.7

28、装修工程1014.8 屋面工程1124.9 季节性施工方法114第五章 施工组织及施工进度计划1165.1 施工组织1165.2施工进度119第六章 主要施工管理措施1196.1 质量保证措施1196.1.1建立质量管理体系1196.1.2 质量控制要点1216.1.3 工程施工依据1246.1.4 保证工程质量主要措施1246.2工期保证措施1326.2.1管理体制和组织机构1326.2.2 采用计算机控制技术加强调度管理1326.2.3混凝土施工掺加高效早强剂1336.2.4模板施工体系1336.2.5采用均衡流水施工1336.2.6建立例会制度1336.2.7原材料质量保证措施1336.

29、2.8计量保证措施1346.2.9施工保证措施1356.2.10建立质量回访维修制度1366.3施工技术措施1366.4 安全施工措施1386.4.1 安全管理方针1386.4.2 安全保证体系1396.4.3安全管理1406.4.4 安全防护措施1426.5 文明施工措施1476.5.1现场施工管理方面1476.5.2 安全防护方面1486.5.3 环境保护方面1496.5.4创造良好的文明工地氛围1506.5.5其它1506.6冬雨期施工措施1506.6.1 冬期施工1506.6.2 雨期施工1566.7 消防保卫措施1596.8环境保护措施1606.8.1 环境保护措施1606.9 成品

30、保护措施1616.10降低成本措施1626.10.1 节约材料方面1626.10.2 施工方面1626.10.3 提高工效节约人工费方面1636.11 新材料、新技术、新工艺应用163第七章 施工部署1647.1施工组织机构1647.1.1 施工组织结构的建立1647.1.2 施工组织结构框图1647.1.3 项目经理部的组成1657.1.4 职责和权限1677.1.5 施工组织机构的启动与高效1767.1.6 施工组织机构高效运作保障措施1787.2施工进度计划1787.3劳动力部署1807.4 施工协调管理1807.4.1 与设计院的工作协调1807.4.2 与监理工程师工作的协调1807

31、.5工程管理目标主要技术经济指标1827.5.1质量目标1827.5.2 质量指标质量目标分解与量化1837.5.3工期指标1857.5.4安全目标1867.5.5文明工地目标:1867.5.6消防目标:1867.5.7降低成本目标:1867.5.8环境保护目标:1867.5.9劳动生产率指标1877.5.10设备完好率和利用率187第八章 土建与安装施工配合措施187第二部分 安装部分194第一章 编制依据1941.1工程施工图1941.2工程应用的主要规程、规范1951.3工程应用的主要图集1951.4工程应用的主要标准1961.5工程应用的主要法规1961.6其它文件196第二章 工程概

32、况197第三章 管理目标202第四章 项目组织机构及组成202第五章 机械设备投入203第六章 施工部署204第七章 施工进度计划及保证措施206第八章 施工方案208第九章 质量保证措施218第十章 安全及季节性施工措施220第十一章 成品保护措施224第十二章 文明工地措施225第十三章 回访及保修226附件1.主要人员简历表附件2.主要施工机械表附件3.主要材料投入表附件4、施工现场平面图附件5.施工进度网络图及横道图附件6.施工企业营业执照、资质文件、安全生产许可证、壹级建造师资质证书前 言首先,十分感谢陕西省*局对我公司的信任,使我们能有幸参与陕西省*局生活基地C标段工程的投标。我单

33、位对此次投标十分重视。做了大量的前期技术准备工作,组织相关部门的同志认真阅读了本标段招标文件,结合现场勘察情况,会同专家研究讨论,制定出切实可行的施工组织设计。我公司对该标段施工组织的指导思想为:全面响应招标文件,以关键工期为龙头,以做好安全施工为重点,充分考虑环境、交通和文明施工,组织强有力的管理技术班子,配备先进充足的施工设备,采用切实可靠的技术工艺措施,精心组织、精心施工, 保证质量标准,确保提前工期, 争创省级文明工地。我们的施工组织紧紧围绕工程的特点、强调工程重点、重视工程难点,有的放矢,对症下药。主要从以下五个方面入手进行安排:1.施组安排要科学、有深度和针对性施工场地动态布置;交


35、重对环保措施的选择,文明施工,维护我公司形象。为了干好C标段工程,我公司在保证质量、满足工期、节约投资的前提下,愿和陕西省*局、设计及监理单位的各位专家一起,共同提高本标段的施工技术水平。本施工组织设计分以下两个部分编制。第一部分为土建工程部分。第二部分为安装工程部分。对本工程,我公司计划2009年4月1日开工,2009 年 6月22 日基础工程竣工,2010 年元月22日主体结构封顶,2010年6月14日本工程竣工交付使用,总工期440天。第一部分 土建部分 第一章 编制说明及编制依据1.1编制说明一、本施工组织设计严格按照陕西省*局项目施工招标陕西省*局生活基地项目招标文件、工程招标范围、

36、及西北电力建设第四工程公司对施工组织设计的要求进行编制。在人员、机械、材料调配、质量要求、进度安排等方面统一部署的原则下,由土建、安装二大专业组成。二、根据本工程设计特点、功能要求,本着对业主资金合理利用,对工程质量的终身负责,以“科学、经济、优质、高效” 为编制原则。三、我公司对此次施工组织设计的编制高度重视,召集了参加过类似工程施工、有丰富管理及施工经验的人员,在仔细研究图纸,明确工程特点、充分了解施工环境、准确把握业主要求的前提下,成立编制专题小组,集思广议、博采众长,力求本方案切合工程实际,思路先进,可操作性强。四、本施工组织设计凡未注明计量单位均为“mm”。五、本施工组织设计及其引用

37、文件如与国家、陕西省、西安市相关法律、法规、标准、规范、规程以及文件相抵触时,以上述相关法律、法规、标准、规范、规程以及文件为准。六、根据陕西省*局施工招标陕西省*局生活基地项目招标文件相关内容, 本施工组织设计编制范围涵盖中国建筑西北设计研究院设计的陕西省*局生活基地C标段3#、4#住宅楼工程建筑、结构和安装工程施工图纸所涉及的全部工程内容。但不包括以下内容(与土建施工需要密切配合或主体工程施工时需要预埋预留的除外):1. 电梯及门窗的采购、安装;2. 消防系统、弱电系统的管线施工及设备的采购、安装、调试;3. 备用发电机组、高低压配电柜箱、变压器、供热设备;4. 招标文件和施工图纸明确的其

38、他二次装饰装修工程。1.2编制依据1.2.1招标文件表1-1序号招标文件名称编 号日 期1陕西省*局项目施工招标陕西省*局生活基地项目招标文件二00九年一月1.2.2工程施工图表1-2序号图纸名称图纸编号出图日期1省*局*路住宅小区3#、4#住宅楼建筑图06-148建筑1192007年9月2省*局*路住宅小区3#、4#住宅楼结构图06-148结构1222007年9月1.2.3工程应用的主要规程、规范表1-3序号类别规程、规范名称代号3国家中华人民共和国工程建设标准强制性条文(房屋建筑部分)(2002版)4国家建筑地基基础施工质量验收规范GB50202-20025国家砌体工程施工质量验收规范GB


40、程技术规范GB50330-200215国家高层民用建筑设计防火规范GB50045-95 2005年版16国家建筑内部装修设计防火规范GB5022-9517国家建设工程项目管理规范GB/T50324-200118国家建设工程文件归档整理规范GB/T50328-200119国家屋面工程技术规范GB50345-200420国家地下工程防水技术规范GB50108-200121国家人民防空地下室设计规范GB50038-200522国家民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范GB50325-200123行业民用建筑节能设计标准(采暖居住建筑部分)JGJ26-9524行业建筑基坑支护技术规程JGJ120-9925行

41、业建筑桩基技术规范JGJ94-9426行业建筑变形测量规程(JGJ/T8-97)27行业外墙饰面砖工程施工及验收规程JGJ126-200028行业混凝土泵送施工技术规程JGJ/T10-9529行业城市道路和建筑物无障碍设计规范JGJ50-200130行业建筑施工安全检查标准JGJ 959931行业施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ44-8832行业建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范JGJ80-9133行业建筑机械使用安全技术规程JGJ33-200134行业建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范(2002年局部修订)JGJ130-200135行业龙门架及井架物料提升机安全技术规范JGJ88-921.2.


43、定2002年3月3日1.2.6工程应用的主要法规表1-6序号类别法规名称施行日期1国家中华人民共和国建筑法1998.03.01国家环境保护法2国家中华人民共和国安全生产法2002.06.293国家建设工程质量管理条理2000.01.301.2.7其他文件表1-7序号类别文件名称代号1本工程招标答疑纪要2地方陕西省建筑工程施工质量验收配套表格及使用指南3国家现行的环境、职业健康方面的法律、法规和省、市相关文件4高层建筑泵送混凝土施工方法GJGF07-965竖向电渣压力焊施工工法Q/CJZ(TG)004-961.2.8 其他(1)同类的工程施工经验资料(2)西安市有关气象数据(3)西安市冬雨期施工

44、规律第二章 工程概况及工程特点2.1地理位置及环境本工程位于*路北侧,西临*公司,北临*楼;东面是*供销公司,南面为B标段6#汽车库。 从本工程所处的地理位置来看,四周环境干扰较小,但是场地狭小,现场布置比较困难,且施工车辆进出不是很方便。2.2工程概况2.2.1 总体概况表2-1序号项目内容1工程名称陕西省*局生活基地项目C标段3#、4#住宅楼2工程性质住宅3工程规模3#楼14501m2,4#楼14501m24结构形式钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构层 数地上25层,地下1层5工程地点*路北侧6建设单位陕西省*局7设计单位中国建筑西北设计研究院8投标工期440天9工程质量目标合 格2.2.2建筑设计概况表2-2建筑面积3#楼14501m2,4#楼14501m2基底面积575建筑用途住 宅 楼结构类型钢筋混凝土剪力墙使用年限50年建筑特点点 式建筑物长度 27m建筑高度76.8m建筑物宽度28.8m地下层数1层+0.000标高393.4m地上层数25层基底标高-6.2m标准层高度3m室内外高差0.3m地下层高度3.5m建筑防水II级建筑防火一类人防工程六级抗震设防八度外墙保温做法40厚挤塑泡沫板外墙装修做法内墙装修做法屋面防水层1.5厚YTL-A(PE)自粘性橡胶高


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